ENTRY 31578 20060714 31213157800000001 SUBENT 31578001 20060714 31213157800100001 BIB 16 50 3157800100002 TITLE Thermal neutron cross section of liquid and solid 3157800100003 mesitylene 3157800100004 AUTHOR (F.Cantargi,J.J.Blostein,L.Torres,J.R.Granada) 3157800100005 INSTITUTE (3ARGCAB,3ARGCIN) 3157800100006 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,248,340,2006) 3157800100007 FACILITY (LINAC,3ARGCAB) 25 MeV Electron LINAC based pulsed 3157800100008 neutron source at Centro Atomico Bariloche (Argentina)3157800100009 SAMPLE A commercial mesitylene ( 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 3157800100010 C6H3(CH3)3, 98.8% in purity) is liquid at (293+-2) K 3157800100011 and solid at (89.45+-0.05) K were used. Density is 3157800100012 (0.896+-0.01) g/cm3 and thickness is (0.214+-0.002)cm.3157800100013 The mesitylene sample was supplied by ALDRICH 3157800100014 DETECTOR (PROPC) The detector bank consisted of seven 3He 3157800100015 proportional counters (10 atm filling press., 15.24cm 3157800100016 active length, 2.54 cm diam.) placed at (827.2+-0.5)cm 3157800100017 from the thermal neutron source, as determined 3157800100018 by the use of well known absorption resonances 3157800100019 INC-SOURCE A lead target and a slab shaped (4x21x21) cm3 3157800100020 polyethylene moderator were employed to obtain a 3157800100021 thermal neutron spectrum. The sample was placed at 3157800100022 about 360 cm from the neutron source in a separate 3157800100023 room shielded by 100 cm thick concrete wall. 3157800100024 METHOD (TOF) flight path =(827.2+-0.5)cm. 3157800100025 The sample-in sample-out method was used. 3157800100026 Standard normalized transmission measurement. 3157800100027 MONITOR The experimental data were normalized in the free-atom 3157800100028 region to the cross section value of 288.63 barn for 3157800100029 the molecule unit. 3157800100030 PART-DET (N) neutrons 3157800100031 MONIT-REF (,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.CS 1A,,1981) S.F. Mughabghab, 3157800100032 etc. Neutron Cross Sections, Neutron Resonance 3157800100033 Parameters and Thermal Cross Sections, Part A, 3157800100034 Z = 1-60, 1, Academic Press, New York, 1981. 3157800100035 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Quoted errors are only due to statistics. 3157800100036 The observed spectra were normalized using the 3157800100037 integral counts from a monitoring 3He detector and 3157800100038 stored in 8192 channels, 2 ls width. Background was 3157800100039 measured and subtracted from both the incident and the3157800100040 transmitted beam spectra. 3157800100041 The time of flight scale was corrected by the mean 3157800100042 emission time of the moderator while the spectra were 3157800100043 corrected by dead time effects from detectors and 3157800100044 electronics which were less than 2% in every case 3157800100045 CORRECTION Corrections performed: background, dead time and mean 3157800100046 emission time. 3157800100047 Negligible are in-scattering and multiple scattering. 