ENTRY 23702 20200520 22882370200000001
SUBENT 23702001 20200505 22882370200100001
BIB 14 26 2370200100002
TITLE Post-neutron mass distribution of 229Th(nth,f) 2370200100003
AUTHOR (M.Haddad,J.Crancon,G.Lhospice,J.Blachot)) 2370200100004
REFERENCE (J,RCA,42,165,1987) 2370200100005
INSTITUTE (2FR GRE) 2370200100006
FACILITY (REAC,2FR GRE) CEN-Grenoble Melusine reactor. 2370200100007
(REAC,2FR GRE) High flux reactor in Grenoble. 2370200100008
INC-SOURCE (REAC) Irradiation point in D(2)O container of 1 m3 2370200100009
volume, placed near the reactor core - irradiation 2370200100010
of 15 min and 2 hr. For Melusine reactor 2370200100011
INC-SPECT .Thermal neutrons 1.6E+13 n/(cm2*sec), 2370200100012
thermal/epithermal ratio > 2.5E+3, irradiation of 2370200100013
15 min and 2 hr. For Melusine reactor 2370200100014
.Thermal neutrons 1.E+14 n/(cm2*sec), 2370200100015
thermal/epithermal ratio > 5.E+3, irradiation 90 sec. 2370200100016
For High flux reactor. 2370200100017
SAMPLE Th-229 high purity from AERE,Harwell in the form of 2370200100018
Th(NO(3))4, HNO(3) solution . ~0.15 microg were used. 2370200100019
DETECTOR (HPGE) 63 cm3 volume HPGe for gamma counting. 2370200100020
REL-REF (R,,J.Blachot+,J,APH,6,3,1981) Supplement of vol.6, p3.2370200100021
Product gamma ray energies and emission probabilities.2370200100022
METHOD (GSPEC) 2370200100023
CORRECTION For missing part of chain ~0.5 -7.%. 2370200100024
ANALYSIS Absolute yields were determined by normalizing of 2370200100025
light fragment peak area and heavy fragment peak area 2370200100026
separately to 100%. 2370200100027
HISTORY (20200520C) M.M. 2370200100028
ENDBIB 26 0 2370200100029
COMMON 1 3 2370200100030
EN-DUMMY 2370200100031
EV 2370200100032
0.0253 2370200100033
ENDCOMMON 3 0 2370200100034
ENDSUBENT 33 0 2370200199999
SUBENT 23702002 20200520 22882370200200001
BIB 5 12 2370200200002
REACTION (90-TH-229(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 2370200200003
ANALYSIS Absolute yields were determined by normalizing of 2370200200004
light fragment peak area and heavy fragment peak area 2370200200005
separately to 100%. 2370200200006
COMMENT .Of authors. Sum of yields represents ~78% and ~96% of 2370200200007
the surface of the light fragment peak and heavy 2370200200008
fragment peak, respectively. 2370200200009
.Of compiler. 2370200200010
Integral of these data is ~193%, sum ~236%. 2370200200011
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2370200200012
article. 2370200200013
STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Radiochimica Acta,v.42,p.165,1987 2370200200014
ENDBIB 12 0 2370200200015
NOCOMMON 0 0 2370200200016
DATA 5 50 2370200200017
78. 33. 0.203 0.03 2370200200020
83. 34. 0. 3.15 0.08 2370200200021
83. 34. 1. 1.99 0.14 2370200200022
84. 34. 8.39 0.30 2370200200023
84. 35. 0. 10.12 0.32 2370200200024
84. 35. 1. 0.318 0.02 2370200200025
85. 36. 1. 8.79 0.3 2370200200026
86. 35. 7.05 0.46 2370200200027
87. 36. 6.27 0.3 2370200200028
88. 36. 6.58 0.25 2370200200029
89. 36. 8.91 0.2 2370200200030
89. 37. 8.99 0.18 2370200200031
91. 38. 6.59 0.26 2370200200032
92. 38. 5.78 0.24 2370200200033
93. 38. 4.40 0.15 2370200200034
93. 39. 5.37 0.25 2370200200035
94. 39. 3.15 0.26 2370200200036
95. 40. 2.55 0.16 2370200200037
97. 40. 0.70 0.02 2370200200038
99. 42. 0.105 0.01 2370200200039
129. 51. 0.17 0.02 2370200200040
131. 51. 0.722 0.04 2370200200041
131. 53. 0.569 0.06 2370200200042
132. 51. 0. 1.26 0.15 2370200200043
132. 52. 1.44 0.2 2370200200044
133. 51. 0.764 0.05 2370200200045
133. 53. 3.17 0.10 2370200200046
134. 52. 5.12 0.3 2370200200047
134. 53. 0. 6.34 0.15 2370200200048
134. 53. 1. 0.215 0.01 2370200200049
135. 53. 5.07 0.26 2370200200050
135. 54. 0. 5.35 0.17 2370200200051
135. 54. 1. 0.13 0.05 2370200200052
137. 54. 0. 7.19 0.24 2370200200053
138. 54. 7.50 0.12 2370200200054
138. 55. 0. 7.03 0.36 2370200200055
138. 55. 1. 0.53 0.1 2370200200056
139. 54. 7.05 0.25 2370200200057
139. 55. 8.69 0.3 2370200200058
140. 55. 6.0 0.2 2370200200059
140. 56. 8.13 0.3 2370200200060
141. 58. 7.20 0.3 2370200200061
142. 56. 7.45 0.29 2370200200062
142. 57. 7.59 0.24 2370200200063
143. 58. 9.37 0.3 2370200200064
144. 57. 10.85 0.5 2370200200065
145. 58. 5.75 0.18 2370200200066
146. 58. 3.22 0.2 2370200200067
147. 60. 2.22 0.41 2370200200068
149. 60. 0.64 0.06 2370200200069
ENDDATA 52 0 2370200200070
ENDSUBENT 69 0 2370200299999
SUBENT 23702003 20200520 22882370200300001
BIB 4 8 2370200300002
REACTION 1(90-TH-229(N,F),SEC,AP,LF) 2370200300003
2(90-TH-229(N,F),SEC,AP,HF) 2370200300004
3(90-TH-229(N,F),PR,NU,,,DERIV) 2370200300005
Nu for given average masses , see also ANALYSIS. 2370200300006
ANALYSIS 3 NU = 230 - (+) 2370200300007
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2370200300008
article. 2370200300009
STATUS (TABLE) Text p.167 of Radiochimica Acta,v.42,p.165,19872370200300010
ENDBIB 8 0 2370200300011
NOCOMMON 0 0 2370200300012
DATA 6 1 2370200300013
88.6 0.12 139.92 0.09 2.08 0.02 2370200300016
ENDDATA 3 0 2370200300017
ENDSUBENT 16 0 2370200399999
ENDENTRY 3 0 2370299999999