ENTRY 23604 20230623 23182360400000001 SUBENT 23604001 20230623 23182360400100001 BIB 16 94 2360400100002 TITLE Thermal-Neutron capture cross-section measurements of 2360400100003 Neptunium-237 with graphite thermal column in KUR 2360400100004 AUTHOR (S.Nakamura,Y.Shibahara,S.Endo,A.Kimura) 2360400100005 INSTITUTE (2JPNJAE,2JPNKTO) 2360400100006 REFERENCE (J,NST,59,1388,2022) 2360400100007 #doi:10.1080/00223131.2022.2058639 2360400100008 REL-REF (R,,S.Nakamura+,J,NST,56,493,2019) 2360400100009 Neutron information and thermal capture cross section 2360400100010 and g-factor of Ta-181 were given. 2360400100011 (R,,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2018) 2360400100012 Thermal capture cross section and g-factor of the 2360400100013 monitors were given. 2360400100014 (R,,K.Hirose+,J,NST,50,188,2013) 2360400100015 G-Factor of Np-237 was given. 2360400100016 FACILITY (REAC,2JPNKTO) 2360400100017 The Kyoto University Research Reactor (KUR). 2360400100018 INC-SOURCE (REAC)The graphite thermal column (TC-Pn) in KUR. The 2360400100019 nominal neutron flux intensity of TC-Pn is 5.86E+10 2360400100020 (n/cm2/sec) at 1 MW power operation. The AUTHORs 2360400100021 have confirmed that the TC-Pn was extremely 2360400100022 thermalized on the basis of Westcott's convention in 2360400100023 another experiment. (See Fig. 8 in the REL-REF.) 2360400100024 SAMPLE Np-237 standardized solution (Np(NO3)4 in 4 M HNO3) 2360400100025 was used for samples. Impurities of the solution were 2360400100026 measured with an alpha-ray spectroscopy and a mass 2360400100027 spectrometer. 2360400100028 -Np-237 : Am-241 = 1 : 0.0014. 2360400100029 -Am-243, Cm-244 and the other Np isotopes 2360400100030 were not observed. 2360400100031 Two standardized solutions equivalent to about 950 and 2360400100032 370 Bq were dropped onto pieces of glass filters. 2360400100033 The filters were dried by an infrared ramp. 2360400100034 The activity of the sample were determined using the 2360400100035 312-keV gamma-ray emitted from Pa-233. 2360400100036 The deduced activities were: 2360400100037 Sample1: 961 +- 22 Bq and 2360400100038 Sample2: 379 +- 9 Bq. 2360400100039 The samples and the monitors were irradiated in 2360400100040 the TC-Pn for 30 minutes under 1-MW power operation. 2360400100041 METHOD (ACTIV,GSPEC) Based on Westcott's convention method. 2360400100042 Because the neutron flux in the TC-Pn is well 2360400100043 thermalized, epithermal component in Westcott's 2360400100044 convention method was negligibly small. 2360400100045 DETECTOR (HPGE) High purity germanium detector, relative 2360400100046 efficiency of 25%. The gamma-ray peak efficiencies of 2360400100047 the Ge detector were measured using a mixed source 2360400100048 AM-8140 (Eckert & Ziegler Nuclitec GmbH, Germany) : 2360400100049 Am-241, Cd-109, Co-57, Ce-139, Hg-203, Sn-113, Cs-137, 2360400100050 Co-60 and Y-88 whose uncertainty of source-activity 2360400100051 was 1.5%. 2360400100052 ANALYSIS The reaction rates of the Np-237 samples were 2360400100053 obtained from the yield of the 984.45-keV gamma rays 2360400100054 emitted from the irradiated samples. 2360400100055 The thermal-neutron fluxes were derived using the 2360400100056 reaction rates and the thermal cross sections of the 2360400100057 monitors (Sc-45, Co-59, Mo-98, Ta-181 and Au-197). 2360400100058 Thermal capture cross sections and g-factors of 2360400100059 the monitors were taken from the REL-REF. 2360400100060 The cross section of Np-237 was derived from 2360400100061 the reaction rates and the activities of the samples, 2360400100062 and the deduced thermal-neutron flux. 2360400100063 CORRECTION Self-shielding coefficients for the monitors were 2360400100064 calculated from neutron capture cross-sections and 2360400100065 area densities of the monitors. 2360400100066 Those for the Np-237 samples were estimated to be 2360400100067 unity from its number of nuclei. 