ENTRY            30793   20190315                             31883079300000001 
SUBENT        30793001   20190315                             31883079300100001 
BIB                  9         26                                 3079300100002 
TITLE      Absolute determination of the spontaneous fission      3079300100003 
           yields of 252Cf by radiochemical method                3079300100004 
AUTHOR     (Chen Qingjiang,Su Shuxin,Guo Jinru,Yang Jingxia,      3079300100005 
           Chen Yundong,Li Xueliang,Zhang Hongdi,Lin Fa,          3079300100006 
           Sun Shuying,Zhang Shulan)                              3079300100007 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRAEP)                                              3079300100008 
REFERENCE  (J,JRN,111,63,1987)                                    3079300100009 
           (J,CST,20,161,1986) same data in table                 3079300100010 
           (J,HFH,6,1,1984)    same data in table                 3079300100011 
SAMPLE     252Cf dissolved and electro-deposited, covered with    3079300100012 
            VYNS film.                                            3079300100013 
           Fission fragments could pass through the film.         3079300100014 
METHOD     Fission fragments collected on Al catcher foils        3079300100015 
            (22 mm diam, 0.2 mm thick, 5 mm distance to source.)  3079300100016 
           (CHSEP) Catcher foils dissolved in acid with carriers, 3079300100017 
            separation by isotope exchange then purified.         3079300100018 
DETECTOR   (PROPC) 2-pi gas-flow for beta counting.               3079300100019 
           (SCIN) plastic for beta counting.                      3079300100020 
           (NAICR) well type (75 mm x 75 mm).                     3079300100021 
           Efficiency calibration with standard sources assayed by3079300100022 
            absolute 4pi-beta-gamma coincidence counting.         3079300100023 
CORRECTION Chemical yield, decay, efficiencies of counters.       3079300100024 
HISTORY    (20010404C) ML                                         3079300100025 
           (20160624U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved to 002-003.           3079300100026 
                           DECAY-DATA corrected in 002.           3079300100027 
           (20190315A) On. Major revisions in 002-003.            3079300100028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 3079300100029 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3079300100030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 3079300199999 
SUBENT        30793002   20190315                             31883079300200001 
BIB                  8         55                                 3079300200002 
REACTION   (98-CF-252(0,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY)                       3079300200003 
FLAG       (1.) gamma-counting                                    3079300200004 
           (2.) beta-counting                                     3079300200005 
MISC-COL   (MISC) number of determinations                        3079300200006 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)35-BR-83,2.39HR)                                  3079300200007 
           ((2.)38-SR-89,50.55D)                                  3079300200008 
           ((3.)38-SR-91,9.75HR)                                  3079300200009 
           ((4.)38-SR-92,2.7HR)                                   3079300200010 
           ((5.)39-Y-93-G,10.1HR)                                 3079300200011 
           ((6.)40-ZR-95,65.1D)                                   3079300200012 
           ((7.)40-ZR-97,17.0HR)                                  3079300200013 
           ((8.)42-MO-99,66.2HR)                                  3079300200014 
           ((9.)44-RU-103,39.35D)                                 3079300200015 
           ((10.)44-RU-105,4.44HR)                                3079300200016 
           ((11.)44-RU-106,368.2D)                                3079300200017 
           ((12.)46-PD-109-G,13.47HR)                             3079300200018 
           ((13.)47-AG-111-G,7.47D)                               3079300200019 
           ((14.)46-PD-112,21.12HR)                               3079300200020 
           ((15.)47-AG-113-G,5.37HR)                              3079300200021 
           ((16.)48-CD-115-G,53.38HR)                             3079300200022 
           ((17.)48-CD-115-M,44.1D)                               3079300200023 
           ((18.)48-CD-117-G,2.5HR)                               3079300200024 
           ((19.)50-SN-121-G,27.06HR)                             3079300200025 
           ((20.)50-SN-125-G,9.65D)                               3079300200026 
           ((21.)51-SB-127,92.4HR)                                3079300200027 
           ((22.)51-SB-129-G,4.32HR)                              3079300200028 
           ((23.)53-I-131,8.04D) 8.04 hr in the article by mistake3079300200029 
           ((24.)52-TE-132,77.8HR)                                3079300200030 
           ((25.)53-I-133-G,20.9HR)                               3079300200031 
           ((26.)52-TE-134,41.8MIN)                               3079300200032 
           ((27.)53-I-135,6.61HR)                                 3079300200033 
           ((28.)56-BA-139,82.7MIN)                               3079300200034 
           ((29.)56-BA-140,12.79D)                                3079300200035 
           ((30.)58-CE-141,32.55D)                                3079300200036 
           ((31.)59-PR-143,13.58D)                                3079300200037 
           ((32.)58-CE-144,284.3D)                                3079300200038 
           ((33.)60-ND-147,10.98D)                                3079300200039 
           ((34.)62-SM-153,46.8HR)                                3079300200040 
           ((35.)63-EU-156,15.17D)                                3079300200041 
