ENTRY            23543   20201210                             22962354300000001 
SUBENT        23543001   20201210                             22962354300100001 
BIB                 11         19                                 2354300100002 
TITLE       Fast radiochemical isolation of fission product       2354300100003 
           arsenic and the independent yield of arsenic-78 in     2354300100004 
           thermal neutron fission of uranium-235                 2354300100005 
AUTHOR     (A.Kjelberg,A.C.Pappas)                                2354300100006 
REFERENCE  (J,JIN,11,173,1959)                                    2354300100007 
INSTITUTE  (2NOROSL)                                              2354300100008 
FACILITY   (REAC,2NORKJL) JEEP Heavy Water Reactor at JENER,      2354300100009 
           Kjeller                                                2354300100010 
INC-SOURCE (REAC)                                                 2354300100011 
INC-SPECT   Thermal neutrons.  Neutron flux 1.E+12 n/cm2/sec.     2354300100012 
SAMPLE      1-2 g of natural uranyl nitrate hexahydrate           2354300100013 
           UO(2)(NO(3))(2)*(6)(H(2)O)   in plastic capsule.       2354300100014 
DETECTOR   (GEMUC) Tracelab TGC-2 Geiger-Mueller Tube             2354300100015 
METHOD     (CHSEP) Irradiated 2-3 min.  2-3 sec transporting time.2354300100016 
           Radiochemical isolation 1.5-2 min after end of         2354300100017 
           irradiation.                                           2354300100018 
            Ba and As were used as carriers.                      2354300100019 
HISTORY    (20200402C)  M.M.                                      2354300100020 
           (20201210U) SD: Correction in Subent 003.              2354300100021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 2354300100022 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2354300100023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 2354300199999 
SUBENT        23543002   20200402                             22872354300200001 
BIB                 12         29                                 2354300200002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F)33-AS-78,IND,FY)                         2354300200003 
MONITOR    (92-U-235(N,F)56-BA-140,IND,FY)                        2354300200004 
DECAY-MON  (56-BA-140,12.80D,B)                                   2354300200005 
MONIT-REF  (,S.Katcoff,J,NUC,16,78,1958)                          2354300200006 
DECAY-DATA (33-AS-78,91.0MIN,B) 91+-2 min measured                2354300200007 
           (32-GE-78,86.MIN)                                      2354300200008 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)32-GE-78,IND,FY)                   2354300200009 
ANALYSIS    Beta-decay curves were analyzed.                      2354300200010 
REL-REF    (D,,N.Sugarman,J,PR,89,570,1953)                       2354300200011 
              (1.8+-0.6)*10**-3 %/fis                             2354300200012 
ADD-RES    (DECAY) As-77 HL 38.5+-0.5 hr measured.                2354300200013 
FLAG       (1.) run 1:                                            2354300200014 
            irradiation time - 2.07 min, decay time 1.47 min,     2354300200015 
            disintegration rate of As-78 - 1080 d/min,            2354300200016 
            disintegration rate of Ba-140 - 1.33E+9 d/min.        2354300200017 
           (2.) run 2:                                            2354300200018 
            irradiation time - 2.00 min, decay time - 1.50 min,   2354300200019 
            disintegration rate of As-78 - 1320 d/min,            2354300200020 
            disintegration rate of Ba-140 - 1.3E+9 d/min.         2354300200021 
           (3.) run 3:                                            2354300200022 
            irradiation time - 2.95 min, decay time 2.08 min,     2354300200023 
            disintegration rate of As-78 - 1030 d/min,            2354300200024 
            disintegration rate of Ba-140 - 6.23E+9 d/min.        2354300200025 
           (4.) Average value from three runs                     2354300200026 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2354300200027 
           article.                                               2354300200028 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text of Abstract, text page 178, Table 1 in    2354300200029 
           Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry,            2354300200030 
           v.11,p.173,1959                                        2354300200031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 2354300200032 
COMMON               3          3                                 2354300200033 
EN-DUMMY   MONIT      ASSUM                                       2354300200034 
EV         PC/FIS     PC/FIS                                      2354300200035 
 0.0253     6.44          1.8E-02                                 2354300200036 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2354300200037 
DATA                 3          4                                 2354300200038 
DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                                        2354300200039 
PC/FIS     PC/FIS     NO-DIM                                      2354300200040 
   1.1 E-04   0.4 E-04   1.                                       2354300200041 
   2.1 E-04   1.0 E-04   2.                                       2354300200042 
   1.7 E-04   0.5 E-04   3.                                       2354300200043 
   1.7 E-04   0.5 E-04   4.                                       2354300200044 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 2354300200045 
ENDSUBENT           44          0                                 2354300299999 
SUBENT        23543003   20201210                             22962354300300001 
BIB                  7         19                                 2354300300002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F)32-GE-77-M,IND,FY)                       2354300300003 
DECAY-DATA (32-GE-77-M,54.SEC,B-,,0.86)                           2354300300004 
           (32-GE-77-G,11.3HR)                                    2354300300005 
ANALYSIS    Estimated from As-77 content in samples and assuming  2354300300006 
           86%  decay of Ge-77m directly to As-77.                2354300300007 
REL-REF    (A,,N.Sugarman,J,PR,89,570,1953)                       2354300300008 
            4.4E-03% /fis                                         2354300300009 
             5.4E-03% /fis is deduced from                        2354300300010 
            E.P.Steinberg,D.W.Engelkemeir, Radiochemical Studies: 2354300300011 
           The Fission Products ( ed. by C.D.Coryell, N.Sugarman),2354300300012 
           Plutonium Project Record, NNES, div. IV, vol.9,        2354300300013 
           paper 54, McGraw-Hill, New York,1951                   2354300300014 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2354300300015 
           article.                                               2354300300016 
STATUS     (TABLE) From the text on page 178 of                   2354300300017 
           Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry,            2354300300018 
           v.11,p.173,1959                                        2354300300019 
HISTORY    (20201210U) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected (comma was added  2354300300020 
           after type of radiation).                              2354300300021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 2354300300022 
COMMON               1          3                                 2354300300023 
EN-DUMMY                                                          2354300300024 
EV                                                                2354300300025 
 0.0253                                                           2354300300026 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2354300300027 
DATA                 2          1                                 2354300300028 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               2354300300029 
PC/FIS     PC/FIS                                                 2354300300030 
    5. E-03    1. E-03                                            2354300300031 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2354300300032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 2354300399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 2354399999999