ENTRY            31720   20140401                             31633172000000001 
SUBENT        31720001   20140401                             31633172000100001 
BIB                 14         42                                 3172000100002 
TITLE      Measurement of 241Am ground state radiative neutron    3172000100003 
            capture cross section with cold neutron beam          3172000100004 
AUTHOR     (T.Belgya, L.Szentmiklosi, Z.Kis, N.M.Nagy, J.Konya)   3172000100005 
INSTITUTE  (3HUNKFI,3HUNKOS)                                      3172000100006 
REFERENCE  (R,INDC(HUN)-0037,2012)                                3172000100007 
REL-REF    (I,,T.Belgya+,J,JRN,276,269,2008)                      3172000100008 
            Supermirror guide of the in-beam Moessbauer station   3172000100009 
FACILITY   (REAC,3HUNKFI) Budapest Research Reactor               3172000100010 
SAMPLE     Total mass: 236.4 +/- 0.5 mg.                          3172000100011 
           Am-241 metal sintered on a 0.196 mm thick Ag backing   3172000100012 
            and covered by 2.33-um Au layer.                      3172000100013 
           Am mass was determined by 60 keV gamma ray intensity   3172000100014 
            9.27 MBq (+/- 1.8%) ~ 73.1 mu-g.                      3172000100015 
           Ag thickness was determined by 60 keV gamma ray from   3172000100016 
            Am-241 layer.                                         3172000100017 
           Au thickness was determined by its activity after      3172000100018 
            irradiation using 62.02 mg Au monitor activity        3172000100019 
            considering flux attenuation.                         3172000100020 
INC-SOURCE (REAC) thermal equivalent neutron flux: ~1e+9 n/cm2/s  3172000100021 
DETECTOR   (LEGE) CANBERRA0215R in a Pb cage                      3172000100022 
            Efficiency determined at 22.7 cm distance from 133Ba, 3172000100023 
             152Eu and 241Am source.                              3172000100024 
            Resolution: 0.5 keV at 100 keV.                       3172000100025 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Irradiated for 90120 sec.                      3172000100026 
           (GSPEC) Measured at 22.7 cm from target                3172000100027 
            Au: Measured for 26847 sec after 11.7 days cooling    3172000100028 
            Am: Measured for 97 hrs after 66308 sec cooling       3172000100029 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM,95-AM-241(N,G)95-AM-242-G/T,,SIG/RAT)           3172000100030 
            Branching ratio                                       3172000100031 
ERR-ANALYS (ASSUM-ERR) Branching ratio to 242Am g.s. (syst.)      3172000100032 
           (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              3172000100033 
           (ERR-1) Number of 242Am per starting particle in MCNP  3172000100034 
                   calc.(stat.)                                   3172000100035 
           (ERR-2) Number of 242Am per starting particle in MCNP  3172000100036 
                   calc.(syst.)                                   3172000100037 
           (ERR-3) Number of 198Au (stat.)                        3172000100038 
           (ERR-4) Number of 198Au (syst.)                        3172000100039 
           (ERR-5) Number of 198Au per starting particle in MCNP  3172000100040 
                   calc.(stat.)                                   3172000100041 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text in Report INDC(HUN)-0037 (2012)           3172000100042 
HISTORY    (20120114C) On                                         3172000100043 
           (20131222U) VS. 3HUNII -> 3HUNKFI                      3172000100044 
ENDBIB              42          0                                 3172000100045 
COMMON               7          6                                 3172000100046 
ASSUM      ASSUM-ERR  ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      3172000100047 
ERR-5                                                             3172000100048 
NO-DIM     PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   3172000100049 
PER-CENT                                                          3172000100050 
 0.914      0.8        1.4        1.1        1.0        0.6       3172000100051 
 0.1                                                              3172000100052 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 3172000100053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 3172000199999 
SUBENT        31720002   20120114                             31543172000200001 
BIB                  4         15                                 3172000200002 
REACTION   (95-AM-241(N,G)95-AM-242-G,,SIG)                       3172000200003 
DECAY-DATA (95-AM-242-G,16.02HR,XR,99.5,0.0355,                   3172000200004 
                                XR,103.4,0.056)                   3172000200005 
ANALYSIS   Unweighted average of 99.5 and 103.4 keV X-rays data   3172000200006 
COMMENT    - Tamas Belgya (in article):                           3172000200007 
            The mean value of 591 +/- 35 b of our total capture   3172000200008 
             cross section for 241Am is at the low end of the     3172000200009 
             most recent values, but is in agreement with most of 3172000200010 
             them within its uncertainty.                         3172000200011 
            The uncertainty is mainly coming from the systematic  3172000200012 
             uncertainty of the 242Pu X-ray production probability3172000200013 
             in the electron conversion of the 242Am ground state.3172000200014 
           - Tamas Belgya (2012-01-31):                           3172000200015 
            We could measure only the ground state cross section, 3172000200016 
             but the MCNP can give only the g+m cross section.    3172000200017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 3172000200018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3172000200019 
DATA                 3          1                                 3172000200020 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       3172000200021 
MILLI-EV   B          B                                           3172000200022 
 25.3       540.       32.                                        3172000200023 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3172000200024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 3172000299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 3172099999999