ENTRY 30851 20230307 32103085100000001 SUBENT 30851001 20230307 32103085100100001 BIB 18 51 3085100100002 TITLE Measurement of 99Mo production cross-section from the 3085100100003 100Mo(n,2n) reaction with quasi monoenergetic neutron 3085100100004 based on the 9Be(p,n) reaction 3085100100005 AUTHOR (A.Gopalakrishna, G.N.Kim, H.Naik, K.Kim, B.K.Nayak, 3085100100006 M.Zaman) 3085100100007 INSTITUTE (3KORKNU,3INDTRM) 3085100100008 (3INDIND) Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology, 3085100100009 Mumbai 3085100100010 (3INDIND) Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai 3085100100011 REFERENCE (J,JRN,316,561,2018) 3085100100012 FACILITY (CYCLO,3KORKRM) MC-50 cyclotron (KIRAMS) 3085100100013 INC-SOURCE (P-BE) The neutron beam was produced from the 9Be(p,n) 3085100100014 reaction by impinging 35 and 45 MeV proton beams on a 3085100100015 2 mm thick Be target. 3085100100016 INC-SPECT (EN-RSL-HW) The neutron spectrum was characterized by 3085100100017 MCNPX 2.6.0. 3085100100018 SAMPLE 100Mo metallic powder 3085100100019 - purity: >99.99% 3085100100020 - weight: 33.8 mg, 38.6 mg 3085100100021 METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiation for 60 min 3085100100022 (GSPEC) Started after the cooling time (7-9 hour) 3085100100023 DETECTOR (HPGE) Energy resolution and relative efficiency of 3085100100024 the detector at the 1332.5 keV gamma-ray of 60Co are 3085100100025 1.8 keV and 20% relative to a 7.6 cm diameter x 7.6 cm3085100100026 length NaI(Tl). 3085100100027 MONITOR Al foil (thickness: 0.025 mm) 3085100100028 - purity: >99.99% 3085100100029 - weight: 67.4 mg, 62.5 mg 3085100100030 The neutron fluxes from the reaction threshold to the 3085100100031 maximum neutron energies was calculated with the MCNPX3085100100032 code. 3085100100033 The experimental data used to obtain the flux-weighted 3085100100034 average cross-section for Al(n,a)24Na reaction for 3085100100035 the neutron energies of 35 and 45 MeV are 0.027 and 3085100100036 0.0324 b. 3085100100037 (13-AL-27(N,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) 3085100100038 DECAY-MON (11-NA-24,14.997HR,DG,1368.6,0.999936) 3085100100039 MONIT-REF (,R.B.Firestone,J,NDS,108,2319,2007) 3085100100040 REL-REF (R,,E.Browne+,J,NDS,145,25,2017) Decay data 3085100100041 (R,,V.P.Chechev+,J,ARI,87,132,2014) Decay data 3085100100042 MISC-COL (MISC) Conversion factor to obtain the neutron flux for3085100100043 100mo(n,2n)99Mo reaction from the total flux based on 3085100100044 the 27Al(n,a)24Na reaction flux monitor 3085100100045 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty (6.5-10.8%)3085100100046 (ERR-S,5.,10.) counting statistics (5-10%)3085100100047 (ERR-1) neutron flux estimation (~2%)3085100100048 (ERR-2) irradiation time (~0.25%)3085100100049 (ERR-3) detection efficiency (~3%)3085100100050 (ERR-4) half-life and gamma-ray abundance (~2%)3085100100051 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by G.N.Kim (2023-03-09) 3085100100052 HISTORY (20230307C) S.C.Yang 3085100100053 ENDBIB 51 0 3085100100054 COMMON 4 3 3085100100055 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 3085100100056 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3085100100057 2. 0.25 3. 2. 3085100100058 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3085100100059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 3085100199999 SUBENT 30851002 20230307 32103085100200001 BIB 3 5 3085100200002 REACTION (42-MO-100(N,2N)42-MO-99,,SIG,,SPA) 3085100200003 DECAY-DATA (42-MO-99,65.976HR,DG,140.5,0.902, 3085100200004 DG,181.1,0.0605, 3085100200005 DG,739.5,0.122) 3085100200006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 4 of J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.316,561,2018 3085100200007 ENDBIB 5 0 3085100200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 3085100200009 DATA 4 2 3085100200010 EN-MEAN DATA ERR-T MISC 3085100200011 MEV MB MB NO-DIM 3085100200012 21.9 539.0 6.5 0.809 3085100200013 26.5 359.7 12.0 0.804 3085100200014 ENDDATA 4 0 3085100200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 3085100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3085199999999