ENTRY 23541 20200307 22862354100000001 SUBENT 23541001 20200307 22862354100100001 BIB 11 45 2354100100002 TITLE Effects of the nuclear structure of fission fragments 2354100100003 on the high-energy prompt fission gamma-ray spectrum in2354100100004 235U(nth,f) 2354100100005 AUTHOR (H.Makii, K.Nishio, K.Hirose, R.Orlandi, 2354100100006 R.Leguillon, T.Ogawa, T.Soldner, U.Koster, 2354100100007 A.Pollitt, F.-J.Hambsch, I.Tsekhanovich, 2354100100008 M.Aiche, S.Czajkowski, L.Mathieu, 2354100100009 C.M.Petrache, A.Astier, S.Guo, T.Ohtsuki, 2354100100010 S.Sekimoto, K.Takamiya, R.J.W.Frost, 2354100100011 T.Kawano) 2354100100012 INSTITUTE (2JPNJAE,2FR ILL,2ZZZGEL,2FR GRA,2FR CSN, 2354100100013 3CPRIMP,2JPNKTO,2SWDLND,1USALAS) 2354100100014 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,100,044610,2019) 2354100100015 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.100.044610 2354100100016 (J,NIM/A,906,88,2018) 2354100100017 #doi:10.1016/j.nima.2018.07.055 2354100100018 Same inclusive gamma spectrum given 2354100100019 (J,NIM/A,562,407,2006) 2354100100020 #doi:10.1016/j.nima.2006.03.020 2354100100021 Beam characteristics of the ballistic supermirror 2354100100022 neutron guide 2354100100023 FACILITY (REAC,2FR ILL) PF1B cold-neutron beam facility 2354100100024 SAMPLE (92-U-235,ENR=0.9993) A 235U target with 117 ug/cm2 2354100100025 in thickness and 30 mm in diameter, evaporated on a 2354100100026 33 ug/cm2 polyimide backing coated by 45 ug/cm2 Au. 2354100100027 INC-SPECT Cold neutron beam 2354100100028 Neutron beam collimated to 20 mm in diameter and 2354100100029 capture flux of 1.0E8 n/cm2s at the target position. 2354100100030 DETECTOR (PS,MWPC) Two position-sensitive multiwire 2354100100031 proportional counters (MWPCs) with active area 2354100100032 80x80 mm2, used to detect both FFs in coincidence. 2354100100033 (SCIN) Two large volume LaBr3(Ce) scintillators 2354100100034 located behind each MWPC. The distance between the 2354100100035 target center and the front surface of the scintillator2354100100036 280 mm. 2354100100037 PART-DET (FF,G) 2354100100038 METHOD (COINC) Fission fragments detected in coincidence. 2354100100039 Gamma-rays detected in coincidence with FF. 2354100100040 (TOF) 2354100100041 - Fission-fragment mass distribution obtained from the2354100100042 measurement of the time-of-flight difference. 2354100100043 - Time-of-flight of the prompt gamma rays used to 2354100100044 discriminate from the prompt neutrons. 2354100100045 HISTORY (20200310R) Data received from Dr. H.Makii. 2354100100046 (20200307C) VS 2354100100047 ENDBIB 45 0 2354100100048 COMMON 1 3 2354100100049 EN-DUMMY 2354100100050 MILLI-EV 2354100100051 5. 2354100100052 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2354100100053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 2354100199999 SUBENT 23541002 20200307 22862354100200001 BIB 3 6 2354100200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)0-G-0,PR,FY/DE) 2354100200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainties include both statistical 2354100200004 error and systematic errors coming from the detection 2354100200005 efficiency of the scintillator as well as the prompt 2354100200006 gamma-ray gate condition. 