ENTRY            30908   20090913                             31413090800000001 
SUBENT        30908001   20090913                             31413090800100001 
BIB                 14         27                                 3090800100002 
TITLE      Angular distribution studies in 144-Nd-60              3090800100003 
AUTHOR     (T.J.Al-Janabi,J.D.Jafar,K.M.Mahmood,H.M.Youhana,      3090800100004 
           A.M.Demidov,L.I.Govor)                                 3090800100005 
INSTITUTE  (3IRQNRI)                                              3090800100006 
           (4RUSKUR) Last two authors                             3090800100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,402,247,1983)                                  3090800100008 
           (J,NIM,117,533,1974) The experimental set-up is        3090800100009 
                                described in detail               3090800100010 
SAMPLE     7.91 g of Nd2-03  target,enriched to 97.4% in 144-Nd   3090800100011 
FACILITY   (REAC,3IRQNRI)  The experiments were performed on the  3090800100012 
           horizontal beam tube of IRT-5000 reactor.              3090800100013 
INC-SOURCE (REAC) 5MW power                                       3090800100014 
METHOD     (GSPEC)                                                3090800100015 
           Gamma-ray single spectra from 144-Nd(n,inl+g) reaction 3090800100016 
           was detected at 5 angles:90,110,125,135 and 148 deg.   3090800100017 
INC-SPECT  The neutron beam was filtered with the aid of 50mm of  3090800100018 
           depleted uranium                                       3090800100019 
DETECTOR   (GELI) 40 cm3 coaxial detector.The resolution of this  3090800100020 
                  detector was 3keV and the eff. 6% At 1332 keV.  3090800100021 
ANALYSIS   Gamma-ray spectra were analysed using the BABIL        3090800100022 
           computer program.                                      3090800100023 
CORRECTION The experimental data of gamma-transitions in 144-Nd   3090800100024 
           were corrected for the attenuation in the target and   3090800100025 
           normalized.                                            3090800100026 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No given information                        3090800100027 
HISTORY    (19880812C) VOF                                        3090800100028 
           (20090912A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 3090800100029 
ENDBIB              27          0                                 3090800100030 
COMMON               1          3                                 3090800100031 
EN-MEAN                                                           3090800100032 
MEV                                                               3090800100033 
1.5                                                               3090800100034 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3090800100035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 3090800199999 
SUBENT        30908002   20090913                             31413090800200001 
BIB                  4          9                                 3090800200002 
REACTION   (60-ND-144(N,INL)60-ND-144,,SPC,,REL/SPA)              3090800200003 
           Intensities given relative to 696.3 keV gamma          3090800200004 
           transition, measured at angle of 90 degrees.           3090800200005 
FLAG       (1.)Also possible g-transition from 2203.7 keV level   3090800200006 
           (2.)Also possible g-transition from 2581.6 keV level   3090800200007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from                           3090800200008 
                                 Nucl.Phys.A/402,1983,247,Table 1 3090800200009 
HISTORY    (20090921A) OS. Removed DA from REACTION SF6 (moved    3090800200010 
            exp. angle to free text). Replaced MISC by LVL-INI.   3090800200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 3090800200012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3090800200013 
DATA                 6         93                                 3090800200014 
E          E-ERR      DATA       DATA-ERR   LVL-INI    FLAG       3090800200015 
KEV        KEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  KEV        NO-DIM     3090800200016 
      201.6        0.2       0.36       0.11 2419.4               3090800200017 
      278.2        0.1       0.12       0.00 3531.7               3090800200018 
      301.8        0.1       0.28       0.04 2092.8               3090800200019 
      310.1        0.2       0.29       0.04 2419.4               3090800200020 
      427.0        0.1       1.14       0.07 2218.2               3090800200021 
