ENTRY 23703 20200520 22882370300000001 SUBENT 23703001 20200505 22882370300100001 BIB 8 14 2370300100002 TITLE Zirconium-97 in the spontaneous fission of uranium-2382370300100003 AUTHOR (M.N.Rao) 2370300100004 REFERENCE (J,JIN,29,863,1967) 2370300100005 INSTITUTE (2GERKLN) 2370300100006 SAMPLE Two kg of depleted ammonium diuranate (99.99% U-238, 2370300100007 0.01 % U-235), 1.4 kg U-238 . 2370300100008 DETECTOR (GEMUC) Phillips low background anticoincidence GM 2370300100009 counter assembly . 2370300100010 Counting efficiency 38.0+-1.0 % was assumed the same 2370300100011 for Zr-97 and Nb-97. 2370300100012 METHOD (CHSEP)7 days of Zr-97 activity growing, 2370300100013 4 hr radiochemical procedure. 2370300100014 Counting after complete decay of Zr-97. 2370300100015 HISTORY (20200520C) M.M. 2370300100016 ENDBIB 14 0 2370300100017 NOCOMMON 0 0 2370300100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 2370300199999 SUBENT 23703002 20200520 22882370300200001 BIB 5 17 2370300200002 REACTION (92-U-238(0,F)40-ZR-97,CUM,FY) 2370300200003 DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-97,17.HR,B-,1900.) 16.hr measured by decay curve2370300200004 (41-NB-97,,B-,1300.) 2370300200005 ANALYSIS Zr-97 yield was calculated as 2370300200006 (NiLAMBLAi/(N238*LAMBLAf))*100, where 2370300200007 NiLAMBLAi - equilibrium activity of the fission product2370300200008 with mass number i, 2370300200009 N238 - number 0f U-238 atoms, 2370300200010 LAMBDAf - U-238 spontaneous fission decay constant, 2370300200011 (7.8+-0.9)*10**17 1/yr. 2370300200012 Equilibrium activity of Zr-97 : 2370300200013 1st run - (3.67+-0.37)*10**-4 dis/sec per g U-238, 2370300200014 2nd run - (3.96+-0.4)*10**-4 dis/sec per g U-238. 2370300200015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2370300200016 article. 2370300200017 STATUS (TABLE) Text page 864 of 2370300200018 J. of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry,v.29,p.863,1967 2370300200019 ENDBIB 17 0 2370300200020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2370300200021 DATA 2 1 2370300200022 DATA DATA-ERR 2370300200023 PC/FIS PC/FIS 2370300200024 6.1 0.7 2370300200025 ENDDATA 3 0 2370300200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2370300299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 2370399999999