ENTRY            23743   20210901                             23022374300000001 
SUBENT        23743001   20210901                             23022374300100001 
BIB                 11         43                                 2374300100002 
TITLE      Isomer production ratio of the 112Cd(n,g) 113Cd        2374300100003 
           reaction in an s-process branching point               2374300100004 
AUTHOR     (T.Hayakawa,Y.Toh,A.Kimura,S.Nakamura,T.Shizuma,       2374300100005 
           N.Iwamoto, S.Chiba,T.Kajino)                           2374300100006 
           (2JPNJPN) National Astronomical Observatory of Japan,  2374300100008 
           Mitaka, Tokyo                                          2374300100009 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,103,045801,2021)                               2374300100010 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.103.045801                       2374300100011 
FACILITY   (SYNCY,2JPNJAE) ANNRI(BL04) beam line of MLF at J-PARC 2374300100012 
INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Spallation reaction in a mercury target.       2374300100013 
           The proton beams with an energy of 3 GeV and an average2374300100014 
           power of 140 kW were injected into the mercury target  2374300100015 
           at a repetition rate of 25 Hz.                         2374300100016 
           The proton beam was operated with a single bunch mode  2374300100017 
           with a width of 100 ns.                                2374300100018 
SAMPLE     (48-CD-112,ENR=0.9827)                                 2374300100019 
           A Cd-112 enriched target was used but it included      2374300100020 
           Cd-113 with a fraction of 0.6%.                        2374300100021 
DETECTOR   (HPGE,BGO) Array of Ge detector consists of two cluster2374300100022 
           Ge detectors and eight coaxial-Ge detectors with BGO   2374300100023 
           anti-coincidence shields. In the analysis, the two     2374300100024 
           cluster-Ge detectors were used. Individual cluster     2374300100025 
           detectors have seven HPGe crystals.                    2374300100026 
METHOD     (TOF,GSPEC) Flight length = 21.5 m                     2374300100027 
ANALYSIS   Prompt gamma-rays from Cd-112 resonances were          2374300100028 
           measured with gating on the resonances in the TOF.     2374300100029 
           The gamma-rays decaying to the ground state of         2374300100030 
           113Cd with energies of 299 keV and gamma-rays of 259   2374300100031 
           keV which decays to the isomer were clearly observed.  2374300100032 
           The gamma-ray intensity ratios of 259 keV to           2374300100033 
           the sum of 259 and 299 keV were deduced                2374300100034 
           at each resonance of Cd-112.                           2374300100035 
           These ratios are expected to be approximately          2374300100036 
           proportional to the isomer production ratios.          2374300100037 
           The following expected ratios were calculated          2374300100038 
           using the CCONE Hauser-Feshbach statistical model.     2374300100039 
                From  Jpi = 1/2+ states 0.18                      2374300100040 
                      Jpi = 1/2- states lower than 0.18           2374300100041 
                      Jpi = 3/2- states 0.27                      2374300100042 
           The spin and parity were assigned from the measured    2374300100043 
           isomer production ratios.                              2374300100044 
HISTORY    (20210901C) Atsushi Kimura                             2374300100045 
ENDBIB              43          0                                 2374300100046 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2374300100047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 2374300199999 
SUBENT        23743002   20210901                             23022374300200001 
BIB                  6         16                                 2374300200002 
REACTION  1(48-CD-112(N,G)48-CD-113-M/G,,SIG/RAT,,RES)            2374300200003 
          2(48-CD-112(N,0),,J)                                    2374300200004 
          3(48-CD-112(N,0),,PTY)                                  2374300200005 
ANALYSIS  1Ratios deduced from the intensity ratios of 259 keV to 2374300200006 
           the sum of 259 and 299 keV at each resonance.          2374300200007 
REL-REF    (R,,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,2-1,2006)               2374300200008 
           Resonance energy and orbital angular momentum of       2374300200009 
           incident neutrons were given.                          2374300200010 
FLAG       (1.) L assignment (given in the REL-REF) is tentative. 2374300200011 
           (2.) SPIN and PARITY assignment(deduced in the         2374300200012 
           REFERENCE) and L (given in the REL-REF) assignment is  2374300200013 
           tentative.                                             2374300200014 
           (3.) SPIN and PARITY assignment(deduced in the         2374300200015 
           REFERENCE) is tentative.                               2374300200016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty 2374300200017 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table I of Phys.Rev.C103(2021)045801           2374300200018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 2374300200019 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2374300200020 
DATA                 7         21                                 2374300200021 
EN-RES     MOMENTUM L DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA      32374300200022 
FLAG                                                              2374300200023 
EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     2374300200024 
NO-DIM                                                            2374300200025 
       66.8         0.      0.199      0.008        0.5        +1.2374300200026 
       83.2         1.       0.17       0.04        0.5        -1.2374300200028 
         1.                                                       2374300200029 
       226.         0.      0.230      0.017        0.5        +1.2374300200030 
       443.         0.      0.214      0.024        0.5        +1.2374300200032 
       453.         1.       0.27       0.07                      2374300200034 
         1.                                                       2374300200035 
       737.         0.       0.31       0.03        1.5        -1.2374300200036 
       909.         0.       0.16       0.04        0.5        +1.2374300200038 
      1115.         0.       0.23       0.05        0.5        +1.2374300200040 
      1207.         1.       0.36       0.10        1.5        -1.2374300200042 
         1.                                                       2374300200043 
      1337.         1.       0.32       0.11        1.5        -1.2374300200044 
         1.                                                       2374300200045 
      1423.         0.       0.21       0.06        0.5        +1.2374300200046 
      2036.         0.       0.28       0.11                      2374300200048 
     2336.5         0.       0.41       0.13        1.5        -1.2374300200050 
      3104.         0.       0.23       0.09                      2374300200052 
         1.                                                       2374300200053 
      3321.         1.       0.37       0.10        1.5        -1.2374300200054 
      3493.         1.       0.43       0.19        1.5        -1.2374300200056 
         2.                                                       2374300200057 
      4108.         1.       0.37       0.17        1.5        -1.2374300200058 
         3.                                                       2374300200059 
      4558.         0.       0.25       0.12                      2374300200060 
      6578.         0.       0.29       0.17                      2374300200062 
      6975.         0.       0.14       0.13                      2374300200064 
      8587.         0.       0.21       0.11                      2374300200066 
ENDDATA             46          0                                 2374300200068 
ENDSUBENT           67          0                                 2374300299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 2374399999999