ENTRY            31165   20090925                             31423116500000001 
SUBENT        31165001   20090925                             31423116500100001 
BIB                 13         33                                 3116500100002 
TITLE      Excitation function of the reaction 47Ti(n,p)47Sc at   3116500100003 
           neutron energies between 2.0 and 3.6MeV.               3116500100004 
INSTITUTE  (3CHLSAN) U. of Chile.                                 3116500100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,126,271,1962)                                    3116500100006 
REL-REF    (I,,Rapaport+,J,PR,114,565,1959)                       3116500100007 
AUTHOR     (L.Gonzalez,A.Trier,J.J.van Loef)                      3116500100008 
INC-SOURCE (D-D) The integrated neutron flux during each          3116500100009 
           irradiation was obtained through red phosphorus samples3116500100010 
           about 80 mg/cm2 thick placed on top of the titanium    3116500100011 
           sample at the zero-degree position.                    3116500100012 
SAMPLE     Titanium sample consisted from four disks, each 15mm in3116500100013 
           diam. and 0.5-mm thick, made out from titanuim sheet.  3116500100014 
FACILITY   (CCW,3CHLSAN) The 800-keV Philips cascade generator    3116500100015 
METHOD     (ACTIV)    Activation                                  3116500100016 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) Well-type NaI(Tl) scintillation spectrometer   3116500100017 
           using a Harshaw type 7F8 crystal and incorporating a   3116500100018 
           20-channel pulse height analyzer. NaI(Tl) crystal was  3116500100019 
           1.5 in. in diameter and 1-in. thick.                   3116500100020 
           (LONGC) Long counter for monitoring neutron flux       3116500100021 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 1 of reference                 3116500100022 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Following uncertainties are taken into account:3116500100023 
             * uncertainty in counting statistics                 3116500100024 
             * uncertainty in measured angular distributions      3116500100025 
             * uncertainty in neutron flux                        3116500100026 
             * uncertainty in calibration of well crystal         3116500100027 
                                                  spectrometer    3116500100028 
             * uncertainty in branching ratio of Sc47             3116500100029 
                                             ground-state decay   3116500100030 
             * uncertainty in correction for neutron beam         3116500100031 
                attenuation in titanium amples during irradiation 3116500100032 
HISTORY    (19771115T) Converted from EXFOR 70165                 3116500100033 
           (20090912A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 3116500100034 
           Description of experiment and Err-analys added.        3116500100035 
ENDBIB              33          0                                 3116500100036 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3116500100037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 3116500199999 
SUBENT        31165002   20090925                             31423116500200001 
BIB                  5          7                                 3116500200002 
REACTION   (22-TI-47(N,P)21-SC-47,,SIG)                           3116500200003 
MONITOR    (15-P-31(N,P)14-SI-31,,SIG)                            3116500200004 
MONIT-REF  (11481003,J.A.Grundl+,J,PR,109,425,1958)               3116500200005 
FLAG       (1.) E(d) of source reaction D(d,n): 600 keV           3116500200006 
           (2.) E(d) of source reaction D(d,n): 400 keV           3116500200007 
HISTORY    (20090925A) SD: Common section was added               3116500200008 
            OS. MONIT-REF and FLAG added                          3116500200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 3116500200010 
COMMON               2          3                                 3116500200011 
EN-NRM     MONIT                                                  3116500200012 
MEV        MB                                                     3116500200013 
  3.56        96.2                                                3116500200014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3116500200015 
DATA                 5         12                                 3116500200016 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  3116500200017 
MEV        MEV        B          B          NO-DIM                3116500200018 
 1.9900E+00 5.0000E-02 4.0100E-02 5.5000E-03   1.                 3116500200019 
 2.0500E+00 5.0000E-02 4.5200E-02 5.7000E-03   2.                 3116500200020 
 2.2100E+00 7.0000E-02 5.6800E-02 7.8000E-03   1.                 3116500200021 
 2.2400E+00 7.0000E-02 6.2100E-02 8.2000E-03   2.                 3116500200022 
 2.5300E+00 5.0000E-02 6.2100E-02 8.5000E-03   2.                 3116500200023 
 2.5800E+00 1.0000E-01 5.4600E-02 7.8000E-03   1.                 3116500200024 
 2.8800E+00 1.0000E-01 6.7000E-02 8.5000E-03   2.                 3116500200025 
 3.0400E+00 1.1000E-01 6.3300E-02 8.4000E-03   1.                 3116500200026 
 3.1500E+00 1.1000E-01 6.5400E-02 8.3000E-03   2.                 3116500200027 
 3.2700E+00 1.1000E-01 5.8700E-02 7.5000E-03   2.                 3116500200028 
 3.4000E+00 1.0000E-01 6.9900E-02 8.9000E-03   1.                 3116500200029 
 3.5500E+00 1.0000E-01 6.2700E-02 7.7000E-03   1.                 3116500200030 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 3116500200031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 3116500299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 3116599999999