ENTRY            30080   20080215                             31253008000000001 
SUBENT        30080001   20080215                             31253008000100001 
BIB                 13         34                                 3008000100002 
INSTITUTE  (3POLIPJ)                                              3008000100003 
REFERENCE  (P,INR-680,196512) full paper, table, graph            3008000100004 
AUTHOR     (S.Chojnacki,P.Decowski,E.Gierlik,W.Grochulski,        3008000100005 
           A.Marcinkowski,K.Siwek,I.Sledzinska,Z.Wilhelmi)        3008000100006 
TITLE      Ni-58(n,2n) cross-section in the energy range from     3008000100007 
           13 to 16 MeV                                           3008000100008 
FACILITY   (VDG) Van de Graaff                                    3008000100009 
INC-SOURCE (D-T) T(d,n)He-4 reaction                              3008000100010 
INC-SPECT  The energy spreads were determined by calculating the  3008000100011 
           effective distribution of the incident neutrons on the 3008000100012 
           samples, taking into account the irradiation geometry, 3008000100013 
           the neutron energy angular dependence, the deuteron    3008000100014 
           energy loss in the titanium-tritium target.            3008000100015 
           The effective energy corresponds to the middle point of3008000100016 
           the FWHM and is given under  EN                        3008000100017 
METHOD     (ACTIV) activation method                              3008000100018 
MONITOR    (29-CU-65(N,2N)29-CU-64,,SIG)                          3008000100019 
           Data from Prestwood et al.,Phys.Rev.121,1438(1961)     3008000100020 
           The Cu sample was placed at 90 deg with                3008000100021 
           respect to the deuteron beam. Neutron flux variations  3008000100022 
           depending on the angle of emission were monitored by   3008000100023 
           the Fe-56(n,p) reaction, the cross-section of which was3008000100024 
           taken from Santry et al.,Can.J.Phys.42(1964)1030       3008000100025 
DECAY-DATA (28-NI-57,36.HR) assumed by author                     3008000100026 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from INR-680,Table 2                      3008000100027 
HISTORY    (19670209C) compiled in d*65                           3008000100028 
           (19730914T) Ca. Converted to Exfor                     3008000100029 
           (20080305A) BIB section updated                        3008000100030 
ERR-ANALYS  +EN-RSL  positive and negative maximum energy devia-  3008000100031 
            -EN-RSL  tion from the effective energy               3008000100032 
           (DATA-ERR) the errors contain also systematic errors of3008000100033 
           the cross-sections of the reference reactions =        3008000100034 
               . Approx  4 per-cent for Cu-65(n,2n)               3008000100035 
               . Approx 10 per-cent for Fe-56(n,p)                3008000100036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 3008000100037 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3008000100038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 3008000199999 
SUBENT        30080002   20080215                             31253008000200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 3008000200002 
REACTION   (28-NI-58(N,2N)28-NI-57,,SIG)                          3008000200003 
HISTORY    (20080215S) Dataset was restored.                      3008000200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 3008000200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3008000200006 
DATA                 5          7                                 3008000200007 
EN         +EN-RSL    -EN-RSL    DATA       DATA-ERR              3008000200008 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MB         MB                    3008000200009 
13.3       0.3        0.3        21.         4.                   3008000200010 
13.5       0.2        0.1        19.         4.                   3008000200011 
14.2       0.1        0.1        30.         7.                   3008000200012 
14.9       0.2        0.3        43.        10.                   3008000200013 
15.2       0.3        0.4        47.        12.                   3008000200014 
15.4       0.2        0.5        52.        13.                   3008000200015 
15.5       0.1        0.5        71.        16.                   3008000200016 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 3008000200017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 3008000299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 3008099999999