ENTRY            30599   20090506                             31373059900000001 
SUBENT        30599001   20090506                             31373059900100001 
BIB                 12         29                                 3059900100002 
TITLE      -Measurement of cross-section for reaction             3059900100003 
           Sc-45(n,2n)Sc-44m and isomeric cross section ratio.-   3059900100004 
AUTHOR     (Ma Hong-Chang,Li Ji-Zhou,Huang Jian-Zhou,Fan Pei-Guo, 3059900100005 
           Lu Han-Lin)                                            3059900100006 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRAEP)                                              3059900100007 
REFERENCE  (J,CNP,2,(1),47,198002) In Chinese.                    3059900100008 
           (R,INDC(CPR)-16,198909) Data renormalized              3059900100009 
SAMPLE     Powder sample of Sc(2)-O(3).  99.9% purity.            3059900100010 
           Compressed disk of diam. either 11 mm (at E(n)=14.61   3059900100011 
           and 16.76 MeV) or 20 mm was used.                      3059900100012 
FACILITY   (CCW,3CPRAEP)                                          3059900100013 
           (VDG,3CPRAEP)                                          3059900100014 
INC-SOURCE (D-T) Ti-T targets, about 0.5mg/cm2 for Cockcroft-     3059900100015 
           Walton, thickness of about 1.5 mg/cm2 for VDG.         3059900100016 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Recoil alpha particle method was used for the  3059900100017 
           Cockcroft Walton accelerator, to monitor neutron-flux. 3059900100018 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) 80 mm dia. and 80 mm long NaI(Tl) scintillator.3059900100019 
PART-DET   (DG)                                                   3059900100020 
COMMENT    After considering the effect of the oxide layer at the 3059900100021 
           surface of T-Ti target ,the neutron energy was modified3059900100022 
           from 14.61 to 14.58 MeV.                               3059900100023 
           In recent years more reasonable averaged distance from 3059900100024 
           center of target to the center of sample was used. All 3059900100025 
           earlier data were adjusted for those effects.          3059900100026 
HISTORY    (19810917C) KO.                                        3059900100027 
           (19850215U) OS. Country code corrected.                3059900100028 
           (19901011A) VOF.-Comment and reference added in sub 0013059900100029 
           (20090503A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case, 3059900100030 
                       made formal corrections.                   3059900100031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 3059900100032 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3059900100033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 3059900199999 
SUBENT        30599002   20090506                             31373059900200001 
BIB                  8         38                                 3059900200002 
REACTION   (21-SC-45(N,2N)21-SC-44-M,,SIG)                        3059900200003 
DECAY-DATA (21-SC-44-M,2.44D,DG,271.,0.866)                       3059900200004 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           3059900200005 
MONIT-REF  (30523002,LU HAN-LIN+,R,INDC(CPR)-16,198908)           3059900200006 
            === Compiler's note, 81/09/16,                        3059900200007 
            The value of Al-27(n,a)Na-24 cross-sections at 16.76  3059900200008 
            +-0.32 MeV is not given in J,CNP,2,(1),1980) ===      3059900200009 
            *** Compiler's note, 90/10/11,                        3059900200010 
            It is not clear whether the value of Al-27(n,a)Na-24  3059900200011 
            at 16.76 MeV was used as monitor or not;moreover this 3059900200012 
            point is not reported in the new data set in 30523002 3059900200013 
            and 30523003 which are monitor-references. Therefore  3059900200014 
            compiler decided to remove this point from data set as3059900200015 
            monitor                                               3059900200016 
CORRECTION At neutron energies of 14.61 and 16.76 MeV,            3059900200017 
           self-absorption of gamma-rays and at other energies,   3059900200018 
           neutron beam divergence, scattering of neutrons and    3059900200019 
           correction of sample thickness were considered.        3059900200020 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors given.                            3059900200021 
            At neutron energies of 14.61 and 16.76 MeV, the errors3059900200022 
            consist of the followings (%).                        3059900200023 
            ----------------------------------------------------  3059900200024 
           Source of error at E(n),(MeV)* 14.61+-0.28* 16.76+-0.323059900200025 
            ----------------------------------------------------  3059900200026 
           .Monitor x-section                 * 3.3     *    4.8  3059900200027 
           (ERR-1) .Det.eff.at full energy                        3059900200028 
             peak of gamma                    * 3.0     *    3.0  3059900200029 
           (ERR-2) .Self-absorp.correction    * 0.5     *    0.5  3059900200030 
           (ERR-3) .Sample weighing error     * 0.5     *    0.5  3059900200031 
           (ERR-4) .Count.of gamma-peak area  * 1.0     *    1.0  3059900200032 
           (ERR-S) .Statistical error         * 1.0     *    1.0  3059900200033 
            ----------------------------------------------------  3059900200034 
           total                              * 4.73    *    5.88 3059900200035 
            ----------------------------------------------------  3059900200036 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from Table 1 and 3                  3059900200037 
