ENTRY 30775 20230110 32093077500000001 SUBENT 30775001 20230110 32093077500100001 BIB 9 32 3077500100002 TITLE Measurements of the prompt fission neutron spectrum 3077500100003 from the spontaneous fission of Cf-252 3077500100004 AUTHOR (J.W.Boldeman, B.E.Clancy, D.Culley) 3077500100005 INSTITUTE (3AULAUA) 3077500100006 REFERENCE (J,NSE,93,181,198606) Table, graph 3077500100007 (S,IAEA-335,304,198506) Graph 3077500100008 (P,AAEC/AP/PR-81,4,1981) No data given 3077500100009 DETECTOR (IOCH) As fission counter, a parallel plate ionization 3077500100010 chamber filled with pure methane was used. 3077500100011 CORRECTION Data were corrected for 3077500100012 - Dead time on start and stop signal 3077500100013 (<2.6% for high energy measurement, 3077500100014 1.6% for low energy measurement); 3077500100015 - Air attenuation; 3077500100016 - Delayed neutron response (Li glass scintillator); 3077500100017 - Delayed gamma rays (plastic scintillator); 3077500100018 - Timing resolution; 3077500100019 - Loss of fission fragments below the bias on 3077500100020 fission counter 3077500100021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical accuracy derived from combination 3077500100022 of 7 experimental runs 3077500100023 (ERR-T) Estimated accuracy including systematic and 3077500100024 statistical uncertainty 3077500100025 STATUS (TABLE) Table III of Nucl.Sci.Eng.93(1986)181 3077500100026 HISTORY (19880321C) OS 3077500100027 (19880702A) VOF. Reference P,AAEC/AP/PR-81 added. 3077500100028 (20090925A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 3077500100029 OS. Changed explicit REACTION ratios to new coding 3077500100030 with SF8=MXD 3077500100031 (20100507A) SD: Cosmetic corrections 3077500100032 (20100518U) On. Cosmetic corrections 3077500100033 (20230110U) On. DETECTOR and METHOD moved to 002-003. 3077500100034 ENDBIB 32 0 3077500100035 COMMON 1 3 3077500100036 KT-NRM 3077500100037 MEV 3077500100038 1.42 3077500100039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3077500100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 3077500199999 SUBENT 30775002 20230110 32093077500200001 BIB 5 8 3077500200002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD) 3077500200003 SAMPLE 252Cf (8 to 5E+04 fissions/s) on stainless steel 3077500200004 DETECTOR (SCIN) NE-102 plastic scintillator, 3077500200005 50.8 mm diam, 25.4 mm thick 3077500200006 METHOD (TOF) flight path=3.015 m, 3077500200007 time-resolution between 2.6 and 3.0 nsec 3077500200008 HISTORY (20100518A) On. PR,DE,N,MXD -> PR,NU/DE,,MXD 3077500200009 (20230110U) On. DETECTOR and METHOD moved from 001. 3077500200010 ENDBIB 8 0 3077500200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 3077500200012 DATA 4 59 3077500200013 E DATA ERR-S ERR-T 3077500200014 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 3077500200015 1.050 1.022 0.004 0.007 3077500200016 1.150 1.022 0.004 0.007 3077500200017 1.250 1.005 0.004 0.007 3077500200018 1.350 0.988 0.004 0.007 3077500200019 1.450 1.002 0.004 0.007 3077500200020 1.550 1.001 0.004 0.007 3077500200021 1.650 0.998 0.005 0.007 3077500200022 1.750 1.007 0.005 0.007 3077500200023 1.850 1.015 0.005 0.007 3077500200024 1.950 0.995 0.005 0.007 3077500200025 2.050 0.999 0.005 0.007 3077500200026 2.150 0.995 0.005 0.007 3077500200027 2.250 1.001 0.004 0.007 3077500200028 2.350 1.011 0.004 0.007 3077500200029 2.450 1.011 0.007 0.007 3077500200030 2.550 1.008 0.006 0.007 3077500200031 2.650 1.009 0.006 0.007 3077500200032 2.750 1.012 0.007 0.008 3077500200033 2.850 1.023 0.007 0.008 3077500200034 2.950 