ENTRY 31276 20250108 32163127600000001 SUBENT 31276001 20250108 32163127600100001 BIB 12 30 3127600100002 TITLE Determination of thermal neutron absorption 3127600100003 cross-section in boron using spherical transmission 3127600100004 method. 3127600100005 AUTHOR (G.Singh, A.K.Ghatak) 3127600100006 INSTITUTE (3INDDLH) 3127600100007 REFERENCE (J,PSI/A,27,216,1961) 3127600100008 FACILITY (REAC,3INDDLH) 3127600100009 INC-SOURCE (RA-BE) A 100 mc Ra-alpha-Be neutron source was placed 3127600100010 at the centre of an aluminium sphere which was filled 3127600100011 with paraffin wax. The radius of the sphere was 3127600100012 10-30 cm which corresponds to the optimum thermal 3127600100013 neutron output from a paraffin wax moderator 3127600100014 INC-SPECT Thermal spectrum. 3127600100015 SAMPLE Precise B-10 abundance in sample is unknown. 3127600100016 Three different concentrations of the boric acid 3127600100017 solution (1.254,1.481 and 1.675 g/100 c.c of solution)3127600100018 METHOD (TRN) Spherical transmission method 3127600100019 DETECTOR The outcoming neutrons were detected by an indium foil 3127600100020 of thickness 110 g/cm2. The indium foil was activated 3127600100021 for nearly five half-lives of 116In, and the induced 3127600100022 activity was followed for 1.5 hrs. The counting rate 3127600100023 was extrapolated to zero time. Initial activity due 3127600100024 to thermal neutrons only was obtained by the cadmium 3127600100025 difference technique. 3127600100026 STATUS (TABLE,,G.Singh+,J,PSI/A,27,216,1961) Table 2 3127600100027 HISTORY (19771115T) Converted from EXFOR 70276. 3127600100028 (20090912A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 3127600100029 Cosmetic changes. Description of experiment added. 3127600100030 (20110509A) On. INC-SOURCE corrected 3127600100031 (20250108U) On. REFERENCE: PIA -> PSI/A 3127600100032 ENDBIB 30 0 3127600100033 NOCOMMON 0 0 3127600100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 3127600199999 SUBENT 31276002 20090928 31423127600200001 BIB 2 2 3127600200002 REACTION (5-B-0(N,ABS),,SIG,,MXW) 3127600200003 HISTORY (20090921A) SD: Dataset was restored 3127600200004 ENDBIB 2 0 3127600200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 3127600200006 DATA 3 1 3127600200007 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 3127600200008 EV B B 3127600200009 0.0253 759. 11. 3127600200010 ENDDATA 3 0 3127600200011 ENDSUBENT 10 0 3127600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3127699999999