ENTRY 31514 20230408 32103151400000001 SUBENT 31514001 20230408 32103151400100001 BIB 16 59 3151400100002 TITLE Fast neutron radiative capture cross-sections in 3151400100003 fission product isotopes of neodymium 3151400100004 AUTHOR (M.Afzal Ansari, R.K.Y.Singh, R.P.Gautam, S.Kailas) 3151400100005 INSTITUTE (3LIBUGB,3INDTRM) 3151400100006 (3INDIND) Thoubal College, Thouba; Janta College, 3151400100007 Bakewar 3151400100008 REFERENCE (J,ANE,26,553,1999) 3151400100009 FACILITY (VDG,3INDTRM) BARC 5.5 MV Van-de-Graff accelerator 3151400100010 INC-SPECT The average neutron flux at the place of irradiation 3151400100011 was approx. 10**7 n/cm2/s 3151400100012 SAMPLE Neodymium oxide (Nd2O3) powder of enriched isotopes. 3151400100013 The samples were made by uniform spreading the 3151400100014 powdered sample within perspex ring of diameter 3151400100015 1.6 cm and were sandwiched between two thin cellulose 3151400100016 tapes. 3151400100017 The samples were irradiated simultaneously by wrapping 3151400100018 them in cadmium foil. 3151400100019 METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiation of contribution the sample was 3151400100020 performed in zero degree forward direction at a 3151400100021 distance of 2.0 and 2.5 cm, respectively, from 3151400100022 lithium and tritium targets. 3151400100023 The product nuclei were identified by their 3151400100024 characteristic gamma transitions following their 3151400100025 decay. 3151400100026 ORTEC detector with associated electronics was coupled 3151400100027 with 4096 channel ND-100 analyser. 3151400100028 DETECTOR (GELI) 100cm3 Ortec detector 3151400100029 MONITOR (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SIG) 3151400100030 DECAY-MON (53-I-128,,DG,443.) 3151400100031 REL-REF (R,,C.M.Lederer+,B,LEDERER-7,,,1978) 3151400100032 Decay data given 3151400100033 ERR-ANALYS See Ann. Nucl. Energy 11(1984)172 (EXFOR.30678): 3151400100034 Systematic errors 3151400100035 1.Fluctuation in the proton-beam current +-6 % 3151400100036 2.Detection efficiency of GE(LI) detector 2-6 % 3151400100037 3.Self-absorption of gamma-rays in the samples between3151400100038 0.5 and 2 % 3151400100039 4.Estimation of the number of nuclei,less than +-0.3% 3151400100040 The weighing was done up to an accuracy of 0.01 mg 3151400100041 5.Non-reproducibility of the geometries at the times 3151400100042 of irradiation and counting +-2 % 3151400100043 6.Integration of the pulse-height spectrum, +-1 3151400100044 to +-5 % 3151400100045 7.Pulse-summing effect less than 0.2 % 3151400100046 8.Various measurements of the standard reaction 3151400100047 cross-section had an uncertainty of about 7 % 3151400100048 Statistical errors in the counts under the photopeaks 3151400100049 between +-1 and +-10 % 3151400100050 Error in the decay properties were not taken into 3151400100051 account. 3151400100052 COMMENT By compiler (2012-04-27): 3151400100053 En uncertainty 6.10 MeV at 0.46 MeV given Table 1 is 3151400100054 perhaps typographical mistake. Text (p554) gives 0.04 3151400100055 MeV instead of 6.10 MeV and it is adopted in 002-003. 