ENTRY 31765 20160127 31733176500000001 SUBENT 31765001 20160127 31733176500100001 BIB 7 16 3176500100002 TITLE Stellar 30-keV neutron capture in 94,96Zr and the 3176500100003 90Zr(gamma,n) 89Zr photonuclear reaction with a high- 3176500100004 power liquid-lithium target 3176500100005 AUTHOR (M.Tessler,M.Paul,A.Arenshtam,G.Feinberg,M.Friedman, 3176500100006 S.Halfon, D.Kijel,L.Weissman,O.Aviv,D.Berkovits, 3176500100007 Y.Eisen,I.Eliyahu, G.Haquin,A.Kreisel,I.Mardor, 3176500100008 G.Shimel,A.Shor,I.Silverman, Z.Yungrais) 3176500100009 INSTITUTE (3ISLHEB,3ISLSOR) 3176500100010 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,751,418,2015) 3176500100011 #doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2015.10.058 3176500100012 FACILITY (LINAC,3ISLSOR) Superconducting linear accelerator 3176500100013 SARAF and the Liquid-Lithium Target. 3176500100014 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) 1-2 mA proton beam, 3176500100015 Ep = 1917 keV, energy spread (one-sigma) 15 keV. 3176500100016 HISTORY (20160127C) VS. 3176500100017 (20160131R) Neutron spectrum received from Dr.M.Tessler3176500100018 ENDBIB 16 0 3176500100019 NOCOMMON 0 0 3176500100020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 3176500199999 SUBENT 31765002 20160127 31733176500200001 BIB 11 230 3176500200002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,SIG,,SPA) 3176500200003 INC-SPECT The neutron spectrum for Ep = 1917 keV was determined 3176500200004 by detailed simulation of the setup using 3176500200005 SimLiT (for the thick-target 7Li(p,n) neutron yield) 3176500200006 and GEANT4 (for neutron transport). 3176500200007 neutron energy dn/dE 3176500200008 (keV) (n/keV/mC) 3176500200009 0 2.81858e+07 3176500200010 1 6.14308e+07 3176500200011 2 8.57845e+07 3176500200012 3 1.09606e+08 3176500200013 4 1.27923e+08 3176500200014 5 1.45999e+08 3176500200015 6 1.63196e+08 3176500200016 7 1.73813e+08 3176500200017 8 1.8522e+08 3176500200018 9 2.04989e+08 3176500200019 10 2.20576e+08 3176500200020 11 2.32679e+08 3176500200021 12 2.40606e+08 3176500200022 13 2.53243e+08 3176500200023 14 2.66658e+08 3176500200024 15 2.5959e+08 3176500200025 16 2.7694e+08 3176500200026 17 2.91754e+08 3176500200027 18 3.01494e+08 3176500200028 19 3.1102e+08 3176500200029 20 3.17614e+08 3176500200030 21 3.24603e+08 3176500200031 22 3.32715e+08 3176500200032 23 3.38249e+08 3176500200033 24 3.465e+08 3176500200034 25 3.59888e+08 3176500200035 26 3.73246e+08 3176500200036 27 3.05737e+08 3176500200037 28 2.87678e+08 3176500200038 29 3.39059e+08 3176500200039 30 3.67218e+08 3176500200040 31 3.77636e+08 3176500200041 32 3.77278e+08 3176500200042 33 3.65236e+08 3176500200043 34 3.44369e+08 3176500200044 35 3.33043e+08 3176500200045 36 3.38804e+08 3176500200046 37 3.45529e+08 3176500200047 38 3.48602e+08 3176500200048 39 3.50863e+08 3176500200049 40 3.50437e+08 3176500200050 41 3.46388e+08 3176500200051 42 3.45562e+08 3176500200052 43 3.43047e+08 3176500200053 44 3.41532e+08 3176500200054 45 3.39181e+08 3176500200055 46 3.34482e+08 3176500200056 47 3.32097e+08 3176500200057 48 3.30022e+08 3176500200058 49 3.22999e+08 3176500200059 50 3.06243e+08 3176500200060 51 3.08244e+08 3176500200061 52 3.03396e+08 3176500200062 53 3.03101e+08 3176500200063 54 