2354100200007 STATUS (TABLE) Fig. 2 of Phys.Rev.C100(2019)044610 2354100200008 ENDBIB 6 0 2354100200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2354100200010 DATA 4 70 2354100200011 E-MIN E-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 2354100200012 MEV MEV PD/FIS/MEV PD/FIS/MEV 2354100200013 0.794 0.831 5.393E+00 5.524E-01 2354100200014 0.831 0.870 3.157E+00 3.234E-01 2354100200015 0.870 0.911 3.466E+00 3.551E-01 2354100200016 0.911 0.954 3.115E+00 3.191E-01 2354100200017 0.954 0.998 3.335E+00 3.416E-01 2354100200018 0.998 1.045 2.895E+00 2.965E-01 2354100200019 1.045 1.094 2.580E+00 2.643E-01 2354100200020 1.094 1.145 2.824E+00 2.893E-01 2354100200021 1.145 1.199 2.805E+00 2.873E-01 2354100200022 1.199 1.255 2.659E+00 2.724E-01 2354100200023 1.255 1.313 2.261E+00 2.316E-01 2354100200024 1.313 1.375 2.017E+00 2.066E-01 2354100200025 1.375 1.439 1.689E+00 1.730E-01 2354100200026 1.439 1.507 1.516E+00 1.552E-01 2354100200027 1.507 1.577 1.303E+00 1.334E-01 2354100200028 1.577 1.651 1.163E+00 1.191E-01 2354100200029 1.651 1.728 1.045E+00 1.070E-01 2354100200030 1.728 1.809 9.250E-01 9.475E-02 2354100200031 1.809 1.894 8.459E-01 8.665E-02 2354100200032 1.894 1.982 7.617E-01 7.803E-02 2354100200033 1.982 2.075 6.608E-01 6.769E-02 2354100200034 2.075 2.172 5.956E-01 6.101E-02 2354100200035 2.172 2.274 5.629E-01 5.766E-02 2354100200036 2.274 2.380 5.012E-01 5.134E-02 2354100200037 2.380 2.491 4.503E-01 4.613E-02 2354100200038 2.491 2.608 3.796E-01 3.888E-02 2354100200039 2.608 2.730 3.435E-01 3.518E-02 2354100200040 2.730 2.858 3.090E-01 3.166E-02 2354100200041 2.858 2.991 2.695E-01 2.760E-02 2354100200042 2.991 3.131 2.200E-01 2.253E-02 2354100200043 3.131 3.278 1.779E-01 1.822E-02 2354100200044 3.278 3.431 1.452E-01 1.487E-02 2354100200045 3.431 3.592 1.219E-01 1.249E-02 2354100200046 3.592 3.760 1.052E-01 1.077E-02 2354100200047 3.760 3.936 9.165E-02 9.388E-03 2354100200048 3.936 4.120 8.185E-02 8.384E-03 2354100200049 4.120 4.312 6.932E-02 7.101E-03 2354100200050 4.312 4.514 5.240E-02 5.368E-03 2354100200051 4.514 4.725 3.821E-02 3.914E-03 2354100200052 4.725 4.946 2.802E-02 2.871E-03 2354100200053 4.946 5.178 2.024E-02 2.074E-03 2354100200054 5.178 5.420 1.486E-02 1.522E-03 2354100200055 5.420 5.674 1.307E-02 1.339E-03 2354100200056 5.674 5.939 1.171E-02 1.199E-03 2354100200057 5.939 6.217 8.977E-03 9.196E-04 2354100200058 6.217 6.508 6.099E-03 6.248E-04 2354100200059 6.508 6.812 3.556E-03 3.643E-04 2354100200060 6.812 7.131 1.716E-03 1.759E-04 2354100200061 7.131 7.464 9.395E-04 2.281E-04 2354100200062 7.464 7.814 5.072E-04 1.233E-04 2354100200063 7.814 8.179 6.258E-04 1.520E-04 2354100200064 8.179 8.562 2.946E-04 7.161E-05 2354100200065 8.562 8.962 1.880E-04 4.575E-05 2354100200066 8.962 9.382 6.078E-05 1.499E-05 2354100200067 9.382 9.821 2.708E-05 6.958E-06 2354100200068 9.821 10.28 1.44E-05 4.04E-06 2354100200069 10.28 10.76 1.05E-05 3.10E-06 2354100200070 10.76 11.27 1.01E-05 3.33E-06 2354100200071 11.27 11.79 5.69E-06 2.02E-06 2354100200072 11.79 