ENTRY            30988   20090919                             31413098800000001 
SUBENT        30988001   20090919                             31413098800100001 
BIB                 15         39                                 3098800100002 
INSTITUTE  (3HUNKOS) First three authors                          3098800100003 
           (4RUSFEI) Last two authors                             3098800100004 
REFERENCE  (C,91JUELIC,,660,199105)                               3098800100005 
AUTHOR     (P.Raics,S.Nagy,S.Szegedi,N.V.Kornilov,A.B.Kagalenko)  3098800100006 
TITLE      Cross section measurements of neutron induced          3098800100007 
           reactions on the zirconium isotopes in the energy      3098800100008 
           range of 5.4 to 12.3 MeV.                              3098800100009 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,3HUNDEB) MGC-29 compact cyclotron, Debrecen     3098800100010 
INC-SOURCE (D-D) Monoenergetic neutrons were produced by bombar-  3098800100011 
           ding a D-2 gas target with an analyzed beam of deute-  3098800100012 
           rons. Neutron energy was varied with deuteron energy.  3098800100013 
           Neutron energy distributions, calculated from reaction 3098800100014 
           kinematics on the basis of deuteron energy losses and  3098800100015 
           differential cross sections, were checked by scanning  3098800100016 
           the neutron resonance absorption curve of C-12 around  3098800100017 
           6.3 MeV.                                               3098800100018 
SAMPLE     Zr sample foils, 630 mg/cm**2, 19 mm diameter.         3098800100019 
METHOD     (ACTIV)                                                3098800100020 
DETECTOR   (GELI,HPGE) Efficiencies were determined experimentally3098800100021 
           for the 19 mm sample diameter using standard point like3098800100022 
           and 19 mm diameter sources.                            3098800100023 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG)Taken from IRDF-90 datafile3098800100024 
           (26-FE-56(N,P)25-MN-56,,SIG)Taken from IRDF-90 datafile3098800100025 
DECAY-MON  (11-NA-24,14.97HR,DG,1368.53,1.0,                      3098800100026 
                             DG,2754.4,.999)                      3098800100027 
           (25-MN-56,2.58HR,DG,846.6,.989,                        3098800100028 
                            DG,1810.7,.272)                       3098800100029 
CORRECTION Extrapolated activities were corrected for self-       3098800100030 
           absorption of the samples and pile-up and cascade-     3098800100031 
           coincidence losses. Activity contributions from the    3098800100032 
           H-2(d,np)H-2 process at high energies were calculated  3098800100033 
           on the basis of energy spectra from the literature.    3098800100034 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Errors are statistical errors of the activity  3098800100035 
           measurements only.                                     3098800100036 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data are taken from Conf. on Nucl. Data for    3098800100037 
           Sci. and Technol., Juelich 1991, page 660, Table 4.    3098800100038 
HISTORY    (19920707C)  HW                                        3098800100039 
           (19960430U)  HW. Facility code altered.-               3098800100040 
           (20090912A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 3098800100041 
ENDBIB              39          0                                 3098800100042 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3098800100043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 3098800199999 
SUBENT        30988002   20090919                             31413098800200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 3098800200002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-90(N,A)38-SR-87-M,,SIG)                         3098800200003 
DECAY-DATA (38-SR-87-M,2.805HR,DG,338.3,0.818)                    3098800200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 3098800200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3098800200006 
DATA                 3         11                                 3098800200007 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       3098800200008 
MEV        MB         MB                                          3098800200009 
       5.38      0.011      0.006                                 3098800200010 
       6.39      0.010      0.004                                 3098800200011 
       6.80      0.028      0.004                                 3098800200012 
       8.20      0.155      0.009                                 3098800200013 
       8.43      0.233      0.010                                 3098800200014 
       8.92      0.355      0.009                                 3098800200015 
       9.43      0.523      0.025                                 3098800200016 
      10.23      0.869      0.020                                 3098800200017 
      10.95      1.365      0.025                                 3098800200018 
      11.56      1.355      0.037                                 3098800200019 
      12.25      2.525      0.035                                 3098800200020 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 3098800200021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 3098800299999 
SUBENT        30988003   20090919                             31413098800300001 
BIB                  2          3                                 3098800300002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-90(N,P)39-Y-90-M,,SIG)                          3098800300003 
DECAY-DATA (39-Y-90-M,3.19HR,DG,202.5,0.965,                      3098800300004 
                             DG,479.5,0.906)                      3098800300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 3098800300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3098800300007 
DATA                 3         12                                 3098800300008 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       3098800300009 
MEV        MB         MB                                          3098800300010 
       5.38      0.044      0.009                                 3098800300011 
       5.89      0.145      0.008                                 3098800300012 
       6.39      0.360      0.100                                 3098800300013 
       6.80      0.580      0.140                                 3098800300014 
       8.20      1.750      0.040                                 3098800300015 
       8.43      1.900      0.040                                 3098800300016 
       8.92      2.500      0.030                                 3098800300017 
       9.43      2.780      0.060                                 3098800300018 
      10.23      3.860      0.050                                 3098800300019 
      10.95      5.410      0.070                                 3098800300020 
      11.56      5.620      0.080                                 3098800300021 
      12.25      9.080      0.100                                 3098800300022 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 3098800300023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 3098800399999 
SUBENT        30988004   20090919                             31413098800400001 
BIB                  2          2                                 3098800400002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-91(N,P)39-Y-91-M,,SIG)                          3098800400003 
