ENTRY 23760 20221121 23122376000000001 SUBENT 23760001 20221121 23122376000100001 BIB 12 17 2376000100002 TITLE Si-PKA spectra in a Si-SSD bombarded by 14 MeV neutrons2376000100003 AUTHOR (K.Yageta, S.Iwasaki, K.Sugiyama) 2376000100004 INSTITUTE (2JPNTOH) 2376000100005 REFERENCE (C,88MITO,,1053,1988) 2376000100006 (R,NETU-50,30,1988) Similar data in fig 2376000100007 FACILITY (CCW,2JPNTOH) 600 kV CCW of SCA laboratory 2376000100008 INC-SOURCE (D-T) d (300 keV) on Ti-T target (~1 mg/cm2) 2376000100009 SAMPLE Detector in a small thin SUS vacuum chamber 2376000100010 DETECTOR (SIBAR) 100 mm2 active area with 300 um depletion area 2376000100011 for detection of light charged-particle and recoil 2376000100012 (SIBAR) for detection of associated alpha particles 2376000100013 METHOD (COINC) Coincidence between signals of two timing 2376000100014 pulses from two Si surface barrier detectors 2376000100015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty 2376000100016 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 (points with coincidence) of Conf. Proc. 2376000100017 of Nucl. Data Sci. Technol. 1988, p.1053 2376000100018 HISTORY (20221121C) On+SS 2376000100019 ENDBIB 17 0 2376000100020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2376000100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2376000199999 SUBENT 23760002 20221121 23122376000200001 BIB 2 6 2376000200002 REACTION (14-SI-0(N,X)ELEM,,DE,,MSC) 2376000200003 Energy differential cross section with respect to the 2376000200004 sum of light charged-particle (Z=1,2) and recoil 2376000200005 (Z=12,13,14) outgoing energies 2376000200006 EN-SEC (TKE,LCP+RSD) Sum of light charged-particle and recoil 2376000200007 outgoing energies 2376000200008 ENDBIB 6 0 2376000200009 COMMON 6 3 2376000200010 EN ELEM1 ELEM1 ELEM2 ELEM2 ELEM2 2376000200011 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2376000200012 14.8 1. 2. 12. 13. 14. 2376000200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2376000200014 DATA 3 64 2376000200015 TKE DATA DATA-ERR 2376000200016 MEV B/MEV B/MEV 2376000200017 0.4 4.469E-01 3.514E-02 2376000200018 0.6 8.536E-01 5.270E-02 2376000200019 0.8 5.678E-01 4.459E-02 2376000200020 1.0 3.609E-01 2.535E-02 2376000200021 1.2 2.880E-01 1.772E-02 2376000200022 1.3 2.079E-01 1.806E-02 2376000200023 1.5 1.850E-01 1.760E-02 2376000200024 1.7 1.449E-01 1.137E-02 2376000200025 1.8 1.018E-01 1.135E-02 2376000200026 2.0 1.020E-01 1.054E-02 2376000200027 2.2 9.668E-02 1.233E-02 2376000200028 2.4 9.339E-02 1.115E-02 2376000200029 2.6 9.098E-02 1.088E-02 2376000200030 2.8 8.627E-02 8.931E-03 2376000200031 3.0 8.878E-02 1.060E-02 2376000200032 3.2 8.343E-02 9.967E-03 2376000200033 3.3 7.984E-02 8.895E-03 2376000200034 3.5 8.142E-02 9.064E-03 2376000200035 3.7 6.380E-02 7.109E-03 2376000200036 3.9 7.256E-02 8.683E-03 2376000200037 4.1 9.203E-02 1.024E-02 2376000200038 4.3 9.911E-02 1.186E-02 2376000200039 4.5 7.221E-02 8.053E-03 2376000200040 4.7 7.635E-02 9.729E-03 2376000200041 4.9 5.716E-02 6.823E-03 2376000200042 5.0 5.420E-02 6.040E-03 2376000200043 5.3 8.474E-02 8.053E-03 2376000200044 5.4 7.749E-02 7.371E-03 2376000200045 5.6 6.412E-02 6.113E-03 2376000200046 5.8 6.480E-02 7.213E-03 2376000200047 6.0 7.997E-02 7.615E-03 2376000200048 6.2 6.498E-02 7.763E-03 2376000200049 6.4 6.506E-02 6.722E-03 2376000200050 6.6 5.432E-02 7.346E-03 2376000200051 6.7 5.151E-02 8.555E-03 2376000200052 6.9 4.420E-02 5.276E-03 2376000200053 7.1 4.005E-02 5.103E-03 2376000200054 7.4 5.270E-02 5.007E-03 2376000200055 7.5 3.289E-02 3.668E-03 2376000200056 7.7 3.354E-02 3.462E-03 2376000200057 7.9 3.678E-02 6.940E-03 2376000200058 8.1 4.034E-02 3.500E-03 2376000200059 8.3 3.656E-02 4.364E-03 2376000200060 8.4 2.639E-02 2.729E-03 2376000200061 8.7 4.240E-02 3.679E-03 2376000200062 8.8 2.206E-02 3.329E-03 2376000200063 9.0 1.637E-02 2.215E-03 2376000200064 9.2 2.402E-02 3.058E-03 2376000200065 9.4 2.256E-02 2.149E-03 2376000200066 9.6 1.800E-02 2.292E-03 2376000200067 9.7 1.587E-02 2.147E-03 2376000200068 9.9 4.334E-03 1.375E-03 2376000200069 10.1 1.776E-02 2.123E-03 2376000200070 10.3 2.232E-02 2.120E-03 2376000200071 10.5 6.204E-03 1.077E-03 2376000200072 10.7 4.520E-03 8.857E-04 2376000200073 10.9 1.123E-02 1.251E-03 2376000200074 11.0 9.377E-03 1.268E-03 2376000200075 11.2 7.215E-03 1.033E-03 2376000200076 11.4 5.550E-03 1.088E-03 2376000200077 11.6 1.510E-02 1.311E-03 2376000200078 12.0 2.322E-02 1.821E-03 2376000200079 12.2 1.503E-02 2.032E-03 2376000200080 12.3 5.589E-03 8.428E-04 2376000200081 ENDDATA 66 0 2376000200082 ENDSUBENT 81 0 2376000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 2376099999999