ENTRY            30190   20080208                             31263019000000001 
SUBENT        30190001   20080208                             31263019000100001 
BIB                 15         29                                 3019000100002 
INSTITUTE  (3ARGCNE)                                              3019000100003 
REFERENCE  (C,70HELSINKI,2,589,197206) ratio to thr-capture sigma 3019000100004 
AUTHOR     (G.H.Ricabarra,R.Turjanski,M.D.Ricabarra)              3019000100005 
TITLE      Measurement of activation resonance integrals at       3019000100006 
           infinite dilution with a Ge-Li gamma-ray spectrometer  3019000100007 
           and comparison with calculated values                  3019000100008 
EXP-YEAR   (1970)                                                 3019000100009 
FACILITY   (REAC)                                                 3019000100010 
INC-SOURCE Central reflector and thermal column of reactor RA-1.  3019000100011 
SAMPLE     Solutions containing the same proportions of unknown   3019000100012 
           element and standard                                   3019000100013 
METHOD     Ratios of reduced capture integral to the thermal      3019000100014 
           capture cross section were measured using the cadmium  3019000100015 
           ratio technique or the two spectra method.             3019000100016 
DETECTOR   (GELI) Ge-Li gamma ray spectrometer                    3019000100017 
MONITOR    Values of reduced resonance integrals relative to ther-3019000100018 
           mal cross section determined relative to gold,for which3019000100019 
           the following values were adopted:                     3019000100020 
           Reduced resonance integral = 1551 barn                 3019000100021 
           Thermal capture cross section = 98.8+-0.3 barn         3019000100022 
           Ratio of resonance integral to thermal sigma =15.69    3019000100023 
           Measured gold cadmium ratio = 1.684+-0.003             3019000100024 
STATUS     (APRVD) G.Ricabarra, 22 March 1973                     3019000100025 
HISTORY    (19721211C)                                            3019000100026 
           (20080208A) BIB section updated                        3019000100027 
CORRECTION Experimental results were corrected for neutron        3019000100028 
           epithermal self-shielding and for deviation from a 1/E 3019000100029 
           spectrum                                               3019000100030 
ERR-ANALYS Error quoted is standard deviation                     3019000100031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 3019000100032 
COMMON               2          3                                 3019000100033 
EN-MIN     EN-NRM                                                 3019000100034 
EV         EV                                                     3019000100035 
 6.0000E-01 2.5000E-02                                            3019000100036 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3019000100037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 3019000199999 
SUBENT        30190002   20080208                             31263019000200001 
BIB                  3          9                                 3019000200002 
REACTION  1((50-SN-124(N,G)50-SN-125,,RI)/                        3019000200003 
           (50-SN-124(N,G)50-SN-125,,SIG))                        3019000200004 
          2(50-SN-124(N,G)50-SN-125,,RI)                          3019000200005 
           Reduced resonance integral and ratio to thermal capture3019000200006 
           cross section                                          3019000200007 
MONITOR    (50-SN-124(N,G)50-SN-125,,SIG)                         3019000200008 
            at energy E0=0.025eV,taken from                       3019000200009 
           Goldberg et al. (BNL-325,2nd ed. Suppl.2, 1966)        3019000200010 
COMMENT    Good agreement with calculated value                   3019000200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 3019000200012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3019000200013 
DATA                 6          1                                 3019000200014 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1MONIT      MONIT-ERR  DATA      2DATA-ERR  23019000200015 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     B          B          B          B          3019000200016 
 5.3100E+01 1.3000E+00 1.3000E-01 2.0000E-02 6.9000E+00 1.0000E+003019000200017 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3019000200018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 3019000299999 
SUBENT        30190003   20080208                             31263019000300001 
BIB                  3          9                                 3019000300002 
REACTION  1((51-SB-121(N,G)51-SB-122,,RI)/                        3019000300003 
           (51-SB-121(N,G)51-SB-122,,SIG))                        3019000300004 
          2(51-SB-121(N,G)51-SB-122,,RI)                          3019000300005 
           Reduced resonance integral and ratio to thermal capture3019000300006 
           cross section                                          3019000300007 
MONITOR    (51-SB-121(N,G)51-SB-122,,SIG)                         3019000300008 
            at energy E0=0.025eV, taken from                      3019000300009 
           Goldberg et al. (BNL-325,2nd ed. Suppl.2,1966)         3019000300010 