3.01514e+08 3176500200064 55 2.97007e+08 3176500200065 56 2.94319e+08 3176500200066 57 2.85943e+08 3176500200067 58 2.85958e+08 3176500200068 59 2.80427e+08 3176500200069 60 2.76705e+08 3176500200070 61 2.71916e+08 3176500200071 62 2.65558e+08 3176500200072 63 2.5827e+08 3176500200073 64 2.53024e+08 3176500200074 65 2.48366e+08 3176500200075 66 2.44828e+08 3176500200076 67 2.41692e+08 3176500200077 68 2.38078e+08 3176500200078 69 2.33996e+08 3176500200079 70 2.30346e+08 3176500200080 71 2.26547e+08 3176500200081 72 2.235e+08 3176500200082 73 2.15021e+08 3176500200083 74 1.93841e+08 3176500200084 75 2.03253e+08 3176500200085 76 2.01071e+08 3176500200086 77 1.96875e+08 3176500200087 78 1.9269e+08 3176500200088 79 1.88211e+08 3176500200089 80 1.82618e+08 3176500200090 81 1.79395e+08 3176500200091 82 1.73833e+08 3176500200092 83 1.54638e+08 3176500200093 84 1.46557e+08 3176500200094 85 1.46183e+08 3176500200095 86 1.42279e+08 3176500200096 87 1.3773e+08 3176500200097 88 1.33993e+08 3176500200098 89 1.30151e+08 3176500200099 90 1.25332e+08 3176500200100 91 1.21416e+08 3176500200101 92 1.19173e+08 3176500200102 93 1.14982e+08 3176500200103 94 1.10634e+08 3176500200104 95 1.06546e+08 3176500200105 96 1.02158e+08 3176500200106 97 9.81992e+07 3176500200107 98 9.39464e+07 3176500200108 99 9.062e+07 3176500200109 100 8.78692e+07 3176500200110 101 8.44962e+07 3176500200111 102 8.09135e+07 3176500200112 103 7.83171e+07 3176500200113 104 7.51356e+07 3176500200114 105 7.20208e+07 3176500200115 106 6.88739e+07 3176500200116 107 6.59195e+07 3176500200117 108 6.20821e+07 3176500200118 109 5.91928e+07 3176500200119 110 5.63911e+07 3176500200120 111 5.36996e+07 3176500200121 112 5.09161e+07 3176500200122 113 4.84601e+07 3176500200123 114 4.57247e+07 3176500200124 115 4.32624e+07 3176500200125 116 4.08202e+07 3176500200126 117 3.83901e+07 3176500200127 118 3.58614e+07 3176500200128 119 3.30583e+07 3176500200129 120 3.10953e+07 3176500200130 121 2.96323e+07 3176500200131 122 2.72572e+07 3176500200132 123 2.62718e+07 3176500200133 124 2.42966e+07 3176500200134 125 2.27969e+07 3176500200135 126 2.15151e+07 3176500200136 127 1.99875e+07 3176500200137 128 1.86799e+07 3176500200138 129 1.69684e+07 3176500200139 130 1.51038e+07 3176500200140 131 1.44936e+07 3176500200141 132 1.35309e+07 3176500200142 133 1.2497e+07 3176500200143 134 1.14683e+07 3176500200144 135 1.04838e+07 3176500200145 136 9.63311e+06 3176500200146 137 8.81646e+06 3176500200147 138 7.96446e+06 3176500200148 139 7.13566e+06 3176500200149 140 6.15223e+06 3176500200150 141 5.41506e+06 3176500200151 142 5.00116e+06 3176500200152 143 4.58324e+06 3176500200153 144 4.18272e+06 3176500200154 145 3.79345e+06 3176500200155 146 3.40329e+06 3176500200156 147 3.08013e+06 3176500200157 148 2.74404e+06 3176500200158 149 2.48932e+06 3176500200159 150 2.22201e+06 3176500200160 151 1.99672e+06 3176500200161 152 1.7731e+06 3176500200162 153 1.607e+06 3176500200163 154 1.40791e+06 3176500200164 155 1.22197e+06 3176500200165 156 1.08743e+06 3176500200166 157 956333 3176500200167 158 821896 3176500200168 159 702284 3176500200169 160 629826 3176500200170 161 568627 3176500200171 162 486137 3176500200172 163 409666 3176500200173 164 361732 3176500200174 165 322828 3176500200175 166 277347 