ENTRY            32243   20200902                             31973224300000001 
SUBENT        32243001   20200902                             31973224300100001 
BIB                 12         56                                 3224300100002 
TITLE      Determination of the total neutron cross section       3224300100003 
           using average energy shift method for filtered         3224300100004 
           neutron beam                                           3224300100005 
AUTHOR     (O.O.Gritzay,A.K.Grymalo,V.A.Pshenychnyi)              3224300100006 
INSTITUTE  (4UKRIJD)                                              3224300100007 
REFERENCE  (J,YFE,17,411,2016)                                    3224300100008 
           #doi:10.15407/jnpae2016.04.411                         3224300100009 
           (C,2012KYIV,2,430,2012) Preliminary data               3224300100010 
           (J,YFE,19,182,2018)  Resonance parameters obtained     3224300100011 
           #doi:10.15407/jnpae2018.02.182                         3224300100012 
FACILITY   (REAC,4UKRIJD) Reactor WWR-M                           3224300100013 
INC-SOURCE (REAC) Filtered neutrons with average energy 59 keV    3224300100014 
           scattered on hydrogen, included in the sample-scatterer3224300100015 
           CH2, at scattering angles 15,20,25,30 degrees.         3224300100016 
INC-SPECT  The 59 keV filtered neutrons were extracted from the   3224300100017 
           reactor spectrum using an interference filter of the   3224300100018 
           following composition:S-116.53 g/cm2, Ni58-81.42 g/cm2,3224300100019 
           V-24.44 g/cm2, Al-5.4 g/cm2, B10-0.517 g/cm2.          3224300100020 
           Purity of the 59 keV filtered beam was about 94.2%,    3224300100021 
           other additions to the main spectra were for lines     3224300100022 
           368 keV-0.86%, 669 keV-2.33%. The limits of 95%        3224300100023 
           response function for the 59 keV filter spectrum were  3224300100024 
           defined as 51.8 to 60.3 keV.                           3224300100025 
           Neutron spectra obtained at the different scattering   3224300100026 
           angles had the following parameters:                   3224300100027 
           at 15 deg.- Eav.=55 keV, Emin-48.6 keV,Emax-57.7 keV;  3224300100028 
           at 20 deg.- Eav.=52 keV, Emin-45.8 keV,Emax-55.3 keV;  3224300100029 
           at 25 deg.- Eav.=48.4 keV, Emin-42.5 keV,Emax-52.3 keV;3224300100030 
           at 30 deg.- Eav.=44.2 keV, Emin-38.1 keV,Emax-48.6 keV.3224300100031 
METHOD     (FNB,TRN) Transmission measurement of filtered neutrons3224300100032 
DETECTOR   (PROPC) Proportional hydrogen counter LND 281 (Gas     3224300100033 
           filling=H+CH4+N2,diameter=38.1 mm,length=254 mm,       3224300100034 
           gas pressure=4.3 atm).                                 3224300100035 
SAMPLE     - 52Cr metal powder,loaded into aluminum container.    3224300100036 
             Two 52Cr samples were used in measurements at the    3224300100037 
             angles 15,20,25 degrees - with thickness             3224300100038 
             0.01731+-0.00006 and 0.03024+-0.00010 atom/b. One    3224300100039 
             52Cr sample with thickness 0.03024+-0.00010 atom/b   3224300100040 
             was used in measurements at the angle 30 degree.     3224300100041 
           - The sample-scatterer CH2 had a thickness             3224300100042 
             4.52+-0.01 mm, the sample-scatterer C had a thickness3224300100043 
             10.02+-0.01 mm.                                      3224300100044 
           (24-CR-52,ENR=0.993)                                   3224300100045 
           (24-CR-50,ENR=0.001)                                   3224300100046 
           (24-CR-53,ENR=0.005)                                   3224300100047 
           (24-CR-54,ENR=0.001)                                   3224300100048 
CORRECTION Correction on the contribution of other chromium       3224300100049 
           isotopes to the Cr-52 total cross section was done.    3224300100050 
HISTORY    (20171011C) UKRNDC                                     3224300100051 
           (20200204A) Replacement of AV by SPA. STATUS in Subs.  3224300100052 
           001-003 updated. Subs. 004-008 added. The 2nd and 3rd  3224300100053 
           REF added.                                             3224300100054 
           (20200902A) OG. Information about spectrum left from   3224300100055 
           Emin and right from Emax was deleted in Sub 005-008.   3224300100056 
           Values of incident neutron energy were changed into keV3224300100057 
           in Sub008.                                             3224300100058 
ENDBIB              56          0                                 3224300100059 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3224300100060 
ENDSUBENT           59          0                                 3224300199999 
SUBENT        32243002   20200527                             31963224300200001 
BIB                  5         16                                 3224300200002 
REACTION   (24-CR-52(N,TOT),,SIG,,SPA)                            3224300200003 
CORRECTION The unshielded values of 52Cr total cross              3224300200004 
           sections were received by linear extrapolation to      3224300200005 
           zero thickness of the experimental results.            3224300200006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error includes: statistical error of the    3224300200007 
           transmission measurements; measurement errors of       3224300200008 
           dimension and weight of the sample; error due to       3224300200009 
           presence of impurities in the sample.                  3224300200010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab. 4 in Yad. Fiz. ta Energ.,17,411,2016.     3224300200011 
           (SUPPL,32243005) Calculated neutron spectrum (after    3224300200012 
              the 59 keV filter) scattered at the angle 15 degree.3224300200013 
