ENTRY 23701 20200520 22882370100000001 SUBENT 23701001 20200505 22882370100100001 BIB 12 39 2370100100002 TITLE Radiochemical studies of fission induced by 14.7 MeV 2370100100003 neutrons.Part III. Protactinium 2370100100004 AUTHOR (M.G.Brown,S.J.Lyle,G.R.Martin) 2370100100005 REFERENCE (J,RCA,6,16,1966) 2370100100006 INSTITUTE (2UK KEN) 2370100100007 FACILITY (VDG,2UK KEN) 2370100100008 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 150 keV deuterons bombarded Zr-T target. 2370100100009 INC-SPECT Mono-energy neutrons 2370100100010 SAMPLE Thin uniform layers of Pa-231 and U-238 (oxide) on 2370100100011 Pt discs, covered with 0.5 mg/cm2 layer of evaporated 2370100100012 Au Disc of 2 cm diameter and 0.005 cm thickness. 2370100100013 Layer thickness 1 mg/cm2 on either side of backing. 2370100100014 Some U-238 deposits are prepared by electrolysis of 2370100100015 uranyl nitrate solution containing ammonium oxalate. 2370100100016 Total 24 targets were interleaved with square 2370100100017 catcher-foils of 4 cm2 area, stack was compressed and 2370100100018 placed in metal holder, then in thin-walled 2370100100019 polyethylene bag and second outer polythene bag. 2370100100020 Catcher foils - 13 mg/cm2 polystyrene or 2370100100021 44 mg/cm2 Cu or 7 mg/cm2 Al. 2370100100022 DETECTOR (SCIN) Proton-recoil scintillation counter to 2370100100023 monitor variation of neutron flux. 2370100100024 (PROPC) Sugarman type gas-flow (90% Ar + 10 % methane) 2370100100025 end-window (metallized Melinex film of 1 mg/cm2) 2370100100026 beta-proportional counter. 2370100100027 METHOD (REC) Recoiling fission fragments were collected in 2370100100028 catcher foils. 2370100100029 (CHSEP) Polystyrene foils were dissolved in benzene, 2370100100030 Cu foils - in nitric acid. 2370100100031 Chemical yields were determined by weighting, except 2370100100032 for yttrium. 2370100100033 Details are given in the article. 2370100100034 REL-REF (M,,R.C.Jensen+,J,PR,118,771,1960) 2370100100035 Al foils dissolution procedure. 2370100100036 (R,,S.Katcoff,J,NUC,18,(11),201,1960) 2370100100037 and Nuclear Data Sheets,National Ac. Scince - National 2370100100038 Research Council, Washington, D.C. ( year is not given)2370100100039 Two refs. for half-lives and decay schemes. 2370100100040 HISTORY (20200520C) M.M. 2370100100041 ENDBIB 39 0 2370100100042 NOCOMMON 0 0 2370100100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2370100199999 SUBENT 23701002 20200520 22882370100200001 BIB 6 11 2370100200002 REACTION ((92-U-238(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY)/ 2370100200003 (92-U-238(N,F)56-BA-139,CUM,FY)) 2370100200004 REL-REF (A,,R.H.James+,J,RCA,3,76,1964) 2370100200005 FLAG (1.) Recoil method 2370100200006 (2.) Direct chemical separation method 2370100200007 (3.) Recoil method, relative to Zr-97 yield 2370100200008 ANALYSIS This measurement by U-238 indicated the agreement 2370100200009 between data measured by direct chemical separation and2370100200010 by recoil method. 2370100200011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Standard deviation 2370100200012 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Radiochimica Acta,v.6,p.16,1966 2370100200013 ENDBIB 11 0 2370100200014 COMMON 1 3 2370100200015 EN 2370100200016 MEV 2370100200017 14. 2370100200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2370100200019 DATA 5 6 2370100200020 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 2370100200021 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2370100200022 40. 