3151400100056 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Ann.Nucl.Energ.26(1999)553 3151400100057 HISTORY (20010430C) VZ 3151400100058 (20020920U) ML: changed 1st lab to agree with CINDA 3151400100059 (20120427U) On. REL-REF introduced. INC-SOURCE moved. 3151400100060 (20230408U) On. INSTITUTE: 3INDTHO, 3INDJCB -> 3INDIND 3151400100061 ENDBIB 59 0 3151400100062 NOCOMMON 0 0 3151400100063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 3151400199999 SUBENT 31514002 20120427 31553151400200001 BIB 5 11 3151400200002 REACTION 1(60-ND-148(N,G)60-ND-149,,SIG) 3151400200003 Neutrons obtained from Li-p source 3151400200004 2(60-ND-148(N,G)60-ND-149,,SIG) 3151400200005 Neutrons obtained from T-p source 3151400200006 INC-SOURCE1(P-LI7) 3151400200007 2(P-T) 3151400200008 SAMPLE (60-ND-148,ENR=0.932) 3151400200009 DECAY-DATA (60-ND-149,,DG,114.,, 3151400200010 DG,211.,, 3151400200011 DG,270.) 3151400200012 HISTORY (20120427A) On. EN-ERR: 6.10 MeV -> 0.04 MeV @ 0.46 MeV3151400200013 ENDBIB 11 0 3151400200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 3151400200015 DATA 8 10 3151400200016 EN EN-ERR DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 23151400200017 MONIT MONIT-ERR 3151400200018 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB 3151400200019 MB MB 3151400200020 0.46 0.04 29.6 3.2 3151400200021 122. 10. 3151400200022 0.57 0.04 34.1 4.1 3151400200023 110. 8. 3151400200024 0.76 0.24 23.2 2.3 3151400200025 87. 4. 3151400200026 0.97 0.24 24.3 2.1 3151400200027 80. 4. 3151400200028 1.22 0.20 21.4 2.4 3151400200029 74. 4. 3151400200030 1.52 0.19 24.1 1.9 3151400200031 60. 2. 3151400200032 1.71 0.20 25.1 3.0 3151400200033 57. 5. 3151400200034 2.22 0.20 20.4 3.3 3151400200035 51. 5. 3151400200036 3.05 0.17 9.10 0.8 3151400200037 32. 2. 3151400200038 3.44 0.18 7.20 1.2 3151400200039 23. 2. 3151400200040 ENDDATA 24 0 3151400200041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 3151400299999 SUBENT 31514003 20120427 31553151400300001 BIB 5 10 3151400300002 REACTION 1(60-ND-150(N,G)60-ND-151,,SIG) 3151400300003 Neutrons obtained from Li-p source 3151400300004 2(60-ND-150(N,G)60-ND-151,,SIG) 3151400300005 Neutrons obtained from T-p source 3151400300006 INC-SOURCE1(P-LI7) 3151400300007 2(P-T) 3151400300008 SAMPLE (60-ND-150,ENR=0.940) 3151400300009 DECAY-DATA (60-ND-151,,DG,117.,, 3151400300010 DG,256.) 3151400300011 HISTORY (20120427A) On. EN-ERR: 6.10 MeV -> 0.04 MeV @ 0.46 MeV3151400300012 ENDBIB 10 0 3151400300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 3151400300014 DATA 8 8 3151400300015 EN EN-ERR DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 23151400300016 MONIT MONIT-ERR 3151400300017 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB 3151400300018 MB MB 3151400300019 0.46 0.04 46.7 6.1 3151400300020 122. 10. 3151400300021 0.57 0.04 40.4 4.1 3151400300022 110. 8. 3151400300023 0.76 0.24 30.0 2.4 3151400300024 87. 4. 3151400300025 0.97 0.24 48.8 4.2 3151400300026 80. 4. 3151400300027 1.22 0.20 37.8 3.5 3151400300028 74. 4. 3151400300029 1.52 0.19 25.6 2.1 3151400300030 60. 2. 3151400300031 2.22 0.20 24.9 3.3 3151400300032 51. 5. 3151400300033 3.05 0.17 21.4 1.9 3151400300034 32. 2. 3151400300035 ENDDATA 20 0 3151400300036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 3151400399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 3151499999999