           (SUPPL,32243006) Calculated neutron spectrum (after    3224300200014 
              the 59 keV filter) scattered at the angle 20 degree.3224300200015 
           (SUPPL,32243007) Calculated neutron spectrum (after    3224300200016 
              the 59 keV filter) scattered at the angle 25 degree.3224300200017 
HISTORY    (20200204A) OG. Replac. of AV by SPA. STATUS updated.  3224300200018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 3224300200019 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3224300200020 
DATA                 4          3                                 3224300200021 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA       DATA-ERR                         3224300200022 
KEV        KEV        B          B                                3224300200023 
48.6       57.7       9.48       0.66                             3224300200024 
45.8       55.3       19.49      1.17                             3224300200025 
42.5       52.3       9.10       0.69                             3224300200026 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 3224300200027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 3224300299999 
SUBENT        32243003   20200527                             31963224300300001 
BIB                  4         11                                 3224300300002 
REACTION   (24-CR-52(N,TOT),,SIG,,SPA/RAW)                        3224300300003 
           Not corrected for self-shielding effect due to finite  3224300300004 
           sample thickness 0.03024 atoms/b                       3224300300005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error includes: statistical error of the    3224300300006 
           transmission measurements; measurement errors of       3224300300007 
           dimension and weight of the sample; error due to       3224300300008 
           presence of impurities in the sample.                  3224300300009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab. 4 in Yad. Fiz. ta Energ.,17,411,2016.     3224300300010 
           (SUPPL,32243008) Calculated neutron spectrum (after    3224300300011 
              the 59 keV filter) scattered at the angle 30 degree.3224300300012 
HISTORY    (20200204A) OG. Replac.of AV by SPA. STATUS updated.   3224300300013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 3224300300014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3224300300015 
DATA                 4          1                                 3224300300016 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA       DATA-ERR                         3224300300017 
KEV        KEV        B          B                                3224300300018 
38.1       48.6       0.48       0.64                             3224300300019 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 3224300300020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 3224300399999 
SUBENT        32243004   20200527                             31963224300400001 
BIB                  5         23                                 3224300400002 
REACTION  1(24-CR-52(N,0),,EN)                                    3224300400003 
          2(24-CR-52(N,EL),,WID)                                  3224300400004 
FLAG       (1.) Calculation of resonance parameters Eo and Gn by  3224300400005 
           the MCNP4C code using a Reich-Moore formula. The value 3224300400006 
           of the parameter R' is taken from the ENDF/B-VII and   3224300400007 
           equaled 0.5445e-12 cm.                                 3224300400008 
           (2.) Calculation of resonance parameters Eo and Gn by  3224300400009 
           the ROZPREG code using a Breit-Wigner single-level     3224300400010 
           formalism. The value of the parameter R' is taken from 3224300400011 
           the ENDF/B-VII and equaled 0.5445e-12 cm.              3224300400012 
           (3.) The resonance parameters Eo, Gn, and R' calculated3224300400013 
           by the ROZPREG code using a Breit-Wigner single-level  3224300400014 
           formalism, averaged on two samples. The value of the   3224300400015 
           parameter R' was estimated by authors and equaled      3224300400016 
            (0.53+-0.03)e-12 cm.                                  3224300400017 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error includes: statistical error of the    3224300400018 
           transmission measurements; measurement errors of       3224300400019 
           dimension and weight of the sample; error due to       3224300400020 
           presence of impurities in the sample.                  3224300400021 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tabs. 3, 4 in Yad. Fiz. ta Energ.,19,182,2018. 3224300400022 
           (DEP,32243002) Three cross section data points         3224300400023 
           (DEP,32243003) One cross section data point            3224300400024 
HISTORY    (20200204C) OG                                         3224300400025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 3224300400026 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3224300400027 
DATA                 5          3                                 3224300400028 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2FLAG                  3224300400029 
KEV        KEV        KEV        KEV        NO-DIM                3224300400030 
49.99      0.20       1.54       0.03         1.                  3224300400031 
50.06      0.07       1.52       0.05         2.                  3224300400032 
50.15      0.08       1.52       0.05         3.                  3224300400033 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 3224300400034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 3224300499999 
SUBENT        32243005   20200902                             31973224300500001 
BIB                  3        127                                 3224300500002 
STATUS     (TABLE) Correspond to Fig.3                            3224300500003 
                              in Yad. Fiz. ta Energ.,17,411,2016. 3224300500004 