3176500200176 167 238442 3176500200177 168 210128 3176500200178 169 173119 3176500200179 170 145027 3176500200180 171 125631 3176500200181 172 105566 3176500200182 173 90405.2 3176500200183 174 77251.3 3176500200184 175 61422 3176500200185 176 54733.6 3176500200186 177 47264.9 3176500200187 178 35337.2 3176500200188 179 31993 3176500200189 180 27757 3176500200190 181 22294.7 3176500200191 182 18504.6 3176500200192 183 14491.6 3176500200193 184 14268.6 3176500200194 185 10367.1 3176500200195 186 8249.05 3176500200196 187 6911.37 3176500200197 188 4236 3176500200198 189 5239.26 3176500200199 190 2563.9 3176500200200 191 1783.58 3176500200201 192 2452.42 3176500200202 193 3121.26 3176500200203 194 1003.26 3176500200204 195 891.79 3176500200205 196 891.79 3176500200206 197 780.316 3176500200207 198 334.421 3176500200208 199 668.842 3176500200209 200 891.79 3176500200210 SAMPLE (40-ZR-94,NAT=0.1738) Sample diam. 24 mm. 3176500200211 METHOD (ACTIV) 3176500200212 (STTA) Zr target was tightly sandwiched by two Au 3176500200213 foils of the same diameter 3176500200214 DETECTOR (HPGE) 3176500200215 DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-95,64.032D,DG,756.725,0.5438) 3176500200216 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA) 3176500200217 MONIT-REF (,,3,ENDF/B-VII.1,,2011) 3176500200218 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198-G,2.6947D,DG,411.80205,0.9562) 3176500200219 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties determined from: 3176500200220 (ERR-S) Activated nuclei - 1.6% 3176500200221 (ERR-1) Target thickness - 0.4% 3176500200222 (ERR-2) Photopeak eff. rel. to Au - 0.5% 3176500200223 (ERR-3) Simulation - 1.5% 3176500200224 (ERR-4) Proton beam mean energy, energy spread and 3176500200225 distance lithium surface - activation target - 0.4% 3176500200226 (MONIT-ERR) Au(n,g) ENDF cross section averaged over 3176500200227 the simulated neutron spectrum Table 6 of the 3176500200228 supplementary material 3176500200229 STATUS (TABLE) Table 6 of the supplementary mat. 3176500200230 The cross section in Tbl.1 of Phys.Lett.B 751(2015)481 3176500200231 is multiplied by 2/SQRT(pi) 3176500200232 ENDBIB 230 0 3176500200233 COMMON 1 3 3176500200234 KT-DUMMY 3176500200235 KEV 3176500200236 30. 3176500200237 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3176500200238 DATA 8 1 3176500200239 DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 3176500200240 ERR-4 MONIT-ERR 3176500200241 MB MB PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3176500200242 PER-CENT PER-CENT 3176500200243 25.0 0.7 1.6 0.4 0.5 1.5 3176500200244 0.4 1.0 3176500200245 ENDDATA 6 0 3176500200246 ENDSUBENT 245 0 3176500299999 SUBENT 31765003 20160127 31733176500300001 BIB 9 227 3176500300002 REACTION (40-ZR-96(N,G)40-ZR-97,,SIG,,SPA) 3176500300003 the cross section is multiplied by 2/SQRT(pi) 3176500300004 INC-SPECT The neutron spectrum for Ep = 1917 keV was determined 3176500300005 by detailed simulation of the setup using 3176500300006 SimLiT (for the thick-target 7Li(p,n) neutron yield) 3176500300007 and GEANT4 (for neutron transport). 