ENTRY 23731 20200912 22922373100000001 SUBENT 23731001 20200912 22922373100100001 BIB 9 23 2373100100002 TITLE Neutron capture cross section of 53Mn from 2373100100003 irradiation with cold and reactor neutrons 2373100100004 AUTHOR (J.Ulrich,M.Ayranov,A.Kaestner,D.Schumann,P.Sprung, 2373100100005 A.Turler, L.Viererbl,M.Vins,H.Assmann-Vratislavska, 2373100100006 R.Dressler) 2373100100007 INSTITUTE (2SWTPSI,2SWTUBE,3CZRUJV) 2373100100008 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,102,024613,2020) 2373100100009 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.102.024613 2373100100010 SAMPLE Purified 53Mn fraction in the form of an acidic 2373100100011 chloride solution evaporated to dryness and 2373100100012 redissolved in approx. 0.5 mL 1MHCl. The solution is 2373100100013 spiked with 20 uL natural cobalt chloride solution 2373100100014 with the purpose to act as internal neutron flux 2373100100015 monitor. 2373100100016 Characteristics of the samples used in the experiments:2373100100017 Mass (mg) 53Mn atoms(NxE+17) 59Co atoms(NxE+17)2373100100018 115.83+-0.06 3.059+-0.013 7.588+-0.046 2373100100019 120.39+-0.06 3.180+-0.014 7.887+-0.048 2373100100020 132.40+-0.06 3.497+-0.015 8.673+-0.053 2373100100021 METHOD (GSPEC) 2373100100022 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-54,312.19D,DG,834.848,0.999752) 2373100100023 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty. 2373100100024 HISTORY (20200912C) VS 2373100100025 ENDBIB 23 0 2373100100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 2373100100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2373100199999 SUBENT 23731002 20200912 22922373100200001 BIB 10 18 2373100200002 REACTION (25-MN-53(N,G)25-MN-54,,SIG) 2373100200003 FACILITY (CYCLO,2SWTPSI) 2373100200004 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) ICON beamline at the PSI spallation neutron 2373100200005 source SINQ. 2373100200006 INC-SPECT Cold-neutron spectrum with mean neutron energy of 2373100200007 8.53 meV. 2373100200008 DETECTOR (HPGE) Broad Energy Germanium Detector. 2373100200009 The efficiency calibration performed using a 2373100200010 calibration source with kBq amounts of 54Mn and 60Co, 2373100200011 fabricated in analogous manner as the real samples. 2373100200012 METHOD (ACTIV) 2373100200013 12 days irradiation in total divided into time slots. 2373100200014 MONITOR (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG) 2373100200015 MONIT-REF (V1001216,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2018) 2373100200016 DECAY-MON (27-CO-60-G,1925.2D,DG,1173.228,0.9985, 2373100200017 DG,1332.492,0.999826) 2373100200018 STATUS (TABLE) Table VII of Phys.Rev.C102(2020)024613 2373100200019 (COREL,23731003) Thermal-neutron activation data. 2373100200020 ENDBIB 18 0 2373100200021 NOCOMMON 0 0 2373100200022 DATA 5 1 2373100200023 EN DATA DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR 2373100200024 EV B B B B 2373100200025 0.0253 75.44 0.94 37.18 0.06 2373100200026 ENDDATA 3 0 2373100200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2373100299999 SUBENT 23731003 20200912 22922373100300001 BIB 10 32 2373100300002 REACTION (25-MN-53(N,G)25-MN-54,,SIG) 2373100300003 FACILITY (REAC,3CZRUJV) 2373100300004 INC-SOURCE (REAC) LVR-15 reactor at Research Centre Rez 2373100300005 INC-SPECT Energy-dependent neutron fluxes (/cm2s): 2373100300006 Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 2373100300007 (with Cd-cover) 2373100300008 Thermal <0.5 eV 2373100300009 (1.122+-0.029)E13 (1.107+-0.029)E13 (4.53+-0.12)E122373100300010 Epithermal 0.5eV-100keV 2373100300011 (1.788+-0.066)E12 (1.753+-0.065)E12 (1.512+-0.061)E122373100300012 Fast 100keV-2MeV 2373100300013 (1.402+-0.042)E12 (1.382+-0.042)E12 (1.2011+-0.038)E122373100300014 Epithermal-spectrum shape factor alpha: 0.025 +- 0.003 2373100300015 METHOD (ACTIV) Samples irradiations: 2373100300016 1. PSI spallation cold-neutron source 2373100300017 2. LVR-15 reactor. 