3157800100048 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from Dr. F.Cantargi 3157800100049 (APRVD) Entry approved by Dr. F.Cantargi 3157800100050 HISTORY (20060818C) SD 3157800100051 (20061214U) Correction in the authors list 3157800100052 ENDBIB 50 0 3157800100053 NOCOMMON 0 0 3157800100054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 3157800199999 SUBENT 31578002 20060714 31203157800200001 BIB 1 2 3157800200002 REACTION (1-H-CXX(N,TOT),,SIG/TMP) cross section for 3157800200003 mesitylene ((C6H3(CH3)3) liquid sample 3157800200004 ENDBIB 2 0 3157800200005 COMMON 2 3 3157800200006 TEMP TEMP-ERR 3157800200007 K K 3157800200008 293. 2. 3157800200009 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3157800200010 DATA 3 148 3157800200011 EN DATA ERR-S 3157800200012 EV B B 3157800200013 0.0017 1390.66 23.23 3157800200014 0.0018 1350.01 19.71 3157800200015 0.0019 1333.85 19.24 3157800200016 0.0021 1257.25 17.37 3157800200017 0.0022 1251.75 16.60 3157800200018 0.0024 1226.41 15.43 3157800200019 0.0026 1184.00 14.85 3157800200020 0.0028 1151.39 14.52 3157800200021 0.0030 1121.50 14.82 3157800200022 0.0033 1099.63 13.99 3157800200023 0.0036 1082.11 13.75 3157800200024 0.0038 1070.66 12.02 3157800200025 0.0041 1042.11 11.91 3157800200026 0.0045 1020.44 11.47 3157800200027 0.0048 997.77 10.98 3157800200028 0.0052 988.22 11.03 3157800200029 0.0056 966.76 10.42 3157800200030 0.0061 949.74 10.19 3157800200031 0.0066 931.44 9.99 3157800200032 0.0071 916.75 9.70 3157800200033 0.0076 900.76 9.54 3157800200034 0.0083 881.99 9.43 3157800200035 0.0089 866.65 9.05 3157800200036 0.0096 853.86 8.81 3157800200037 0.0104 840.38 8.89 3157800200038 0.0112 827.32 8.59 3157800200039 0.0121 813.71 8.46 3157800200040 0.0131 799.64 8.39 3157800200041 0.0141 790.44 8.27 3157800200042 0.0153 772.63 8.10 3157800200043 0.0165 760.05 8.00 3157800200044 0.0178 746.07 7.70 3157800200045 0.0192 733.70 7.62 3157800200046 0.0207 715.43 7.53 3157800200047 0.0224 702.71 7.35 3157800200048 0.0242 687.28 7.20 3157800200049 0.0261 672.42 7.08 3157800200050 0.0282 658.61 6.91 3157800200051 0.0304 644.47 6.83 3157800200052 0.0329 631.82 6.70 3157800200053 0.0355 616.49 6.61 3157800200054 0.0383 602.56 6.55 3157800200055 0.0414 588.03 6.38 3157800200056 0.0447 574.34 6.24 3157800200057 0.0482 561.46 6.11 3157800200058 0.0521 545.71 6.02 3157800200059 0.0562 531.44 5.83 3157800200060 0.0607 519.82 5.71 3157800200061 0.0656 507.19 5.59 3157800200062 0.0708 493.14 5.49 3157800200063 0.0764 478.54 5.50 3157800200064 0.0825 465.55 5.27 3157800200065 0.0891 454.80 5.30 3157800200066 0.0962 443.99 5.12 3157800200067 0.1039 431.31 5.03 3157800200068 0.1122 421.45 4.97 3157800200069 0.1212 413.92 4.92 3157800200070 0.1308 406.85 4.93 3157800200071 0.1413 397.75 5.05 3157800200072 0.1525 386.71 4.78 3157800200073 0.1647 382.07 4.82 3157800200074 0.1778 376.71 5.12 3157800200075 0.1920 370.27 4.86 3157800200076 0.2073 365.56 4.70 3157800200077 0.2239 360.35 4.94 3157800200078 0.2417 353.44 4.90 3157800200079 0.2610 345.76 4.62 3157800200080 0.2818 341.36 4.68 3157800200081 0.3043 332.64 4.84 3157800200082 0.3286 329.17 4.80 3157800200083 0.3548 324.99 5.16 3157800200084 0.3831 325.53 4.76 3157800200085 0.4137 316.84 4.47 