ENTRY            30538   20090503                             31373053800000001 
SUBENT        30538001   20090503                             31373053800100001 
BIB                 14         40                                 3053800100002 
TITLE      Elastic scattering of 14.8 MeV neutrons from deuterons.3053800100003 
AUTHOR     (K.Gul,A.Waheed,M.Ahmad,M.Saleem SHeikh,M.Anwar,       3053800100004 
           N.A.Khan)                                              3053800100005 
INSTITUTE  (3PAKNIL)                                              3053800100006 
REFERENCE  (C,79KNOX,,39(AB2),197910)                             3053800100007 
           (R,PINST-NPD-14,197910) =Contributed paper to Knoxville3053800100008 
SAMPLE     Deuteraded benzene target = NE230 scintillator.        3053800100009 
MONITOR    No standard used. Neutron flux was determined by       3053800100010 
           associated particle method. The neutron detector was   3053800100011 
           experimentally determined from its response to the     3053800100012 
           known flux of monoenergetic neutrons (see K.Gul et al.,3053800100013 
           J.Phys.G.,5(1979)1107). The measured efficiencies were 3053800100014 
           fitted to the results obtained through RAWAL Monte     3053800100015 
           Carlo code.(K.Gul,Pinstech internal report(1979)).     3053800100016 
FACILITY   Neutron generator (transformer type)                   3053800100017 
             at Pinstech, Nilore, Rawalpindi.                     3053800100018 
INC-SOURCE (D-T)                                                  3053800100019 
METHOD     (TOF,ASSOP)                                            3053800100020 
DETECTOR   (SCIN)                                                 3053800100021 
           .NE230 scintillator of 5.1cm dia.* 5.6cm length. It was3053800100022 
           placed at about 150 cm from the scatterer.             3053800100023 
            The bias on the neutron detector was set at about 2.0 3053800100024 
           MeV proton equivalent energy.                          3053800100025 
           .Another NE230 scintillator of 2.54cm dia.* 2.54cm long3053800100026 
           as scatterer was placed 12cm from the neutron target.  3053800100027 
           (SOLST) A silicon detector for associated particle     3053800100028 
           method.                                                3053800100029 
PART-DET   (N)                                                    3053800100030 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) An over all error of 6% consists:              3053800100031 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty in the number of deuterons      1% 3053800100032 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty in the neutron det.efficiency   5% 3053800100033 
             * Multiple scattering error  less than 1%            3053800100034 
             * Errors on the background and statistics            3053800100035 
                                               less than 3%       3053800100036 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from internal report                3053800100037 
           PINST-NPD-14,(1979).                                   3053800100038 
HISTORY    (19800424C) KO.                                        3053800100039 
           (19880418U) TMK. Reference corrected                   3053800100040 
           (20090312A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case, 3053800100041 
                       made formal corrections.                   3053800100042 
ENDBIB              40          0                                 3053800100043 
COMMON               2          3                                 3053800100044 
ERR-1      ERR-2                                                  3053800100045 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               3053800100046 
  1.0        5.0                                                  3053800100047 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3053800100048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 3053800199999 
SUBENT        30538002   20090503                             31373053800200001 
BIB                  1          1                                 3053800200002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,DA)  Tbl.1                          3053800200003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 3053800200004 
COMMON               3          3                                 3053800200005 
EN         ANG-RSL    ANG-NRM                                     3053800200006 
MEV        ADEG       ADEG                                        3053800200007 
 1.4800E+01 1.0000E+00 4.5000E+01                                 3053800200008 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3053800200009 
DATA                 3         18                                 3053800200010 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       3053800200011 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       3053800200012 
 2.8900E+01 1.3260E+02 7.6000E+00                                 3053800200013 
 3.7200E+01 1.2450E+02 7.4000E+00                                 3053800200014 
 4.4500E+01 1.0250E+02 6.2000E+00                                 3053800200015 
 5.1700E+01 7.9900E+01 4.8000E+00                                 3053800200016 
 5.8800E+01 7.1000E+01 4.3000E+00                                 3053800200017 
 6.5700E+01 6.1900E+01 3.7000E+00                                 3053800200018 
 7.2600E+01 4.8000E+01 2.9000E+00                                 3053800200019 
 7.9200E+01 3.6700E+01 2.2000E+00                                 3053800200020 
 8.5700E+01 2.7900E+01 1.7000E+00                                 3053800200021 
 9.2000E+01 2.1700E+01 1.3000E+00                                 3053800200022 
 9.8100E+01 2.0000E+01 1.2000E+00                                 3053800200023 
 1.0390E+02 1.5600E+01 9.0000E-01                                 3053800200024 
 1.0950E+02 1.1400E+01 7.0000E-01                                 3053800200025 
