ENTRY 30020 20230309 32103002000000001 SUBENT 30020001 20230309 32103002000100001 BIB 12 28 3002000100002 TITLE Resonance parameters of Sb 3002000100003 AUTHOR (V.Mateiciuc, L.Aldea, M.Constantinescu, Gh.Cristea, 3002000100004 T.Stadnicov) 3002000100005 INSTITUTE (3RUMBUC) 3002000100006 REFERENCE (J,RRP,12,907,1967) Article is in French 3002000100007 REL-REF (N,30373003,V.Mateiciuc+,J,JNE,24,245,1970) For 6.24 eV3002000100008 resonance energy with different experiment. 3002000100009 (N,30372001,V.Mateiciuc+,J,RRP,15,339,1970) Result for 3002000100010 higher resonance energy. 3002000100011 FACILITY (CHOPF) Fast chopper, 400 channel analyser 3002000100012 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Reactor, no details given 3002000100013 SAMPLE Powdered antimony packed in Al cans with pressure of 3002000100014 150 kg/cm2, 5 samples with densities of 3.2327, 2.6934 3002000100015 1.6065, 0.9911 and 0.5449 g/cm2 were used. 3002000100016 DETECTOR (SCIN) Unit of 4 crystal scintillators, Ne-401, with 3002000100017 4 photo-multipliers, ME12FS-100. 3002000100018 METHOD (TOF) flight path was 25.096 Meters. 3002000100019 Transmission through 5 samples of different thicknesses3002000100020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties. 3002000100021 HISTORY (19701015C) 3002000100022 (19770202A) KO.-Minor amendment of bib.Sections. 3002000100023 correction of subentry .008.- 3002000100024 (20070731A) BIB sect.updated+Dates convert.+lower case 3002000100025 Subents 003-008 deleted. All resonance parameters 3002000100026 are included in 30372. 3002000100027 (20230309A) VT+On. Subent.003-004 restored by merging 3002000100028 007-008 in 004 and 005-006 in 003. 3002000100029 (20230309D) VT+On. Subents 005-008 deleted. 3002000100030 ENDBIB 28 0 3002000100031 NOCOMMON 0 0 3002000100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 3002000199999 SUBENT 30020002 20230309 32103002000200001 BIB 4 7 3002000200002 REACTION (51-SB-0(N,TOT),,SIG) 3002000200003 MONITOR Absolute, transmission. 3002000200004 STATUS (TABLE) Data from priv.Comm. Mateiciuc, 7/70. 3002000200005 HISTORY (19701015C) 3002000200006 (19770202U) Cosmetic correction. 3002000200007 (20230309A) VT+On. DATA: replaced floating point to 3002000200008 fixed point 3002000200009 ENDBIB 7 0 3002000200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 3002000200011 DATA 3 32 3002000200012 EN DATA DATA-ERR 3002000200013 EV B B 3002000200014 3.096 4.67 3002000200015 2.483 4.46 3002000200016 2.119 4.56 3002000200017 1.825 4.78 3002000200018 1.590 4.46 3002000200019 1.394 4.68 3002000200020 1.238 4.38 0.56 3002000200021 1.104 4.47 3002000200022 0.991 4.32 3002000200023 0.881 4.40 3002000200024 0.662 4.64 3002000200025 0.539 4.68 3002000200026 0.448 4.82 3002000200027 0.378 4.73 3002000200028 0.324 5.25 3002000200029 0.280 5.08 3002000200030 0.244 5.61 3002000200031 0.215 5.88 3002000200032 0.191 5.69 3002000200033 0.171 5.52 3002000200034 0.154 5.33 3002000200035 0.139 6.05 3002000200036 0.126 5.75 0.45 3002000200037 0.115 5.83 3002000200038 0.105 6.22 3002000200039 0.096 6.26 3002000200040 0.0894 6.11 3002000200041 0.0827 6.42 3002000200042 0.0761 6.94 3002000200043 0.0715 6.82 0.43 3002000200044 0.0645 6.56 3002000200045 0.0501 6.75 3002000200046 ENDDATA 34 0 3002000200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 3002000299999 SUBENT 30020003 20230309 32103002000300001 BIB 3 9 3002000300002 REACTION 1(51-SB-121(N,TOT),,WID) 3002000300003 2(51-SB-121(N,EL),,WID,,2G) 3002000300004 3(51-SB-121(N,G),,WID) 3002000300005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Rev.Roum.Phys.12(1967)907 3002000300006 (COREL,30373002) for 6.24 eV resonance energy with 3002000300007 different experiment. 3002000300008 HISTORY (19701019C) 3002000300009 (20230309A) VT+On. Subent 003 restored and subent 3002000300010 005-006 merged in 003 3002000300011 ENDBIB 9 0 3002000300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 3002000300013 DATA 7 3 3002000300014 EN-RES DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 33002000300015 DATA-ERR 3 3002000300016 EV MEV MEV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV 3002000300017 MILLI-EV 3002000300018 6.24 86.9 5.8 2.8 0.8 84.13002000300019 5.8 3002000300020 15.5 102.0 10.0 6.6 0.5 95.43002000300021 10.0 3002000300022 29.7 108.1 9.0 5.1 0.4 103.03002000300023 9.0 3002000300024 ENDDATA 10 0 3002000300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 3002000399999 SUBENT 30020004 20230309 32103002000400001 BIB 3 7 3002000400002 REACTION 1(51-SB-123(N,TOT),,WID) 3002000400003 2(51-SB-123(N,EL),,WID,,2G) 3002000400004 3(51-SB-123(N,G),,WID) 3002000400005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Rev.Roum.Phys.12(1967)907 3002000400006 HISTORY (19701019C) 3002000400007 (20230309A) VT+On. Subent 004 restored and subent 3002000400008 007-008 merged in 004 3002000400009 ENDBIB 7 0 3002000400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 3002000400011 DATA 7 1 3002000400012 EN-RES DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 33002000400013 DATA-ERR 3 3002000400014 EV MEV MEV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV 3002000400015 MILLI-EV 3002000400016 21.6 123.5 9.0 21.5 2.0 102.03002000400017 9.0 3002000400018 ENDDATA 6 0 3002000400019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 3002000499999 NOSUBENT 30020005 20230309 32103002000500001 NOSUBENT 30020006 20230309 32103002000600001 NOSUBENT 30020007 20230309 32103002000700001 NOSUBENT 30020008 20230309 32103002000800001 ENDENTRY 8 0 3002099999999