ENTRY            30608   20090804                             31403060800000001 
SUBENT        30608001   20090804                             31403060800100001 
BIB                  9         27                                 3060800100002 
TITLE      Measurement of cross-sections for Co-59(n,alpha)Mn-56  3060800100003 
           and Co-59(n,2n)Co-58-m+g reactions.                    3060800100004 
AUTHOR     (Huang Jianzhou,Lu Hanlin,Li Jizhou,Fan Peiguo)        3060800100005 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRAEP)                                              3060800100006 
REFERENCE  (J,CNP,3,(1),59,1981) Exp. described, table            3060800100007 
           (R,INDC(CPR)-16,1989) Summary only,                    3060800100008 
            data insignificantly revised                          3060800100009 
SAMPLE     Metallic powder, purity of 99.99%. Pressed into        3060800100010 
           disc, diameter 11 mm.                                  3060800100011 
METHOD     (ACTIV)                                                3060800100012 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) Diam. 80 mm, length 80 mm.                     3060800100013 
PART-DET   (DG) 845 keV gamma for Mn-56.                          3060800100014 
            1.37 MeV gamma for Na-24 (monitor)                    3060800100015 
            810 keV gamma for Co-58.                              3060800100016 
HISTORY    (19811028C) KO.                                        3060800100017 
           (19850215U) OS. Country code corrected.                3060800100018 
           (19860213U) DG.-New reference added.-                  3060800100019 
           (19890220A) VOF.-Data corrected-                       3060800100020 
           (19900904A) vOF.- Sub 6 and 7 added+entry updated .-   3060800100021 
           (19930729A) HW.-Subents 006 and 007 deleted because    3060800100022 
           they do not belong to the same experiment of subents   3060800100023 
           001 - 005, and are duplicated with 32591003 and        3060800100024 
           32591004, respectively.-                               3060800100025 
           (20090725A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 3060800100026 
            Changed sequ.of refs., deleted 3rd ref.               3060800100027 
            Replaced num. data in sub.3 by published values       3060800100028 
            and the data of sub.5 by values from INDC(CPR)-16     3060800100029 
ENDBIB              27          0                                 3060800100030 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3060800100031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 3060800199999 
SUBENT        30608002   20090804                             31403060800200001 
BIB                  9         23                                 3060800200002 
REACTION   (27-CO-59(N,A)25-MN-56,,SIG)                           3060800200003 
DECAY-DATA (25-MN-56,,DG,845.)                                    3060800200004 
METHOD     Absolute measurement                                   3060800200005 
FACILITY   (CCW,3CPRAEP) 200 keV deuterons                        3060800200006 
INC-SOURCE (D-T) T-Ti target, thickness about 0.5 mg/cm2.         3060800200007 
           .neutron flux was monitored by detection of accompanied3060800200008 
           alpha particle.                                        3060800200009 
MONITOR    ((MONIT1)26-FE-56(N,P)25-MN-56,,SIG)     Monitor 1     3060800200010 
           ((MONIT2)13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG)     monitor 2     3060800200011 
            monitor samples were irradiated together with the Co  3060800200012 
           sample.                                                3060800200013 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The error consists of the following, (in %)    3060800200014 
            ----------------------------------------------------- 3060800200015 
           (ERR-1) .error from monitor reaction           2.5     3060800200016 
           (ERR-S) .counting statistics                  10.      3060800200017 
           (ERR-2) .correction of self-absorption         0.5     3060800200018 
           (ERR-3) .standard deviation                    0.7     3060800200019 
           (ERR-4) .weighing sample                       0.1     3060800200020 
                     total error   =            +-2.9 %.          3060800200021 
            ----------------------------------------------------- 3060800200022 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Chin.J.Nucl.Phys.3,59, 1981          3060800200023 
HISTORY    (19900904U) VOF.-Monit.Values superseded + method added3060800200024 
           (20090725A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 3060800200025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 3060800200026 
COMMON              10          6                                 3060800200027 
EN-NRM     MONIT1     MONIT1-ERR MONIT2     MONIT2-ERR ERR-1      3060800200028 
ERR-S      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4                            3060800200029 
MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         PER-CENT   3060800200030 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         3060800200031 
14.58      109.5      1.0        115.8      1.6          2.5      3060800200032 
  10.         0.5       0.7         0.1                           3060800200033 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 3060800200034 
DATA                 4          1                                 3060800200035 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T                            3060800200036 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               3060800200037 
      14.58       0.25       30.2        0.9                      3060800200038 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3060800200039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 3060800299999 
SUBENT        30608003   20090804                             31403060800300001 
BIB                 10         21                                 3060800300002 
REACTION   (27-CO-59(N,A)25-MN-56,,SIG)                           3060800300003 
DECAY-DATA (25-MN-56,,DG,845.)                                    3060800300004 