 1.1490E+02 8.7000E+00 5.0000E-01                                 3053800200026 
 1.2000E+02 7.1000E+00 4.0000E-01                                 3053800200027 
 1.2490E+02 6.1000E+00 6.0000E-01                                 3053800200028 
 1.2970E+02 1.1500E+01 1.0000E+00                                 3053800200029 
 1.4200E+02 1.7800E+01 2.0000E+00                                 3053800200030 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 3053800200031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 3053800299999 
SUBENT        30538003   20090503                             31373053800300001 
BIB                  5         13                                 3053800300002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,DA,,LEG,DERIV)                      3053800300003 
ANALYSIS   After combining present measurements with values at    3053800300004 
           20.4 and 13.5 deg. from the work of Berick et al., and 3053800300005 
           at 160.8,163.4 and 172.2 deg. from the work of Shirato-3053800300006 
           Koori, a least square fit of 10th order Legendre       3053800300007 
           polynomial was obtained.                               3053800300008 
REL-REF    (R,11126004,A.C.BERICK+,J,PR,174,1105,196810)          3053800300009 
           (R,20344001,S.SHIRATO+,C,72LOSANG,,472,197208)         3053800300010 
           (R,30538002,K.GUL+,C,79KNOX,,(AB2),197910)             3053800300011 
STATUS     (DEP,30538002)                                         3053800300012 
           (DEP,11126004)                                         3053800300013 
           (DEP,30538002)                                         3053800300014 
HISTORY    (19830520A) DG.-Reduced the number of data columns.-   3053800300015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 3053800300016 
COMMON               1          3                                 3053800300017 
EN                                                                3053800300018 
MEV                                                               3053800300019 
 1.4800E+01                                                       3053800300020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3053800300021 
DATA                 3         10                                 3053800300022 
NUMBER     DATA       ERR-T                                       3053800300023 
NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                                       3053800300024 
 0.0000E+00 4.9350E+01 7.0000E-01                                 3053800300025 
 1.0000E+00 5.2350E+01 1.4600E+00                                 3053800300026 
 2.0000E+00 5.9640E+01 1.5400E+00                                 3053800300027 
 3.0000E+00-1.5970E+01 1.6700E+00                                 3053800300028 
 4.0000E+00 2.0270E+01 2.1000E+00                                 3053800300029 
 5.0000E+00-1.7060E+01 2.6000E+00                                 3053800300030 
 6.0000E+00 8.6400E+00 3.0200E+00                                 3053800300031 
 7.0000E+00-8.9500E+00 3.2300E+00                                 3053800300032 
 8.0000E+00-1.3200E+00 2.7800E+00                                 3053800300033 
 9.0000E+00-9.3500E+00 2.3800E+00                                 3053800300034 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 3053800300035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 3053800399999 
SUBENT        30538004   20090503                             31373053800400001 
BIB                  3          4                                 3053800400002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG)                                3053800400003 
ANALYSIS   The value of total elastic scattering cross section was3053800400004 
           derived from the Legendre polynomial fitting.          3053800400005 
STATUS     (DEP,30358002)                                         3053800400006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 3053800400007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3053800400008 
DATA                 3          1                                 3053800400009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       3053800400010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          3053800400011 
 1.4800E+01 6.2000E+02 9.0000E+00                                 3053800400012 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3053800400013 
ENDSUBENT           12          0                                 3053800499999 
SUBENT        30538005   20090503                             31373053800500001 
BIB                  3         10                                 3053800500002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(N,TOT),,SIG,,,DERIV)                            3053800500003 
ANALYSIS   Sum of (n,2n) cross section and total elastic cross-   3053800500004 
           section.  (n,2n)cross section value is taken from      3053800500005 
           the result by the same group, A.Gul et al.,J.Phys.G.   3053800500006 
           Nucl.Phys.,5(8)(1979)1107 (Exfor30470004).             3053800500007 
            === Compiler's note,                                  3053800500008 
            (n,g) cross-section at 14.8 MeV is about 20 to 30     3053800500009 
             micro-barns.  ===                                    3053800500010 
STATUS     (DEP,30538004)                                         3053800500011 
           (DEP,30470004)                                         3053800500012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 3053800500013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3053800500014 
DATA                 3          1                                 3053800500015 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       3053800500016 
MEV        MB         MB                                          3053800500017 
 1.4800E+01 7.6500E+02 1.7000E+01                                 3053800500018 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3053800500019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 3053800599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 3053899999999