      477.0        0.1       3.20       0.12 1791.2               3090800200022 
      574.4        0.4       0.30       0.08 2084.4               3090800200023 
      582.7        0.2       0.47       0.06 2092.8               3090800200024 
      589.5        0.2       0.24       0.06 3281.9               3090800200025 
      617.9        0.1      19.79       0.50 1614.2               3090800200026 
      657.5        0.1       0.84       0.04 2875.7               3090800200027 
      667.9        0.1       0.26       0.04 2178.1               3090800200028 
      675.4        0.2       0.16       0.04 2185.2               3090800200029 
      681.5        0.1       0.29       0.04 3281.9               3090800200030 
      696.3        0.1     100.00       3.68  696.3               3090800200031 
      748.2        0.2       0.28       0.04 3042.4               3090800200032 
      778.4        0.1       1.82       0.06 2092.8               3090800200033 
      784.3        0.2       0.23       0.04 2294.5               3090800200034 
      794.4        0.2       0.21       0.04 2108.9               3090800200035 
      813.9        0.1      12.76       0.15 1510.3               3090800200036 
      820.9        0.2       0.20       0.03 2612.1               3090800200037 
      864.2        0.1      13.61       0.32 1560.5    1.         3090800200038 
      889.5        0.2       0.10       0.03 2450.7               3090800200039 
      906.5        0.2       0.11       0.03 2978.5               3090800200040 
      934.2        0.3       0.03       0.01 3042.4               3090800200041 
      966.3        0.2       0.13       0.04 2526.7               3090800200042 
      980.3        0.1       1.50       0.05 2294.5               3090800200043 
     1003.0        0.3       0.15       0.06 2563.8               3090800200044 
     1027.7        0.2       0.12       0.04 3100.6               3090800200045 
     1081.2        0.3       0.11       0.04 3531.7               3090800200046 
     1094.4        0.2       0.40       0.04 2604.9               3090800200047 
     1136.7        0.1       0.86       0.04 2450.7               3090800200048 
     1149.8        0.2       0.12       0.03 3242.6               3090800200049 
     1181.6        0.3       0.13       0.04 2692.4    2.         3090800200050 
     1267.6        0.2       0.25       0.03 2828.2               3090800200051 
     1286.3        0.1       0.49       0.04 2600.5               3090800200052 
     1339.9        0.1       0.60       0.04 2900.5               3090800200053 
     1356.9        0.2       0.37       0.06 2867.1               3090800200054 
     1375.9        0.1       2.58       0.08 2072.2               3090800200055 
     1387.9        0.1       1.18       0.07 2084.4               3090800200056 
     1400.2        0.2       0.20       0.05                      3090800200057 
     1412.9        0.1       3.07       0.08 2108.9               3090800200058 
     1417.7        0.2       0.36       0.05 2731.8               3090800200059 
     1450.7        0.2       0.17       0.03 3242.6               3090800200060 
     1481.8        0.1       1.07       0.04 2178.1               3090800200061 
     1488.9        0.1       0.62       0.04 2185.2               3090800200062 
     1494.0        0.2       0.17       0.04 2808.2               3090800200063 
     1514.6        0.2       0.37       0.04 3024.8               3090800200064 
     1560.5        0.1       0.72       0.04 1560.5               3090800200065 
     1573.2        0.2       0.37       0.05 2270.0               3090800200066 
     1598.2        0.2       0.11       0.03 2294.5               3090800200067 
     1632.2        0.1       0.55       0.04                      3090800200068 
     1671.7        0.1       1.52       0.06 2367.8               3090800200069 
     1733.2        0.2       0.13       0.03 3242.6               3090800200070 
     1754.8        0.2       0.22       0.04 2450.7               3090800200071 
     1787.0        0.3       0.06       0.03 3100.6               3090800200072 
     1811.4        0.3       0.19       0.04 3125.3               3090800200073 
     1820.8        0.3       0.10       0.03 3381.3               3090800200074 
     1830.5        0.2       0.25       0.04 2526.7               3090800200075 
     1867.2        0.2       0.29       0.04 2563.8               3090800200076 
     1885.0        0.1       0.54       0.04 2581.6               3090800200077 
     1895.2        0.1       0.63       0.04 2591.6               3090800200078 
     1904.2        0.2       0.08       0.03 2600.5               3090800200079 