METHOD     Relative measurement                                   3060800300005 
FACILITY   (VDG,3CPRAEP)                                          3060800300006 
            1.5 and 2.0 MeV deuterons.                            3060800300007 
           (CCW,3CPRAEP)                                          3060800300008 
            120 keV deuteron                                      3060800300009 
INC-SOURCE (D-T)                                                  3060800300010 
            ----------------------------------------------------- 3060800300011 
            E(n) range(MeV) * accelerator* E(d)(MeV)* T-Ti mg/cm2 3060800300012 
            ----------------------------------------------------- 3060800300013 
            12.49 to 17.55  *     VDG    *    1.5   *   1.5       3060800300014 
            12.81 to 18.26  *     VDG    *    2.0   *   1.5       3060800300015 
            13.80 to 14.83  *     CCW    *    0.12  *   0.5       3060800300016 
            ----------------------------------------------------- 3060800300017 
MONITOR    (27-CO-59(N,A)25-MN-56,,SIG)  At 14.58 MeV             3060800300018 
MONIT-REF  (30608002,HUANG JIAN-ZHOU+,J,CNP,3,(1),59,198102)      3060800300019 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Authors quoted as total error but no        3060800300020 
            information given.                                    3060800300021 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from report INDC(CPR)-16, p.38-39   3060800300022 
HISTORY    (19900904A) VOF.- Method added + monitor corrected     3060800300023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 3060800300024 
COMMON               3          3                                 3060800300025 
EN-NRM     MONIT      MONIT-ERR                                   3060800300026 
MEV        MB         MB                                          3060800300027 
  14.58      30.2       0.9                                       3060800300028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3060800300029 
DATA                 4         19                                 3060800300030 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       DATA-ERR                         3060800300031 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               3060800300032 
12.49      0.15       26.2       1.1                              3060800300033 
12.81      0.29       26.4       1.1                              3060800300034 
12.88      0.21       27.8       1.2                              3060800300035 
13.35      0.27       28.4       1.2                              3060800300036 
13.65      0.31       29.1       1.2                              3060800300037 
13.69      0.35       28.8       1.2                              3060800300038 
13.80      0.10       28.9       0.9                              3060800300039 
14.08      0.10       29.4       0.9                              3060800300040 
14.17      0.32       29.9       1.3                              3060800300041 
14.36      0.15       30.3       1.0                              3060800300042 
14.77      0.25       29.8       1.0                              3060800300043 
14.83      0.26       30.5       1.0                              3060800300044 
15.09      0.34       27.8       1.2                              3060800300045 
15.69      0.36       27.1       1.1                              3060800300046 
16.08      0.40       26.7       1.1                              3060800300047 
16.65      0.33       22.6       1.0                              3060800300048 
17.20      0.38       21.2       0.9                              3060800300049 
17.55      0.22       19.5       0.9                              3060800300050 
18.26      0.21       16.8       0.7                              3060800300051 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 3060800300052 
ENDSUBENT           51          0                                 3060800399999 
SUBENT        30608004   20090804                             31403060800400001 
BIB                  9         27                                 3060800400002 
REACTION   (27-CO-59(N,2N)27-CO-58,,SIG)                          3060800400003 
DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,70.91D,DG,810.,0.994)                      3060800400004 
            Sum of Co-59(n,2n)Co-58m and Co-59(n,2n)Co-58g.       3060800400005 
FACILITY   (CCW,3CPRAEP) 200 keV deuteron                         3060800400006 
INC-SOURCE (D-T) T-Ti target, thickness about 0.5 mg/cm2.         3060800400007 
           .neutron flux was monitored by detection of accompanied3060800400008 
           alpha particle.                                        3060800400009 
METHOD     Absolute measurement                                   3060800400010 
MONITOR    ((MONIT1)26-FE-56(N,P)25-MN-56,,SIG)                   3060800400011 
           ((MONIT2)13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG)                   3060800400012 
            monitor samples were irradiated together with the Co  3060800400013 
           sample.                                                3060800400014 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The error consists of the following, (in %)    3060800400015 
            ----------------------------------------------------- 3060800400016 
           (ERR-1) .error from monitor reaction           2.5     3060800400017 
           (ERR-2) .full energy peak calibration(gamma)   1.9     3060800400018 
           (ERR-S) .counting statistics                  10.      3060800400019 
           (ERR-3) .correction of self-absorption         0.5     3060800400020 
           (ERR-4) .standard deviation                    1.07    3060800400021 
           (ERR-5) .weighing sample                       0.1     3060800400022 
                     total error   =            +-3.5%.           3060800400023 
            *Total error includes the deduction of the error      3060800400024 
            arising from (n,2n)interference (+-0.5%).             3060800400025 
            ----------------------------------------------------- 3060800400026 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from report INDC(CPR)-16, p.38-39   3060800400027 
