ENTRY            31526   20030321                             00003152600000001 
SUBENT        31526001   20030321                             00003152600100001 
BIB                 15         46                                 3152600100002 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRAEP)                                              3152600100003 
REFERENCE  (C,88MITO,,967,198805)                                 3152600100004 
           (J,CNP,7,(2),97,198505) Li Ze et al: referred to in    3152600100005 
           this work as to where information can be found how     3152600100006 
           fission yields were calculated from the measured data. 3152600100007 
           This includes information on ANALYSIS, CORRECTION and  3152600100008 
           ERR-ANALYS. See also EXFOR30751.                       3152600100009 
AUTHOR     (Qi Linkun,Liu Conggui,Tang Peijia,Li Ze,Wang Xiuzhi,  3152600100010 
           Liu Yonghui,Liu Daming,Ju Changxin,Lu Huijun,          3152600100011 
           Zhi Jiaxuan,Guo Jingru)                                3152600100012 
TITLE      Mass Distribution in Fission Spectrum Neutron Induced  3152600100013 
           Fission of U-235                                       3152600100014 
COMMENT    By compiler (ML): These measurements were performed    3152600100015 
           to test the radiochemical method used for fast fission 3152600100016 
           yield mesurements (see EXFOR31525), and are regarded   3152600100017 
           only as byproduct of the fast yield experiment.        3152600100018 
           However, it can be assumed, that the detector and      3152600100019 
           method are the same as for fast yields, although       3152600100020 
           no information on METHOD, DETECTOR or ANALYSIS is      3152600100021 
           explicitely given in the publication.                  3152600100022 
INC-SPECT  Thermal neutron spectrum.                              3152600100023 
INC-SOURCE No information; compiler assumes: the thermal neutron  3152600100024 
           beam of the institute's heavy water reactor.           3152600100025 
SAMPLE     No information.                                        3152600100026 
DETECTOR   No information on fission counting or radioactivity    3152600100027 
           measurements.                                          3152600100028 
           From EXFOR31525 for beta-measurements:                 3152600100029 
           (PROPC)-2Pi-gas-flow proportional counter, or          3152600100030 
           (SCIN)-2Pi-plastic-scintillator;                       3152600100031 
           for gamma-measurements:                                3152600100032 
           (NAICR)-well type NaI(Tl),3x3 inch, anticoincidence    3152600100033 
            spectrometer.                                         3152600100034 
METHOD     No information given. From EXFOR31525 for beta-        3152600100035 
           measurements:                                          3152600100036 
           (RCHEM) Sample was dissolved in 6-10M HCl, fission     3152600100037 
           products extracted with carriers;standard radiochemical3152600100038 
           procedures were used to separate and purify the fission3152600100039 
           product samples for measurement.Chemical yields were   3152600100040 
           determined. Purified samples were measured by beta- or 3152600100041 
           gamma-counting (generally for 2-4 half lives).         3152600100042 
ANALYSIS   No information, see second reference.                  3152600100043 
CORRECTION No information, see second reference.                  3152600100044 
ERR-ANALYS Only the overall error is given.                       3152600100045 
STATUS     Data taken from text on page 970 of 88Mito.            3152600100046 
HISTORY    (20030129C) ML                                         3152600100047 
           (20030321U) OS. Ref.coding corrected                   3152600100048 
ENDBIB              46          0                                 3152600100049 
COMMON               1          3                                 3152600100050 
EN-DUMMY                                                          3152600100051 
EV                                                                3152600100052 
0.025                                                             3152600100053 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 3152600100054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 3152600199999 
SUBENT        31526002   20030130                             00003152600200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 3152600200002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,MXW)                   3152600200003 
DECAY-DATA no information, see second reference.                  3152600200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 3152600200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3152600200006 
DATA                 4          3                                 3152600200007 
MASS       ELEMENT    DATA       ERR-T                            3152600200008 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PC/FIS     PC/FIS                           3152600200009 
 95.       40.        6.39       0.21                             3152600200010 
 99.       42.        6.08       0.16                             3152600200011 
144.       58.        5.34       0.34                             3152600200012 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 3152600200013 
ENDSUBENT           12          0                                 3152600299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 3152699999999