97. 1.11 0.06 1. 2370100200023 40. 97. 1.20 0.09 2. 2370100200024 44. 105. 0.42 0.03 3. 2370100200025 47. 113. 0.14 0.04 1. 2370100200026 47. 113. 0.18 0.03 2. 2370100200027 56. 139. 1.00 1. 2370100200028 ENDDATA 8 0 2370100200029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2370100299999 SUBENT 23701003 20200520 22882370100300001 BIB 5 17 2370100300002 REACTION ((91-PA-231(N,F)MASS,CHN,FY)/ 2370100300003 (91-PA-231(N,F)MASS,CHN,FY)) 2370100300004 DECAY-DATA (91-PA-231,3.25E+4YR) 2370100300005 FLAG Substance counted Nuclide measured 2370100300006 (1.) AgBr Br-84 2370100300007 (2.) Sr(C(2)O(4)*H(2)O Sr-91(+Y-91m, Y-91) 2370100300008 (3.) Y(2)(C(2)O(4))3*9H(2)O Y-93 2370100300009 (4.) Zr(C(6)H(7)O(3))4 Zr-97(+Nb-97m,Nb-97) 2370100300010 (5.) MoO(2)(C(9)H(6)ON)2 Mo-99(+Tc-99m) 2370100300011 (6.) RuO(2) Ru-105(+Rh-105m,Rh-105) 2370100300012 (7.) AgCl Ag-112 2370100300013 (8.) AgIO(3) Ag-113 2370100300014 (9.) Sb Sb-129(+Te-129) 2370100300015 (10.) Te Te-132(+I-132) 2370100300016 (11.) Ce(2)(C(2)O(4))3*9H(2)O Ce-143(+Pr-143) 2370100300017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Standard deviation 2370100300018 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Radiochimica Acta,v.6,p.16,1966 2370100300019 ENDBIB 17 0 2370100300020 COMMON 3 3 2370100300021 EN EN-ERR MASS-DN 2370100300022 MEV MEV NO-DIM 2370100300023 14.7 0.2 40. 2370100300024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2370100300025 DATA 4 11 2370100300026 MASS-NM DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 2370100300027 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2370100300028 84. 0.650 0.022 1. 2370100300029 91. 1.30 0.07 2. 2370100300030 93. 1.55 0.06 3. 2370100300031 97. 1.00 4. 2370100300032 99. 0.749 0.034 5. 2370100300033 105. 0.305 0.019 6. 2370100300034 112. 0.479 0.035 7. 2370100300035 113. 0.575 0.017 8. 2370100300036 129. 0.136 0.007 9. 2370100300037 132. 1.14 0.06 10. 2370100300038 143. 0.782 0.031 11. 2370100300039 ENDDATA 13 0 2370100300040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 2370100399999 SUBENT 23701004 20200520 22882370100400001 BIB 5 6 2370100400002 REACTION (91-PA-231(N,F)MASS,CHN,FY) 2370100400003 DECAY-DATA (91-PA-231,3.25E+4YR) 2370100400004 MONITOR ((MONIT)91-PA-231(N,F)MASS,CHN,FY) 2370100400005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Standard deviation 2370100400006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Radiochimica Acta,v.6,p.16,1966 2370100400007 (DEP,23701003) Relative yields. 2370100400008 ENDBIB 6 0 2370100400009 COMMON 4 3 2370100400010 EN EN-ERR MASS-NRM MONIT 2370100400011 MEV MEV NO-DIM PC/FIS 2370100400012 14.7 0.2 97. 4.92 2370100400013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2370100400014 DATA 3 10 2370100400015 MASS-NM DATA DATA-ERR 2370100400016 NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 2370100400017 84. 2.78 0.16 2370100400018 91. 4.97 0.40 2370100400019 93. 6.80 0.36 2370100400020 99. 3.21 0.28 2370100400021 105. 1.33 0.12 2370100400022 112. 2.05 0.26 2370100400023 113. 2.48 0.13 2370100400024 129. 0.64 0.09 2370100400025 132. 4.97 0.26 2370100400026 143. 3.38 0.20 2370100400027 ENDDATA 12 0 2370100400028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2370100499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2370199999999