ENTRY 23749 20220915 23122374900000001 SUBENT 23749001 20220915 23122374900100001 BIB 11 47 2374900100002 TITLE Integral experiments of technetium-99 using 2374900100003 fastneutron source reactor 'YAYOI' 2374900100004 AUTHOR (S.Nakamura,Y.Hatsukawa,A.Kimura,Y.Toh,H.Harada) 2374900100005 INSTITUTE (2JPNJAE) 2374900100006 REFERENCE (J,NST,58,1318,2021) 2374900100007 #doi:10.1080/00223131.2021.1942278 2374900100008 FACILITY (REAC,2JPNTOK) Fast-neutron source reactor 'YAYOI' of 2374900100009 the University of Tokyo 2374900100010 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Gz hole with a pneumatic system in 'YAYOI'. 2374900100011 During the experiment, the YAYOI reactor was operated 2374900100012 at 2-kW power. The facility provided the neutron flux 2374900100013 spectrum as shown in Fig.7 in the REFERENCE. 2374900100014 A capture reaction weighted 'average energy' (See Eq.5 2374900100015 in the REFERENCE) was derived as 85 keV for Tc-99 2374900100016 DETECTOR (HPGE) Model GEM-90,240-P; ORTEC, United States 2374900100017 The gamma-ray peak efficiencies of the Ge detector 2374900100018 were obtained with standard Eu-152 and Co-60 sources. 2374900100019 SAMPLE The standard solution of Tc-99, which was supplied by 2374900100020 CERCA/ LEA-AREVA, was used for samples. 2374900100021 Three Tc-99 standard solutions equivalent to 800 kBq 2374900100022 were dropped into high-purity quartz tube cells. 2374900100023 The samples were dried by an infrared ramp and 2374900100024 melt-sealed in the cells. 2374900100025 A set of neutron flux monitors(Au, Sc, Cu, Mn, Al, Fe 2374900100026 and In) was used in the experiment. 2374900100027 METHOD (ACTIV,GSPEC) 2374900100028 Neutron irradiations were performed in 3 sets 2374900100029 during 3 days. Three samples were sequentially 2374900100030 irradiated for 120 or 60 seconds. 2374900100031 Decay gamma rays emitted from Tc-100 were measured 2374900100032 for 60 sec. After waiting for Tc-100 to sufficiently 2374900100033 decay out, irradiations and measurements were 2374900100034 cyclically conducted. 2374900100035 These processes were repeated 74 times in 3 days. 2374900100036 Decay gamma rays at the gamma-ray energies of 2374900100037 540 keV and 591 keV were used in the analysis. 2374900100038 The monitors were irradiated to confirm the neutron 2374900100039 flux spectrum. 2374900100040 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-198-G,2.6943D,DG,411.80,0.9562) 2374900100041 (21-SC-46-G,83.79D,DG,889.28,0.99984, 2374900100042 DG,1120.55,0.99987) 2374900100043 (29-CU-64,12.700HR,DG,1345.84,0.00473) 2374900100044 (25-MN-56,2.57878HR,DG,846.77,0.9887) 2374900100045 (12-MG-27,9.458MIN,DG,843.76,0.718, 2374900100046 DG,1014.44,0.280) 2374900100047 (49-IN-115-M,4.486HR,DG,336.24,0.459) 2374900100048 HISTORY (20220915C) Compiled by A. Kimura. 