3157800200086 0.4467 318.96 4.73 3157800200087 0.4823 318.98 4.42 3157800200088 0.5208 308.95 5.14 3157800200089 0.5623 313.37 4.68 3157800200090 0.6072 313.27 4.74 3157800200091 0.6556 310.39 4.68 3157800200092 0.7080 303.11 4.96 3157800200093 0.7644 306.59 4.43 3157800200094 0.8254 305.37 4.72 3157800200095 0.8913 304.55 4.82 3157800200096 0.9624 298.09 4.69 3157800200097 1.0391 296.36 5.16 3157800200098 1.1220 301.97 5.06 3157800200099 1.2115 305.29 4.82 3157800200100 1.3082 298.97 5.29 3157800200101 1.4125 294.99 4.96 3157800200102 1.5252 301.16 4.67 3157800200103 1.6469 297.63 4.96 3157800200104 1.7783 292.81 5.35 3157800200105 1.9201 297.54 5.46 3157800200106 2.0733 289.22 5.24 3157800200107 2.2387 292.86 5.14 3157800200108 2.4173 296.42 5.52 3157800200109 2.6102 298.66 5.15 3157800200110 2.8184 291.01 5.46 3157800200111 3.0432 298.43 5.00 3157800200112 3.2860 293.13 5.82 3157800200113 3.5481 294.69 6.02 3157800200114 3.8312 295.16 5.69 3157800200115 4.1368 288.41 5.96 3157800200116 4.4668 295.99 5.43 3157800200117 4.8232 283.92 5.85 3157800200118 5.2080 281.65 5.80 3157800200119 5.6234 294.75 5.52 3157800200120 6.0720 287.76 5.34 3157800200121 6.5564 287.60 4.90 3157800200122 7.0795 287.45 5.54 3157800200123 7.6442 290.81 5.57 3157800200124 8.2540 289.00 6.10 3157800200125 8.9125 286.28 6.22 3157800200126 9.6235 286.17 6.26 3157800200127 10.3912 290.49 6.31 3157800200128 11.2202 287.16 5.87 3157800200129 12.1153 295.77 5.65 3157800200130 13.0818 283.23 6.14 3157800200131 14.1254 284.80 5.76 3157800200132 15.2522 287.37 7.44 3157800200133 16.4690 299.92 6.43 3157800200134 17.7828 290.65 6.69 3157800200135 19.2014 289.19 7.14 3157800200136 20.7332 282.96 7.24 3157800200137 22.3872 296.12 6.25 3157800200138 24.1732 291.09 7.16 3157800200139 26.1016 285.62 6.62 3157800200140 28.1838 294.17 7.05 3157800200141 30.4322 283.00 7.46 3157800200142 32.8599 283.42 7.31 3157800200143 35.4813 296.76 7.42 3157800200144 38.3119 296.89 7.26 3157800200145 41.3682 286.23 6.83 3157800200146 44.6684 292.75 6.17 3157800200147 48.2318 291.70 7.08 3157800200148 52.0795 278.89 7.01 3157800200149 56.2341 285.12 6.44 3157800200150 60.7202 286.64 7.36 3157800200151 65.5642 289.96 6.77 3157800200152 70.7946 282.40 7.06 3157800200153 76.4422 282.50 7.35 3157800200154 82.5404 294.28 8.10 3157800200155 89.1251 287.02 8.22 3157800200156 96.2351 299.08 6.74 3157800200157 103.9122 288.08 6.65 3157800200158 112.2019 295.99 6.90 3157800200159 121.1528 285.19 7.09 3157800200160 130.8178 286.77 8.31 3157800200161 ENDDATA 150 0 3157800200162 ENDSUBENT 161 0 3157800299999 SUBENT 31578003 20060714 31203157800300001 BIB 1 2 3157800300002 REACTION (1-H-CXX(N,TOT),,SIG/TMP) cross section for 3157800300003 mesitylene ((C6H3(CH3)3) solid sample 3157800300004 ENDBIB 2 0 3157800300005 COMMON 2 3 3157800300006 TEMP TEMP-ERR 3157800300007 K K 3157800300008 89.45 0.05 3157800300009 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3157800300010 DATA 3 95 3157800300011 EN DATA ERR-S 3157800300012 EV B B 3157800300013 0.0019 1018.46 7.79 3157800300014 0.0021 1009.26 9.56 3157800300015 0.0024 991.16 7.08 3157800300016 0.0027 963.90 6.73 