SUPPL-INF  (INCSP) Calculated neutron spectrum (after             3224300500005 
              the 59 keV filter) scattered at the angle 15 degree.3224300500006 
           Calculation of the scattered neutron spectrum was done 3224300500007 
           by the MCNP4c code.                                    3224300500008 
           Col. 1: Incident neutron energy (keV)                  3224300500009 
           Col. 2: Neutron flux (rel. units)                      3224300500010 
             ---------------------------                          3224300500011 
           48.527     2.11625E-8                                  3224300500012 
           48.608     2.0109E-8                                   3224300500013 
           48.689     2.30016E-8                                  3224300500014 
           48.77      2.17338E-8                                  3224300500015 
           48.851     2.72435E-8                                  3224300500016 
           48.933     2.57379E-8                                  3224300500017 
           49.014     2.12025E-8                                  3224300500018 
           49.095     2.66627E-8                                  3224300500019 
           49.176     2.59424E-8                                  3224300500020 
           49.257     2.58876E-8                                  3224300500021 
           49.338     2.79456E-8                                  3224300500022 
           49.419     2.88508E-8                                  3224300500023 
           49.501     2.94084E-8                                  3224300500024 
           49.582     2.82912E-8                                  3224300500025 
           49.663     3.18749E-8                                  3224300500026 
           49.744     3.39806E-8                                  3224300500027 
           49.825     3.36947E-8                                  3224300500028 
           49.906     3.48019E-8                                  3224300500029 
           49.988     3.78722E-8                                  3224300500030 
           50.069     3.96934E-8                                  3224300500031 
           50.15      4.41064E-8                                  3224300500032 
           50.231     4.96676E-8                                  3224300500033 
           50.312     5.33475E-8                                  3224300500034 
           50.393     5.54021E-8                                  3224300500035 
           50.474     5.45886E-8                                  3224300500036 
           50.556     5.23517E-8                                  3224300500037 
           50.637     7.80818E-8                                  3224300500038 
           50.718     7.15234E-8                                  3224300500039 
           50.799     7.39663E-8                                  3224300500040 
           50.88      8.16946E-8                                  3224300500041 
           50.961     8.03406E-8                                  3224300500042 
           51.042     9.17845E-8                                  3224300500043 
           51.124     8.11756E-8                                  3224300500044 
           51.205     1.0309E-7                                   3224300500045 
           51.286     1.08597E-7                                  3224300500046 
           51.367     1.21441E-7                                  3224300500047 
           51.448     1.0172E-7                                   3224300500048 
           51.529     1.14662E-7                                  3224300500049 
           51.61      1.30347E-7                                  3224300500050 
           51.692     1.29442E-7                                  3224300500051 
           51.773     1.43483E-7                                  3224300500052 
           51.854     1.68821E-7                                  3224300500053 
           51.935     1.64906E-7                                  3224300500054 
           52.016     1.77159E-7                                  3224300500055 
           52.097     1.93643E-7                                  3224300500056 
           52.179     1.97144E-7                                  3224300500057 
           52.26      2.01527E-7                                  3224300500058 
           52.341     2.32915E-7                                  3224300500059 
           52.422     2.23649E-7                                  3224300500060 
           52.503     2.36938E-7                                  3224300500061 
           52.584     2.63463E-7                                  3224300500062 
           52.665     3.00505E-7                                  3224300500063 
           52.747     2.89946E-7                                  3224300500064 
           52.828     2.97582E-7                                  3224300500065 
           52.909     3.14105E-7                                  3224300500066 
           52.99      3.03998E-7                                  3224300500067 
           53.071     3.42497E-7                                  3224300500068 
           53.152     3.47226E-7                                  3224300500069 
           53.233     4.05037E-7                                  3224300500070 
           53.315     3.83672E-7                                  3224300500071 
           53.396     4.06961E-7                                  3224300500072 
           53.477     4.44452E-7                                  3224300500073 
           53.558     4.36829E-7                                  3224300500074 
           53.639     4.35628E-7                                  3224300500075 
           53.72      4.80641E-7                                  3224300500076 
           53.801     5.25362E-7                                  3224300500077 
           53.883     5.23824E-7                                  3224300500078 
           53.964     5.48186E-7                                  3224300500079 
