ENTRY            30667   20240216                             32113066700000001 
SUBENT        30667001   20240216                             32113066700100001 
BIB                  9         18                                 3066700100002 
TITLE      Measuring neutron energy spectra of 252Cf and Am-Be    3066700100003 
            sources with neutron time-of-flight spectrometer with 3066700100004 
            double scintillators                                  3066700100005 
AUTHOR     (Li Anli, Huang Tangzi, Bai Xixiang, Chen Guanren,     3066700100006 
            Wen Shenlin, Yao Ling)                                3066700100007 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRAEP)                                              3066700100008 
REFERENCE  (J,CNP,4,145,1982)                                     3066700100009 
SAMPLE     5 ug 252Cf, intensity ~11.7 neutrons/s                 3066700100010 
METHOD     (TOF) TOF with double scintillators and stilbene       3066700100011 
            crystal as a scatterer for start signal               3066700100012 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Liquid scintillator 105 mm diameter 50 mm       3066700100013 
            length                                                3066700100014 
STATUS     (TABLE,,Li Anli+,J,CNP,4,145,1982) Table 1             3066700100015 
HISTORY    (19831130C) KO.                                        3066700100016 
           (19850215U) OS. Country code corrected.                3066700100017 
           (20090725U) SD: Updated to new date formats, lower case3066700100018 
           (20100303A) SD: REACTION code in Subent 003            3066700100019 
           (20240216U) LV. AUTHOR corrected.                      3066700100020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 3066700100021 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3066700100022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 3066700199999 
SUBENT        30667002   20090923                             31403066700200001 
BIB                  4         12                                 3066700200002 
REACTION   (98-CF-252(0,F),,NU/DE,,REL)                           3066700200003 
COMMENT    1) Compiler's comment: Authors give spectrum in units  3066700200004 
             1/E. However, judging from the numerical values,     3066700200005 
             compiler believes that the data are given in         3066700200006 
             arbitrary units.                                     3066700200007 
           2) When the result is fitted to Maxwellian distribution3066700200008 
           the Maxwellian temperature,                            3066700200009 
               1.38 +-0.04MeV in the neutron energy between       3066700200010 
               1.0 and 10 MeV is obtained.                        3066700200011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Relative error given.                       3066700200012 
HISTORY    (20090914A) OS. REACTION code and data units corrected,3066700200013 
            Compiler's comment added.                             3066700200014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 3066700200015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3066700200016 
DATA                 4         16                                 3066700200017 
E-MIN      E-MAX      DATA       DATA-ERR                         3066700200018 
MEV        MEV        ARB-UNITS  PER-CENT                         3066700200019 
 4.0000E-01 5.0000E-01 1.1470E+04 1.0100E+01                      3066700200020 
 5.0000E-01 7.5000E-01 7.7600E+03 1.0100E+01                      3066700200021 
 7.5000E-01 1.0000E+00 1.0040E+04 5.1000E+00                      3066700200022 
 1.0000E+00 1.5000E+00 9.9560E+03 4.1000E+00                      3066700200023 
 1.5000E+00 2.0000E+00 8.9200E+03 2.2000E+00                      3066700200024 
 2.0000E+00 2.5000E+00 7.2000E+03 1.9000E+00                      3066700200025 
 2.5000E+00 3.0000E+00 5.6000E+03 1.9000E+00                      3066700200026 
 3.0000E+00 3.5000E+00 3.9600E+03 1.6000E+00                      3066700200027 
 4.0000E+00 5.0000E+00 1.9310E+03 1.9000E+00                      3066700200028 
 5.0000E+00 6.0000E+00 9.7900E+02 2.4000E+00                      3066700200029 
 6.0000E+00 7.0000E+00 5.0900E+02 6.9000E+00                      3066700200030 
 7.0000E+00 8.0000E+00 2.4300E+02 8.2000E+00                      3066700200031 
 8.0000E+00 9.0000E+00 1.4200E+02 1.4000E+01                      3066700200032 
 9.0000E+00 1.0000E+01 7.8000E+01 1.4000E+01                      3066700200033 
 1.0000E+01 1.2000E+01 3.1100E+01 3.3000E+01                      3066700200034 
 1.2000E+01 1.4000E+01 1.3800E+01 8.1000E+01                      3066700200035 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 3066700200036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 3066700299999 
SUBENT        30667003   20100303                             31443066700300001 
BIB                  5         10                                 3066700300002 
REACTION   (98-CF-252(0,F)0-NN-1,,KE)                             3066700300003 
ANALYSIS   Experimental spectrum was fitted to Maxwellian         3066700300004 
           distribution.                                          3066700300005 
           The obtained temperature of the Maxwellian is          3066700300006 
            1.38 +- 0.04 MeV                                      3066700300007 
           the average kinetic energy  = t * 3/2.                 3066700300008 
STATUS     (DEP,30667002)                                         3066700300009 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No further information.                     3066700300010 
HISTORY    (20100303A) SD: REACTION code was changed              3066700300011 
               according to EXFOR rules.                          3066700300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 3066700300013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3066700300014 
DATA                 2          1                                 3066700300015 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               3066700300016 
MEV        MEV                                                    3066700300017 
 2.0700E+00 6.0000E-02                                            3066700300018 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3066700300019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 3066700399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 3066799999999