ENTRY            30979   20090917                             31413097900000001 
SUBENT        30979001   20090917                             31413097900100001 
BIB                 14         60                                 3097900100002 
TITLE      Cross section measurements of (n,p) and (n, np+pn+d)   3097900100003 
           reactions for some titanium, chromium, iron, cobalt,   3097900100004 
           nickel and zinc isotopes around 14 MeV.                3097900100005 
AUTHOR     (M.Viennot,M.Berrada,G.Paic,S.Joly)                    3097900100006 
INSTITUTE  (3MORMOH) 2nd author                                   3097900100007 
           (3CRORBZ) 3rd author                                   3097900100008 
           (2FR BRC) 4th author                                   3097900100009 
           (2FR FR ) Univ.de Technologie de Compiegne (1st author)3097900100010 
REFERENCE  (J,NSE,108,289,199107)                                 3097900100011 
SAMPLE     Samples of natural titanium, chromium, iron, cobalt,   3097900100012 
           nickel and zinc, in the form of pure metallic or oxide 3097900100013 
           powder.                                                3097900100014 
           Al was in the form of aluminium oxide powder in order  3097900100015 
           to ensure uniform mixing with the sample powder.       3097900100016 
FACILITY   (CCW,3MORMOH)                                          3097900100017 
INC-SOURCE (D-T) Neutrons were produced by bombarding a 0.6mg/    3097900100018 
           cm**2 thick Ti-T layer with 150 and 300 keV deuterons, 3097900100019 
           the first ones originating from (D2)+ molecules in the 3097900100020 
           deuteron beam which were accellerated by the same high 3097900100021 
           voltage as the atomic D+. Neutron energy was selected  3097900100022 
           by the angular position of the sample with respect to  3097900100023 
           the deuteron beam axis. The calculated neutron-energy  3097900100024 
           scale was verified by measuring the energy dependence  3097900100025 
           of the Nb-93(n,2n)Nb-92-m and Zr-90(n,2n)Zr-89-m+g     3097900100026 
           cross sections.                                        3097900100027 
METHOD     (ACTIV)                                                3097900100028 
DETECTOR   (GELI)                                                 3097900100029 
ANALYSIS   (DECAY)                                                3097900100030 
CORRECTION Corrections have been made for self-absorption of      3097900100031 
           gamma rays in the sample and for gamma-gamma coin-     3097900100032 
           cidence summing effects.                               3097900100033 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Errors in the measured cross sections involve  3097900100034 
           uncertainties in:                                      3097900100035 
           (ERR-S,1.,4.) counting statistics (1 t0 4%),           3097900100036 
           (MONIT-ERR) monitor reaction cross sections(1%),       3097900100037 
           (ERR-1,1.,10.) corrections for gamma-ray               3097900100038 
                                      self absorption(1 t0 10%)   3097900100039 
           (ERR-2,1.,10.) coincidence summing effect (1 to 10%),  3097900100040 
           (ERR-3) sample chemical composition(0.1%),             3097900100041 
           (ERR-4,1.5,2.) Ge(Li) detector efficiency(1.5 to 2%)   3097900100042 
           (ERR-5) neutron flux time variation(0.1%).             3097900100043 
           Total uncertaianties in cross sections were obtained   3097900100044 
           by adding the uncertainty components in quadrature.    3097900100045 
           The total neutron energy spread was estimated taking   3097900100046 
           into account the kinetics of the neutron-producing     3097900100047 
           reaction, the deuteron energy loss in the Ti-T layer,  3097900100048 
           the D+/(D2)+ ratio as deduced from the angle dependence3097900100049 
           of the neutron energy, and the solid angle sustained   3097900100050 
           by the sample.                                         3097900100051 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data are taken from Table 4 of Nucl. Science   3097900100052 
           and Engineering, vol. 108, 289 (1991).                 3097900100053 
HISTORY    (19920226C)  HW                                        3097900100054 
           (19920616A)  HW, correction of mispunches in data Table3097900100055 
           of subentry 003 and minor alteration in bib section of 3097900100056 
           subentry 009.                                          3097900100057 
           (19930128U) HW.-Comment put in appropriate keyword in  3097900100058 
           subents 002-005,007,012-014,016.-                      3097900100059 
           (20090912A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 3097900100060 
           Entry deleted. All subetns were added to 30978. The    3097900100061 
           same experiment, only diff. monitor reacrions.         3097900100062 
ENDBIB              60          0                                 3097900100063 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3097900100064 
ENDSUBENT           63          0                                 3097900199999 
NOSUBENT      30979002   20090917                             31413097900200001 
NOSUBENT      30979003   20090917                             31413097900300001 
NOSUBENT      30979004   20090917                             31413097900400001 
NOSUBENT      30979005   20090917                             31413097900500001 
NOSUBENT      30979006   20090917                             31413097900600001 
NOSUBENT      30979007   20090917                             31413097900700001 
NOSUBENT      30979008   20090917                             31413097900800001 
NOSUBENT      30979009   20090917                             31413097900900001 
NOSUBENT      30979010   20090917                             31413097901000001 
NOSUBENT      30979011   20090917                             31413097901100001 
NOSUBENT      30979012   20090917                             31413097901200001 
NOSUBENT      30979013   20090917                             31413097901300001 
NOSUBENT      30979014   20090917                             31413097901400001 
NOSUBENT      30979015   20090917                             31413097901500001 
NOSUBENT      30979016   20090917                             31413097901600001 
ENDENTRY            16          0                                 3097999999999