           54.045     5.64965E-7                                  3224300500080 
           54.126     5.53736E-7                                  3224300500081 
           54.207     5.77142E-7                                  3224300500082 
           54.288     5.95371E-7                                  3224300500083 
           54.37      6.50965E-7                                  3224300500084 
           54.451     6.13606E-7                                  3224300500085 
           54.532     6.53932E-7                                  3224300500086 
           54.613     6.20201E-7                                  3224300500087 
           54.694     6.50718E-7                                  3224300500088 
           54.775     6.88585E-7                                  3224300500089 
           54.856     6.26841E-7                                  3224300500090 
           54.938     6.12617E-7                                  3224300500091 
           55.019     6.38303E-7                                  3224300500092 
           55.1       6.75127E-7                                  3224300500093 
           55.181     6.31427E-7                                  3224300500094 
           55.262     6.34561E-7                                  3224300500095 
           55.343     5.6688E-7                                   3224300500096 
           55.424     5.85029E-7                                  3224300500097 
           55.506     5.33079E-7                                  3224300500098 
           55.587     5.11347E-7                                  3224300500099 
           55.668     4.79337E-7                                  3224300500100 
           55.749     4.72828E-7                                  3224300500101 
           55.83      4.20255E-7                                  3224300500102 
           55.911     3.7479E-7                                   3224300500103 
           55.993     3.71507E-7                                  3224300500104 
           56.074     3.34635E-7                                  3224300500105 
           56.155     3.25394E-7                                  3224300500106 
           56.236     2.61155E-7                                  3224300500107 
           56.317     2.4607E-7                                   3224300500108 
           56.398     2.21552E-7                                  3224300500109 
           56.479     2.25853E-7                                  3224300500110 
           56.561     1.4926E-7                                   3224300500111 
           56.642     1.35065E-7                                  3224300500112 
           56.723     1.3319E-7                                   3224300500113 
           56.804     9.99286E-8                                  3224300500114 
           56.885     1.01999E-7                                  3224300500115 
           56.966     9.00107E-8                                  3224300500116 
           57.047     9.1116E-8                                   3224300500117 
           57.129     6.88132E-8                                  3224300500118 
           57.21      5.00483E-8                                  3224300500119 
           57.291     6.33246E-8                                  3224300500120 
           57.372     5.32837E-8                                  3224300500121 
           57.453     4.9553E-8                                   3224300500122 
           57.534     4.44661E-8                                  3224300500123 
           57.615     3.99018E-8                                  3224300500124 
           57.697     3.70716E-8                                  3224300500125 
           57.778     4.68964E-8                                  3224300500126 
HISTORY    (20200204C) OG                                         3224300500127 
           (20200902A) OG. Information about spectrum left from   3224300500128 
           Emin=48.6 keV and right from Emax=57.7 keV was deleted.3224300500129 
ENDBIB             127          0                                 3224300500130 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3224300500131 
NODATA               0          0                                 3224300500132 
ENDSUBENT          131          0                                 3224300599999 
SUBENT        32243006   20200902                             31973224300600001 
BIB                  3        131                                 3224300600002 
STATUS     (TABLE) Correspond to Fig.3                            3224300600003 
                              in Yad. Fiz. ta Energ.,17,411,2016. 3224300600004 
SUPPL-INF  (INCSP) Calculated neutron spectrum (after             3224300600005 
              the 59 keV filter) scattered at the angle 20 degree.3224300600006 
           Calculation of the scattered neutron spectrum was done 3224300600007 
           by the MCNP4c code.                                    3224300600008 
           Col. 1: Incident neutron energy (keV)                  3224300600009 
           Col. 2: Neutron flux (rel. units)                      3224300600010 
             ---------------------------                          3224300600011 
           45.768     2.58969E-8                                  3224300600012 
           45.849     2.4461E-8                                   3224300600013 
           45.93      2.59347E-8                                  3224300600014 
           46.011     2.81138E-8                                  3224300600015 
           46.092     2.70154E-8                                  3224300600016 
           46.174     2.99237E-8                                  3224300600017 
           46.255     2.81063E-8                                  3224300600018 
           46.336     3.36524E-8                                  3224300600019 
           46.417     3.39787E-8                                  3224300600020 
           46.498     3.34813E-8                                  3224300600021 