COMMENT    Good agreement with calculated value                   3019000300011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 3019000300012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3019000300013 
DATA                 6          1                                 3019000300014 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1MONIT      MONIT-ERR  DATA      2DATA-ERR  23019000300015 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     B          B          B          B          3019000300016 
 2.7200E+01 1.0000E-01 6.5600E+00 8.1000E-01 1.7800E+02 2.6000E+013019000300017 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3019000300018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 3019000399999 
SUBENT        30190004   20080208                             31263019000400001 
BIB                  3          9                                 3019000400002 
REACTION  1((65-TB-159(N,G)65-TB-160,,RI)/                        3019000400003 
           (65-TB-159(N,G)65-TB-160,,SIG))                        3019000400004 
          2(65-TB-159(N,G)65-TB-160,,RI)                          3019000400005 
           Reduced resonance integral and ratio to thermal capture3019000400006 
           cross section                                          3019000400007 
MONITOR    (65-TB-159(N,G)65-TB-160,,SIG)                         3019000400008 
            at energy E0=0.025eV, taken from                      3019000400009 
           Walker,W.H. (AECL-3037,part 1,1969)                    3019000400010 
COMMENT    Good agreement with calculated value                   3019000400011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 3019000400012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3019000400013 
DATA                 6          1                                 3019000400014 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1MONIT      MONIT-ERR  DATA      2DATA-ERR  23019000400015 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     B          B          B          B          3019000400016 
 1.5600E+01 8.0000E-01 2.2000E+01 2.0000E+00 3.4300E+02 3.5000E+013019000400017 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3019000400018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 3019000499999 
SUBENT        30190005   20080208                             31263019000500001 
BIB                  3          9                                 3019000500002 
REACTION  1((70-YB-168(N,G)70-YB-169,,RI)/                        3019000500003 
           (70-YB-168(N,G)70-YB-169,,SIG))                        3019000500004 
          2(70-YB-168(N,G)70-YB-169,,RI)                          3019000500005 
           Reduced resonance integral and ratio to thermal capture3019000500006 
           cross section                                          3019000500007 
METHOD     Two spectra method                                     3019000500008 
MONITOR    (70-YB-168(N,G)70-YB-169,,SIG)                         3019000500009 
            at energy E0=0.025eV, taken from                      3019000500010 
           Goldberg et al. (BNL-325,2nd ed. Suppl.2. 1966)        3019000500011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 3019000500012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3019000500013 
DATA                 6          1                                 3019000500014 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1MONIT      MONIT-ERR  DATA      2DATA-ERR  23019000500015 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     B          B          B          B          3019000500016 
 6.4900E+00 1.3000E-01 5.5000E+03 2.6000E+03 3.5706E+04 1.7139E+043019000500017 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3019000500018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 3019000599999 
SUBENT        30190006   20080208                             31263019000600001 
BIB                  2          8                                 3019000600002 
REACTION  1((44-RU-96(N,G)44-RU-97,,RI)/                          3019000600003 
           (44-RU-96(N,G)44-RU-97,,SIG))                          3019000600004 
          2(44-RU-96(N,G)44-RU-97,,RI)                            3019000600005 
           Reduced resonance integral and ratio to thermal capture3019000600006 
           cross section                                          3019000600007 
MONITOR    (44-RU-96(N,G)44-RU-97,,SIG)                           3019000600008 
            at energy E0=0.025 eV ,taken from                     3019000600009 
           Hughes et al.(BNL-325,2nd ed.,Suppl.1,1960)            3019000600010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 3019000600011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3019000600012 
DATA                 6          1                                 3019000600013 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1MONIT      MONIT-ERR  DATA      2DATA-ERR  23019000600014 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     B          B          B          B          3019000600015 
 3.1800E+01 4.1000E+00 2.1000E-01 2.0000E-02 6.6700E+00 1.1000E-013019000600016 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3019000600017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 3019000699999 
SUBENT        30190007   20080208                             31263019000700001 
BIB                  2          8                                 3019000700002 
REACTION  1((44-RU-104(N,G)44-RU-105,,RI)/                        3019000700003 
           (44-RU-104(N,G)44-RU-105,,SIG))                        3019000700004 
          2(44-RU-104(N,G)44-RU-105,,RI)                          3019000700005 
