ENTRY            30267   20160210                             31733026700000001 
SUBENT        30267001   20160210                             31733026700100001 
BIB                 14         47                                 3026700100002 
INSTITUTE  (3HUNKOS)                                              3026700100003 
REFERENCE  (C,73KIEV,3,323,1973)Superseded by Csikai's priv.comm. 3026700100004 
           (P,INDC(HUN)-11,26,197309)Brief,no data                3026700100005 
AUTHOR     (S.Daroczy,E.German,P.Raics,S.Nagy,J.Csikai)           3026700100006 
TITLE      Some U-238 fission yields for 14.4 MeV neutrons        3026700100007 
SAMPLE     930 mg/cm2 thick and 19 mm in diameter natural U3-08   3026700100008 
           sample, irradiated between two Al foils 0.1 mm thick   3026700100009 
           and covered with cadmium                               3026700100010 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Irr. time 30 h. Measurements were repeated     3026700100011 
            within the time interval of 150 days.                 3026700100012 
           (GSPEC)                                                3026700100013 
           Direct gamma spectrometry of the sample without        3026700100014 
           chemical separation or applying the recoil effect.     3026700100015 
DETECTOR   (GELI) 28 cm3 Ge(Li) detector with following           3026700100016 
           specifications =                                       3026700100017 
             .Resolution = 7 keV FWMH at 661.6 keV                3026700100018 
             .Efficiency = experimentally determined in the       3026700100019 
              60-2450 keV region                                  3026700100020 
ANALYSIS   (DECAY)                                                3026700100021 
           Determination of the gamma intensities as well as the  3026700100022 
           analysis of decay curves were performed using computer 3026700100023 
           least squares fitting method                           3026700100024 
MONITOR    The number of fissions was calculated from =           3026700100025 
          1(13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           3026700100026 
            used for determining the neutron flux,                3026700100027 
          2(92-U-238(N,F),,SIG)                                   3026700100028 
           . Accepted values see below.                           3026700100029 
PART-DET   (DG) Decay gammas                                      3026700100030 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Csikai's priv.comm. (4 Dec 1973)     3026700100031 
           (APRVD) Approved by Csikai at Smolenice (4 Sep 74)     3026700100032 
           (SPSDD,30639001) Superseded by Exfor 30639 containing  3026700100033 
                            revised and new data from AK 18,317   3026700100034 
HISTORY    (19741022C) CA.                                        3026700100035 
           (19800729U) ML. Isomer flag added to data tables       3026700100036 
           (19821105A) ML. Data superseded                        3026700100037 
           (20080423A) BIB section updated                        3026700100038 
           (20160210A) VS. DECAY-DATA corrected, DATA recovered   3026700100039 
                           from TR-3037 and modified in 002.      3026700100040 
CORRECTION Self-absorption correction for low energy gamma rays   3026700100041 
           was estimated using uranium samples of various         3026700100042 
           thicknesses                                            3026700100043 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The data error includes =                   3026700100044 
                   The uncertainty on the detector's efficiency   3026700100045 
                   The statistical error                          3026700100046 
            ****  These uncertainties are not included in DATA-ERR3026700100047 
              the uncertainty of the number of fission (7%)       3026700100048 
              and on the gamma intensities                        3026700100049 
ENDBIB              47          0                                 3026700100050 
COMMON               8          6                                 3026700100051 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  MONIT     1MONIT-ERR 1MONIT     2MONIT-ERR 23026700100052 
ERR-1      ERR-2                                                  3026700100053 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         3026700100054 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               3026700100055 
 1.4400E+01 2.0000E-01 1.1700E+02 2.0000E+00 1.1650E+03 2.2000E+013026700100056 
   5.0       7.0                                                  3026700100057 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 3026700100058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 3026700199999 
SUBENT        30267002   20160210                             31733026700200001 
BIB                  3         58                                 3026700200002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY)                        3026700200003 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)36-KR-85-M,4.4HR,DG,151.1,.76)                    3026700200004 
           ((2.)36-KR-87,76.MIN,DG,403.0,.806)                    3026700200005 