1.021 0.007 0.008 3077500200035 3.050 1.014 0.007 0.008 3077500200036 3.150 1.025 0.007 0.008 3077500200037 3.250 1.017 0.007 0.008 3077500200038 3.350 1.030 0.007 0.008 3077500200039 3.450 1.033 0.008 0.008 3077500200040 3.550 1.023 0.007 0.008 3077500200041 3.650 1.024 0.008 0.008 3077500200042 3.750 1.020 0.010 0.010 3077500200043 3.850 1.007 0.008 0.008 3077500200044 3.950 1.005 0.008 0.008 3077500200045 4.100 1.028 0.006 0.008 3077500200046 4.300 1.030 0.007 0.008 3077500200047 4.500 1.004 0.008 0.008 3077500200048 4.700 1.035 0.007 0.008 3077500200049 4.900 1.020 0.008 0.008 3077500200050 5.125 0.992 0.009 0.009 3077500200051 5.375 0.974 0.010 0.010 3077500200052 5.625 0.959 0.011 0.011 3077500200053 5.875 0.982 0.012 0.012 3077500200054 6.125 0.951 0.014 0.014 3077500200055 6.375 0.963 0.014 0.014 3077500200056 6.625 0.960 0.014 0.014 3077500200057 6.875 0.967 0.020 0.020 3077500200058 7.125 0.981 0.020 0.020 3077500200059 7.375 0.957 0.020 0.020 3077500200060 7.750 0.966 0.020 0.020 3077500200061 8.250 0.959 0.021 0.021 3077500200062 8.750 0.909 0.029 0.029 3077500200063 9.250 0.947 0.040 0.040 3077500200064 9.750 0.944 0.050 0.050 3077500200065 10.25 1.047 0.090 0.090 3077500200066 10.75 0.904 0.060 0.060 3077500200067 11.25 0.989 0.090 0.090 3077500200068 11.75 0.971 0.200 0.200 3077500200069 12.25 0.880 0.130 0.130 3077500200070 12.75 1.037 0.300 0.300 3077500200071 13.25 0.754 0.240 0.240 3077500200072 13.75 1.072 0.400 0.400 3077500200073 14.25 1.052 0.600 0.600 3077500200074 ENDDATA 61 0 3077500200075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 3077500299999 SUBENT 30775003 20230110 32093077500300001 BIB 5 8 3077500300002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD) 3077500300003 SAMPLE 252Cf (4.4E+04 fissions/s) on stainless steel 3077500300004 DETECTOR (SCIN) Li glass scintillator, 3077500300005 50.8 mm diam., 2.0 mm thick 3077500300006 METHOD (TOF) flight path=40 cm, 3077500300007 time-resolution between 2.6 and 3.0 nsec 3077500300008 HISTORY (20100518A) On. PR,DE,N,MXD -> PR,NU/DE,,MXD 3077500300009 (20230110U) On. DETECTOR and METHOD moved from 001. 3077500300010 ENDBIB 8 0 3077500300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 3077500300012 DATA 4 28 3077500300013 E DATA ERR-S ERR-T 3077500300014 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 3077500300015 0.124 0.751 0.088 0.088 3077500300016 0.132 0.961 0.066 0.066 3077500300017 0.140 1.024 0.064 0.064 3077500300018 0.149 0.953 0.061 0.061 3077500300019 0.159 1.042 0.053 0.053 3077500300020 0.170 1.134 0.049 0.049 3077500300021 0.182 1.052 0.044 0.044 3077500300022 0.196 1.193 0.035 0.035 3077500300023 0.211 1.107 0.038 0.038 3077500300024 0.228 1.117 0.033 0.033 3077500300025 0.247 1.059 0.033 0.033 3077500300026 0.268 1.054 0.033 0.033 3077500300027 0.292 1.100 0.033 0.033 3077500300028 0.320 1.077 0.035 0.035 3077500300029 0.352 1.052 0.033 0.033 3077500300030 0.389 0.972 0.033 0.033 3077500300031 0.433 0.895 0.031 0.031 3077500300032 0.484 0.942 0.033 0.033 3077500300033 0.544 0.925 0.033 0.033 3077500300034 0.617 0.933 0.034 0.034 3077500300035 0.705 0.958 0.033 0.033 3077500300036 0.814 0.958 0.034 0.034 3077500300037 0.950 1.005 0.033 0.033 3077500300038 1.124 1.012 0.031 0.031 3077500300039 1.349 0.991 0.028 0.028 3077500300040 1.651 1.013 0.026 0.026 3077500300041 2.070 0.983 0.025 0.025 3077500300042 2.664 0.983 0.025 0.025 3077500300043 ENDDATA 30 0 3077500300044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 3077500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 3077599999999