           Reduced resonance integral and ratio to thermal capture3019000700006 
           cross section                                          3019000700007 
MONITOR    (44-RU-104(N,G)44-RU-105,,SIG)                         3019000700008 
            at energy E0=0.025 eV, taken from                     3019000700009 
           W.H. Walker  (AECL-3037,part 1,1969)                   3019000700010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 3019000700011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3019000700012 
DATA                 4          1                                 3019000700013 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1MONIT      DATA      2                      3019000700014 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     B          B                                3019000700015 
 9.2800E+00 5.4000E-01 4.7000E-01 4.3600E+00                      3019000700016 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3019000700017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 3019000799999 
SUBENT        30190008   20080208                             31263019000800001 
BIB                  2          7                                 3019000800002 
REACTION  1((32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77-G,,RI)/                        3019000800003 
           (32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77-G,,SIG))                        3019000800004 
          2(32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77-G,,RI) reduced RI and           3019000800005 
           ratio to thermal capture cross section                 3019000800006 
MONITOR    (32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77-G,,SIG)                         3019000800007 
            at energy E0=0.025 eV, taken from                     3019000800008 
           W.M. Walker (AECL-3037,part 1 1969)                    3019000800009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 3019000800010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3019000800011 
DATA                 3          1                                 3019000800012 
DATA      1MONIT      DATA      2                                 3019000800013 
NO-DIM     B          B                                           3019000800014 
 1.4350E+01 5.6000E-02 8.0000E-01                                 3019000800015 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3019000800016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 3019000899999 
SUBENT        30190009   20080208                             31263019000900001 
BIB                  2          7                                 3019000900002 
REACTION  1((32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77-M,,RI)/                        3019000900003 
           (32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77-M,,SIG))                        3019000900004 
          2(32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77-M,,RI) reduced RI and           3019000900005 
           ratio to thermal capture cross section                 3019000900006 
MONITOR    (32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77-M,,SIG)                         3019000900007 
            at energy E0=0.025 eV, taken from                     3019000900008 
           Goldberg et al. (BNL-325 2nd ed. Suppl.2 1966)         3019000900009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 3019000900010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3019000900011 
DATA                 3          1                                 3019000900012 
DATA      1MONIT      DATA      2                                 3019000900013 
NO-DIM     B          B                                           3019000900014 
 1.0930E+01 1.1000E-01 1.2000E+00                                 3019000900015 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3019000900016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 3019000999999 
SUBENT        30190010   20080208                             31263019001000001 
BIB                  2          8                                 3019001000002 
REACTION  1((38-SR-84(N,G)38-SR-85,,RI)/                          3019001000003 
           (38-SR-84(N,G)38-SR-85,,SIG))                          3019001000004 
          2(38-SR-84(N,G)38-SR-85,,RI)                            3019001000005 
           Reduced resonance integral and ratio to thermal capture3019001000006 
           cross section                                          3019001000007 
MONITOR    (38-SR-84(N,G)38-SR-85,,SIG)                           3019001000008 
            at energy E0=0.025 eV , taken from                    3019001000009 
           Goldberg et al. (BNL-325 2nd ed. Suppl.2. 1966)        3019001000010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 3019001000011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3019001000012 
DATA                 6          1                                 3019001000013 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1MONIT      MONIT-ERR  DATA      2DATA-ERR  23019001000014 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     B          B          B          B          3019001000015 
 1.3600E+01 3.0000E+00 4.9000E-01 1.0000E-01 6.7000E+00 1.3000E+003019001000016 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3019001000017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 3019001099999 
ENDENTRY            10          0                                 3019099999999