ENTRY 30731 20230329 32103073100000001 SUBENT 30731001 20230329 32103073100100001 BIB 11 29 3073100100002 TITLE Neutron fission of thorium-230 revisited 3073100100003 AUTHOR (J.W.Boldeman, R.L.Walsh) 3073100100004 INSTITUTE (3AULAUA) 3073100100005 REFERENCE ((J,RE,92,317,1986)=(C,85SANTA,1,317,1985)) 3073100100006 (P,AAEC/AP/PR-81,2,1981) No data given 3073100100007 (J,PR/C,22,627,1980) 3073100100008 No numerical data given. Graphs of fission fragment 3073100100009 angular distributions and fission fragment anisotropy 3073100100010 given. 3073100100011 (S,IAEA-SM-241,57,197905) 3073100100012 No numerical data given.graph of fission fragment 3073100100013 angular distributions given. 3073100100014 FACILITY (VDG,3AULAUA) 3073100100015 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) 3073100100016 SAMPLE (90-TH-230,ENR=0.9985) target of thickness 0.4 mg/cm2 3073100100017 MONITOR Neutron flux was monitored by a long counter 3073100100018 METHOD (PHD) Direct measurement of fission fragments with six 3073100100019 surface barrier detectors feeding six pulse height 3073100100020 analysers. 3073100100021 CORRECTION Small corrections for the nonuniform flux distribution 3073100100022 across the target and for the laboratory to center-of-3073100100023 mass solid angle reduction. 3073100100024 HISTORY (19861110C) DG.- 3073100100025 (19880407U) TMK reference added. one data corrected. 3073100100026 subent 004 added. 3073100100027 (20040311U) SD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases; 3073100100028 added digitized curve (see Subent 30731.004) 3073100100029 (20120319U) On. REFERENCE updated (J,RE=C,85SANTA) 3073100100030 (20230329A) VT+On. Revision in 003,004 3073100100031 ENDBIB 29 0 3073100100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 3073100100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 3073100199999 SUBENT 30731002 20120319 31543073100200001 BIB 3 6 3073100200002 REACTION 1(90-TH-230(N,F),,DA,FF,COS/RS) 3073100200003 Data from the current measurement 3073100200004 2(90-TH-230(N,F),,DA,FF,COS/RS) 3073100200005 Data from previous measurement 3073100200006 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of Santa Fe Conf.May1985,vol.1,p.317 3073100200007 HISTORY (20120319A) On. Pointers introduced. STATUS added. 3073100200008 ENDBIB 6 0 3073100200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 3073100200010 DATA 5 36 3073100200011 EN NUMBER EN-ERR DATA 1DATA 2 3073100200012 KEV NO-DIM KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 3073100200013 681. 2. 9. 1.88 3073100200014 681. 4. 9. -1.02 3073100200015 697. 2. 8. 1.01 3073100200016 697. 4. 8. -0.24 3073100200017 700. 2. 4. 0.90 3073100200018 700. 4. 4. 0.00 3073100200019 708. 2. 2. 0.63 3073100200020 708. 4. 2. 0.59 3073100200021 709. 2. 2. 1.04 3073100200022 709. 4. 2. -0.24 3073100200023 710. 2. 2.5 0.35 3073100200024 710. 4. 2.5 0.65 3073100200025 715. 2. 3. 0.26 3073100200026 715. 4. 3. 1.08 3073100200027 718. 2. 2.5 0.98 3073100200028 718. 4. 2.5 0.68 3073100200029 720. 2. 2.5 0.23 3073100200030 720. 4. 2.5 1.61 3073100200031 724.5 2. 2.5 0.27 3073100200032 724.5 4. 2.5 1.85 3073100200033 728.5 2. 3. 0.03 3073100200034 728.5 4. 3. 2.02 3073100200035 730. 2. 3. 0.27 3073100200036 730. 4. 3. 1.86 3073100200037 735. 2. 3. 0.84 3073100200038 735. 4. 3. 0.92 3073100200039 740. 2. 4. 0.93 3073100200040 740. 4. 4. 1.20 3073100200041 745. 2. 3. -0.49 3073100200042 745. 