2374900100049 ENDBIB 47 0 2374900100050 NOCOMMON 0 0 2374900100051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 2374900199999 SUBENT 23749002 20220915 23122374900200001 BIB 5 28 2374900200002 REACTION (43-TC-99(N,G)43-TC-100,,SIG,,SPA) 2374900200003 DECAY-DATA ((1.)43-TC-100,15.27SEC,DG,539.59,0.066) 2374900200004 ((2.)43-TC-100,15.27SEC,DG,590.83,0.055) 2374900200005 ANALYSIS After irradiation, decay gamma rays emitted from 2374900200006 produced Tc-100 were measured with the Ge detector, 2374900200007 and then production amount of Tc-1001 was obtained 2374900200008 from the yields of 540-keV and 591-keV gamma rays. An 2374900200009 'average energy' for the reaction-rate distribution 2374900200010 was calculated using the 107-group neutron spectrum 2374900200011 and capture cross section in JENDL-4.0. Using the 2374900200012 reaction rate of the monitors, the uncertainty of the 2374900200013 neutron flux spectrum was estimated to be 2.6%. 2374900200014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total Unc. 2374900200015 (ERR-S) Statistical Unc. 2374900200016 (ERR-1) Unc. due to the Neutron flux spectrum. 2374900200017 (ERR-2) Unc. due to the half life of Tc-100. 2374900200018 15.27+-0.005 sec 2374900200019 (ERR-3) Unc. due to the weight of the samples. 2374900200020 (ERR-4) Unc. due to the activity of the samples. 2374900200021 (ERR-5) Unc. due to the peak efficiency of the Ge 2374900200022 detector. 2374900200023 (ERR-6) Unc. due to the g-ray emission probability. 2374900200024 6.6+-0.5% for 540-keV g-rays. 2374900200025 5.5+-0.3% for 591-keV g-rays. 2374900200026 STATUS (TABLE) Table 5 and 8 of the REFERENCE. 2374900200027 Total uncertainties were revised from the REFERENCE 2374900200028 and provided by AUTHOR. 2374900200029 (SUPPL,23749003) Neutron spectrum given 2374900200030 ENDBIB 28 0 2374900200031 COMMON 5 3 2374900200032 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 2374900200033 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2374900200034 2.6 0.59 0.1 2.00 1.01 2374900200035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2374900200036 DATA 6 2 2374900200037 EN-MEAN DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-6 DECAY-FLAG 2374900200038 KEV B B PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2374900200039 85. 713. 57. 0.5 7.04 1.2374900200040 85. 722. 45. 0.5 5.17 2.2374900200041 ENDDATA 4 0 2374900200042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2374900299999 SUBENT 23749003 20220915 23122374900300001 BIB 2 121 2374900300002 SUPPL-INF (INCSP) 107 groups neutron spectrum at irradiation 2374900300003 point with the polyethylene capsule calculated by 2374900300004 MCNP. 2374900300005 *** Group structure 2374900300006 Emin: lower boundary of the energy bin (MeV) 2374900300007 Emax: upper boundary of the energy bin (MeV) 2374900300008 Lethargy: lethargy width (ln(Emax/Emin)) 2374900300009 Data: Spectrum/Lethargy (1/cm2/sec) 2374900300010 -------------------------------------------------------2374900300011 Grp Emin Emax Lethargy Data2374900300012 -------------------------------------------------------2374900300013 1 1.000E-09 2.000E-08 2.996E+00 1.064E+072374900300014 2 2.000E-08 3.398E-08 5.299E-01 6.350E+072374900300015 3 3.398E-08 5.602E-08 5.000E-01 1.045E+082374900300016 4 5.602E-08 9.236E-08 5.000E-01 