ENTRY 31815 20230206 32093181500000001 SUBENT 31815001 20230206 32093181500100001 BIB 17 41 3181500100002 TITLE The s-process in the Nd-Pm-Sm region: Neutron 3181500100003 activation of 147Pm 3181500100004 AUTHOR (C.Guerrero, M.Tessler, M.Paul, J.Lerendegui-Marco, 3181500100005 S.Heinitz, E.A.Maugeri, C.Domingo-Pardo, R.Dressler, 3181500100006 S.Halfon, N.Kivel, U.Koester, T.Palchan-Hazan, 3181500100007 J.M.Quesada, D.Schumann, L.Weissman) 3181500100008 INSTITUTE (2SPNSEU,3ISLHEB,3ISLSOR,2SWTPSI,2SPNVAL,2FR ILL) 3181500100009 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,797,134809,2019) 3181500100010 FACILITY (LINAC,3ISLSOR) 3181500100011 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Proton beam (1930 keV with r.m.s. spread of 3181500100012 15 keV)) on liquid Li (1.5 mm thick, 18 mm wide) 3181500100013 circulating in a closed loop at 2-3 m/s. 3181500100014 INC-SPECT Close to Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at 40.1 keV 3181500100015 with reduction of the high energy component above 3181500100016 ~80 keV. 3181500100017 SAMPLE 147Pm deposited in circular areas (22 mm in diam.) 3181500100018 onto two 5 um thick Al foils, each glued onto a 6 um 3181500100019 Mylar foil, then placed face-to-face into a plastic 3181500100020 ring (60 mm diam.) served as the target holder. 3181500100021 Prepared by neutron irradiation of 146Nd2O3 (enriched 3181500100022 to 98.8%) at ILL in summer 2013 followed by chemical 3181500100023 separation and purification at PSI. 3181500100024 Au foil (118.8(1) mg, 12.5 um thick 25 mm in diam.) 3181500100025 as a neutron monitor attached to the back of the 3181500100026 target holder during 147Pm irradiation. 3181500100027 REL-REF (N,,S.Heinitz+,J,RCA,105,801,2017) 3181500100028 Details of Pm sample preparation 3181500100029 DETECTOR (HPGE) Calibrated by 152Eu and 60Co sources (for Pm 3181500100030 measurement) or by 22Na, 57Co, 60Co, 88Y, 133Ba, 3181500100031 152Eu 155Eu and 241Am sources (for Au measurement). 3181500100032 METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiated for 4.6 hours 3181500100033 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA) 3181500100034 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198-G,,DG,411.8020,0.9562) 3181500100035 MONIT-REF (,,3,JEFF-3.3,,2017) 3181500100036 CORRECTION Corrected for 3181500100037 - gamma-ray attenuation 3181500100038 - isomeric transition 3181500100039 - flux difference between Au and Pm samples 3181500100040 STATUS (APRVD) Proof-read by Carlos Guerrero (2020-01-23) 3181500100041 HISTORY (20200111C) On 3181500100042 (20230206A) On. Major revisions in 004-005. 3181500100043 ENDBIB 41 0 3181500100044 COMMON 2 3 3181500100045 MONIT MONIT-ERR 3181500100046 MB MB 3181500100047 533. 9. 3181500100048 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3181500100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 3181500199999 SUBENT 31815002 20230206 32093181500200001 BIB 6 14 3181500200002 REACTION (61-PM-147(N,G)61-PM-148-G,,SIG,,SPA) 3181500200003 DECAY-DATA (61-PM-148-G,5.368D,DG,550.27,0.220, 3181500200004 DG,914.85,0.115, 3181500200005 DG,1465.12,0.222) 3181500200006 ANALYSIS (DECAY) 550 and 915 keV gammas were analyzed as 3181500200007 sum of two exponential decays of two states. 3181500200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 3181500200009 (ERR-1) 147Pm target mass (4.3%) 3181500200010 (ERR-2) Number of 198Au nuclei (2%) 3181500200011 (ERR-3) Flux difference at Pm and Au sample (3%) 3181500200012 (ERR-4) Number of 148gPm nuclei (9%) 3181500200013 STATUS (TABLE) Text (p.5) of Phys.Lett.B797(2019)134809 3181500200014 (SUPPL,31815006) LiLiT neutron spectrum 3181500200015 HISTORY (20230206A) On. KT: MEV -> KEV 3181500200016 ENDBIB 14 0 3181500200017 COMMON 4 3 3181500200018 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-4 ERR-3 3181500200019 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3181500200020 4.3 2. 