ENTRY            30437   20211108                             32033043700000001 
SUBENT        30437001   20211108                             32033043700100001 
BIB                 12         44                                 3043700100002 
INSTITUTE  (3INDTRM)                                              3043700100003 
REFERENCE  (J,JIN,41,1649,1979) Final publication                 3043700100004 
           (P,BARC-900,87,1976) Brief, table, graph given         3043700100005 
           (P,BARC-872,104,1976) Preliminary results              3043700100006 
           (C,75CALCUTTA,2,141,1975) Data on graphs               3043700100007 
AUTHOR     (A.Ramaswami,S.P.Dange,Satya Prakash,M.V.Ramaniah)     3043700100008 
           (R.Kannabiran,A.G.C.Nair)                              3043700100009 
TITLE      Mass yield from thermal neutron induced fission        3043700100010 
           of Cm-245                                              3043700100011 
FACILITY   (REAC,3INDTRM) CIRUS reactor                           3043700100012 
INC-SPECT  Thermal reactor spectrum. The cadmium-ratio for U-235  3043700100013 
           and Cm-245 is about 200 in irradiation position.       3043700100014 
SAMPLE     (96-CM-245,ENR=0.9386)                                 3043700100015 
           Curium purified free of plutonium and fission products.3043700100016 
           Curium (approx. 50 micrograms/cm2) and uranium (approx.3043700100017 
           5 micrograms/cm2) electrodeposited on gold-plated alu- 3043700100018 
           minum foils, wrapped in superpure Al-catcher-foils.    3043700100019 
           Isotopic composition:                                  3043700100020 
              Curium sample    Cm-244   93.86%                    3043700100021 
                               Cm-245    2.01%                    3043700100022 
                               Cm-246    4.13%                    3043700100023 
              Uranium sample  90% U-235                           3043700100024 
METHOD     Yield determined by Th 'R-value' method relative to    3043700100025 
           U-235 thermal fission yields (see EXFOR 30437.002).    3043700100026 
           (REC) Fission fragments were collected by the 'thin-   3043700100027 
           target-recoil-catcher' technique.                      3043700100028 
           (GSPEC) High yield products were measured by direct    3043700100029 
           gamma counting.                                        3043700100030 
           (CHSEP) For low yield products radiochemical separation3043700100031 
            was employed followed by beta- or gamma-counting      3043700100032 
DETECTOR   (GELI)                                                 3043700100033 
           (PROPC)                                                3043700100034 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 2 of J.Inorg.Nucl.Chem.41,1649           3043700100035 
           (APRVD), R.Ramaswami, on 1980-03-19                    3043700100036 
HISTORY    (19780228C) OS. Data from progr.report compiled.       3043700100037 
           (19800201A) ML. Entry revised according final public.  3043700100038 
           (20090310A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 3043700100039 
           (20211018A) VS. Reference 75CALCUTTA,2,141,1974 added. 3043700100040 
                           002 corrected.                         3043700100041 
CORRECTION Since 99% of all fissions in the curium-sample         3043700100042 
           will be from Cm-245, no corrections for contributions  3043700100043 
           from fissions of other curium isotopes were applied.   3043700100044 
           No information is given on corrections due to chemical 3043700100045 
           separation procedures and sample counting.             3043700100046 
ENDBIB              44          0                                 3043700100047 
COMMON               1          3                                 3043700100048 
EN-DUMMY                                                          3043700100049 
EV                                                                3043700100050 
 2.3500E-02                                                       3043700100051 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3043700100052 
ENDSUBENT           51          0                                 3043700199999 
SUBENT        30437002   20211108                             32033043700200001 
BIB                  6         24                                 3043700200002 
REACTION   (96-CM-245(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW)                  3043700200003 
ANALYSIS   From measured fission product activities ratios        3043700200004 
           'R-values' calculated as                               3043700200005 
           R=a(99,235)*a(X,245)/(a(99,245)*a(X,235))              3043700200006 
             where 99,X,235 and 245 have the meaning explained    3043700200007 
             under method above.                                  3043700200008 
           Yields for product X from fission of Cm-245 (=Y(X,245))3043700200009 
           are calculated as                                      3043700200010 
             Y(X,245)=R*Y(99,245)*Y(X,235)/Y(99,235), where       3043700200011 
           Y(99,245) is an assumed value for the Cm-245 fission   3043700200012 
                     yield of Mo-99                               3043700200013 
           Y(X,235) and Y(99,235) are the U-235 fission yields of 3043700200014 
                    fission product X and Mo-99 respectively.     3043700200015 
MONITOR    ((MONIT1)96-CM-245(N,F)42-MO-99,CUM,FY,,MXW)           3043700200016 
            Internal standard before normalization                3043700200017 
           ((MONIT2)92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW)           3043700200018 
             Taken from the evaluation of Meek and Rider          3043700200019 
MONIT-REF  ((MONIT2),M.E.Meek+,R,NEDO-12154-1,1974)               3043700200020 
ERR-ANALYS The present yield determination is 5-10% for asymmetric3043700200021 
           fission products and 10-15% for symmetric fission      3043700200022 
           products.                                              3043700200023 
           (ERR-S) Total statistical uncertainty:  5%             3043700200024 
HISTORY    (20211018A) VS. MISC-COL and MISC data deleted.        3043700200025 
                           ERR-ANALYS corrected.                  3043700200026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 3043700200027 
COMMON               2          3                                 3043700200028 
MONIT1     ERR-S                                                  3043700200029 
PC/FIS     PER-CENT                                               3043700200030 
   4.09E+00     5.                                                3043700200031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3043700200032 
DATA                 4         19                                 3043700200033 
MASS       ELEMENT    DATA       MONIT2                           3043700200034 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PC/FIS     PC/FIS                           3043700200035 
 89.        38.         0.820      4.85                           3043700200036 
 91.        38.         0.932      5.916                          3043700200037 
 95.        40.         2.14       6.459                          3043700200038 
 97.        40.         2.89       5.945                          3043700200039 
 99.        42.         4.00       6.133                          3043700200040 
 103.       44.         6.55       3.135                          3043700200041 
 111.       47.         3.84       0.0185                         3043700200042 
 115.       48.         0.418      0.00918                        3043700200043 
 121.       50.         0.025      0.01296                        3043700200044 
 125.       50.         0.074      0.0136                         3043700200045 
 127.       51.         0.45       0.1284                         3043700200046 
 131.       53.         2.93       2.835                          3043700200047 
 132.       52.         3.74       4.188                          3043700200048 
 133.       54.         5.34       6.77                           3043700200049 
 135.       54.         6.90       6.633                          3043700200050 
 140.       56.         5.537      6.316                          3043700200051 
 141.       58.         4.99       5.887                          3043700200052 
 143.       58.         4.42       5.969                          3043700200053 
 147.       60.         2.50       2.283                          3043700200054 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 3043700200055 
ENDSUBENT           54          0                                 3043700299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 3043799999999