2360400100068 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-198-G, 2.6943D, DG,411.80,0.9562) 2360400100069 (27-CO-60-G, 5.2711YR, DG,1173.24,0.99826, 2360400100070 DG,1332.50,0.9985) 2360400100071 (21-SC-46-G, 83.79D, DG,889.28,0.99984, 2360400100072 DG,1120.55,0.99987) 2360400100073 (42-MO-99, 2.7479D, DG,181.06,0.0599, 2360400100074 DG,366.42,0.0119, 2360400100075 DG,739.50,0.1213, 2360400100076 DG,777.92,0.0426) 2360400100077 (73-TA-182-G, 114.43D, DG,1121.30,0.349, 2360400100078 DG,1189.05,0.162, 2360400100079 DG,1221.41,0.270, 2360400100080 DG,1231.02,0.114) 2360400100081 (93-NP-238, 2.117D, DG,984.45,0.2519) 2360400100082 (91-PA-233, 26.967D, DG,312.17,0.385) 2360400100083 ASSUMED Thermal capture dross section of the monitors were 2360400100084 assumed to deduce the thermal neutron flux. 2360400100085 (ASSUM1,79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2360400100086 (ASSUM2,27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG) 2360400100087 (ASSUM3,21-SC-45(N,G)21-SC-46,,SIG) 2360400100088 (ASSUM4,42-MO-98(N,G)42-MO-99,,SIG) 2360400100089 (ASSUM5,73-TA-181(N,G)73-TA-182,,SIG) 2360400100090 ERR-ANALYS (ASSUM1-ERR) Uncertainty of Au-197 thermal C.S. 2360400100091 (ASSUM2-ERR) Uncertainty of Co-59 thermal C.S. 2360400100092 (ASSUM3-ERR) Uncertainty of Sc-45 thermal C.S. 2360400100093 (ASSUM4-ERR) Uncertainty of Mo-98 thermal C.S. 2360400100094 (ASSUM5-ERR) Uncertainty of Ta-181 thermal C.S. 2360400100095 HISTORY (20230628C) A. Kimura and S. Nakamura 2360400100096 ENDBIB 94 0 2360400100097 COMMON 10 6 2360400100098 ASSUM1 ASSUM1-ERR ASSUM2 ASSUM2-ERR ASSUM3 ASSUM3-ERR 2360400100099 ASSUM4 ASSUM4-ERR ASSUM5 ASSUM5-ERR 2360400100100 B B B B B B 2360400100101 B B B B 2360400100102 98.65 0.09 37.18 0.06 27.2 0.022360400100103 0.130 0.006 20.5 0.4 2360400100104 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2360400100105 ENDSUBENT 104 0 2360400199999 SUBENT 23604002 20230623 23182360400200001 BIB 4 32 2360400200002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,SIG) 2360400200003 SAMPLE A standardized solution equivalent to about 950 Bq 2360400200004 was dropped onto pieces of glass filters. The filters 2360400200005 were dried by an infrared ramp. 2360400200006 The activity of the sample were determined using the 2360400200007 312-keV gamma-ray emitted from Pa-233. 2360400200008 The deduced activities was 961 +- 22 Bq. 2360400200009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty. 2360400200010 (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to reaction rate of Np-237. 2360400200011 (Statistical Uncertainty) 2360400200012 (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to the 312-keV gamma-ray peak 2360400200013 count of Pa-233. (Statistical Uncertainty) 2360400200014 (ERR-3) Uncertainty due to checking-source activity. 2360400200015 (ERR-4) Uncertainty due to the 312-keV gamma-ray 2360400200016 emission probability of Pa-233. 2360400200017 (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to relative gamma-ray 2360400200018 efficiency for 312-keV gamma-ray. 2360400200019 (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to half life of Np-237. 2360400200020 (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to half life of Np-238. 2360400200021 (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to the 984-keV gamma-ray 2360400200022 emission probability of Np-238. 2360400200023 (ERR-9) Uncertainty due to relative gamma-ray 2360400200024 efficiency for 984-keV gamma-ray. 2360400200025 (ERR-10) Uncertainty due to irradiation time. 2360400200026 1800 +- 1 sec 2360400200027 (ERR-11) Uncertainty due to the thermal neutron flux. 2360400200028 (Not including the uncertainty due to the 2360400200029 checking-source activity.) 2360400200030 (ERR-12) Uncertainty due to g-factor of Np-237. 2360400200031 STATUS (COREL,23604003) Data measured with ~370 Bq sample. 2360400200032 (TABLE) Tables 4 and 6 of the REFERENCE. Data were 2360400200033 provided by AUTHOR. 