ENTRY 30415 20230209 32093041500000001 SUBENT 30415001 20230209 32093041500100001 BIB 14 33 3041500100002 TITLE (n,p)and (n,f) cross section measurements for Cf-252 3041500100003 neutron spectrum 3041500100004 AUTHOR (Z.Dezso,J.Csikai) 3041500100005 INSTITUTE (3HUNKOS) 3041500100006 REFERENCE (R,ZFK-376,44,197812) VII.Gaussig Symp.Nov.1977 3041500100007 (C,77KIEV,3,32,197704) Superseded by ZFK-376(1978)44. 3041500100008 (J,ANE,3,527,197611) Detail of Cf-252 spectrum. 3041500100009 SAMPLE Light deposits of depleted UF(4), 233Th oxide and 231Pa3041500100010 on 0.2 mm thick aluminum backing were used with areal 3041500100011 densities 400, 129 and 72 ug/cm2, respectively. 3041500100012 The samples were placed inside of a light weighted 3041500100013 fission chamber made 0.2 mm thick aluminum box. 3041500100014 INC-SOURCE (CF252) 3041500100015 INC-SPECT Maxwellian temperature = 1.41 +/- 0.02 MeV. 3041500100016 DETECTOR (FISCH) 3041500100017 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) and, 3041500100018 (49-IN-115(N,INL)49-IN-115-M,,SIG) 3041500100019 for neutron flux measurement. 3041500100020 PART-DET (FF) 3041500100021 COMMENT Compiler's note === Average cross sections for (n,g), 3041500100022 (n,p),(n,a) and (n,2n) reactions by the same authors, 3041500100023 are compiled in EXFOR 30400, separately. 3041500100024 Author's note, lett.from Csikai,78/12/09 === 3041500100025 The relation between (Z**(4/3)/A) and the average 3041500100026 fission cross section (in 77Kiev vol.3,32) seems to 3041500100027 be invalid. == 3041500100028 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by Csikai with corrections. 3041500100029 HISTORY (19780621C) KO. 3041500100030 (19790928A) KO.-Data have been superseded by those in 3041500100031 new ref. ZFK-376,44 (1978). new subentry .004.- 3041500100032 (20090310A) SD:Updated to new date formats, lower case.3041500100033 (20230209U) VT+On. Revision in 002 3041500100034 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty. 3041500100035 ENDBIB 33 0 3041500100036 COMMON 1 3 3041500100037 EN-DUMMY 3041500100038 MEV 3041500100039 1.41 3041500100040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3041500100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 3041500199999 SUBENT 30415002 20230209 32093041500200001 BIB 3 9 3041500200002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG,,FIS) 3041500200003 STATUS (TABLE) From Table II of ZFK-376,p.44 (1978)=' Proc.of 3041500200004 7th Int.Symp.on the Interaction of Fast Neutrons with 3041500200005 Nuclei',Nov.21-25,1977,Gaussig(GDR) =. This result 3041500200006 replaces the one in Table 1 of 4th All Union Conf.on 3041500200007 Neut.Phys.,Kiev,18-22 Apr.1977,Vol.3,p.32. 3041500200008 HISTORY (19790928A) KO. -Correction of data.- 3041500200009 (20230209U) VT+ON. DATA: replaced floating point to 3041500200010 fixed point 3041500200011 ENDBIB 9 0 3041500200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 3041500200013 DATA 2 1 3041500200014 DATA DATA-ERR 3041500200015 MB MB 3041500200016 310.9 14.0 3041500200017 ENDDATA 3 0 3041500200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 3041500299999 SUBENT 30415003 20230209 32093041500300001 BIB 3 9 3041500300002 REACTION (91-PA-231(N,F),,SIG,,FIS) 3041500300003 STATUS (TABLE) From Table II of ZFK-376,p.44 (1978)=' Proc.of 3041500300004 7th Int.Symp.on the Interaction of Fast Neutrons with 3041500300005 Nuclei',Nov.21-25,1977,Gaussig(GDR) =. This result 3041500300006 replaces the one in Table 1 of 4th All Union Conf.on 3041500300007 Neut.Phys.,Kiev,18-22 Apr.1977,Vol.3,p.32. 3041500300008 HISTORY (19790928A) KO. -Correction of data.- 3041500300009 (20230209U) VT+ON. DATA: replaced floating point to 3041500300010 fixed point 3041500300011 ENDBIB 9 0 3041500300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 3041500300013 DATA 2 1 3041500300014 DATA DATA-ERR 3041500300015 MB MB 3041500300016 970. 45. 3041500300017 ENDDATA 3 0 3041500300018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 3041500399999 SUBENT 30415004 20230209 32093041500400001 BIB 3 8 3041500400002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG,,FIS) 3041500400003 STATUS (TABLE) From Table II of ZFK-376,p.44 (1978)=' Proc.of 3041500400004 7th Int.Symp.on the Interaction of Fast Neutrons with 3041500400005 Nuclei',Nov.21-25,1977,Gaussig(GDR). 3041500400006 HISTORY (19790928C) KO. -New entry.- 3041500400007 (20230209U) VT+ON. STATUS: Free text information 3041500400008 deleted and DATA: replaced floating point to 3041500400009 fixed point 3041500400010 ENDBIB 8 0 3041500400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 3041500400012 DATA 2 1 3041500400013 DATA DATA-ERR 3041500400014 MB MB 3041500400015 84.7 4.9 3041500400016 ENDDATA 3 0 3041500400017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 3041500499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 3041599999999