ENTRY            23714   20200601                             22882371400000001 
SUBENT        23714001   20200601                             22882371400100001 
BIB                  9         22                                 2371400100002 
TITLE       The spontaneous fission of uranium-238                2371400100003 
AUTHOR     (T.Ishimori,K.Ueno,K.Kimura,E.Akatsu,Y.Kobayashi,      2371400100004 
           J.Akatsu,R.Ono,M.Hoshi)                                2371400100005 
REFERENCE  (J,RCA,7,95,1967)                                      2371400100006 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNJAE)                                              2371400100007 
SAMPLE      U(IV) total amount 155.4 kg U, concentration 280 gU/l.2371400100008 
           Ce(III) carrier 1.36 g Ce, 2.5mg Ce/l.                 2371400100009 
           Ag carrier 1.00 g Ag, 1.8 mg Ag/l.                     2371400100010 
           Y carrier 0.78 g Y, 1.4 mg Y/l.                        2371400100011 
           Natural U nitrate solution in HNO(2) conc. 2 M of total2371400100012 
           volume 555 l, density (20 deg C) 1.393 g/cm3           2371400100013 
METHOD     (CHSEP) Details are given in the article.              2371400100014 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) Gamma-ray spectrometer with 5 inch x 5 inch    2371400100015 
           NaI(Tl) crystal, TMC 400 channel pulse-height analyzer.2371400100016 
           (PROPC) Low-background proportional counter for        2371400100017 
           beta-counting.                                         2371400100018 
CORRECTION For decay at sampling.                                 2371400100019 
           For chemical yield.                                    2371400100020 
           For self-absorption, electron conversion, counting     2371400100021 
           efficiency.                                            2371400100022 
           For saturation                                         2371400100023 
HISTORY    (20200601C)  M.M.                                      2371400100024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 2371400100025 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2371400100026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 2371400199999 
SUBENT        23714002   20200601                             22882371400200001 
BIB                  5         11                                 2371400200002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(0,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY)                        2371400200003 
DECAY-DATA (39-Y-90-G,64.5HR)                                     2371400200004 
           (39-Y-91-G,58.D)                                       2371400200005 
           (39-Y-93-G,10.63HR)                                    2371400200006 
           (58-CE-141,32.5D)                                      2371400200007 
           (58-CE-143,33.4HR)                                     2371400200008 
FLAG       (1.) U-238 SF HL 8.00E+15 yr                           2371400200009 
           (2.) U-238 SF HL 7.19E+15 yr                           2371400200010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2371400200011 
           article.                                               2371400200012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3 of Radiochimica Acta,v.7,p.95,1967     2371400200013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 2371400200014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2371400200015 
DATA                 5          8                                 2371400200016 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                  2371400200017 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PC/FIS     PC/FIS     NO-DIM                2371400200018 
 39.         91.        9.41       0.27      1.                   2371400200019 
 39.         91.        8.30       0.466     2.                   2371400200020 
 39.         93.       11.04       0.47      1.                   2371400200021 
 39.         93.        9.62       0.420     2.                   2371400200022 
 58.        141.       10.40       0.513     1.                   2371400200023 
 58.        141.        8.19       0.462     2.                   2371400200024 
 58.        143.        8.53       0.259     1.                   2371400200025 
 58.        143.        7.49       0.234     2.                   2371400200026 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 2371400200027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 2371400299999 
SUBENT        23714003   20200601                             22882371400300001 
BIB                  4          7                                 2371400300002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(0,F)MASS,CHN,FY,,,DERIV)                     2371400300003 
ANALYSIS    Derived by interpolation from measured yields and     2371400300004 
           data of other authors using NU=2.2 n/fis to            2371400300005 
           complementary mass products and U-238 SF HL 7.19E+15 yr2371400300006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2371400300007 
           article.                                               2371400300008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3 of Radiochimica Acta,v.7,p.95,1967     2371400300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 2371400300010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2371400300011 
DATA                 3          5                                 2371400300012 
MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2371400300013 
NO-DIM     PC/FIS     PC/FIS                                      2371400300014 
 138.       6.51       0.651                                      2371400300015 
 139.       7.56       0.756                                      2371400300016 
 142.       7.98       0.798                                      2371400300017 
 148.       2.28       0.228                                      2371400300018 
 149.       1.47       0.147                                      2371400300019 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2371400300020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 2371400399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 2371499999999