                                        INDC(CPR)-16 report.1989  3059900200038 
HISTORY    (19901011A) VOF.-Data set sligthly revised,monit values3059900200039 
                     for point 16.76 MeV removed,decay-data added 3059900200040 
ENDBIB              38          0                                 3059900200041 
COMMON               5          3                                 3059900200042 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-S                 3059900200043 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3059900200044 
  3.0        0.5        0.5         1.0        1.0                3059900200045 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3059900200046 
DATA                 6         12                                 3059900200047 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T      MONIT      MONIT-ERR  3059900200048 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         PER-CENT   3059900200049 
13.15      0.18        42.86     2.64                             3059900200050 
13.55      0.18        53.84     3.31                             3059900200051 
13.79      0.18        91.30     4.84                             3059900200052 
14.07      0.14       108.0      5.3                              3059900200053 
14.36      0.22       124.4      6.1                              3059900200054 
14.58      0.28       129.3      6.2        115.8      3.0        3059900200055 
14.84      0.38       133.6      6.6                              3059900200056 
15.64      0.25       149.9      9.2                              3059900200057 
16.76      0.32       160.0      9.6                              3059900200058 
16.95      0.19       161.4      9.9                              3059900200059 
17.91      0.18       166.5      10.2                             3059900200060 
18.26      0.15       157.8      10.3                             3059900200061 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 3059900200062 
ENDSUBENT           61          0                                 3059900299999 
SUBENT        30599003   20090506                             31373059900300001 
BIB                  4          5                                 3059900300002 
REACTION   (21-SC-45(N,2N)21-SC-44-M/G,,SIG/RAT)                  3059900300003 
MONITOR    Ratio is given                                         3059900300004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from Table 3 of Chinese             3059900300005 
                                    J.Nucl.Phys.,2,(1), (1980)47. 3059900300006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total error given.                          3059900300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 3059900300008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3059900300009 
DATA                 4          5                                 3059900300010 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       DATA-ERR                         3059900300011 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           3059900300012 
 1.4610E+01 2.8000E-01 6.9800E-01 1.1000E-02                      3059900300013 
 1.6030E+01 3.8000E-01 6.5400E-01 1.1000E-02                      3059900300014 
 1.6760E+01 3.2000E-01 6.3700E-01 1.0000E-02                      3059900300015 
 1.7540E+01 1.6000E-01 5.8900E-01 1.0000E-02                      3059900300016 
 1.8260E+01 1.5000E-01 5.4700E-01 9.0000E-03                      3059900300017 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 3059900300018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 3059900399999 
SUBENT        30599004   20090506                             31373059900400001 
BIB                  6         13                                 3059900400002 
REACTION  G(21-SC-45(N,2N)21-SC-44-G,,SIG)                        3059900400003 
          S(21-SC-45(N,2N)21-SC-44,,SIG)                          3059900400004 
DECAY-DATAG(21-SC-44-G,3.93HR,DG,1157.,0.999)                     3059900400005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No further information.                     3059900400006 
COMMENT    Compiler's note (90/10/11) :                           3059900400007 
           Earlier data were derived from subentries 002 and 003. 3059900400008 
           It is not clear from the INDC(CPE)-16 report whether   3059900400009 
           the authors measured present data independently or the 3059900400010 
           previous method was used.                              3059900400011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from Table 1 and 3                  3059900400012 
                                        INDC(CPR)-16 report 1989. 3059900400013 
HISTORY    (19901011) VOF.- Data set slightly revised,comment and 3059900400014 
                          decay-data added.-                      3059900400015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 3059900400016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3059900400017 
DATA                 6          5                                 3059900400018 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA      GDATA-ERR  GDATA      SDATA-ERR  S3059900400019 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         3059900400020 
14.58      0.28       185.2       9.4       314.5      11.3       3059900400021 
16.03      0.38       234.7      14.8       388.2      17.6       3059900400022 
16.76      0.32       251.3      15.7       411.4      18.5       3059900400023 
17.54      0.16       279.5      17.8       444.1      20.5       3059900400024 
18.26      0.15       288.5      19.5       446.2      22.1       3059900400025 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 3059900400026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 3059900499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 3059999999999