HISTORY    (19900904U) VOF.Decay-data + method added,monit.       3060800400028 
                            values slightly revised.              3060800400029 
ENDBIB              27          0                                 3060800400030 
COMMON              11          6                                 3060800400031 
EN-NRM     MONIT1     MONIT1-ERR MONIT2     MONIT2-ERR ERR-1      3060800400032 
ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-S                 3060800400033 
MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         PER-CENT   3060800400034 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              3060800400035 
14.58      109.5      1.0        115.8      1.6          2.5      3060800400036 
  1.9         0.5       1.07       0.1        10.                 3060800400037 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 3060800400038 
DATA                 4          1                                 3060800400039 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T                            3060800400040 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               3060800400041 
      14.58       0.25      789.        29.                       3060800400042 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3060800400043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 3060800499999 
SUBENT        30608005   20090804                             31403060800500001 
BIB                 10         26                                 3060800500002 
REACTION   (27-CO-59(N,2N)27-CO-58,,SIG)                          3060800500003 
DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,70.91D,DG,810.,0.994)                      3060800500004 
METHOD     Relative measurement                                   3060800500005 
            Sum of Co-59(n,2n)Co-58m and Co-59(n,2n)Co-58g.       3060800500006 
FACILITY   (VDG,3CPRAEP) 1.5 and 2.0 MeV deuterons.               3060800500007 
           (CCW,3CPRAEP) 120 keV deuterons.                       3060800500008 
INC-SOURCE (D-T)                                                  3060800500009 
            ----------------------------------------------------- 3060800500010 
            E(n) range(MeV) * accelerator* E(d)(MeV)* T-Ti mg/cm2 3060800500011 
            ----------------------------------------------------- 3060800500012 
            12.49 to 17.55  *     VDG    *    1.5   *   1.5       3060800500013 
            12.81 to 18.26  *     VDG    *    2.0   *   1.5       3060800500014 
            13.80 to 14.83  *     CCW    *    0.12  *   0.5       3060800500015 
            ----------------------------------------------------- 3060800500016 
MONITOR    (27-CO-59(N,2N)27-CO-58,,SIG) at 14.58 MeV.            3060800500017 
MONIT-REF  (30608004,HUANG JIAN-ZHOU+,J,CNP,3,(1),59,198102)      3060800500018 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Authors quoted as total error but no        3060800500019 
            information given.                                    3060800500020 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from report INDC(CPR)-16, p.38-39   3060800500021 
HISTORY    (19900904A) VOF.-Data set slightly revised. Decay-data 3060800500022 
                      and method added. Monitor corrected -       3060800500023 
           (20090908A) OS. Replaced numerical values by slightly  3060800500024 
            different ones from publication because compiled      3060800500025 
            values could not be confirmed by authors' published   3060800500026 
            data. (Changes are around 1%, i.e. smaller than       3060800500027 
            reported errors.)                                     3060800500028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 3060800500029 
COMMON               3          3                                 3060800500030 
EN-NRM     MONIT      MONIT-ERR                                   3060800500031 
MEV        MB         MB                                          3060800500032 
14.58      789.       29.                                         3060800500033 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3060800500034 
DATA                 4         19                                 3060800500035 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       DATA-ERR                         3060800500036 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               3060800500037 
12.49      0.15       435.       20.                              3060800500038 
12.81      0.29       506.       24.                              3060800500039 
12.88      0.21       573.       27.                              3060800500040 
13.35      0.27       605.       28.                              3060800500041 
13.65      0.31       694.       32.                              3060800500042 
13.69      0.35       676.       31.                              3060800500043 
13.80      0.10       653.       24.                              3060800500044 
14.08      0.10       715.       28.                              3060800500045 
14.17      0.32       766.       36.                              3060800500046 
14.36      0.15       769.       28.                              3060800500047 
14.77      0.25       798.       29.                              3060800500048 
14.83      0.26       808.       29.                              3060800500049 
15.09      0.34       810.       38.                              3060800500050 
15.69      0.36       856.       40.                              3060800500051 
16.08      0.40       859.       40.                              3060800500052 
16.65      0.33       859.       40.                              3060800500053 
17.20      0.38       875.       41.                              3060800500054 
17.55      0.22       890.       41.                              3060800500055 
18.26      0.21       890.       41.                              3060800500056 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 3060800500057 
ENDSUBENT           56          0                                 3060800599999 
NOSUBENT      30608006   19930928                             00003060800600001 
NOSUBENT      30608007   19930928                             00003060800700001 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 3060899999999