           ((3.)39-Y-91-M,50.MIN,DG,555.6,.58)                    3026700200006 
           ((4.)38-SR-92,2.71HR,DG,1386.0,.90)                    3026700200007 
           ((5.)38-SR-91,9.7HR,DG,653.0,.12)                      3026700200008 
           ((6.)38-SR-91,9.7HR,DG,749.8,.24)                      3026700200009 
           ((7.)38-SR-91,9.7HR,DG,1024.3,.33)                     3026700200010 
           ((8.)40-ZR-95,65.5D,DG,724.2,.43)                      3026700200011 
           ((9.)40-ZR-95,65.5D,DG,756.7,.546)                     3026700200012 
           ((10.)41-NB-97-G,74.MIN,DG,658.2,0.99)                 3026700200013 
           ((11.)40-ZR-97,16.8HR,DG,743.4,.94)                    3026700200014 
           ((12.)43-TC-99-M,6.0HR,DG,140.4,0.810)                 3026700200015 
           ((13.)42-MO-99,66.7HR,DG,739.3,.120)                   3026700200016 
           ((14.)44-RU-103,39.5D,DG,497.1,.900)                   3026700200017 
           ((15.)45-RH-105-G,35.5HR,DG,319.2,0.196)               3026700200018 
           ((16.)44-RU-105,4.4HR,DG,724.2,.445)                   3026700200019 
           ((17.)47-AG-112,3.2HR,DG,617.4,.435)                   3026700200020 
           ((18.)51-SB-127,3.8D,DG,684.9,.368)                    3026700200021 
           ((19.)52-TE-132,78.HR,DG,228.2,.880)                   3026700200022 
           ((20.)53-I-132-G,2.4HR,DG,522.6,0.156)                 3026700200023 
           ((21.)53-I-132-G,2.4HR,DG,630.2,0.135)                 3026700200024 
           ((22.)53-I-132-G,2.4HR,DG,667.7,0.98)                  3026700200025 
           ((23.)53-I-132-G,2.4HR,DG,772.7,0.750)                 3026700200026 
           ((24.)53-I-132-G,2.4HR,DG,954.6,0.167)                 3026700200027 
           ((25.)53-I-131,8.05D,DG,364.5,.790)                    3026700200028 
           ((26.)53-I-133-G,20.8HR,DG,529.9,0.89)                 3026700200029 
           ((27.)53-I-134-G,52.0MIN,DG,847.0,0.96)                3026700200030 
           ((28.)53-I-134-G,52.0MIN,DG,884.0,0.66)                3026700200031 
           ((29.)54-XE-135-G,9.15HR,DG,249.7,0.920)               3026700200032 
           ((30.)53-I-135,6.7HR,DG,1260.5,.349)                   3026700200033 
           ((31.)56-BA-140,12.8D,DG,537.3,.240)                   3026700200034 
           ((32.)57-LA-140,40.2HR,DG,487.0,.465)                  3026700200035 
           ((33.)57-LA-140,40.2HR,DG,815.8,.240)                  3026700200036 
           ((34.)57-LA-140,40.2HR,DG,1596.2,.965)                 3026700200037 
           ((35.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.4,.493)                   3026700200038 
           ((36.)58-CE-143,33.4HR,DG,293.2,.413)                  3026700200039 
           ((37.)60-ND-147,11.1D,DG,531.0,.131)                   3026700200040 
           ((38.)38-SR-91,9.7HR)                                  3026700200041 
           ((39.)40-ZR-95,65.5D)                                  3026700200042 
           ((40.)41-NB-95,35.D,DG,765.8,0.990)                    3026700200043 
           ((41.)40-ZR-97,16.8HR)                                 3026700200044 
           ((42.)42-MO-99,66.7HR)                                 3026700200045 
           ((43.)44-RU-105,4.4HR)                                 3026700200046 
           ((44.)46-PD-112,21.04HR)                               3026700200047 
           ((45.)52-TE-132,78.HR)                                 3026700200048 
           ((46.)53-I-135,6.7HR)                                  3026700200049 
           ((47.)56-BA-140,12.8D,DG,537.3,.238)                   3026700200050 
           ((48.)56-BA-140,12.8D)                                 3026700200051 
           ((49.)57-LA-140,40.2HR,DG,487.0,.450)                  3026700200052 
           ((50.)57-LA-140,40.2HR,DG,815.8,.231)                  3026700200053 
           ((51.)57-LA-140,40.2HR,DG,1596.2,.935)                 3026700200054 
COMMENT    The yields presented in the table below are the direct 3026700200055 
           experimental results before averaging. Thus, for a     3026700200056 
           number of nuclides, are given the yields obtained from 3026700200057 
           different gamma lines or for various gamma intensities.3026700200058 
           Averaged-recommended- values originally compiled in    3026700200059 
           subentry 3 were superseded by 30639002.                3026700200060 
ENDBIB              58          0                                 3026700200061 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3026700200062 
DATA                 7         42                                 3026700200063 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       DATA-ERR   DECAY-FLAG 3026700200064 
DECAY-FLAG                                                        3026700200065 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PC/FIS     PC/FIS     NO-DIM     3026700200066 
NO-DIM                                                            3026700200067 
36.        85.        1.         1.58       0.26         1.       3026700200068 
36.        87.                   2.01       0.34         2.       3026700200070 
38.        91.                   3.06       0.62         5.       3026700200072 
38.        91.                   3.15       0.54         6.       3026700200074 
38.        91.                   4.48       0.17         7.       3026700200076 
