ENTRY 23608 20231013 23182360800000001 SUBENT 23608001 20231013 23182360800100001 BIB 14 39 2360800100002 TITLE Angular distribution of gamma rays from a 2360800100003 neutron-induced compound states of 140La 2360800100004 AUTHOR (T.Okudaira,S.Takada,K.Hirota,A.Kimura,M.Kitaguchi, 2360800100005 J.Koga,K.Nagamoto,T.Nakao,A.Okada,K.Sakai, 2360800100006 H.M.Shim Izu,T.Yamamoto,T.Yoshioka) 2360800100007 INSTITUTE (2JPNNAG,2JPNKYU,2JPNJAE) 2360800100008 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,97,034622,2018) 2360800100009 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.97.034622 2360800100010 FACILITY (SYNCH,2JPNJAE) ANNRI(BL04) beam line of MLF at J-PARC 2360800100011 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Spallation reaction in a mercury target 2360800100012 irradiated with 3-GeV protons (150 kW) . The proton 2360800100013 beams were supplied at a repetition rate of 25 Hz and 2360800100014 in the "double-bunch mode". Produced neutrons were 2360800100015 slowed down in a supercritical para hydrogen moderator.2360800100016 INC-SPECT Relative neutron flux was reconstructed using the 478 2360800100017 keV gamma-rays from gamma rays from the B-10 2360800100018 (n,alpha gamma) Li-7 reactions. 2360800100019 DETECTOR (GE,BGO) An array of Ge detector consists of two 2360800100020 cluster-Ge detectors and eight coaxial-Ge detectors 2360800100021 with BGO anti-coincidence shields. DAQ: CAEN V1724 2360800100022 Digitizer (14bit, 100MHz) 2360800100023 SAMPLE 1-mm-thick La-nat metal plate. 2360800100024 METHOD (TOF) Flight length: 21.5 m 2360800100025 CORRECTION Dead time correction was applied with a paralyzable 2360800100026 dead time model. 2360800100027 ANALYSIS (SHAPE) The 0.758-eV p-wave resonance was fitted with 2360800100028 the Breit-Wigner function including the background 2360800100029 and the s- wave component (1/v term) . The effects of 2360800100030 the Doppler broadening (free gas at 295 K) and the 2360800100031 resolution function of ANNRI were convolved with the 2360800100032 Breit-Wigner function. In the fitting, the total 2360800100033 width of the 0.758-eV p-wave resonance was used as 2360800100034 the gamma width, because the neutron width of the 2360800100035 p-wave resonance is negligibly smaller than the gamma 2360800100036 width. 2360800100037 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty of resonance prameters 2360800100038 were deduced from the uncertainty of the fitting 2360800100039 result. 2360800100040 HISTORY (20231110C) By A. Kimura. 2360800100041 ENDBIB 39 0 2360800100042 NOCOMMON 0 0 2360800100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2360800199999 SUBENT 23608002 20231013 23182360800200001 BIB 2 3 2360800200002 REACTION 1(57-LA-139(N,0),,EN) 2360800200003 2(57-LA-139(N,G),,WID) 2360800200004 STATUS (TABLE,,T.Okudaira+,J,PR/C,97,034622,2018) Table 1 2360800200005 ENDBIB 3 0 2360800200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 2360800200007 DATA 4 1 2360800200008 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2360800200009 EV EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV 2360800200010 0.740 0.002 40.41 0.76 2360800200011 ENDDATA 3 0 2360800200012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 2360800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 2360899999999