ENTRY 23907 20240414 23202390700000001 SUBENT 23907001 20240414 23202390700100001 BIB 13 25 2390700100002 TITLE On the accuracy of cross-section measurements of 2390700100003 neutron-induced reactions using the activation 2390700100004 technique with natural targets: The case of Ge at 2390700100005 En = 17.9 MeV 2390700100006 AUTHOR (S.Chasapoglou, M.Kokkoris, R.Vlastou, M.Diakaki, 2390700100007 V.Michalopoulou, A.Kalamara, G.Gkatis, 2390700100008 A.Stamatopoulos, M.Axiotis, S.Harissopulos, 2390700100009 A.Lagoyannis, M.I.Savva, T.Vasilopoulou, 2390700100010 C.Lederer-Woods, N.Patronis, K.Kaperoni) 2390700100011 INSTITUTE (2GRCTUA,2ZZZCER,2GRCATH,2UK EDG,2GRCIOA,1USALAS, 2390700100012 2FR CAD) 2390700100013 REFERENCE (J,ARI,203,111077,2024) 2390700100014 #doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2023.111077 2390700100015 FACILITY (VDGT,2GRCATH) 2390700100016 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 2390700100017 DETECTOR (HPGE) 2390700100018 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2390700100019 MONIT-REF (,D.A.Brown+,3,ENDF/B-VIII.0,,2018) 2390700100020 DECAY-MON (11-NA-24,14.997HR,DG,1368.626,0.999936) 2390700100021 METHOD (STTA,ACTIV,GSPEC) 2390700100022 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties 2390700100023 (ERR-1) The uncertainty of the HPGe detector 2390700100024 efficiency - 2% 2390700100025 (ERR-2) The uncertainty of the monitor cross section 3%2390700100026 HISTORY (20240414C) VS 2390700100027 ENDBIB 25 0 2390700100028 COMMON 4 3 2390700100029 EN EN-RSL-HW ERR-1 ERR-2 2390700100030 MEV MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT 2390700100031 17.9 0.3 2. 3. 2390700100032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2390700100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2390700199999 SUBENT 23907002 20240414 23202390700200001 BIB 4 7 2390700200002 REACTION 1(32-GE-76(N,2N)32-GE-75,,SIG) 2390700200003 2(32-GE-76(N,2N)32-GE-75,,SIG) 2390700200004 DECAY-DATA (32-GE-75-G,82.78MIN,DG,264.6,0.114) 2390700200005 SAMPLE 1(32-GE-76,NAT=0.0775) A Ge pellet weighing 1.5 g. 2390700200006 2(32-GE-76,ENR=0.8846) A GeO2 pellets with a mass of 2390700200007 2 g with 88.46% enrichment of 76Ge. 2390700200008 STATUS (TABLE,,S.Chasapoglou+,J,ARI,203,111077,2024) Table 2 2390700200009 ENDBIB 7 0 2390700200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2390700200011 DATA 4 1 2390700200012 DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2 2390700200013 B B B B 2390700200014 1.21 0.24 1.15 0.13 2390700200015 ENDDATA 3 0 2390700200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 2390700299999 SUBENT 23907003 20240414 23202390700300001 BIB 4 7 2390700300002 REACTION 1(32-GE-72(N,A)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG) 2390700300003 2(32-GE-72(N,A)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG) 2390700300004 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-M,13.756HR,DG,438.63,0.9485) 2390700300005 SAMPLE 1(32-GE-72,NAT=0.2745) A Ge pellet weighing 1.5 g. 2390700300006 2(32-GE-72,ENR=0.9659) A GeO2 pellets with a mass of 2390700300007 2 g with 96.59% enrichment in 72Ge. 2390700300008 STATUS (TABLE,,S.Chasapoglou+,J,ARI,203,111077,2024) Table 3 2390700300009 ENDBIB 7 0 2390700300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2390700300011 DATA 4 1 2390700300012 DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2 2390700300013 B B B B 2390700300014 0.0085 0.0012 0.0070 0.0007 2390700300015 ENDDATA 3 0 2390700300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 2390700399999 SUBENT 23907004 20240414 23202390700400001 BIB 5 14 2390700400002 REACTION 1(32-GE-72(N,P)31-GA-72,,SIG) 2390700400003 2(32-GE-72(N,P)31-GA-72,,SIG) 2390700400004 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,834.13,0.9545, 2390700400005 DG,629.97,0.2613, 2390700400006 DG,894.33,0.1014) 2390700400007 SAMPLE 1(32-GE-72,NAT=0.2745) A Ge pellet weighing 1.5 g. 2390700400008 2(32-GE-72,ENR=0.9659) A GeO2 pellets with a mass of 2390700400009 2 g with 96.59% enrichment in 72Ge. 2390700400010 ANALYSIS The final cross section and associated uncertainty 2390700400011 for were calculated as the weighted average of the 2390700400012 cross-section values of the three gamma-rays, taking 2390700400013 into account the correlation between these three 2390700400014 measurements. 2390700400015 STATUS (TABLE,,S.Chasapoglou+,J,ARI,203,111077,2024) Table 4 2390700400016 ENDBIB 14 0 2390700400017 NOCOMMON 0 0 2390700400018 DATA 4 1 2390700400019 DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2 2390700400020 B B B B 2390700400021 0.0348 0.0020 0.0280 0.0026 2390700400022 ENDDATA 3 0 2390700400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2390700499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2390799999999