2373100300018 End of irradiation time: 2373100300019 1. cold-neutron source 14.11.2017 00:00:00 2373100300020 2. reactor source 29.03.2018 00:00:00 2373100300021 Irradiation time: 2373100300022 1. cold-neutron source 12 days in totoal divided into2373100300023 time slots. 2373100300024 2. reactor source: Sample 1 - 1500 s 2373100300025 Sample 2 - 1500 s 2373100300026 Sample 3 - 10800 s 2373100300027 DETECTOR (HPGE) 2373100300028 MONITOR (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG) 2373100300029 MONIT-REF (V1001216,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2018) 2373100300030 DECAY-MON (27-CO-60-G,1925.2D,DG,1173.228,0.9985, 2373100300031 DG,1332.492,0.999826) 2373100300032 STATUS (TABLE) Table VII of Phys.Rev.C102(2020)024613 2373100300033 (COREL,23731002) Cold-neutron activation data. 2373100300034 ENDBIB 32 0 2373100300035 NOCOMMON 0 0 2373100300036 DATA 5 1 2373100300037 EN DATA DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR 2373100300038 EV B B B B 2373100300039 0.0253 77.5 1.0 37.18 0.06 2373100300040 ENDDATA 3 0 2373100300041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2373100399999 SUBENT 23731004 20200914 22922373100400001 BIB 3 7 2373100400002 REACTION (25-MN-53(N,G)25-MN-54,,SIG) 2373100400003 ANALYSIS Arithmetical average of the three cold-neutron 2373100400004 activation values or the two reactor activation 2373100400005 values obtained in each experiment 2373100400006 STATUS (TABLE) Table VII of Phys.Rev.C102(2020)024613 2373100400007 (DEP,23731002) Cold-neutron activation value. 2373100400008 (DEP,23731003) Reactor activation value. 2373100400009 ENDBIB 7 0 2373100400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2373100400011 DATA 3 1 2373100400012 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2373100400013 EV B B 2373100400014 0.0253 76.5 1.0 2373100400015 ENDDATA 3 0 2373100400016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 2373100499999 SUBENT 23731005 20200913 22922373100500001 BIB 8 28 2373100500002 REACTION (25-MN-53(N,G)25-MN-54,,RI) 2373100500003 FACILITY (REAC,3CZRUJV) 2373100500004 INC-SOURCE (REAC) LVR-15 reactor at Research Centre Rez 2373100500005 INC-SPECT Energy-dependent neutron fluxes (/cm2s): 2373100500006 Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 2373100500007 (with Cd-cover) 2373100500008 Thermal <0.5 eV 2373100500009 (1.122+-0.029)E13 (1.107+-0.029)E13 (4.53+-0.12)E122373100500010 Epithermal 0.5eV-100keV 2373100500011 (1.788+-0.066)E12 (1.753+-0.065)E12 (1.512+-0.061)E122373100500012 Fast 100keV-2MeV 2373100500013 (1.402+-0.042)E12 (1.382+-0.042)E12 (1.2011+-0.038)E122373100500014 Epithermal-spectrum shape factor alpha: 0.025 +- 0.003 2373100500015 METHOD (ACTIV) Samples irradiations: 2373100500016 1. PSI spallation cold-neutron source 2373100500017 2. LVR-15 reactor. 2373100500018 End of irradiation time: 2373100500019 1. cold-neutron source 14.11.2017 00:00:00 2373100500020 2. reactor source 29.03.2018 00:00:00 2373100500021 Irradiation time: 2373100500022 1. cold-neutron source 12 days in totoal divided into2373100500023 time slots. 2373100500024 2. reactor source: Sample 1 - 1500 s 2373100500025 Sample 2 - 1500 s 2373100500026 Sample 3 - 10800 s 2373100500027 DETECTOR (HPGE) 2373100500028 MONITOR (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,RI) 2373100500029 STATUS (TABLE) Table VII of Phys.Rev.C102(2020)024613 2373100500030 ENDBIB 28 0 2373100500031 NOCOMMON 0 0 2373100500032 DATA 5 1 2373100500033 EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR 2373100500034 EV B B B B 2373100500035 0.55 43.1 1.2 77.1 1.8 2373100500036 ENDDATA 3 0 2373100500037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2373100599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 2373199999999