3. 9. 3181500200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3181500200022 DATA 3 1 3181500200023 KT DATA ERR-T 3181500200024 KEV MB MB 3181500200025 40.1 460. 49. 3181500200026 ENDDATA 3 0 3181500200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 3181500299999 SUBENT 31815003 20230206 32093181500300001 BIB 6 19 3181500300002 REACTION (61-PM-147(N,G)61-PM-148-M,,SIG,,SPA) 3181500300003 DECAY-DATA (61-PM-148-M,41.29D,DG,414.07,0.187, 3181500300004 DG,550.27,0.949, 3181500300005 DG,599.74,0.125, 3181500300006 DG,629.97,0.890, 3181500300007 DG,725.70,0.328, 3181500300008 DG,915.33,0.172, 3181500300009 DG,1013.81,0.203) 3181500300010 ANALYSIS (DECAY) 550 and 915 keV gammas were analyzed as 3181500300011 sum of two exponential decays of two states. 3181500300012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 3181500300013 (ERR-1) 147Pm target mass (4.3%) 3181500300014 (ERR-2) Number of 198Au nuclei (2%) 3181500300015 (ERR-3) Flux difference at Pm and Au sample (3%) 3181500300016 (ERR-4) Number of 148mPm nuclei (4%) 3181500300017 (ERR-5) 148mPm in sample before LiLiT irradiation (3%) 3181500300018 STATUS (TABLE) Text (p.5) of Phys.Lett.B797(2019)134809 3181500300019 (SUPPL,31815006) LiLiT neutron spectrum 3181500300020 HISTORY (20230206A) On. KT: MEV -> KEV 3181500300021 ENDBIB 19 0 3181500300022 COMMON 5 3 3181500300023 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 3181500300024 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3181500300025 4.3 2. 3. 4. 3. 3181500300026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3181500300027 DATA 3 1 3181500300028 KT DATA ERR-T 3181500300029 KEV MB MB 3181500300030 40.1 350. 38. 3181500300031 ENDDATA 3 0 3181500300032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 3181500399999 SUBENT 31815004 20230206 32093181500400001 BIB 6 22 3181500400002 REACTION 1(61-PM-147(N,G)61-PM-148-G,,SIG,,MXW) 3181500400003 2(61-PM-147(N,G)61-PM-148-M,,SIG,,MXW) 3181500400004 ANALYSIS kT=30 keV MACS of an evaluated cross section (similar 3181500400005 in JEFF-3.3 and ENDF/B-VIII.0) renormalized by the 3181500400006 ratio of the measured cross section to the evaluated 3181500400007 cross section folded by the LiLiT spectrum 3181500400008 (1.02+/-0.02), and multiplied by 2/sqrt(pi). 3181500400009 The LiLIT neutron spectrum was estimated by the 3181500400010 SimLiT-GEANT4 code. 3181500400011 REL-REF (D,22829001,R.Reifarth+,J,AJ,582,1251,2003) 3181500400012 MACS(kT=30 keV)=332(64) mb (g.s.), 419(58) mb (m.s.) 3181500400013 after renormalization because of the 2018 197Au 3181500400014 IAEA neutron standard cross section 3181500400015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 3181500400016 (ERR-1) 147Pm target mass (4.3%) 3181500400017 (ERR-2) Number of 198Au nuclei (2%) 3181500400018 (ERR-3) Flux difference at Pm and Au sample (3%) 3181500400019 1(ERR-4) Number of 148gPm nuclei (9%) 3181500400020 2(ERR-4) Number of 148mPm nuclei (4%) 3181500400021 (ERR-5) 148mPm in sample before LiLiT irradiation (3%) 3181500400022 STATUS (TABLE) Table 4 of Phys.Lett.B797(2019)134809 3181500400023 HISTORY (20230206A) On. KT: MEV -> KEV 3181500400024 ENDBIB 22 0 3181500400025 COMMON 6 3 3181500400026 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 1ERR-4 2ERR-5 23181500400027 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3181500400028 4.3 2. 3. 9. 4. 3. 