ENTRY 30430 20230317 32103043000000001 SUBENT 30430001 20230317 32103043000100001 BIB 8 29 3043000100002 TITLE Resonance neutron capture in 56Fe 3043000100003 AUTHOR (B.J.Allen, A.R.De L.Musgrove, J.W.Boldeman, 3043000100004 M.J.Kenny, R.L.Macklin) 3043000100005 INSTITUTE (3AULAUA,1USAORL) 3043000100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,269,408,1976) Fe-56 neutron capture 3043000100007 (J,NP/A,283,37,1977) Fe-54 neutron capture 3043000100008 (R,AAEC/E-403,1977) Identical to Nucl.Phys.A283(1977)373043000100009 (C,77GEEL,,476,1977) Fe-57 neutron capture 3043000100010 (W,ALLEN,19771024) practically same as 77GEEL(preprint)3043000100011 REL-REF (O,30355001,B.J.Allen+,J,NP/A,269,408,1976) 3043000100012 Resonance parameters of Fe-56 compiled 3043000100013 (O,30355001,B.J.Allen+,J,NP/A,283,37,1977) 3043000100014 Resonance parameters of Fe-54 compiled 3043000100015 (O,30424001,B.J.Allen+,C,77GEEL,,476,1977) 3043000100016 Resonance parameters of Fe-57 compiled 3043000100017 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAORL) 3043000100018 DETECTOR (SCIN) Two non-hydrogenous liquid scintillators. 3043000100019 The efficiency of the detector is proportional to the 3043000100020 total gamma-ray energy release and is independent of 3043000100021 the nature of spectra. 3043000100022 (GLASD) Thin (0.5 mm) Li-6 glass detector as the 3043000100023 neutron flux monitor. 3043000100024 HISTORY (19780223C) KO. 3043000100025 (20090429D) OS. Entry deleted. Raw data as given in 3043000100026 Fig. 1 not available in tabular form. All other data 3043000100027 from this work are given in entry 30355. 3043000100028 (20120628U) On. STATUS: Free text explanation added 3043000100029 (20230317D) VT+On. Entry deleted because data had been 3043000100030 compiled in entry 30355 3043000100031 ENDBIB 29 0 3043000100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 3043000100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 3043000199999 NOSUBENT 30430002 20090429 31353043000200001 NOSUBENT 30430003 20090429 31353043000300001 NOSUBENT 30430004 20090429 31353043000400001 NOSUBENT 30430005 20090429 31353043000500001 NOSUBENT 30430006 20090429 31353043000600001 ENDENTRY 6 0 3043099999999