ENTRY 30690 20240216 32113069000000001 SUBENT 30690001 20240216 32113069000100001 BIB 10 25 3069000100002 TITLE Measurement of nu-bar(Z) for 252Cf spontaneous fission 3069000100003 AUTHOR (Ding Shengyao, Xu Jincheng, Liu Zuhua, Liu Shaoming, 3069000100004 Zhang Huanqiao) 3069000100005 INSTITUTE (3CPRAEP) 3069000100006 REFERENCE (J,CP,4,649,1984) 3069000100007 (J,CNP,6,9,1984) Chinese orig. of CP,4,649,1984 3069000100008 SAMPLE Fission rate of 1.9x10**4/min 3069000100009 METHOD Three parameter correlation measurements including 3069000100010 recording a fragment kinetic energy, prompt neutron 3069000100011 average number and K x-rays 3069000100012 DETECTOR (SCIN) 60 cm in diameter Gd-loaded liquid 3069000100013 scintillation counter for neutron measurement 3069000100014 (SIBAR) 16 mm Au coated Si surface barrier detector 3069000100015 for fragment measurement 3069000100016 (SILI) 80 mm2 x 3 mm Si(Li) detector for K x-rays 3069000100017 measurement, the resolution is 184 eV for 55Fe 3069000100018 5.9 keV X-ray 3069000100019 PART-DET (PN,SF,XR) 3069000100020 CORRECTION Corrected for 3069000100021 . neutron detection efficiency 3069000100022 . contribution of neutron from complimentary fragment 3069000100023 HISTORY (19850107C) 3069000100024 (20090915A) OS. Subentry 3 deleted because it contains 3069000100025 no additional information. 3069000100026 (20240216U) On. REFERENCE(CNP): Issue number deleted. 3069000100027 ENDBIB 25 0 3069000100028 NOCOMMON 0 0 3069000100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 3069000199999 SUBENT 30690002 20090905 31403069000200001 BIB 3 6 3069000200002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F)ELEM,PR,NU) Nu-bar(Z)=average number 3069000200003 of prompt fission neutrons per fragment with charge Z 3069000200004 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from private communication 3069000200005 corresponding to fig.4 in Chinese J. of Nucl.Phys. 3069000200006 vol. 6(1) p.9(1984) 3069000200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information 3069000200008 ENDBIB 6 0 3069000200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 3069000200010 DATA 3 18 3069000200011 ELEMENT DATA DATA-ERR 3069000200012 NO-DIM PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 3069000200013 3.8000E+01 1.9400E+00 1.1000E-01 3069000200014 3.9000E+01 1.3900E+00 8.0000E-02 3069000200015 4.0000E+01 1.8700E+00 8.0000E-02 3069000200016 4.1000E+01 2.0100E+00 4.0000E-02 3069000200017 4.2000E+01 2.0600E+00 5.0000E-02 3069000200018 4.3000E+01 2.5200E+00 6.0000E-02 3069000200019 4.4000E+01 2.5700E+00 8.0000E-02 3069000200020 4.5000E+01 2.5500E+00 8.0000E-02 3069000200021 4.6000E+01 2.6400E+00 9.0000E-02 3069000200022 5.2000E+01 1.4500E+00 1.1000E-01 3069000200023 5.3000E+01 1.3900E+00 1.0000E-01 3069000200024 5.4000E+01 1.5600E+00 9.0000E-02 3069000200025 5.5000E+01 1.4200E+00 7.0000E-02 3069000200026 5.6000E+01 1.6000E+00 7.0000E-02 3069000200027 5.7000E+01 1.7400E+00 6.0000E-02 3069000200028 5.8000E+01 1.9000E+00 7.0000E-02 3069000200029 5.9000E+01 1.8800E+00 7.0000E-02 3069000200030 6.0000E+01 1.9200E+00 9.0000E-02 3069000200031 ENDDATA 20 0 3069000200032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 3069000299999 NOSUBENT 30690003 20090915 31403069000300001 ENDENTRY 3 0 3069099999999