           ((36.)65-TB-161,6.90D)                                 3079300200042 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Quadature sum of the following uncertainties   3079300200043 
            (but 2*SD was used instead of SD):                    3079300200044 
           (ERR-1,2.,12.)  efficiency calibration    (2-12%)      3079300200045 
           (ERR-2,1.,2.)   chemical yield             (1-2%)      3079300200046 
           (ERR-3,1.,2.)   fission rate               (1-2%)      3079300200047 
           (ERR-4,1.,15.)  measured activity         (1-15%)      3079300200048 
           (ERR-S,0.1,4.5) standard deviation SD  (0.1-4.5%)      3079300200049 
COMMENT    By compiler:                                           3079300200050 
            The cumulative yields correspond to total chain       3079300200051 
            yields, except for A=113,115,121,125,134,135,         3079300200052 
            for which the chain yields are given in 30793.003.    3079300200053 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.111(1987)63   3079300200054 
HISTORY    (20160624U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001 and coded    3079300200055 
            inform. added. DECAY-DATA corrected (Memo CP-D/888).  3079300200056 
           (20190315A) On. ERR-ANALYS revised.                    3079300200057 
ENDBIB              55          0                                 3079300200058 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3079300200059 
DATA                 8         36                                 3079300200060 
MASS       ELEMENT    ISOMER     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG       3079300200061 
MISC       DECAY-FLAG                                             3079300200062 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PC/FIS     PC/FIS     NO-DIM     3079300200063 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 3079300200064 
 83.        35.                  0.037      0.006      2.         3079300200065 
3.           1.                                                   3079300200066 
 89.        38.                  0.347      0.016      2.         3079300200067 
5.           2.                                                   3079300200068 
 91.        38.                  0.582      0.026      1.         3079300200069 
4.           3.                                                   3079300200070 
 92.        38.                  0.725      0.046      1.         3079300200071 
4.           4.                                                   3079300200072 
 93.        39.                  0.931      0.058      2.         3079300200073 
4.           5.                                                   3079300200074 
 95.        40.                  1.15       0.04       1.         3079300200075 
4.           6.                                                   3079300200076 
 97.        40.                  1.57       0.05       1.         3079300200077 
4.           7.                                                   3079300200078 
 99.        42.                  2.52       0.09       1.         3079300200079 
4.           8.                                                   3079300200080 
103.        44.                  5.18       0.21       1.         3079300200081 
5.           9.                                                   3079300200082 
105.        44.                  5.70       0.37       1.         3079300200083 
4.          10.                                                   3079300200084 
106.        44.                  6.51       0.29       1.         3079300200085 
5.          11.                                                   3079300200086 
109.        46.                  6.48       0.32       1.         3079300200087 
3.          12.                                                   3079300200088 
111.        47.                  5.08       0.21       1.         3079300200089 
4.          13.                                                   3079300200090 
112.        46.                  4.27       0.29       1.         3079300200091 
3.          14.                                                   3079300200092 
113.        47.         0.       4.23       0.30       1.         3079300200093 
5.          15.                                                   3079300200094 
115.        48.         0.       2.49       0.12       1.         3079300200095 
5.          16.                                                   3079300200096 
115.        48.         1.       0.165      0.019      1.         3079300200097 
5.          17.                                                   3079300200098 
117.        48.         0.       1.36       0.12       1.         3079300200099 
3.          18.                                                   3079300200100 
121.        50.         0.       0.0713     0.007      2.         3079300200101 
4.          19.                                                   3079300200102 
125.        50.         0.       0.00760    0.0011     2.         3079300200103 
4.          20.                                                   3079300200104 
127.        51.                  0.0748     0.0055     1.         3079300200105 
4.          21.                                                   3079300200106 
129.        51.                  0.402      0.027      1.         3079300200107 
4.          22.                                                   3079300200108 
131.        53.                  1.35       0.09       1.         3079300200109 
3.          23.                                                   3079300200110 
132.        52.                  2.15       0.09       1.         3079300200111 
6.          24.                                                   3079300200112 
133.        53.                  3.02       0.29       1.         3079300200113 
