ENTRY 23709 20200520 22882370900000001 SUBENT 23709001 20200505 22882370900100001 BIB 17 44 2370900100002 TITLE Independent yields of 124Sb and 126Sb in thermal 2370900100003 neutron induced fission and their implication on the 2370900100004 empirical Zp function 2370900100005 AUTHOR (P.O.Strom,G.R.Grant,A.C.Pappas) 2370900100006 REFERENCE (J,CJC,43,2493,1965) 2370900100007 INSTITUTE (2NOROSL) 2370900100008 FACILITY (REAC,2DENRIS) DR-2 reactor of Danish Atomic Energy 2370900100009 Commission, Riso. 2370900100010 INC-SOURCE (THCOL) 2370900100011 INC-SPECT Thermal neutrons. Flux ~2.E+12 n/(cm2*sec) was constan2370900100012 within +-10% . Cd ratio ~50. 2370900100013 SAMPLE 1. Natural U as UO(3), 800 mg , 0.72 % U-235. 2370900100014 2. U enriched in U-235 to 19.9% as UO(3), 25 mg 2370900100015 3.&4. U enriched in U-235 to 93.3% as U(2)O(8), ~10 mg2370900100016 And blank sample - quartz ampule. 2370900100017 DETECTOR (PROPC) Methane flow beta-proportional counter. 2370900100018 (NAICR) Intertechnique 400-channel gamma-pulse height 2370900100019 analyzer with 2.5 inch x 3 inch Harshaw 2370900100020 thallium-activated sodium iodine crystal. 2370900100021 METHOD (CHSEP) 1-2 week irradiation. ~1 month cooling before 2370900100022 radiochemical separation. 2370900100023 Chemical yields were determined by weighting. 2370900100024 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F)56-BA-140,IND,FY) 2370900100025 DECAY-MON (56-BA-140,12.80D) 2370900100026 MONIT-REF (,J.W.Barnes,R,LA-1721,1958) 2nd edition. 2370900100027 REL-REF (N,,B.J.Dropesky+,J,BAP,8,377,1963) 2370900100028 Decay scheme for Sb-126 2370900100029 (N,,J.Vanhorenbeeck,J,NP,37,90,1962) 2370900100030 Decay scheme for Sb-127 2370900100031 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Error in determination of the number of 2370900100032 fissions. 2370900100033 (ERR-2) Counting efficiency error 2370900100034 CORRECTION . For contributions from reactions: 2370900100035 Sb-124-g(N,G)Sb-125 - negligible. 2370900100036 Sb-123(N,G)Sb-124-g - ~0.2%. 2370900100037 Te-124(N,P)Sb-124 and I-127(N,A)Sb-124 - no influence 2370900100038 on results. 2370900100039 For Sb-124-g atoms produced in ampoules - ~2%. 2370900100040 Total corrections 2-3 % for Sb-124. 2370900100041 . For background due to 2.7 yr Sb-125 and 2370900100042 60 day Sb-124-g. 2370900100043 For contribution of Te-126(N,P)Sb-126 reaction - 2370900100044 negligible. 2370900100045 HISTORY (20200520C) M.M. 2370900100046 ENDBIB 44 0 2370900100047 COMMON 4 3 2370900100048 EN-DUMMY MONIT ERR-1 ERR-2 2370900100049 EV PC/FIS PER-CENT PER-CENT 2370900100050 0.0253 6.35 10. 10. 2370900100051 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2370900100052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 2370900199999 SUBENT 23709002 20200520 22882370900200001 BIB 6 25 2370900200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,IND,FY) 2370900200003 Apparent independent fission yields, units are % . 2370900200004 Includes part of the higher isomeric states. 2370900200005 DECAY-DATA (51-SB-127,3.9D) 2370900200006 (52-TE-127-G,93.HR) This state HL=93.hr is given in 2370900200007 the article, but most probably there is a misprint: 2370900200008 93.hr -> 9.3 hr ( 9.35hr is in Nuclear Walllet Cards 2370900200009 of J.K.Tuli,2011) 2370900200010 (52-TE-127-M,105.D) 2370900200011 (51-SB-126-G,12.5D,B-) 2370900200012 (51-SB-125,2.7YR) 2370900200013 (52-TE-125-M,58.D) 2370900200014 (51-SB-124-G,60.D,DG,1690.) 2370900200015 FLAG (1.) Sample 1 2370900200016 (2.) Sample 2 2370900200017 (3.) Sample 3 2370900200018 (4.) Sample 4 2370900200019 (5.) Average. for Sb-124 - only for samples 3 and 4. 2370900200020 REL-REF (A,,G.Lange+,W,HERRMANN,1964) 2370900200021 Personal communication from G.Herrmann and G.Lange. 