3176500300008 neutron energy dn/dE 3176500300009 (keV) (n/keV/mC) 3176500300010 0 2.81858e+07 3176500300011 1 6.14308e+07 3176500300012 2 8.57845e+07 3176500300013 3 1.09606e+08 3176500300014 4 1.27923e+08 3176500300015 5 1.45999e+08 3176500300016 6 1.63196e+08 3176500300017 7 1.73813e+08 3176500300018 8 1.8522e+08 3176500300019 9 2.04989e+08 3176500300020 10 2.20576e+08 3176500300021 11 2.32679e+08 3176500300022 12 2.40606e+08 3176500300023 13 2.53243e+08 3176500300024 14 2.66658e+08 3176500300025 15 2.5959e+08 3176500300026 16 2.7694e+08 3176500300027 17 2.91754e+08 3176500300028 18 3.01494e+08 3176500300029 19 3.1102e+08 3176500300030 20 3.17614e+08 3176500300031 21 3.24603e+08 3176500300032 22 3.32715e+08 3176500300033 23 3.38249e+08 3176500300034 24 3.465e+08 3176500300035 25 3.59888e+08 3176500300036 26 3.73246e+08 3176500300037 27 3.05737e+08 3176500300038 28 2.87678e+08 3176500300039 29 3.39059e+08 3176500300040 30 3.67218e+08 3176500300041 31 3.77636e+08 3176500300042 32 3.77278e+08 3176500300043 33 3.65236e+08 3176500300044 34 3.44369e+08 3176500300045 35 3.33043e+08 3176500300046 36 3.38804e+08 3176500300047 37 3.45529e+08 3176500300048 38 3.48602e+08 3176500300049 39 3.50863e+08 3176500300050 40 3.50437e+08 3176500300051 41 3.46388e+08 3176500300052 42 3.45562e+08 3176500300053 43 3.43047e+08 3176500300054 44 3.41532e+08 3176500300055 45 3.39181e+08 3176500300056 46 3.34482e+08 3176500300057 47 3.32097e+08 3176500300058 48 3.30022e+08 3176500300059 49 3.22999e+08 3176500300060 50 3.06243e+08 3176500300061 51 3.08244e+08 3176500300062 52 3.03396e+08 3176500300063 53 3.03101e+08 3176500300064 54 3.01514e+08 3176500300065 55 2.97007e+08 3176500300066 56 2.94319e+08 3176500300067 57 2.85943e+08 3176500300068 58 2.85958e+08 3176500300069 59 2.80427e+08 3176500300070 60 2.76705e+08 3176500300071 61 2.71916e+08 3176500300072 62 2.65558e+08 3176500300073 63 2.5827e+08 3176500300074 64 2.53024e+08 3176500300075 65 2.48366e+08 3176500300076 66 2.44828e+08 3176500300077 67 2.41692e+08 3176500300078 68 2.38078e+08 3176500300079 69 2.33996e+08 3176500300080 70 2.30346e+08 3176500300081 71 2.26547e+08 3176500300082 72 2.235e+08 3176500300083 73 2.15021e+08 3176500300084 74 1.93841e+08 3176500300085 75 2.03253e+08 3176500300086 76 2.01071e+08 3176500300087 77 1.96875e+08 3176500300088 78 1.9269e+08 3176500300089 79 1.88211e+08 3176500300090 80 1.82618e+08 3176500300091 81 1.79395e+08 3176500300092 82 1.73833e+08 3176500300093 83 1.54638e+08 3176500300094 84 1.46557e+08 3176500300095 85 1.46183e+08 3176500300096 86 1.42279e+08 3176500300097 87 1.3773e+08 3176500300098 88 1.33993e+08 3176500300099 89 1.30151e+08 3176500300100 90 1.25332e+08 3176500300101 91 1.21416e+08 3176500300102 92 1.19173e+08 3176500300103 93 1.14982e+08 3176500300104 94 1.10634e+08 3176500300105 95 1.06546e+08 3176500300106 96 1.02158e+08 3176500300107 97 9.81992e+07 3176500300108 98 9.39464e+07 3176500300109 99 9.062e+07 3176500300110 100 8.78692e+07 3176500300111 101 8.44962e+07 3176500300112 102 8.09135e+07 3176500300113 103 7.83171e+07 3176500300114 104 7.51356e+07 3176500300115 105 7.20208e+07 3176500300116 106 6.88739e+07 3176500300117 107 6.59195e+07 3176500300118 108 6.20821e+07 3176500300119 109 5.91928e+07 3176500300120 110 5.63911e+07 3176500300121 111 5.36996e+07 3176500300122 112 5.09161e+07 3176500300123 113 4.84601e+07 3176500300124 114 4.57247e+07 3176500300125 115 4.32624e+07 