ENTRY 30558 20240719 32133055800000001 SUBENT 30558001 20240719 32133055800100001 BIB 12 39 3055800100002 TITLE Statistical analysis of experimental data on the cross 3055800100003 sections of 233,235,238U,237Np, 239,242Pu fission by 3055800100004 neutrons of energy 2.6, 8.5, and 14.5 MeV 3055800100005 AUTHOR (V.N.Dushin, A.V.Fomichev, S.S.Kovalenko, K.A.Petrzhak,3055800100006 V.I.Shpakov, R.Arlt, M.Josch, G.Musiol, 3055800100007 H.-G.Ortlepp, W.Wagner) 3055800100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSRI,3DDRTUD) 3055800100009 REFERENCE (J,SJA,55,656,1983) 3055800100010 (J,AE,55,218,1983) Eng.orig. of J,SJA,55,656,1983 3055800100011 (S,INDC(NDS)-146,53,1983) Same CS, covariance given 3055800100012 (J,IP,21,344,1985) Unclear if it gives final values 3055800100013 (S,ZFK-491,135,1982) Same CS but at 8.4 MeV in table 3055800100014 (P,ZFK-488,20,1982) 237Np and 237Np/235U CS in fig 3055800100015 (S,ZFK-459,35,1981) Same 235U CS but at 8.46 MeV in tab3055800100016 (S,ZFK-410,122,1980) 1.74+/-0.11 b at 8.2 MeV (235U) 3055800100017 (C,79KNOX,,990,1979) 1.74+/-0.11 b at 8.2 MeV (235U) 3055800100018 FACILITY (VDGT,3DDRROS) 5 MV tandem generator 3055800100019 INC-SOURCE (D-D) 9.5 MeV deuterons on deuterated polyethylene 3055800100020 METHOD (ASSOP) Time-correlated associated particle method 3055800100021 for flux determination 3055800100022 DETECTOR (FISCH) Multiplate pulse fission chamber 3055800100023 (TELES,SIBAR,SIBAR) 3He detection 3055800100024 MONITOR Absolute measurement 3055800100025 COMMENT By compiler (2018-03-26): 3055800100026 The compiler adopted Sov.J.Atom.Energ.55(1983)656 3055800100027 as the latest report of this experimental work as 3055800100028 it is not very clear if Isotopenpraxis 21(1985)344 3055800100029 gives the latest result of this experimental work. 3055800100030 STATUS (TABLE,,V.N.Dushin+,J,SJA,55,656,1983) Tables 2+3 3055800100031 HISTORY (19801023C) OS. 3055800100032 (19810115U) BIB changes, author proof added. OS 3055800100033 (19830408A) OS. Revised value entered,refs.added, 3055800100034 BIB section revised. 3055800100035 (19850703A) OS. Subentry 3 added 3055800100036 (19861117A) OS. Incident energy updated, refs.added. 3055800100037 (20090503U) SD: Formal corrections. 3055800100038 (20110203U) VS. DOI identifier corrected 3055800100039 (20180326A) On. Recompiled from J,SJA,55,656,1983. 3055800100040 (20240719A) On. Major revision in 003. 3055800100041 ENDBIB 39 0 3055800100042 NOCOMMON 0 0 3055800100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 3055800199999 SUBENT 30558002 20180326 31833055800200001 BIB 4 7 3055800200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 3055800200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) An error budget table is given in Table 2 3055800200004 of ZfK-459,35 (1981), but it is not very clear if 3055800200005 this table is applicable to the primary reference 3055800200006 Sov.J.Atom.Energ.55(1983)656. 3055800200007 STATUS (SPSDD,41013003) 3055800200008 HISTORY (20180326A) On. Data in J,SJA,55,656,1983 adopted. 3055800200009 ENDBIB 7 0 3055800200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 3055800200011 DATA 3 1 3055800200012 EN DATA DATA-ERR 3055800200013 MEV B PER-CENT 3055800200014 8.5 1.801 2.5 3055800200015 ENDDATA 3 0 3055800200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 3055800299999 SUBENT 30558003 20240719 32133055800300001 BIB 4 7 3055800300002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,F),,SIG) 3055800300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty 3055800300004 STATUS (SPSDD,22304004) 3055800300005 HISTORY (19850703C) OS. 3055800300006 (19861117U) OS. Refs.moved to subentry 1. 3055800300007 (20180326A) On. Data in J,SJA,55,656,1983 adopted. 3055800300008 (20240719A) On. Superseded. 3055800300009 ENDBIB 7 0 3055800300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 3055800300011 DATA 3 1 3055800300012 EN DATA DATA-ERR 3055800300013 MEV B PER-CENT 3055800300014 8.5 2.163 2.0 3055800300015 ENDDATA 3 0 3055800300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 3055800399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 3055899999999