3157800300017 0.0030 953.19 6.20 3157800300018 0.0034 947.98 6.07 3157800300019 0.0038 925.40 5.39 3157800300020 0.0042 898.52 4.63 3157800300021 0.0047 892.76 4.53 3157800300022 0.0053 889.16 3.99 3157800300023 0.0060 880.21 4.19 3157800300024 0.0067 855.81 3.05 3157800300025 0.0075 849.76 3.67 3157800300026 0.0084 835.37 3.49 3157800300027 0.0094 818.58 3.37 3157800300028 0.0106 804.00 2.82 3157800300029 0.0119 797.74 3.04 3157800300030 0.0133 783.63 3.26 3157800300031 0.0150 782.46 2.86 3157800300032 0.0168 760.97 2.84 3157800300033 0.0188 738.69 3.01 3157800300034 0.0211 714.76 2.88 3157800300035 0.0237 693.32 2.93 3157800300036 0.0266 670.86 2.81 3157800300037 0.0299 652.34 2.66 3157800300038 0.0335 630.76 2.62 3157800300039 0.0376 611.83 2.70 3157800300040 0.0422 593.80 2.75 3157800300041 0.0473 572.28 2.80 3157800300042 0.0531 550.12 2.87 3157800300043 0.0596 528.96 2.74 3157800300044 0.0668 507.38 2.74 3157800300045 0.0750 488.04 2.85 3157800300046 0.0841 467.09 2.63 3157800300047 0.0944 446.80 2.85 3157800300048 0.1059 431.34 2.80 3157800300049 0.1189 416.35 3.00 3157800300050 0.1334 405.53 2.92 3157800300051 0.1496 394.32 2.86 3157800300052 0.1679 383.33 2.90 3157800300053 0.1884 377.12 3.12 3157800300054 0.2114 367.03 2.96 3157800300055 0.2371 359.15 2.98 3157800300056 0.2661 348.47 3.54 3157800300057 0.2985 340.65 3.86 3157800300058 0.3350 331.77 3.48 3157800300059 0.3758 326.04 3.15 3157800300060 0.4217 322.33 3.49 3157800300061 0.4732 322.58 3.64 3157800300062 0.5309 320.85 3.78 3157800300063 0.5957 315.03 3.82 3157800300064 0.6683 311.01 3.79 3157800300065 0.7499 310.36 3.65 3157800300066 0.8414 309.90 4.06 3157800300067 0.9441 305.61 3.99 3157800300068 1.0593 303.53 4.14 3157800300069 1.1885 303.65 3.60 3157800300070 1.3335 299.47 4.00 3157800300071 1.4962 303.16 3.93 3157800300072 1.6788 296.66 4.24 3157800300073 1.8837 296.57 4.42 3157800300074 2.1135 300.31 4.14 3157800300075 2.3714 303.36 4.51 3157800300076 2.6607 295.99 4.13 3157800300077 2.9854 290.38 5.05 3157800300078 3.3497 295.23 4.32 3157800300079 3.7584 293.40 4.67 3157800300080 4.2170 295.36 4.64 3157800300081 4.7315 289.38 5.31 3157800300082 5.3088 291.65 4.95 3157800300083 5.9566 288.83 4.25 3157800300084 6.6834 293.25 5.23 3157800300085 7.4989 289.30 5.01 3157800300086 8.4140 294.39 5.28 3157800300087 9.4406 301.07 4.81 3157800300088 10.5925 294.63 4.50 3157800300089 11.8850 292.80 5.21 3157800300090 13.3352 293.45 5.37 3157800300091 14.9624 292.89 5.82 3157800300092 16.7880 296.32 5.29 3157800300093 18.8365 297.47 4.95 3157800300094 21.1349 293.32 5.67 3157800300095 23.7137 286.15 5.99 3157800300096 26.6073 295.70 5.66 3157800300097 29.8538 290.99 5.44 3157800300098 33.4965 294.99 5.29 3157800300099 37.5837 274.48 5.48 3157800300100 42.1697 275.37 6.34 3157800300101 47.3151 285.28 5.66 3157800300102 53.0884 280.39 5.93 3157800300103 59.5662 292.72 6.08 3157800300104 66.8344 291.36 6.85 3157800300105 74.9894 291.59 7.34 3157800300106 84.1395 298.65 6.52 3157800300107 94.4061 280.96 6.42 3157800300108 ENDDATA 97 0 3157800300109 ENDSUBENT 108 0 3157800399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 3157899999999