3176500300126 116 4.08202e+07 3176500300127 117 3.83901e+07 3176500300128 118 3.58614e+07 3176500300129 119 3.30583e+07 3176500300130 120 3.10953e+07 3176500300131 121 2.96323e+07 3176500300132 122 2.72572e+07 3176500300133 123 2.62718e+07 3176500300134 124 2.42966e+07 3176500300135 125 2.27969e+07 3176500300136 126 2.15151e+07 3176500300137 127 1.99875e+07 3176500300138 128 1.86799e+07 3176500300139 129 1.69684e+07 3176500300140 130 1.51038e+07 3176500300141 131 1.44936e+07 3176500300142 132 1.35309e+07 3176500300143 133 1.2497e+07 3176500300144 134 1.14683e+07 3176500300145 135 1.04838e+07 3176500300146 136 9.63311e+06 3176500300147 137 8.81646e+06 3176500300148 138 7.96446e+06 3176500300149 139 7.13566e+06 3176500300150 140 6.15223e+06 3176500300151 141 5.41506e+06 3176500300152 142 5.00116e+06 3176500300153 143 4.58324e+06 3176500300154 144 4.18272e+06 3176500300155 145 3.79345e+06 3176500300156 146 3.40329e+06 3176500300157 147 3.08013e+06 3176500300158 148 2.74404e+06 3176500300159 149 2.48932e+06 3176500300160 150 2.22201e+06 3176500300161 151 1.99672e+06 3176500300162 152 1.7731e+06 3176500300163 153 1.607e+06 3176500300164 154 1.40791e+06 3176500300165 155 1.22197e+06 3176500300166 156 1.08743e+06 3176500300167 157 956333 3176500300168 158 821896 3176500300169 159 702284 3176500300170 160 629826 3176500300171 161 568627 3176500300172 162 486137 3176500300173 163 409666 3176500300174 164 361732 3176500300175 165 322828 3176500300176 166 277347 3176500300177 167 238442 3176500300178 168 210128 3176500300179 169 173119 3176500300180 170 145027 3176500300181 171 125631 3176500300182 172 105566 3176500300183 173 90405.2 3176500300184 174 77251.3 3176500300185 175 61422 3176500300186 176 54733.6 3176500300187 177 47264.9 3176500300188 178 35337.2 3176500300189 179 31993 3176500300190 180 27757 3176500300191 181 22294.7 3176500300192 182 18504.6 3176500300193 183 14491.6 3176500300194 184 14268.6 3176500300195 185 10367.1 3176500300196 186 8249.05 3176500300197 187 6911.37 3176500300198 188 4236 3176500300199 189 5239.26 3176500300200 190 2563.9 3176500300201 191 1783.58 3176500300202 192 2452.42 3176500300203 193 3121.26 3176500300204 194 1003.26 3176500300205 195 891.79 3176500300206 196 891.79 3176500300207 197 780.316 3176500300208 198 334.421 3176500300209 199 668.842 3176500300210 200 891.79 3176500300211 SAMPLE (40-ZR-96,NAT=0.028) Sample diam. 24 mm. 3176500300212 DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-97,16.749HR,DG,743.35,0.9309) 3176500300213 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA) 3176500300214 MONIT-REF (,,3,ENDF/B-VII.1,,2011) 3176500300215 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198-G,2.6947D,DG,411.80205,0.9562) 3176500300216 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties determined from: 3176500300217 (ERR-S) Activated nuclei - 0.6% 3176500300218 (ERR-1) Target thickness - 0.4% 3176500300219 (ERR-2) Photopeak eff. rel. to Au - 0.5% 3176500300220 (ERR-3) Simulation - 1.5% 3176500300221 (ERR-4) Proton beam mean energy, energy spread and 3176500300222 distance lithium surface - activation target - 2.3% 3176500300223 (MONIT-ERR) Au(n,g) ENDF cross section averaged over 3176500300224 the simulated neutron spectrum Table 6 of the 3176500300225 supplementary material 3176500300226 STATUS (TABLE) Table 6 of the supplementary mat. 3176500300227 The cross section in Tbl.1 of Phys.Lett.B 751(2015)481 3176500300228 is multiplied by 2/SQRT(pi) 3176500300229 ENDBIB 227 0 3176500300230 COMMON 1 3 3176500300231 KT-DUMMY 3176500300232 KEV 3176500300233 30. 