ENTRY 23529 20190604 22802352900000001 SUBENT 23529001 20190603 22802352900100001 BIB 11 31 2352900100002 TITLE Thermal cross-section and resonance absorption integral2352900100003 of Pu240 2352900100004 AUTHOR (R.B.Tattersall) 2352900100005 REFERENCE (R,AEEW-R-115,1962) 2352900100006 REL-REF (I,,R.B.Tattersall+,J,JNE/A,12,32,1960) 2352900100007 Exp.technique 2352900100008 (R,,C.H.Westcott,R,CRRP-960,1960) 2352900100009 (R,,,R,BNL-325,1958) and Supplement of 1960 year. 2352900100010 INSTITUTE (2UK WIN) 2352900100011 FACILITY (OSCIP,2UK HAR) Dimple Pile oscillator at Harwell 2352900100012 INC-SPECT Pure thermal ( T=20 deg C, r= (6+-4)*10**-4 ) and 2352900100013 pile type ( T=42+-5 deg C, r=0.077+-0.004) spectra; 2352900100014 r thermal/epithermal ratio. 2352900100015 SAMPLE .Pu samples as Pu(SO(4))(2) in dilute D(2)SO(4). 2352900100016 Pu-240 - 91.5 % , Pu-239 - 6.87+-0.07 %, 2352900100017 Pu-241 - 1.54+-0.05 %, Pu-242 - 0.069 %. 2352900100018 Number of atoms: 2352900100019 Pu-240 - 1.722E+21 (+-0.5%), Pu-239 - 1.296E+20, 2352900100020 Pu-2141 - 2.900E+19, Pu-242 - 1.298E+18, 2352900100021 S - 3.763E+21 . 2352900100022 . Boron samples as solution B(2)O(3) in D(2)O. 2352900100023 . All samples in polyethylene bottles of ~ 2.5 cm 2352900100024 diameter, 30 cm long, 140 ml volume. 2352900100025 ANALYSIS Effective CS SIG=SIGabsorption*(1-W*ETA), 2352900100026 where W was determined at measurements with U-233, 2352900100027 U-235, Pu-239 and using data from rel.refs. of 2352900100028 C.H.Westcott and BNL-325 to be 2352900100029 1.074+-0.008 for thermal spectrum, 2352900100030 0.75+-0.1 for pile spectrum. 2352900100031 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Pu-240 atoms number error - 0.5% 2352900100032 HISTORY (20190604C) M.M. 2352900100033 ENDBIB 31 0 2352900100034 COMMON 1 3 2352900100035 ERR-1 2352900100036 PER-CENT 2352900100037 0.5 2352900100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2352900100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2352900199999 SUBENT 23529002 20190604 22802352900200001 BIB 6 9 2352900200002 REACTION (94-PU-240(N,ABS),,SIG,,MXW) 2352900200003 INC-SPECT Thermal spectrum 2352900200004 CORRECTION Value before correction for residual resonance 2352900200005 absorption - 303.+-8. b . 2352900200006 MONITOR (5-B-0(N,TOT),,SIG) 767.+-3.5 b 2352900200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2352900200008 article. 2352900200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table II of rep. AEEW-R-115,1962 - value before2352900200010 correction, text page 5 - value after correction. 2352900200011 ENDBIB 9 0 2352900200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2352900200013 DATA 3 1 2352900200014 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 2352900200015 EV B B 2352900200016 0.0253 298. 9. 2352900200017 ENDDATA 3 0 2352900200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 2352900299999 SUBENT 23529003 20190604 22802352900300001 BIB 5 10 2352900300002 REACTION (94-PU-240(N,ABS),,SIG,,,DERIV) CS for 2200 m/sec 2352900300003 REL-REF (A,,,R,BNL-325,1958) 286+-7 barn 2352900300004 ANALYSIS Derived from measured data for thermal spectrum using 2352900300005 Westcott g-factor 1.027 . 2352900300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2352900300007 article. 