     1908.7        0.2       0.46       0.04 2604.9               3090800200080 
     1939.0        0.5       0.14       0.05 3253.2               3090800200081 
     1958.0        0.2       0.10       0.03 2654.7               3090800200082 
     1978.0        0.2       0.19       0.04 3292.1               3090800200083 
     2021.5        0.2       0.43       0.04 3531.7               3090800200084 
     2035.4        0.2       0.06       0.02 2731.8               3090800200085 
     2046.1        0.3       0.13       0.04                      3090800200086 
     2049.9        0.3       0.11       0.03                      3090800200087 
     2072.1        0.1       0.99       0.05 2072.2               3090800200088 
     2081.6        0.2       0.23       0.04 3395.8               3090800200089 
     2132.1        0.3       0.35       0.05 2828.2               3090800200090 
     2142.4        0.2       0.41       0.05 2839.5               3090800200091 
     2184.9        0.1       1.54       0.06 2185.2               3090800200092 
     2204.2        0.3       0.09       0.03 2900.5               3090800200093 
     2270.5        0.2       0.32       0.04 2270.0               3090800200094 
     2282.0        0.2       0.09       0.03 2978.5               3090800200095 
     2289.6        0.3       0.14       0.04                      3090800200096 
     2322.4        0.3       0.12       0.03                      3090800200097 
     2345.8        0.3       0.17       0.04 3042.4               3090800200098 
     2367.7        0.2       0.23       0.04 2367.8               3090800200099 
     2373.2        0.3       0.18       0.04 3069.5               3090800200100 
     2404.4        0.5       0.24       0.07 3100.6               3090800200101 
     2429.0        0.3       0.26       0.05 3125.3               3090800200102 
     2526.5        0.2       0.76       0.05 2526.7               3090800200103 
     2559.0        0.5       0.10       0.04                      3090800200104 
     2592.4        0.4       0.05       0.03 2591.6               3090800200105 
     2655.0        0.2       0.54       0.04 2654.7               3090800200106 
     2693.0        0.4       0.07       0.03 2692.4               3090800200107 
     2840.2        0.4       0.07       0.02 2839.5               3090800200108 
     2979.0        0.4       0.19       0.02 2978.5               3090800200109 
ENDDATA             95          0                                 3090800200110 
ENDSUBENT          109          0                                 3090800299999 
SUBENT        30908003   20090913                             31413090800300001 
BIB                  4         14                                 3090800300002 
REACTION   (60-ND-144(N,INL)60-ND-144,PAR,DA,G,LEG/RS)            3090800300003 
           The isotropic 669.7 keV(-1/2)-(-3/2) gamma-transition  3090800300004 
           was used to normalize the angular distribution data.   3090800300005 
ANALYSIS   The experimentally determined legendre polynomial coeff3090800300006 
           for a particular gamma-transition,were compared with   3090800300007 
           the theoretical values,calculated for a range of spin  3090800300008 
           sequences as a function of multipole mixing ratio using3090800300009 
           the computer code CINDY. This program is based upon the3090800300010 
           compound nucleus statistical model with the use of the 3090800300011 
           Hauser-Feshbach formalism and the Moldauer width       3090800300012 
           fluctuation correction.                                3090800300013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from                           3090800300014 
                                 Nucl.Phys.A/402,1983,247,Table 2 3090800300015 
HISTORY    (20090921A) OS. Replaced MISC by LVL-INI.              3090800300016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 3090800300017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3090800300018 
DATA                 5         60                                 3090800300019 
NUMBER     E          DATA       DATA-ERR   LVL-INI               3090800300020 
NO-DIM     KEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     KEV                   3090800300021 
2.          427.0      0.337     0.034      2218.2                3090800300022 
2.          477.0      0.302     0.031      1791.2                3090800300023 
2.          617.9      0.249     0.015      1314.2                3090800300024 
2.          657.5      0.543     0.075      2875.7                3090800300025 
2.          696.3      0.223     0.018       696.3                3090800300026 