3176500300234 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3176500300235 DATA 8 1 3176500300236 DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 3176500300237 ERR-4 MONIT-ERR 3176500300238 MB MB PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3176500300239 PER-CENT PER-CENT 3176500300240 11.9 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.5 1.5 3176500300241 2.3 1.0 3176500300242 ENDDATA 6 0 3176500300243 ENDSUBENT 242 0 3176500399999 SUBENT 31765004 20160127 31733176500400001 BIB 4 12 3176500400002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) 3176500400003 ANALYSIS The MACS data were determined using ENDF/B-VII.1 3176500400004 cross section library corrected by a 3176500400005 factor that is a ratio of measured to ENDF/B-VII.1 3176500400006 calculated 95Zr/198Au number of activated nuclei. 3176500400007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties determined from: 3176500400008 uncertainties of the measured cross sections 3176500400009 (ERR-1) Unc. of the 197Au(n,g) ENDF/B-VII.1 evaluation.3176500400010 (ERR-2) Unc. of the 94Zr(n,g) ENDF/B-VII.1 evaluation. 3176500400011 STATUS (DEP,31765002) Spectrum average cross sections for 3176500400012 the experimental neutron spectrum 3176500400013 (TABLE) Table 1 (unweighted av.) of PL/B 751(2015)481 3176500400014 ENDBIB 12 0 3176500400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 3176500400016 DATA 5 1 3176500400017 KT DATA ERR-T ERR-1 ERR-2 3176500400018 KEV MB MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 3176500400019 30. 28.0 0.6 1.0 1.6 3176500400020 ENDDATA 3 0 3176500400021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 3176500499999 SUBENT 31765005 20160127 31733176500500001 BIB 4 12 3176500500002 REACTION (40-ZR-96(N,G)40-ZR-97,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) 3176500500003 ANALYSIS The MACS data were determined using ENDF/B-VII.1 3176500500004 cross section library corrected by a 3176500500005 factor that is a ratio of measured to ENDF/B-VII.1 3176500500006 calculated 97Zr/198Au number of activated nuclei. 3176500500007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties determined from: 3176500500008 uncertainties of the measured cross sections 3176500500009 (ERR-1) Unc. of the 197Au(n,g) ENDF/B-VII.1 evaluation.3176500500010 (ERR-2) Unc. of the 96Zr(n,g) ENDF/B-VII.1 evaluation. 3176500500011 STATUS (DEP,31765003) Spectrum average cross sections for 3176500500012 the experimental neutron spectrum 3176500500013 (TABLE) Table 1 (unweighted av.) of PL/B 751(2015)481 3176500500014 ENDBIB 12 0 3176500500015 NOCOMMON 0 0 3176500500016 DATA 5 1 3176500500017 KT DATA ERR-T ERR-1 ERR-2 3176500500018 KEV MB MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 3176500500019 30. 12.4 0.5 1.0 2.2 3176500500020 ENDDATA 3 0 3176500500021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 3176500599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 3176599999999