12.34 3.60E-06 1.36E-06 2354100200073 12.34 12.92 4.04E-06 1.35E-06 2354100200074 12.92 13.53 2.76E-06 9.47E-07 2354100200075 13.53 14.16 3.34E-06 1.07E-06 2354100200076 14.16 14.82 7.87E-07 3.87E-07 2354100200077 14.82 15.51 1.3E-06 4.6E-07 2354100200078 15.51 16.24 5.0E-07 2.4E-07 2354100200079 16.24 17.00 4.8E-07 2.0E-07 2354100200080 17.00 17.79 2.1E-07 1.3E-07 2354100200081 17.79 18.63 1.6E-08 9.3E-08 2354100200082 18.63 19.50 1.2E-07 6.4E-08 2354100200083 ENDDATA 72 0 2354100200084 ENDSUBENT 83 0 2354100299999 SUBENT 23541003 20200406 22862354100300001 BIB 5 9 2354100300002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,PRE,FY/DE,G) 2354100300003 EN-SEC (E,G) 2354100300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainties include both statistical 2354100300005 error and systematic errors coming from the detection 2354100300006 efficiency of the scintillator as well as the prompt 2354100300007 gamma-ray gate condition. 2354100300008 ANALYSIS Primary fragment mass was obtained by setting 2354100300009 TKE = 170 MeV. 2354100300010 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.3(a) of Phys.Rev.C100(2019)044610 2354100300011 ENDBIB 9 0 2354100300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2354100300013 DATA 6 118 2354100300014 MASS-MIN MASS-MAX E-MIN E-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 2354100300015 NO-DIM NO-DIM MEV MEV PT/FIS/MEV PT/FIS/MEV 2354100300016 97. 116. 0.794 0.831 2.738E+00 2.804E-012354100300017 97. 116. 0.831 0.87 1.499E+00 1.536E-012354100300018 97. 116. 0.87 0.911 1.703E+00 1.745E-012354100300019 97. 116. 0.911 0.954 1.554E+00 1.592E-012354100300020 97. 116. 0.954 0.998 1.640E+00 1.680E-012354100300021 97. 116. 0.998 1.045 1.377E+00 1.411E-012354100300022 97. 116. 1.045 1.094 1.245E+00 1.275E-012354100300023 97. 116. 1.094 1.145 1.445E+00 1.480E-012354100300024 97. 116. 1.145 1.199 1.434E+00 1.469E-012354100300025 97. 116. 1.199 1.255 1.392E+00 1.426E-012354100300026 97. 116. 1.255 1.313 1.147E+00 1.174E-012354100300027 97. 116. 1.313 1.375 9.602E-01 9.836E-022354100300028 97. 116. 1.375 1.439 7.966E-01 8.161E-022354100300029 97. 116. 1.439 1.507 7.153E-01 7.327E-022354100300030 97. 116. 1.507 1.577 6.294E-01 6.448E-022354100300031 97. 116. 1.577 1.651 5.756E-01 5.896E-022354100300032 97. 116. 1.651 1.728 5.277E-01 5.405E-022354100300033 97. 116. 1.728 1.809 4.679E-01 4.793E-022354100300034 97. 116. 1.809 1.894 4.321E-01 4.426E-022354100300035 97. 116. 1.894 1.982 3.900E-01 3.995E-022354100300036 97. 116. 1.982 2.075 3.399E-01 3.481E-022354100300037 97. 116. 2.075 2.172 2.984E-01 3.057E-022354100300038 97. 116. 2.172 2.274 2.823E-01 2.891E-022354100300039 97. 116. 2.274 2.38 2.570E-01 2.633E-022354100300040 97. 116. 2.38 2.491 2.328E-01 2.384E-022354100300041 97. 116. 2.491 2.608 1.969E-01 2.017E-022354100300042 97. 116. 2.608 2.73 1.792E-01 1.836E-022354100300043 97. 116. 2.73 2.858 1.648E-01 1.689E-022354100300044 97. 116. 2.858 2.991 1.466E-01 1.502E-022354100300045 97. 116. 2.991 3.131 1.170E-01 1.198E-022354100300046 97. 116. 3.131 3.278 9.613E-02 9.847E-032354100300047 97. 116. 