ENTRY            30112   20080208                             31263011200000001 
SUBENT        30112001   20080208                             31263011200100001 
BIB                 13         21                                 3011200100002 
INSTITUTE  (3HUNDEB)                                              3011200100003 
REFERENCE  (J,AHP,21,229,196612) description and data             3011200100004 
           (J,AK,8,79,196606) short note only                     3011200100005 
           (J,MFF,16,123,196802) part of thesis in Hung., data    3011200100006 
AUTHOR     (J.Csikai)                                             3011200100007 
TITLE      Investigation of the Rh-103(n,He-3)Tc-101 reaction     3011200100008 
INC-SOURCE (D-T) H-3(d,n)He-4 reaction                            3011200100009 
SAMPLE     metal-  5 grams Rh metal in polyethylene holder        3011200100010 
METHOD     (ACTIV) activation, half-lives of 210 days, 15.5 min   3011200100011 
           and 4.5 min were found belonging to the (n,2n),(n,He-3)3011200100012 
           and (n,g) reactions respectively.                      3011200100013 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) NaI(Tl) crystal of 5 x 5 cm                    3011200100014 
           (LONGC) BF3 long counter as flux monitor               3011200100015 
MONITOR    standard sources to calibrate spectrometer             3011200100016 
PART-DET   (DG) decay gamma                                       3011200100017 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from Acta Phys Hung 21 229 d/66     3011200100018 
           (APRVD) approved by Peto, letter (5/9/1972)            3011200100019 
HISTORY    (19680105C) entered into Dastar                        3011200100020 
           (19710209T) previously Dastar-00290                    3011200100021 
           (20080208A) BIB section updated                        3011200100022 
ERR-ANALYS no information                                         3011200100023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 3011200100024 
COMMON               1          3                                 3011200100025 
EN                                                                3011200100026 
MEV                                                               3011200100027 
 1.4700E+01                                                       3011200100028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3011200100029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 3011200199999 
SUBENT        30112002   20080208                             31263011200200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 3011200200002 
REACTION  1((45-RH-103(N,HE3)43-TC-101,,SIG)/                     3011200200003 
           (45-RH-103(N,G)45-RH-104-M,,SIG))                      3011200200004 
          2(45-RH-103(N,HE3)43-TC-101,,SIG)                       3011200200005 
MONITOR   2(45-RH-103(N,G)45-RH-104-M,,SIG)                       3011200200006 
            half-life 4.5 Min                                     3011200200007 
DECAY-DATA (45-RH-104-M,4.5MIN)                                   3011200200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 3011200200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3011200200010 
DATA                 5          1                                 3011200200011 
DATA      1DATA      2+DATA-ERR 2-DATA-ERR 2MONIT     2           3011200200012 
NO-DIM     MICRO-B    MICRO-B    MICRO-B    MB                    3011200200013 
 3.8000E-04 1.2000E+00 1.0000E+00 6.0000E-01 3.2300E+00           3011200200014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3011200200015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 3011200299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 3011299999999