ENTRY            30986   20090919                             31413098600000001 
SUBENT        30986001   20090919                             31413098600100001 
BIB                  6         14                                 3098600100002 
TITLE      Fission neutron spectrum averaged cross sections of    3098600100003 
           some threshold reactions on molybdenum and nickel:     3098600100004 
           relevance to the production of Mo-99 and Co-57.        3098600100005 
AUTHOR     (J.H.Zaidi,H.M.A.Karim,M.Arif,I.H.Qureshi,S.M.Qaim,    3098600100006 
           G.Stoecklin)                                           3098600100007 
INSTITUTE  (3PAKNIL) First four authors                           3098600100008 
           (2GERJUL) last two authors                             3098600100009 
REFERENCE  (C,91JUELIC,,598,199105)                               3098600100010 
HISTORY    (19920626C) HW                                         3098600100011 
           (19930428D) HW.-Subent 003 duplicate with 30967008,    3098600100012 
           subents 002, 004 and 005 replaced by 30967013 - 015.-  3098600100013 
           (20090912A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 3098600100014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data are taken from Conf. on Nucl. Data for    3098600100015 
           Sci. and Technol.,Juelich 1991, p.355, Table 1 and 2.  3098600100016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 3098600100017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3098600100018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 3098600199999 
NOSUBENT      30986002   19930430                             00003098600200001 
NOSUBENT      30986003   19930430                             00003098600300001 
NOSUBENT      30986004   19930430                             00003098600400001 
NOSUBENT      30986005   19930430                             00003098600500001 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 3098699999999