1.134E+082374900300017 5 9.236E-08 1.523E-07 5.001E-01 1.339E+082374900300018 6 1.523E-07 2.511E-07 5.001E-01 1.219E+082374900300019 7 2.511E-07 4.140E-07 5.001E-01 1.260E+082374900300020 8 4.140E-07 5.316E-07 2.500E-01 1.506E+082374900300021 9 5.316E-07 6.826E-07 2.500E-01 1.391E+082374900300022 10 6.826E-07 8.764E-07 2.500E-01 1.329E+082374900300023 11 8.764E-07 1.125E-06 2.499E-01 1.465E+082374900300024 12 1.125E-06 1.445E-06 2.501E-01 2.086E+082374900300025 13 1.445E-06 1.855E-06 2.500E-01 2.053E+082374900300026 14 1.855E-06 2.382E-06 2.500E-01 2.312E+082374900300027 15 2.382E-06 3.059E-06 2.500E-01 2.054E+082374900300028 16 3.059E-06 3.928E-06 2.500E-01 2.170E+082374900300029 17 3.928E-06 5.044E-06 2.500E-01 2.928E+082374900300030 18 5.044E-06 6.476E-06 2.500E-01 2.604E+082374900300031 19 6.476E-06 8.315E-06 2.500E-01 3.172E+082374900300032 20 8.315E-06 1.068E-05 2.500E-01 3.333E+082374900300033 21 1.068E-05 1.371E-05 2.500E-01 3.692E+082374900300034 22 1.371E-05 1.760E-05 2.500E-01 3.959E+082374900300035 23 1.760E-05 2.260E-05 2.500E-01 4.598E+082374900300036 24 2.260E-05 2.902E-05 2.500E-01 5.228E+082374900300037 25 2.902E-05 3.727E-05 2.500E-01 5.240E+082374900300038 26 3.727E-05 4.785E-05 2.500E-01 6.277E+082374900300039 27 4.785E-05 6.144E-05 2.500E-01 6.645E+082374900300040 28 6.144E-05 7.889E-05 2.500E-01 6.944E+082374900300041 29 7.889E-05 1.013E-04 2.500E-01 7.164E+082374900300042 30 1.013E-04 1.301E-04 2.500E-01 8.038E+082374900300043 31 1.301E-04 1.670E-04 2.500E-01 7.771E+082374900300044 32 1.670E-04 2.145E-04 2.500E-01 9.861E+082374900300045 33 2.145E-04 2.754E-04 2.500E-01 1.068E+092374900300046 34 2.754E-04 3.536E-04 2.500E-01 1.316E+092374900300047 35 3.536E-04 4.540E-04 2.500E-01 1.270E+092374900300048 36 4.540E-04 5.830E-04 2.500E-01 1.387E+092374900300049 37 5.830E-04 7.485E-04 2.500E-01 1.491E+092374900300050 38 7.485E-04 9.611E-04 2.500E-01 1.620E+092374900300051 39 9.611E-04 1.234E-03 2.500E-01 1.795E+092374900300052 40 1.234E-03 1.585E-03 2.500E-01 2.018E+092374900300053 41 1.585E-03 2.035E-03 2.500E-01 2.410E+092374900300054 42 2.035E-03 2.613E-03 2.500E-01 2.482E+092374900300055 43 2.613E-03 3.355E-03 2.500E-01 2.722E+092374900300056 44 3.355E-03 4.307E-03 2.500E-01 2.967E+092374900300057 45 4.307E-03 5.531E-03 2.500E-01 3.257E+092374900300058 46 5.531E-03 7.102E-03 2.500E-01 3.716E+092374900300059 47 7.102E-03 9.119E-03 2.500E-01 4.340E+092374900300060 48 9.119E-03 1.171E-02 2.500E-01 5.409E+092374900300061 49 1.171E-02 1.503E-02 2.500E-01 6.994E+092374900300062 50 1.503E-02 1.931E-02 2.501E-01 8.522E+092374900300063 51 1.931E-02 2.479E-02 2.500E-01 1.171E+102374900300064 52 2.479E-02 3.183E-02 2.500E-01 1.343E+102374900300065 53 3.183E-02 4.087E-02 2.500E-01 1.651E+102374900300066 54 4.087E-02 5.248E-02 2.500E-01 2.186E+102374900300067 55 5.248E-02 6.738E-02 2.500E-01 2.754E+102374900300068 56 6.738E-02 8.652E-02 2.500E-01 3.285E+102374900300069 57 8.652E-02 1.111E-01 2.500E-01 3.656E+102374900300070 58 1.111E-01 1.228E-01 9.997E-02 4.558E+102374900300071 59 1.228E-01 1.357E-01 1.001E-01 