4. 3. 2.32 3073100200043 755. 2. 5. 0.83 3073100200044 755. 4. 5. 0.24 3073100200045 764. 2. 4. 1.51 3073100200046 764. 4. 4. -0.08 3073100200047 780. 2. 8. 0.50 3073100200048 780. 4. 8. 1.90 3073100200049 ENDDATA 38 0 3073100200050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 3073100299999 SUBENT 30731003 20230329 32103073100300001 BIB 4 8 3073100300002 REACTION 1(90-TH-230(N,F),,DA,FF,RSD) 3073100300003 Data from the current measurement 3073100300004 2(90-TH-230(N,F),,DA,FF,RSD) 3073100300005 Data from previous measurement 3073100300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainties3073100300007 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of Santa Fe Conf.May1985,vol.1,p.317 3073100300008 HISTORY (20120319A) On. Pointers introduced. STATUS added. 3073100300009 (20230329A) VT+On. ERR-ANALYS added 3073100300010 ENDBIB 8 0 3073100300011 COMMON 1 3 3073100300012 ANG 3073100300013 ADEG 3073100300014 0. 3073100300015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3073100300016 DATA 6 23 3073100300017 EN EN-ERR DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 23073100300018 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 3073100300019 681. 9. 1.86 0.20 3073100300020 697. 8. 1.77 0.08 3073100300021 700. 4. 1.90 0.15 3073100300022 707. 5. 1.73 0.14 3073100300023 708. 2. 2.20 0.13 3073100300024 709. 2. 1.80 0.12 3073100300025 710. 2.5 2.00 0.14 3073100300026 713. 5. 2.38 0.20 3073100300027 715. 3. 2.34 0.13 3073100300028 718. 2.5 2.66 0.14 3073100300029 720. 2.5 2.84 0.13 3073100300030 721. 6. 2.81 0.22 3073100300031 724.5 2.5 3.12 0.17 3073100300032 725. 4. 3.21 0.24 3073100300033 727. 6. 3.12 0.29 3073100300034 728.5 3. 3.05 0.16 3073100300035 730. 3. 3.13 0.17 3073100300036 735. 3. 2.76 0.14 3073100300037 740. 4. 3.13 0.25 3073100300038 745. 3. 2.83 0.14 3073100300039 755. 5. 2.07 0.14 3073100300040 764. 4. 2.43 0.32 3073100300041 780. 8. 2.40 0.15 3073100300042 ENDDATA 25 0 3073100300043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 3073100399999 SUBENT 30731004 20230329 32103073100400001 BIB 3 6 3073100400002 REACTION (90-TH-230(N,F),,SIG) 3073100400003 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.1 of Santa Fe Conf.May1985,vol.1,p.317 3073100400004 Numerical data was requested from Boldeman 1988/3. 3073100400005 Curve was digitized at 2004/4/9. 3073100400006 HISTORY (20120319A) On. EN-ERR and EN-ERR-DIG: MEV -> KEV 3073100400007 (20230329A) VT+On. ERR-ANALYS, STATUS (UNOBT) deleted 3073100400008 ENDBIB 6 0 3073100400009 COMMON 2 3 3073100400010 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 3073100400011 KEV MB 3073100400012 0.1 0.5 3073100400013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3073100400014 DATA 3 15 3073100400015 EN EN-ERR DATA 3073100400016 KEV KEV MB 3073100400017 696.6 3.8 21.64 3073100400018 706.6 4.8 101.42 3073100400019 707.9 1.6 149.34 3073100400020 708.6 1.9 151.22 3073100400021 709.1 4.8 145.37 3073100400022 711.6 5.0 154.86 3073100400023 714.6 2.9 118.22 3073100400024 718.0 1.9 128.79 3073100400025 719.6 2.8 146.10 3073100400026 723.9 2.9 112.45 3073100400027 727.8 4.0 101.69 3073100400028 729.4 2.9 90.34 3073100400029 734.3 2.8 44.25 3073100400030 739.2 2.9 36.51 3073100400031 744.3 2.9 31.85 3073100400032 ENDDATA 17 0 3073100400033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 3073100499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 3073199999999