2360400200034 ENDBIB 32 0 2360400200035 COMMON 12 6 2360400200036 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 2360400200037 ERR-7 ERR-8 ERR-9 ERR-10 ERR-11 ERR-12 2360400200038 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2360400200039 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2360400200040 0.28 0.87 1.50 1.04 1.09 0.332360400200041 0.09 0.83 0.15 0.06 0.50 1.002360400200042 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2360400200043 DATA 3 1 2360400200044 EN DATA ERR-T 2360400200045 EV B B 2360400200046 0.0253 173.7 4.8 2360400200047 ENDDATA 3 0 2360400200048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 2360400299999 SUBENT 23604003 20230627 23182360400300001 BIB 4 32 2360400300002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,SIG) 2360400300003 SAMPLE A standardized solution equivalent to about 370 Bq 2360400300004 was dropped onto pieces of glass filters. The filters 2360400300005 were dried by an infrared ramp. 2360400300006 The activity of the sample were determined using the 2360400300007 312-keV gamma-ray emitted from Pa-233. 2360400300008 The deduced activities was 379 +- 9 Bq. 2360400300009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty. 2360400300010 (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to reaction rate of Np-237. 2360400300011 (Statistical Uncertainty) 2360400300012 (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to the 312-keV gamma-ray peak 2360400300013 count of Pa-233. (Statistical Uncertainty) 2360400300014 (ERR-3) Uncertainty due to checking-source activity. 2360400300015 (ERR-4) Uncertainty due to the 312-keV gamma-ray 2360400300016 emission probability of Pa-233. 2360400300017 (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to relative gamma-ray 2360400300018 efficiency for 312-keV gamma-ray. 2360400300019 (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to half life of Np-237. 2360400300020 (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to half life of Np-238. 2360400300021 (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to the 984-keV gamma-ray 2360400300022 emission probability of Np-238. 2360400300023 (ERR-9) Uncertainty due to relative gamma-ray 2360400300024 efficiency for 984-keV gamma-ray. 2360400300025 (ERR-10) Uncertainty due to irradiation time. 2360400300026 1800 +- 1 sec 2360400300027 (ERR-11) Uncertainty due to the thermal neutron flux. 2360400300028 (Not including the uncertainty due to the 2360400300029 checking-source activity.) 2360400300030 (ERR-12) Uncertainty due to g-factor of Np-237. 2360400300031 STATUS (COREL,23604002) Data measured with ~950 Bq sample. 2360400300032 (TABLE) Tables 5 and 6 of the REFERENCE. Data were 2360400300033 provided by AUTHOR. 2360400300034 ENDBIB 32 0 2360400300035 COMMON 12 6 2360400300036 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 2360400300037 ERR-7 ERR-8 ERR-9 ERR-10 ERR-11 ERR-12 2360400300038 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2360400300039 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2360400300040 0.99 1.04 1.50 1.04 1.09 0.332360400300041 0.09 0.83 0.15 0.06 0.56 1.002360400300042 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2360400300043 DATA 3 1 2360400300044 EN DATA ERR-T 2360400300045 EV B B 2360400300046 0.0253 174.0 5.1 2360400300047 ENDDATA 3 0 2360400300048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 2360400399999 SUBENT 23604004 20230629 23182360400400001 BIB 4 6 2360400400002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,SIG,,AV) 2360400400003 ANALYSIS Weighted average of 23604002 and 23604003. 2360400400004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total Uncertainty. 2360400400005 STATUS (DEP,23604002) 2360400400006 (DEP,23604003) 2360400400007 (TABLE) Data were obtained from TABLE 7. 2360400400008 ENDBIB 6 0 2360400400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2360400400010 DATA 3 1 2360400400011 EN DATA ERR-T 2360400400012 EV B B 2360400400013 0.0253 173.8 4.7 2360400400014 ENDDATA 3 0 2360400400015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 2360400499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2360499999999