ENTRY 30833 20230706 32103083300000001 SUBENT 30833001 20230706 32103083300100001 BIB 12 39 3083300100002 TITLE Measurement of thermal neutron cross section and 3083300100003 resonance integral for the 170Er(n,g)171Er reaction 3083300100004 by using a gold monitor 3083300100005 AUTHOR (V.D.Nguyen, D.K.Pham, T.T.Kim, T.H.Nguyen, G.N.Kim, 3083300100006 S.C.Yang, K.S.Kim, S.G.Shin, M.H.Cho, M.W.Lee) 3083300100007 INSTITUTE (3VN IPH,3KORKNU,3KORPUE,3KORDRM) 3083300100008 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,310,10,2013) 3083300100009 FACILITY (LINAC,3KORPUE) Pohang Neutron Facility 3083300100010 INC-SOURCE (PHOTO) Ta(g,n) photonuclear reaction 3083300100011 SAMPLE Natural Erbium foil 3083300100012 - Size: 10 x 10 mm 3083300100013 - Purity: 99.9% 3083300100014 - Thickness: 0.025 mm 3083300100015 - Weight: 0.0354 g, 0.0378 g 3083300100016 Natural Au foil 3083300100017 - Size: 10 x 10 mm 3083300100018 - Purity: 99.95% 3083300100019 - Thickness: 0.03 mm 3083300100020 - Weight: 0.0489 g, 0.0463 g 3083300100021 Natural In for the neutron flux monitoring 3083300100022 - Size: 10 x 10 mm 3083300100023 - Purity: 99.95% 3083300100024 - Thickness: 0.05 mm 3083300100025 - Weight: 0.0393 g, 0.0396 g, 0.0371 g, 0.0380 g, 3083300100026 0.0370 g, 0.0379 g 3083300100027 The natural Ho and Au foils were irradiated with and 3083300100028 without a Cd cover with a thickness of 0.5 mm. 3083300100029 METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiated for 180 minute 3083300100030 (GSPEC) Measuring time based on the activity and the 3083300100031 half-life of each radioactive isotope 3083300100032 DETECTOR (HPGE) To count gammas of reaction products 1.8 keV 3083300100033 FWHM at 1332.5 keV peak of 60Co, efficiency of 20% 3083300100034 relative to NaI(Tl) detector for the peak 3083300100035 REL-REF (R,,E.Browne+,B,BROWNE,,,2004) WWW Version 2.1 3083300100036 STATUS (TABLE) Table 6 of Nucl.Instrum.Meth.B310(2013)10 3083300100037 (APRVD) Approved by G.N.Kim (2013-11-15) 3083300100038 HISTORY (20130826C) S.C.Yang 3083300100039 (20171006U) VS. Corrections in ERR-ANALYS in 002. 3083300100040 (20230706A) VT+On. Revision in 003 3083300100041 ENDBIB 39 0 3083300100042 NOCOMMON 0 0 3083300100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 3083300199999 SUBENT 30833002 20171006 31803083300200001 BIB 7 23 3083300200002 REACTION (68-ER-170(N,G)68-ER-171,,SIG) 3083300200003 DECAY-DATA (68-ER-171,7.516HR,DG,295.90,0.289, 3083300200004 DG,308.31,0.644) 3083300200005 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 3083300200006 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198-G,2.69517D,DG,411.80,0.9558) 3083300200007 MONIT-REF (,S.Mughabghab,R,INDC(NDS)-440,2003) 3083300200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty: 4.55% 3083300200009 (ERR-1) Geometry, Er (0.50%)3083300200010 (ERR-2) Detection efficiency, Er (2.23%)3083300200011 (ERR-3) Mass (foil weight, Er (0.20%)3083300200012 (ERR-4) Half-life, Er (0.027%)3083300200013 (ERR-5) Gamma-ray intensity, Er (2.56%)3083300200014 (ERR-6) Thermal neutron self-shielding, Er (0.48%)3083300200015 (ERR-7) Coincidence summing effect, Er (1.04%)3083300200016 (ERR-8,,,U) Statistical error, Er (1.02%)3083300200017 (ERR-9) Geometry, Au (0.50%)3083300200018 (ERR-10) Detection efficiency, Au (2.41%)3083300200019 (ERR-11) Mass (foil weight, Au (0.20%)3083300200020 (ERR-12) Half-life, Au (0.008%)3083300200021 (ERR-13) Thermal neutron self-shielding, Au (0.52%)3083300200022 (ERR-14,,,U)Statistical error, Au (0.46%)3083300200023 (MONIT-ERR) Reference thermal cross section, Au (0.09%)3083300200024 HISTORY (20171006U) VS. Corrections in ERR-ANALYS 3083300200025 ENDBIB 23 0 3083300200026 COMMON 14 9 3083300200027 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 3083300200028 ERR-7 ERR-8 ERR-9 ERR-10 ERR-11 ERR-12 3083300200029 ERR-13 ERR-14 3083300200030 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3083300200031 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3083300200032 PER-CENT PER-CENT 3083300200033 0.50 2.23 0.20 0.027 2.56 0.48 3083300200034 1.04 1.02 0.50 2.41 0.20 0.008 3083300200035 0.52 0.46 3083300200036 ENDCOMMON 9 0 3083300200037 DATA 5 1 3083300200038 EN-DUMMY DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3083300200039 EV B B B B 3083300200040 0.0253 7.80 0.35 98.65 0.09 3083300200041 ENDDATA 3 0 3083300200042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 3083300299999 SUBENT 30833003 20230706 32103083300300001 BIB 7 27 3083300300002 REACTION (68-ER-170(N,G)68-ER-171,,RI) 3083300300003 DECAY-DATA (68-ER-171,7.516HR,DG,295.90,0.289, 3083300300004 DG,308.31,0.644) 3083300300005 ANALYSIS The alpha-shape factor was experimentally determined 3083300300006 by dual monitor method using measured cadmium ratios 3083300300007 of the 197Au(n,g)198Au and 186W(n,g)187W reactions. It 3083300300008 was derived from the Eq.(6) of J,NIM/B,310,10,2013. 3083300300009 ASSUMED (ASSUM1,79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 3083300300010 (ASSUM2,79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,RI) 3083300300011 (ASSUM3,68-ER-170(N,G)68-ER-171,,SIG) 3083300300012 REL-REF (R,,S.F.Mughabghab,R,INDC(NDS)-440,2003) 3083300300013 Au thermal cross section and resonance integral given 3083300300014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty: 6.88% 3083300300015 (ERR-1) Epithermal neutron self-shielding,Er (1.02%) 3083300300016 (ERR-2) Thermal neutron self-shielding, Er (0.48%) 3083300300017 (ERR-3) Coincidence summing effect, Er (1.04%) 3083300300018 (ERR-4) Cadmium ratio, Er (1.27%) 3083300300019 (ERR-5) Alpha-shape factor, Er (3.35%) 3083300300020 (ERR-6) Epithermal neutron self-shielding,Au (1.79%) 3083300300021 (ERR-7) Thermal neutron self-shielding, Au (0.52%) 3083300300022 (ERR-8) Cadmium ratio, Au (1.49%) 3083300300023 (ERR-9) Alpha-shape factor, Au (3.50%) 3083300300024 (ASSUM1-ERR) Reference thermal cross-section, Au(0.09%)3083300300025 (ASSUM2-ERR) Reference resonance integral, Au (1.81%)3083300300026 (ASSUM3-ERR) Reference thermal cross-section, Er(3.31%)3083300300027 HISTORY (20230706A) VT+On. DATA: ASSUM1-ERR, ASSUM2-ERR and 3083300300028 ASSUM3-ERR deleted to avoid repetition of heading. 3083300300029 ENDBIB 27 0 3083300300030 COMMON 12 6 3083300300031 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 3083300300032 ERR-7 ERR-8 ERR-9 ASSUM1-ERR ASSUM2-ERR ASSUM3-ERR 3083300300033 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3083300300034 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3083300300035 1.02 0.48 1.04 1.27 3.35 1.79 3083300300036 0.52 1.49 3.50 0.09 1.81 3.31 3083300300037 ENDCOMMON 6 0 3083300300038 DATA 6 1 3083300300039 EN-MIN DATA ERR-T ASSUM1 ASSUM2 ASSUM3 3083300300040 EV B B B B B 3083300300041 0.55 40.4 2.8 98.65 1550. 7.803083300300042 ENDDATA 3 0 3083300300043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 3083300399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 3083399999999