ENTRY 23535 20230628 23182353500000001 SUBENT 23535001 20230628 23182353500100001 BIB 12 48 2353500100002 TITLE Measurements of thermal-neutron capture cross-section 2353500100003 and resonance integral of neptunium-237 2353500100004 AUTHOR (S.Nakamura, F.Kitatani, A.Kimura, A.Uehara, T.Fujii) 2353500100005 INSTITUTE (2JPNJAE,2JPNKTO) 2353500100006 REFERENCE (J,NST,56,493,2019) 2353500100007 #doi:10.1080/00223131.2019.1598304 2353500100008 (J,NST,59,1388,2022) Revised data given 2353500100009 #doi:10.1080/00223131.2022.2058639 2353500100010 FACILITY (REAC,2JPNKTO) 2353500100011 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Pneumatic tube of the KUR 2353500100012 SAMPLE A Np-237 standardized solution (0.5 mol/L(M) HCl) 2353500100013 supplied by Nycomed Amersham plc. was used for 2353500100014 Np-237 samples. 2353500100015 Six Np-237 standardized solutions equivalent to about 2353500100016 200 Bq were dropped onto pieces of glass micro 2353500100017 filters by a glass capillary. 2353500100018 The filters were dried by an infrared ramp. 2353500100019 Three sets of samples with and without neutron filters 2353500100020 were used for the experiments. 2353500100021 METHOD (ACTIV) Cadmium-difference method. 2353500100022 To set 0.133 eV as cut-off energy, Gd foils thickness 2353500100023 of 25 um was used as neutron filter. 2353500100024 Wires of Au/Al alloy (Au: 0.112 +- 0.01 wt%, 0.510 mm 2353500100025 in diameter) and Co foils (Co: 99.9 +- 0.1% in purity,2353500100026 5 um in thickness) were used to monitor neutron 2353500100027 fluxes at an irradiation position. 2353500100028 Three sets of samples with and without the Gd filters 2353500100029 were used for the experiments. 2353500100030 The irradiation time was 600 s and the live time of 2353500100031 the measurement was 13,704 s. 2353500100032 DETECTOR (HPGE) 25% relative to 3'x3' NaI detector efficiency 2353500100033 and resolution of about 1.9 keV at 1.3 MeV. 2353500100034 The peak detection efficiencies were determined with 2353500100035 a set of calibrated mixed sources: Sn-133, Cs-137, 2353500100036 Y-88, and Co-60. 2353500100037 Distance between samples and end cap of HPGe detector 2353500100038 was about 10 cm. 2353500100039 CORRECTION Because of sample condition, no correction is required.2353500100040 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Following uncertainties were propagated: 2353500100041 - Statistical 2353500100042 - Half-lives of Np-237,238 2353500100043 - Emission probabilities of Pa-233,Np-238 2353500100044 - Gamma-ray detection efficiency 2353500100045 - Neutron Flux components 2353500100046 HISTORY (20190511C) VS 2353500100047 (20190731A) A. Kimura and S. Nakamura. Recompiled. 2353500100048 (20230628A) A. Kimura and S. Nakamura. 2353500100049 002-004 superseded. 005-007 added. 2353500100050 ENDBIB 48 0 2353500100051 NOCOMMON 0 0 2353500100052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 2353500199999 SUBENT 23535002 20230628 23182353500200001 BIB 3 5 2353500200002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,SIG) 2353500200003 STATUS (TABLE,,S.Nakamura+,J,NST,56,493,2019) Table 9 2353500200004 (SPSDD,23535005) 237Np sample re-quantified 2353500200005 HISTORY (20190731A) A. Kimura and S. Nakamura. Recompiled. 2353500200006 (20230628A) A. Kimura and S. Nakamura. Superseded. 2353500200007 ENDBIB 5 0 2353500200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2353500200009 DATA 3 1 2353500200010 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2353500200011 EV B B 2353500200012 0.0253 186.9 6.2 2353500200013 ENDDATA 3 0 2353500200014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2353500299999 SUBENT 23535003 20230628 23182353500300001 BIB 3 5 2353500300002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,RI) 2353500300003 STATUS (TABLE,,S.Nakamura+,J,NST,56,493,2019) Table 9 2353500300004 (SPSDD,23535006) 237Np sample re-quantified 2353500300005 HISTORY (20190731A) A. Kimura and S. Nakamura. Recompiled. 2353500300006 (20230628A) A. Kimura and S. Nakamura. Superseded. 2353500300007 ENDBIB 5 0 2353500300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2353500300009 DATA 3 1 2353500300010 EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 2353500300011 EV B B 2353500300012 0.133 1009. 90. 2353500300013 ENDDATA 3 0 2353500300014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2353500399999 SUBENT 23535004 20230628 23182353500400001 BIB 3 5 2353500400002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,RI,,RNV) 2353500400003 STATUS (TABLE,,S.Nakamura+,J,NST,56,493,2019) Table 9 2353500400004 (SPSDD,23535007) 237Np sample re-quantified 2353500400005 HISTORY (20190731C) A. Kimura and S. Nakamura 2353500400006 (20230628A) A. Kimura and S. Nakamura. Superseded. 2353500400007 ENDBIB 5 0 2353500400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2353500400009 DATA 3 1 2353500400010 EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 2353500400011 EV B B 2353500400012 0.133 848. 88. 2353500400013 ENDDATA 3 0 2353500400014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2353500499999 SUBENT 23535005 20230628 23182353500500001 BIB 3 3 2353500500002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,SIG) 2353500500003 STATUS (TABLE,,S.Nakamura+,J,NST,59,1388,2022) Table 10 2353500500004 HISTORY (20230628C) A. Kimura and S. Nakamura 2353500500005 ENDBIB 3 0 2353500500006 NOCOMMON 0 0 2353500500007 DATA 3 1 2353500500008 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2353500500009 EV B B 2353500500010 0.0253 175.9 6.4 2353500500011 ENDDATA 3 0 2353500500012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 2353500599999 SUBENT 23535006 20230628 23182353500600001 BIB 3 3 2353500600002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,RI) 2353500600003 STATUS (TABLE,,S.Nakamura+,J,NST,59,1388,2022) Table 10 2353500600004 HISTORY (20230628C) A. Kimura and S. Nakamura 2353500600005 ENDBIB 3 0 2353500600006 NOCOMMON 0 0 2353500600007 DATA 3 1 2353500600008 EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 2353500600009 EV B B 2353500600010 0.133 981. 76. 2353500600011 ENDDATA 3 0 2353500600012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 2353500699999 SUBENT 23535007 20230628 23182353500700001 BIB 3 3 2353500700002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,RI,,RNV) 2353500700003 STATUS (TABLE,,S.Nakamura,J,NST,59,1388,2022) Table 10 2353500700004 HISTORY (20230628C) A. Kimura and S. Nakamura 2353500700005 ENDBIB 3 0 2353500700006 NOCOMMON 0 0 2353500700007 DATA 3 1 2353500700008 EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 2353500700009 EV B B 2353500700010 0.133 829. 74. 2353500700011 ENDDATA 3 0 2353500700012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 2353500799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 2353599999999