ENTRY 23710 20200520 22882371000000001 SUBENT 23710001 20200505 22882371000100001 BIB 12 25 2371000100002 TITLE The mass-yield curve for fission of 237Np by 14.5 MeV 2371000100003 neutrons 2371000100004 AUTHOR (R.F.Coleman,B.E.Hawker,J.L.Perkin) 2371000100005 REFERENCE (J,JIN,14,8,1960) 2371000100006 INSTITUTE (2UK ALD) 2371000100007 FACILITY 500 keV deuterons bombard zirconium-tritide target. 2371000100008 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 2371000100009 INC-SPECT . 5.E+9 /sec/cm2 to measure various fission yields 2371000100010 relative to Mo-99 yield. 2371000100011 . Smaller neutron flux to measure absolute yield of 2371000100012 Mo-99. 2371000100013 .Neutron flux was determined by counting associated 2371000100014 alpha-particles from D-T reaction. 2371000100015 Thermal and epithermal neutrons < 3.E-5 % of 14 MeV 2371000100016 flux, 1-3 MeV neutrons ~1% of 14 MeV flux. 2371000100017 SAMPLE 200 mg of pure Np dioxide in the form of discs of 2371000100018 100 mg/cm2 thickness between Al-catcher foils. 2371000100019 DETECTOR (PROPC) . Placed at 135 deg to deuteron beam - to count2371000100020 alpha-particles for the flux measurement. 2371000100021 . 4PI proportional counter for fission products. 2371000100022 METHOD (CHSEP) Details are given in the article. 2371000100023 REL-REF (N,,D.Strominger+,J,RMP,30,585,1958) 2371000100024 (N,,S.Katcoff,J,NUC,16,(4),78,1958) 2371000100025 Two refs. for decay schemes and branching ratios. 2371000100026 HISTORY (20200520C) M.M. 2371000100027 ENDBIB 25 0 2371000100028 COMMON 1 3 2371000100029 EN 2371000100030 MEV 2371000100031 14.5 2371000100032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2371000100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2371000199999 SUBENT 23710002 20200520 22882371000200001 BIB 7 11 2371000200002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 2371000200003 MONITOR (93-NP-237(N,F)42-MO-99,CUM,FY) 2371000200004 MONIT-REF (23710003,R.F.Coleman+,J,JIN,14,8,1960) 2371000200005 Measured in this additional experiment, see Subent 003.2371000200006 ANALYSIS Each value is the mean of three independent 2371000200007 determinations from different irradiations. 2371000200008 CORRECTION For Cd-115 - 10% correction to take into account 2371000200009 the yield of Cd-115m. 2371000200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total spread of individual result. 2371000200011 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of 2371000200012 J.of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry,14,8,1960 2371000200013 ENDBIB 11 0 2371000200014 COMMON 1 3 2371000200015 MONIT 2371000200016 PC/FIS 2371000200017 4.94 2371000200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2371000200019 DATA 4 18 2371000200020 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 2371000200021 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 2371000200022 38. 91. 2.71 0.25 2371000200023 39. 93. 4.94 0.25 2371000200024 40. 97. 5.43 0.49 2371000200025 45. 105. 3.50 0.20 2371000200026 46. 109. 1.48 0.25 2371000200027 46. 112. 1.23 0.05 2371000200028 47. 111. 1.23 0.05 2371000200029 48. 115. 1.23 0.05 2371000200030 51. 127. 2.52 0.15 2371000200031 52. 132. 4.29 0.74 2371000200032 53. 131. 3.55 0.59 2371000200033 56. 139. 4.84 0.35 2371000200034 56. 140. 4.89 0.35 2371000200035 58. 143. 3.60 0.74 2371000200036 60. 147. 1.73 0.25 2371000200037 62. 153. 0.32 0.025 2371000200038 63. 157. 0.094 0.030 2371000200039 64. 159. 0.069 0.030 2371000200040 ENDDATA 20 0 2371000200041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2371000299999 SUBENT 23710003 20200520 22882371000300001 BIB 6 20 2371000300002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,F)42-MO-99,CUM,FY) 2371000300003 FLAG (1.) Measured by absolute neutron flux determination. 2371000300004 (2.) Measured by mass yield curve determination. 2371000300005 (3.) Mean of two measured values. 2371000300006 METHOD 1. Irradiation at known neutron flux. Np-237 fission 2371000300007 cross section used was base on two values 2371000300008 2.4+-0.2 b for 14.6 MeV of Protopopov+ and 2371000300009 2.5+-0.07 b for 14.0 MeV of Moat; 2371000300010 More precise value at slightly lower energy was used. 2371000300011 2. Relative mass yield curve was normalized to 200 %. 2371000300012 Mirror points were calculated on the base of 2371000300013 NU ~4.5 n/fis to draw smooth curve. 2371000300014 REL-REF (R,40390003,A.N.Protopopov+,J,AE,4,190,1958) 2371000300015 A.Moat, to be published in J.Nucl.Energy. 2371000300016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2371000300017 article. It's mentioned only, that for value with 2371000300018 Flag 1. the error includes error of fission cross 2371000300019 section. 2371000300020 STATUS (TABLE) Text page 13 of 2371000300021 J.of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry,14,8,1960 2371000300022 ENDBIB 20 0 2371000300023 COMMON 1 3 2371000300024 MONIT 2371000300025 PC/FIS 2371000300026 4.94 2371000300027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2371000300028 DATA 3 3 2371000300029 DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 2371000300030 PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 2371000300031 4.97 0.2 1. 2371000300032 4.90 0.2 2. 2371000300033 4.94 0.2 2371000300034 ENDDATA 5 0 2371000300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2371000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 2371099999999