2370900200022 (0.90+-0.25)*10**-3 % for Sb-126-G. 2370900200023 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2370900200024 article. 2370900200025 STATUS (TABLE) Table II of 2370900200026 Canadian Journal of Chemistry,v.43,p.2493,1965 2370900200027 ENDBIB 25 0 2370900200028 COMMON 2 3 2370900200029 ELEMENT ISOMER 2370900200030 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2370900200031 51. 0. 2370900200032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2370900200033 DATA 4 10 2370900200034 MASS DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 2370900200035 NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 2370900200036 124. 1.35 E-04 1. 2370900200037 124. 0.55 E-04 2. 2370900200038 124. 9.3 E-06 3. 2370900200039 124. 9.6 E-06 4. 2370900200040 124. 9.5 E-06 1.4 E-06 5. 2370900200041 126. 0.91 E-03 1. 2370900200042 126. 0.88 E-03 2. 2370900200043 126. 1.11 E-03 3. 2370900200044 126. 1.23 E-03 4. 2370900200045 126. 1.04 E-03 0.18 E-03 5. 2370900200046 ENDDATA 12 0 2370900200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 2370900299999 SUBENT 23709003 20200520 22882370900300001 BIB 6 14 2370900300002 REACTION 1(92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,IND,FY,,,DERIV) 2370900300003 2(92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,IND,FY,,FRC,DERIV) 2370900300004 ANALYSIS 1 Total independent fission yield was derived from 2370900300005 measured independent yield for ground state. 2370900300006 2 Fractional independent yield was derived from total 2370900300007 idependent yield and chain yield (see ASSUM) 2370900300008 ASSUMED 2(ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)MASS,CHN,FY) 2370900300009 REL-REF (R,,S.Katcoff,J,NUC,18,(11),201,1960) ASSUM values 2370900300010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2370900300011 article. 2370900300012 STATUS (TABLE) Table V of 2370900300013 Canadian Journal of Chemistry,v.43,p.2493,1965 2370900300014 1(DEP,23709002) Measured independent yields for 2370900300015 ground state. 2370900300016 ENDBIB 14 0 2370900300017 COMMON 1 3 2370900300018 ELEMENT 2370900300019 NO-DIM 2370900300020 51. 2370900300021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2370900300022 DATA 6 2 2370900300023 MASS DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2ASSUM 22370900300024 NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS 2370900300025 124. 1.16 E-05 0.17 E-05 6.8 E-04 1.0 E-04 1.7 E-022370900300026 126. 3.72 E-03 0.61 E-03 3.7 E-02 0.6 E-02 0.10 2370900300027 ENDDATA 4 0 2370900300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2370900399999 SUBENT 23709004 20200520 22882370900400001 BIB 5 10 2370900400002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,(SEC),ZP,,,DERIV) 2370900400003 ANALYSIS Empirical charge distribution was assumed as Gaussian,2370900400004 see formula (1) in J,CJC,43,2493,1965 . 2370900400005 REL-REF (N,,A.C.Wahl+,J,PR,126,1112,1962) 2370900400006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Includes uncertainty in empirical constant 2370900400007 of formula (1) and error of independent yields. 2370900400008 STATUS (TABLE) Text page 2502 of 2370900400009 Canadian Journal of Chemistry,v.43,p.2493,1965 2370900400010 (DEP,23709002) Measured independent yields for 2370900400011 ground state. 2370900400012 ENDBIB 10 0 2370900400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2370900400014 DATA 3 2 2370900400015 MASS DATA DATA-ERR 2370900400016 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2370900400017 124. 48.49 0.20 2370900400018 126. 49.39 0.14 2370900400019 ENDDATA 4 0 2370900400020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2370900499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2370999999999