3.          25.                                                   3079300200114 
134.        52.                  3.70       0.37       1.         3079300200115 
4.          26.                                                   3079300200116 
135.        53.                  4.55       0.39       1.         3079300200117 
3.          27.                                                   3079300200118 
139.        56.                  5.66       0.34       1.         3079300200119 
4.          28.                                                   3079300200120 
140.        56.                  5.77       0.20       1.         3079300200121 
4.          29.                                                   3079300200122 
141.        58.                  5.97       0.29       2.         3079300200123 
6.          30.                                                   3079300200124 
143.        59.                  5.86       0.55       2.         3079300200125 
3.          31.                                                   3079300200126 
144.        58.                  5.70       0.35       2.         3079300200127 
8.          32.                                                   3079300200128 
147.        60.                  4.14       0.16       2.         3079300200129 
5.          33.                                                   3079300200130 
153.        62.                  1.23       0.05       2.         3079300200131 
3.          34.                                                   3079300200132 
156.        63.                  0.70       0.09       1.         3079300200133 
3.          35.                                                   3079300200134 
161.        65.                  0.19       0.02       2.         3079300200135 
5.          36.                                                   3079300200136 
ENDDATA             76          0                                 3079300200137 
ENDSUBENT          136          0                                 3079300299999 
SUBENT        30793003   20190315                             31883079300300001 
BIB                  5         20                                 3079300300002 
REACTION   (98-CF-252(0,F)MASS,CHN,FY)                            3079300300003 
FLAG       Method o obtain the chain yield using the cumulative   3079300300004 
            yield(s) of the same chain:                           3079300300005 
           (1.) from decay branching in the chain (no data given);3079300300006 
           (2.) sum of cadmium isomer yields;                     3079300300007 
           (3.) using fractional yields by K.F.Flynn et al., J.   3079300300008 
                Inorg.Nucl.Chem.37(1975)881;                      3079300300009 
           (4.) using fractional yields by S.B.Manohar, Phys.Rev. 3079300300010 
                17(1978)188.                                      3079300300011 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Quadature sum of the following uncertainties   3079300300012 
            (but 2*SD was used instead of SD):                    3079300300013 
           (ERR-1,2.,12.)  efficiency calibration    (2-12%)      3079300300014 
           (ERR-2,1.,2.)   chemical yield             (1-2%)      3079300300015 
           (ERR-3,1.,2.)   fission rate               (1-2%)      3079300300016 
           (ERR-4,1.,15.)  measured activity         (1-15%)      3079300300017 
           (ERR-S,0.1,4.5) standard deviation SD  (0.1-4.5%)      3079300300018 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.111(1987)63   3079300300019 
HISTORY    (20160624U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001 and coded    3079300300020 
                           inf. added.                            3079300300021 
           (20190315A) On. ERR-ANALYS revised.                    3079300300022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 3079300300023 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3079300300024 
DATA                 4          6                                 3079300300025 
MASS       DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                             3079300300026 
NO-DIM     PC/FIS     PC/FIS     NO-DIM                           3079300300027 
 113.       4.70       0.33       1.                              3079300300028 
 115.       2.66       0.14       2.                              3079300300029 
 121.       0.0814     0.007      3.                              3079300300030 
 125.       0.0160     0.0023     3.                              3079300300031 
 134.       4.68       0.47       4.                              3079300300032 
 135.       4.68       0.40       4.                              3079300300033 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 3079300300034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 3079300399999 
SUBENT        30793004   20190315                             31883079300400001 
BIB                  2          3                                 3079300400002 
REACTION  1(98-CF-252(0,F),,AP,LF)                                3079300400003 
          2(98-CF-252(0,F),,AP,HF)                                3079300400004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text (p69) of J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.111(1987)633079300400005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 3079300400006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3079300400007 
DATA                 2          1                                 3079300400008 
DATA      1DATA      2                                            3079300400009 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 3079300400010 
106.39     141.82                                                 3079300400011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3079300400012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 3079300499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 3079399999999