3.278 3.431 7.911E-02 8.104E-032354100300048 97. 116. 3.431 3.592 6.653E-02 6.815E-032354100300049 97. 116. 3.592 3.76 5.947E-02 6.092E-032354100300050 97. 116. 3.76 3.936 5.425E-02 5.557E-032354100300051 97. 116. 3.936 4.12 5.064E-02 5.187E-032354100300052 97. 116. 4.12 4.312 4.449E-02 4.557E-032354100300053 97. 116. 4.312 4.514 3.345E-02 3.426E-032354100300054 97. 116. 4.514 4.725 2.434E-02 2.494E-032354100300055 97. 116. 4.725 4.946 1.800E-02 1.844E-032354100300056 97. 116. 4.946 5.178 1.287E-02 1.318E-032354100300057 97. 116. 5.178 5.42 9.287E-03 9.514E-042354100300058 97. 116. 5.42 5.674 8.533E-03 8.742E-042354100300059 97. 116. 5.674 5.939 8.107E-03 8.305E-042354100300060 97. 116. 5.939 6.217 6.178E-03 6.329E-042354100300061 97. 116. 6.217 6.508 4.191E-03 4.294E-042354100300062 97. 116. 6.508 6.812 2.639E-03 2.705E-042354100300063 97. 116. 6.812 7.131 1.265E-03 1.298E-042354100300064 97. 116. 7.131 7.464 8.087E-04 1.818E-042354100300065 97. 116. 7.464 7.814 3.081E-04 6.956E-052354100300066 97. 116. 7.814 8.179 2.927E-04 6.596E-052354100300067 97. 116. 8.179 8.562 1.480E-04 3.340E-052354100300068 97. 116. 8.562 8.962 9.110E-05 2.070E-052354100300069 97. 116. 8.962 9.382 2.680E-05 6.610E-062354100300070 97. 116. 9.382 9.821 9.090E-06 3.110E-062354100300071 97. 116. 9.821 10.28 5.500E-06 2.400E-062354100300072 97. 116. 10.28 10.76 5.800E-06 2.200E-062354100300073 97. 116. 10.76 11.27 5.600E-06 2.100E-062354100300074 97. 116. 11.27 11.79 1.800E-06 1.200E-062354100300075 81. 96. 0.794 0.831 2.632E+00 2.696E-012354100300076 81. 96. 0.831 0.87 1.467E+00 1.502E-012354100300077 81. 96. 0.87 0.911 1.640E+00 1.680E-012354100300078 81. 96. 0.911 0.954 1.484E+00 1.520E-012354100300079 81. 96. 0.954 0.998 1.580E+00 1.618E-012354100300080 81. 96. 0.998 1.045 1.381E+00 1.415E-012354100300081 81. 96. 1.045 1.094 1.236E+00 1.266E-012354100300082 81. 96. 1.094 1.145 1.305E+00 1.337E-012354100300083 81. 96. 1.145 1.199 1.301E+00 1.332E-012354100300084 81. 96. 1.199 1.255 1.230E+00 1.260E-012354100300085 81. 96. 1.255 1.313 1.080E+00 1.106E-012354100300086 81. 96. 1.313 1.375 9.798E-01 1.004E-012354100300087 81. 96. 1.375 1.439 8.244E-01 8.444E-022354100300088 81. 96. 1.439 1.507 7.300E-01 7.477E-022354100300089 81. 96. 1.507 1.577 6.253E-01 6.405E-022354100300090 81. 96. 1.577 1.651 5.567E-01 5.702E-022354100300091 81. 96. 1.651 1.728 4.969E-01 5.090E-022354100300092 81. 96. 1.728 1.809 4.418E-01 4.526E-022354100300093 81. 96. 1.809 1.894 4.038E-01 4.136E-022354100300094 81. 96. 1.894 1.982 3.636E-01 3.724E-022354100300095 81. 96. 1.982 2.075 3.137E-01 3.213E-022354100300096 81. 96. 2.075 2.172 2.756E-01 2.823E-022354100300097 81. 96. 2.172 2.274 2.599E-01 2.663E-022354100300098 81. 96. 2.274 2.38 2.289E-01 2.345E-022354100300099 81. 96. 2.38 2.491 2.040E-01 2.090E-022354100300100 81. 96. 2.491 2.608 1.702E-01 1.744E-022354100300101 81. 96. 2.608 2.73 1.531E-01 1.568E-022354100300102 81. 96. 2.73 2.858 1.367E-01 1.401E-022354100300103 81. 96. 2.858 2.991 1.186E-01 1.215E-022354100300104 81. 96. 2.991 3.131 9.784E-02 1.002E-022354100300105 81. 96. 3.131 3.278 7.899E-02 8.091E-032354100300106 81. 96. 