5.111E+102374900300072 60 1.357E-01 1.500E-01 1.000E-01 4.550E+102374900300073 61 1.500E-01 1.657E-01 9.999E-02 5.214E+102374900300074 62 1.657E-01 1.832E-01 1.000E-01 5.803E+102374900300075 63 1.832E-01 2.024E-01 9.998E-02 5.662E+102374900300076 64 2.024E-01 2.237E-01 1.000E-01 6.096E+102374900300077 65 2.237E-01 2.472E-01 1.000E-01 6.389E+102374900300078 66 2.472E-01 2.732E-01 9.999E-02 6.962E+102374900300079 67 2.732E-01 3.020E-01 9.998E-02 6.844E+102374900300080 68 3.020E-01 3.337E-01 1.000E-01 7.387E+102374900300081 69 3.337E-01 3.688E-01 1.000E-01 7.861E+102374900300082 70 3.688E-01 4.076E-01 1.000E-01 7.965E+102374900300083 71 4.076E-01 4.505E-01 1.000E-01 7.690E+102374900300084 72 4.505E-01 4.979E-01 1.000E-01 7.989E+102374900300085 73 4.979E-01 5.502E-01 1.000E-01 7.904E+102374900300086 74 5.502E-01 6.081E-01 1.000E-01 7.865E+102374900300087 75 6.081E-01 6.721E-01 1.000E-01 7.828E+102374900300088 76 6.721E-01 7.427E-01 1.000E-01 7.183E+102374900300089 77 7.427E-01 8.209E-01 9.999E-02 6.497E+102374900300090 78 8.209E-01 9.072E-01 1.000E-01 6.142E+102374900300091 79 9.072E-01 1.003E+00 1.000E-01 5.835E+102374900300092 80 1.003E+00 1.108E+00 9.996E-02 5.289E+102374900300093 81 1.108E+00 1.225E+00 1.001E-01 4.958E+102374900300094 82 1.225E+00 1.353E+00 1.000E-01 4.499E+102374900300095 83 1.353E+00 1.496E+00 9.997E-02 4.267E+102374900300096 84 1.496E+00 1.653E+00 1.000E-01 4.065E+102374900300097 85 1.653E+00 1.827E+00 9.997E-02 3.865E+102374900300098 86 1.827E+00 2.019E+00 1.000E-01 3.593E+102374900300099 87 2.019E+00 2.231E+00 9.998E-02 3.438E+102374900300100 88 2.231E+00 2.466E+00 1.000E-01 3.310E+102374900300101 89 2.466E+00 2.725E+00 9.998E-02 3.107E+102374900300102 90 2.725E+00 3.012E+00 9.999E-02 2.830E+102374900300103 91 3.012E+00 3.329E+00 1.000E-01 2.602E+102374900300104 92 3.329E+00 3.679E+00 1.000E-01 2.399E+102374900300105 93 3.679E+00 4.066E+00 1.000E-01 2.033E+102374900300106 94 4.066E+00 4.493E+00 1.000E-01 1.691E+102374900300107 95 4.493E+00 4.966E+00 1.000E-01 1.448E+102374900300108 96 4.966E+00 5.488E+00 9.999E-02 1.109E+102374900300109 97 5.488E+00 6.065E+00 1.000E-01 8.626E+092374900300110 98 6.065E+00 6.703E+00 1.000E-01 6.120E+092374900300111 99 6.703E+00 7.408E+00 1.000E-01 4.327E+092374900300112 100 7.408E+00 8.187E+00 1.000E-01 2.748E+092374900300113 101 8.187E+00 9.048E+00 1.000E-01 1.645E+092374900300114 102 9.048E+00 1.000E+01 1.000E-01 8.801E+082374900300115 103 1.000E+01 1.105E+01 1.000E-01 5.636E+082374900300116 104 1.105E+01 1.221E+01 9.997E-02 2.454E+082374900300117 105 1.221E+01 1.350E+01 1.000E-01 1.408E+082374900300118 106 1.350E+01 1.492E+01 9.995E-02 1.204E+082374900300119 107 1.492E+01 2.000E+01 2.932E-01 6.694E+062374900300120 -------------------------------------------------------2374900300121 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.A1 of the REFERENCE. Data obtained from the2374900300122 AUTHOR. 2374900300123 ENDBIB 121 0 2374900300124 NOCOMMON 0 0 2374900300125 NODATA 0 0 2374900300126 ENDSUBENT 125 0 2374900399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 2374999999999