3181500400029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3181500400030 DATA 5 1 3181500400031 KT DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2 3181500400032 KEV MB MB MB MB 3181500400033 30. 469. 50. 357. 27. 3181500400034 ENDDATA 3 0 3181500400035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 3181500499999 SUBENT 31815005 20230206 32093181500500001 BIB 6 12 3181500500002 REACTION (61-PM-147(N,G)61-PM-148,,SIG,,MXW) 3181500500003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 3181500500004 (ERR-1) 147Pm target mass (4.3%) 3181500500005 (ERR-2) Number of 198Au nuclei (2%) 3181500500006 (ERR-3) Flux difference at Pm and Au sample (3%) 3181500500007 ADD-RES MACS at kT=5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 60, 80 and 100 keV 3181500500008 COMMENT Carlos Guerrero (2020-01-23): 3181500500009 The uncertainty in the cross section is not 107 mb 3181500500010 but 57 mb. 3181500500011 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of Phys.Lett.B797(2019)134809 3181500500012 (DEP,31815004) MACS for ground and metastable states 3181500500013 HISTORY (20230206A) On. KT: MEV -> KEV 3181500500014 ENDBIB 12 0 3181500500015 COMMON 3 3 3181500500016 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 3181500500017 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 3181500500018 4.3 2. 3. 3181500500019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3181500500020 DATA 3 1 3181500500021 KT DATA ERR-T 3181500500022 KEV MB MB 3181500500023 30. 826. 57. 3181500500024 ENDDATA 3 0 3181500500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 3181500599999 SUBENT 31815006 20200124 31953181500600001 BIB 3 59 3181500600002 SUPPL-INF (INCSP) Incident neutron spectrum calculated by 3181500600003 SimLiT-GEANT4. 3181500600004 -------------------------------------------- 3181500600005 neutron energy (keV) dn/dE (n/sec/5keV) 3181500600006 -------------------------------------------- 3181500600007 0 2.722E+08 3181500600008 5 5.45235E+08 3181500600009 10 7.50603E+08 3181500600010 15 8.95866E+08 3181500600011 20 1.04767E+09 3181500600012 25 1.08181E+09 3181500600013 30 1.17071E+09 3181500600014 35 1.12381E+09 3181500600015 40 1.2079E+09 3181500600016 45 1.21517E+09 3181500600017 50 1.16274E+09 3181500600018 55 1.15068E+09 3181500600019 60 1.09765E+09 3181500600020 65 1.04221E+09 3181500600021 70 9.7717E+08 3181500600022 75 9.14945E+08 3181500600023 80 8.01121E+08 3181500600024 85 6.81725E+08 3181500600025 90 6.22623E+08 3181500600026 95 5.5835E+08 3181500600027 100 4.9755E+08 3181500600028 105 4.31377E+08 3181500600029 110 3.6699E+08 3181500600030 115 2.99334E+08 3181500600031 120 2.37686E+08 3181500600032 125 1.94297E+08 3181500600033 130 1.46237E+08 3181500600034 135 1.07928E+08 3181500600035 140 7.01646E+07 3181500600036 145 4.94138E+07 3181500600037 150 3.32646E+07 3181500600038 155 2.08376E+07 3181500600039 160 1.25627E+07 3181500600040 165 7.30236E+06 3181500600041 170 3.93013E+06 3181500600042 175 2.15048E+06 3181500600043 180 1.04875E+06 3181500600044 185 488369 3181500600045 190 187070 3181500600046 195 75324.7 3181500600047 200 23176.8 3181500600048 205 11588.4 3181500600049 210 4966.47 3181500600050 215 2483.23 3181500600051 220 0 3181500600052 225 0 3181500600053 230 0 3181500600054 235 0 3181500600055 240 0 3181500600056 245 0 3181500600057 250 0 3181500600058 -------------------------------------------- 3181500600059 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from Michael Paul 3181500600060 HISTORY (20200124R) On. Received from Michael Paul 3181500600061 ENDBIB 59 0 3181500600062 NOCOMMON 0 0 3181500600063 NODATA 0 0 3181500600064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 3181500699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 3181599999999