3.278 3.431 6.288E-02 6.441E-032354100300107 81. 96. 3.431 3.592 5.226E-02 5.353E-032354100300108 81. 96. 3.592 3.76 4.387E-02 4.493E-032354100300109 81. 96. 3.76 3.936 3.759E-02 3.850E-032354100300110 81. 96. 3.936 4.12 3.232E-02 3.311E-032354100300111 81. 96. 4.12 4.312 2.676E-02 2.741E-032354100300112 81. 96. 4.312 4.514 2.017E-02 2.066E-032354100300113 81. 96. 4.514 4.725 1.481E-02 1.517E-032354100300114 81. 96. 4.725 4.946 1.085E-02 1.111E-032354100300115 81. 96. 4.946 5.178 7.595E-03 7.780E-042354100300116 81. 96. 5.178 5.42 5.447E-03 5.580E-042354100300117 81. 96. 5.42 5.674 4.731E-03 4.847E-042354100300118 81. 96. 5.674 5.939 4.075E-03 4.175E-042354100300119 81. 96. 5.939 6.217 3.022E-03 3.097E-042354100300120 81. 96. 6.217 6.508 1.936E-03 1.984E-042354100300121 81. 96. 6.508 6.812 1.298E-03 1.331E-042354100300122 81. 96. 6.812 7.131 6.567E-04 6.753E-052354100300123 81. 96. 7.131 7.464 4.917E-04 1.470E-042354100300124 81. 96. 7.464 7.814 1.769E-04 5.320E-052354100300125 81. 96. 7.814 8.179 3.087E-04 9.232E-052354100300126 81. 96. 8.179 8.562 1.430E-04 4.280E-052354100300127 81. 96. 8.562 8.962 8.230E-05 2.480E-052354100300128 81. 96. 8.962 9.382 2.470E-05 7.780E-062354100300129 81. 96. 9.382 9.821 7.940E-06 3.160E-062354100300130 81. 96. 9.821 10.28 1.100E-05 3.900E-062354100300131 81. 96. 10.28 10.76 3.800E-06 2.000E-062354100300132 81. 96. 10.76 11.27 2.600E-06 1.600E-062354100300133 81. 96. 11.27 11.79 5.200E-06 2.100E-062354100300134 ENDDATA 120 0 2354100300135 ENDSUBENT 134 0 2354100399999 SUBENT 23541004 20200406 22862354100400001 BIB 4 5 2354100400002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)0-G-0,PR/PAR,FY) 2354100400003 ANALYSIS (INTED) Integration of energy spectrum 2354100400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainty. 2354100400005 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of Phys.Rev.C100(2019)044610 2354100400006 (DEP,23541002) prompt gamma spectrum 2354100400007 ENDBIB 5 0 2354100400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2354100400009 DATA 4 1 2354100400010 E-MIN E-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 2354100400011 MEV MEV PRD/FIS PRD/FIS 2354100400012 1. 6. 2.29 0.05 2354100400013 ENDDATA 3 0 2354100400014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2354100499999 SUBENT 23541005 20200406 22862354100500001 BIB 4 5 2354100500002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)0-G-0,PR/PAR,KE) 2354100500003 ADD-RES Average total gamma energy 4.07 +- 0.07 MeV 2354100500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainty. 2354100500005 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of Phys.Rev.C100(2019)044610 2354100500006 (DEP,23541002) prompt gamma spectrum 2354100500007 ENDBIB 5 0 2354100500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2354100500009 DATA 4 1 2354100500010 E-MIN E-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 2354100500011 MEV MEV MEV MEV 2354100500012 1. 6. 1.78 0.05 2354100500013 ENDDATA 3 0 2354100500014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2354100599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 2354199999999