DECAY-DATA (39-Y-91-M,49.71MIN,DG,555.6,0.949)                    3098800400004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 3098800400005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3098800400006 
DATA                 3         12                                 3098800400007 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       3098800400008 
MEV        MB         MB                                          3098800400009 
       5.38       0.18       0.05                                 3098800400010 
       5.89       0.42       0.04                                 3098800400011 
       6.39       0.82       0.06                                 3098800400012 
       6.80       0.95       0.06                                 3098800400013 
       8.20       2.34       0.14                                 3098800400014 
       8.43       2.66       0.15                                 3098800400015 
       8.92       3.35       0.10                                 3098800400016 
       9.43       2.20       0.26                                 3098800400017 
      10.23       3.51       0.17                                 3098800400018 
      10.95       7.23       0.26                                 3098800400019 
      11.56       6.75       0.25                                 3098800400020 
      12.25      12.88       0.31                                 3098800400021 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 3098800400022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 3098800499999 
SUBENT        30988005   20090919                             31413098800500001 
BIB                  2          2                                 3098800500002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-92(N,P)39-Y-92,,SIG)                            3098800500003 
DECAY-DATA (39-Y-92,3.54HR,DG,934.5,0.139)                        3098800500004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 3098800500005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3098800500006 
DATA                 3         11                                 3098800500007 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       3098800500008 
MEV        MB         MB                                          3098800500009 
       5.89       0.46       0.16                                 3098800500010 
       6.39       0.53       0.10                                 3098800500011 
       6.80       1.25       0.73                                 3098800500012 
       8.20       1.21       0.54                                 3098800500013 
       8.43       1.50       0.17                                 3098800500014 
       8.92       1.73       0.14                                 3098800500015 
       9.43       2.93       0.47                                 3098800500016 
      10.23       4.37       0.33                                 3098800500017 
      10.95       6.35       0.38                                 3098800500018 
      11.56       6.07       0.56                                 3098800500019 
      12.25      11.05       0.41                                 3098800500020 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 3098800500021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 3098800599999 
SUBENT        30988006   20090919                             31413098800600001 
BIB                  2          4                                 3098800600002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-94(N,A)38-SR-91,,SIG)                           3098800600003 
DECAY-DATA (38-SR-91,9.48HR,DG,555.6,0.613,                       3098800600004 
                            DG,749.8,0.236,                       3098800600005 
                            DG,1024.3,.334)                       3098800600006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 3098800600007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3098800600008 
DATA                 3          8                                 3098800600009 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       3098800600010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          3098800600011 
       8.20       0.45       0.15                                 3098800600012 
       8.43       0.29       0.11                                 3098800600013 
       8.92       0.43       0.09                                 3098800600014 
       9.43       0.85       0.28                                 3098800600015 
      10.23       1.06       0.18                                 3098800600016 
      10.95       1.30       0.13                                 3098800600017 
      11.56       1.46       0.55                                 3098800600018 
      12.25       2.72       0.19                                 3098800600019 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 3098800600020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 3098800699999 
SUBENT        30988007   20090919                             31413098800700001 
BIB                  2          2                                 3098800700002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-94(N,P)39-Y-94,,SIG)                            3098800700003 
DECAY-DATA (39-Y-94,18.70MIN,DG,918.8,0.733)                      3098800700004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 3098800700005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3098800700006 
DATA                 3          2                                 3098800700007 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       3098800700008 
MEV        MB         MB                                          3098800700009 
      11.56       1.36       0.65                                 3098800700010 
      12.25       1.98       0.21                                 3098800700011 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 3098800700012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 3098800799999 
SUBENT        30988008   20090919                             31413098800800001 
BIB                  2          3                                 3098800800002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-96(N,2N)40-ZR-95,,SIG)                          3098800800003 
DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-95,64.03D,DG,724.2,0.437,                       3098800800004 
                            DG,756.7,0.554)                       3098800800005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 3098800800006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3098800800007 
DATA                 3          8                                 3098800800008 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       3098800800009 
MEV        MB         MB                                          3098800800010 
       8.20       69.2       35.                                  3098800800011 
       8.43      248.        22.                                  3098800800012 
       8.92      540.        20.                                  3098800800013 
       9.43     1103.        43.                                  3098800800014 
      10.23     1233.        55.                                  3098800800015 
      10.95     1152.        37.                                  3098800800016 
      11.56     1152.        52.                                  3098800800017 
      12.25      722.        20.                                  3098800800018 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 3098800800019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 3098800899999 
ENDENTRY             8          0                                 3098899999999