38.        91.                   3.07       0.11         38.      3026700200078 
 3.                                                               3026700200079 
38.        92.                   3.71       0.15         4.       3026700200080 
40.        95.                   6.07       0.67         8.       3026700200082 
40.        95.                   5.60       0.56         9.       3026700200084 
40.        95.                   4.96       0.45         39.      3026700200086 
 40.                                                              3026700200087 
40.        97.                   4.82       0.17         41.      3026700200088 
 10.                                                              3026700200089 
40.        97.                   5.22       0.19         11.      3026700200090 
42.        99.                   5.86       0.40         42.      3026700200092 
 12.                                                              3026700200093 
42.        99.                   5.71       1.16         13.      3026700200094 
44.        103.                  4.32       0.17         14.      3026700200096 
44.        105.                  3.85       0.18         43.      3026700200098 
 15.                                                              3026700200099 
44.        105.                  3.78       0.15         16.      3026700200100 
46.        112.                  0.99       0.07         44.      3026700200102 
 17.                                                              3026700200103 
51.        127.                  1.36       0.14         18.      3026700200104 
52.        132.                  4.61       0.20         19.      3026700200106 
52.        132.                  4.18       0.33         45.      3026700200108 
 20.                                                              3026700200109 
52.        132.                  4.20       0.34         45.      3026700200110 
 21.                                                              3026700200111 
52.        132.                  4.46       0.15         45.      3026700200112 
 22.                                                              3026700200113 
52.        132.                  4.40       0.20         45.      3026700200114 
 23.                                                              3026700200115 
52.        132.                  4.69       0.19         45.      3026700200116 
 24.                                                              3026700200117 
53.        131.                  3.92       0.13         25.      3026700200118 
53.        133.                  5.94       0.21         26.      3026700200120 
53.        134.                  6.24       0.40         27.      3026700200122 
53.        134.                  7.07       0.73         28.      3026700200124 
53.        135.                  4.78       0.22         46.      3026700200126 
 29.                                                              3026700200127 
53.        135.                  4.48       0.18         30.      3026700200128 
56.        140.                  4.56       0.21         31.      3026700200130 
56.        140.                  4.60       0.21         47.      3026700200132 
56.        140.                  4.10       0.16         48.      3026700200134 
 32.                                                              3026700200135 
56.        140.                  4.24       0.16         48.      3026700200136 
 49.                                                              3026700200137 
56.        140.                  4.44       0.18         48.      3026700200138 
 33.                                                              3026700200139 
56.        140.                  4.61       0.18         48.      3026700200140 
 50.                                                              3026700200141 
56.        140.                  4.64       0.16         48.      3026700200142 
 34.                                                              3026700200143 
56.        140.                  4.68       0.16         48.      3026700200144 
 51.                                                              3026700200145 
58.        141.                  4.22       0.34         35.      3026700200146 
58.        143.                  3.58       0.17         36.      3026700200148 
60.        147.                  2.90       0.61         37.      3026700200150 
ENDDATA             88          0                                 3026700200152 
ENDSUBENT          151          0                                 3026700299999 
SUBENT        30267003   20081203                             31323026700300001 
BIB                  2          3                                 3026700300002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(N,F),CUM,FY)                                 3026700300003 
            recommended cumulative yield                          3026700300004 
STATUS     (SPSDD,30639002)                                       3026700300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 3026700300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3026700300007 
NODATA               0          0                                 3026700300008 
ENDSUBENT            7          0                                 3026700399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 3026799999999