2.          778.4     -0.212     0.036      2092.8                3090800300027 
2.          794.4      0.331     0.038      2108.9                3090800300028 
2.          813.9     -0.196     0.027      1510.3                3090800300029 
2.          864.2     -0.165     0.030      1560.5                3090800300030 
2.          980.3      0.169     0.061      2294.5                3090800300031 
2.         1094.4      0.112     0.032      2604.9                3090800300032 
2.         1136.7      0.371     0.050      2450.7                3090800300033 
2.         1267.6      0.221     0.092      2828.2                3090800300034 
2.         1286.3      0.334     0.095      2600.5                3090800300035 
2.         1339.9      0.293     0.074      2900.5                3090800300036 
2.         1375.9      0.309     0.038      2072.2                3090800300037 
2.         1387.9     -0.185     0.050      2084.4                3090800300038 
2.         1412.9      0.311     0.034      2108.9                3090800300039 
2.         1417.7      0.544     0.098      2731.8                3090800300040 
2.         1481.8      0.289     0.046      2178.1                3090800300041 
2.         1488.9     -0.021     0.010      2185.2                3090800300042 
2.         1560.5      0.361     0.067      1560.5                3090800300043 
2.         1671.7      0.288     0.036      2367.8                3090800300044 
2.         1830.5      0.393     0.059      2526.7                3090800300045 
2.         1885.0     -0.122     0.097      2581.6                3090800300046 
2.         1895.2      0.289     0.051      2591.6                3090800300047 
2.         1908.7     -0.091     0.010      2604.9                3090800300048 
2.         2270.5      0.180     0.081      2270.0                3090800300049 
2.         2526.5      0.466     0.052      2526.7                3090800300050 
2.         2655.0     -0.065     0.051      2655.0                3090800300051 
4.          427.0     -0.127     0.047      2218.2                3090800300052 
4.          477.0     -0.022     0.044      1791.2                3090800300053 
4.          617.9     -0.075     0.039      1314.2                3090800300054 
4.          657.5      0.280     0.089      2875.7                3090800300055 
4.          696.3     -0.075     0.022       696.3                3090800300056 
4.          778.4     -0.040     0.038      2092.8                3090800300057 
4.          794.4     -0.037     0.045      2108.9                3090800300058 
4.          813.9     -0.016     0.038      1510.3                3090800300059 
4.          864.2     -0.088     0.043      1560.5                3090800300060 
4.          980.3      0.078     0.039      2294.5                3090800300061 
4.         1094.4      0.040     0.041      2604.9                3090800300062 
4.         1136.7      0.014     0.059      2450.7                3090800300063 
4.         1267.6     -0.106     0.113      2828.2                3090800300064 
4.         1286.3      0.119     0.127      2600.5                3090800300065 
4.         1339.9      0.087     0.087      2900.5                3090800300066 
4.         1375.9     -0.005     0.056      2072.2                3090800300067 
4.         1387.9     -0.040     0.061      2084.4                3090800300068 
4.         1412.9     -0.052     0.044      2108.9                3090800300069 
4.         1417.7      0.036     0.121      2731.8                3090800300070 
4.         1481.8      0.129     0.055      2178.1                3090800300071 
4.         1488.9      0.000     0.000      2185.2                3090800300072 
4.         1560.5     -0.011     0.081      1560.5                3090800300073 
4.         1671.7      0.016     0.043      2367.8                3090800300074 
4.         1830.5     -0.048     0.084      2526.7                3090800300075 
4.         1885.0     -0.013     0.112      2581.6                3090800300076 
4.         1895.2      0.067     0.094      2591.6                3090800300077 
4.         1908.7      0.074     0.014      2604.9                3090800300078 
4.         2270.5     -0.118     0.105      2270.0                3090800300079 
4.         2526.5     -0.012     0.074      2526.7                3090800300080 
4.         2655.0      0.000     0.000      2655.0                3090800300081 
ENDDATA             62          0                                 3090800300082 
ENDSUBENT           81          0                                 3090800399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 3090899999999