2352900300008 STATUS (TABLE) Text page 5 of rep. AEEW-R-115,1962 2352900300009 (DEP,23529002) Directly measured data for thermal 2352900300010 spectrum 2352900300011 . These data supersede 20638.072 2352900300012 ENDBIB 10 0 2352900300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2352900300014 DATA 3 1 2352900300015 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2352900300016 EV B B 2352900300017 0.0253 290. 9. 2352900300018 ENDDATA 3 0 2352900300019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 2352900399999 SUBENT 23529004 20190604 22802352900400001 BIB 6 13 2352900400002 REACTION 1(94-PU-240(N,ABS),,SIG,,SPA) 2352900400003 2(94-PU-240(N,ABS),,SIG,,SPA) 2352900400004 3(94-PU-240(N,ABS),,SIG,,SPA) 2352900400005 INC-SPECT Pile spectrum 2352900400006 SAMPLE Three samples of stock solution fraction: 2352900400007 1 0.210 2352900400008 2 0.105 2352900400009 3 0.063 2352900400010 MONITOR (5-B-0(N,TOT),,SIG) 767.+-3.5 b 2352900400011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2352900400012 article. 2352900400013 STATUS (TABLE) Table III of rep. AEEW-R-115,1962 2352900400014 These data superseed 20638.072 2352900400015 ENDBIB 13 0 2352900400016 COMMON 1 3 2352900400017 EN-DUMMY 2352900400018 EV 2352900400019 0.0253 2352900400020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2352900400021 DATA 6 1 2352900400022 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 32352900400023 B B B B B B 2352900400024 1039. 31. 1079. 46. 1037. 73. 2352900400025 ENDDATA 3 0 2352900400026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2352900499999 SUBENT 23529005 20190604 22802352900500001 BIB 7 25 2352900500002 REACTION 1(94-PU-240(N,ABS),,RI,,RNV) 2352900500003 2(94-PU-240(N,ABS),,RI,,RNV) 2352900500004 3(94-PU-240(N,ABS),,RI,,RNV) 2352900500005 SAMPLE Three samples of stock solution fraction: 2352900500006 1 0.210 2352900500007 2 0.105 2352900500008 3 0.063 2352900500009 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,ABS),,RI) 1513.+-60. b 2352900500010 ANALYSIS RI was derived from directly measured data by equation:2352900500011 RI=(SQRT(PI)/2.)*(1/r)*SQRT(T0/T)* 2352900500012 (SIGeff-SIGm*(gpile/gthermal)), 2352900500013 gpile, gthermal - g-factors, 2352900500014 SIGm=g*SIG0, 2352900500015 T0,T - temperture of thermal and pile spectrum. 2352900500016 REL-REF (A,,,R,BNL-325,1958) 2352900500017 Derived from res.pars 8200+-170 barn 2352900500018 (A,,N.G.Sioestrand+,R,AEEW-M-188,1962) ( year is not 2352900500019 known exacly, mentioned as "to be published)" 2352900500020 Derived from res.parameters 8370+-380 barn 2352900500021 Both are quite consistent with measured . 2352900500022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Do not include contribution from an error on2352900500023 r*sqrt(T/T0) = 0.085+-0.004 2352900500024 STATUS (TABLE) Table III of rep. AEEW-R-115,1962 2352900500025 (DEP,23529004) CS for pile spectrum 2352900500026 (DEP,23529003) CS for thermal spectrum 2352900500027 ENDBIB 25 0 2352900500028 COMMON 1 3 2352900500029 EN-MIN 2352900500030 EV 2352900500031 0.133 2352900500032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2352900500033 DATA 6 1 2352900500034 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 32352900500035 B B B B B B 2352900500036 7430. 320. 7840. 470. 7410. 730. 2352900500037 ENDDATA 3 0 2352900500038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2352900599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 2352999999999