           46.579     2.88402E-8                                  3224300600022 
           46.66      3.37083E-8                                  3224300600023 
           46.742     3.71735E-8                                  3224300600024 
           46.823     3.56083E-8                                  3224300600025 
           46.904     3.67083E-8                                  3224300600026 
           46.985     4.45697E-8                                  3224300600027 
           47.066     5.09087E-8                                  3224300600028 
           47.147     3.89297E-8                                  3224300600029 
           47.228     4.06275E-8                                  3224300600030 
           47.31      4.52795E-8                                  3224300600031 
           47.391     4.60948E-8                                  3224300600032 
           47.472     4.87975E-8                                  3224300600033 
           47.553     5.63464E-8                                  3224300600034 
           47.634     5.60393E-8                                  3224300600035 
           47.715     6.52912E-8                                  3224300600036 
           47.797     5.98093E-8                                  3224300600037 
           47.878     6.51679E-8                                  3224300600038 
           47.959     8.09655E-8                                  3224300600039 
           48.04      7.71948E-8                                  3224300600040 
           48.121     7.58428E-8                                  3224300600041 
           48.202     8.97459E-8                                  3224300600042 
           48.283     9.21287E-8                                  3224300600043 
           48.365     9.6664E-8                                   3224300600044 
           48.446     1.07452E-7                                  3224300600045 
           48.527     1.08722E-7                                  3224300600046 
           48.608     1.22517E-7                                  3224300600047 
           48.689     1.43163E-7                                  3224300600048 
           48.77      1.39792E-7                                  3224300600049 
           48.851     1.49476E-7                                  3224300600050 
           48.933     1.55494E-7                                  3224300600051 
           49.014     1.68308E-7                                  3224300600052 
           49.095     1.70549E-7                                  3224300600053 
           49.176     1.84004E-7                                  3224300600054 
           49.257     1.93741E-7                                  3224300600055 
           49.338     1.85218E-7                                  3224300600056 
           49.419     2.43054E-7                                  3224300600057 
           49.501     2.12319E-7                                  3224300600058 
           49.582     2.39844E-7                                  3224300600059 
           49.663     2.61453E-7                                  3224300600060 
           49.744     2.69594E-7                                  3224300600061 
           49.825     2.70247E-7                                  3224300600062 
           49.906     3.07837E-7                                  3224300600063 
           49.988     3.3554E-7                                   3224300600064 
           50.069     3.21963E-7                                  3224300600065 
           50.15      3.34326E-7                                  3224300600066 
           50.231     3.65045E-7                                  3224300600067 
           50.312     3.66716E-7                                  3224300600068 
           50.393     3.83247E-7                                  3224300600069 
           50.474     4.11573E-7                                  3224300600070 
           50.556     3.98232E-7                                  3224300600071 
           50.637     4.29616E-7                                  3224300600072 
           50.718     4.46053E-7                                  3224300600073 
           50.799     4.72876E-7                                  3224300600074 
           50.88      4.68568E-7                                  3224300600075 
           50.961     5.28644E-7                                  3224300600076 
           51.042     5.41133E-7                                  3224300600077 
           51.124     5.32601E-7                                  3224300600078 
           51.205     5.29867E-7                                  3224300600079 
           51.286     5.72896E-7                                  3224300600080 
           51.367     5.85681E-7                                  3224300600081 
           51.448     5.6924E-7                                   3224300600082 
           51.529     5.68442E-7                                  3224300600083 
           51.61      5.78259E-7                                  3224300600084 
           51.692     6.09164E-7                                  3224300600085 
           51.773     5.949E-7                                    3224300600086 
           51.854     6.03827E-7                                  3224300600087 
           51.935     5.89513E-7                                  3224300600088 
           52.016     5.9413E-7                                   3224300600089 
           52.097     5.75213E-7                                  3224300600090 
           52.179     5.95231E-7                                  3224300600091 
           52.26      5.42557E-7                                  3224300600092 
           52.341     5.46903E-7                                  3224300600093 
           52.422     5.35181E-7                                  3224300600094 
           52.503     5.41211E-7                                  3224300600095 
           52.584     4.75919E-7                                  3224300600096 
           52.665     4.63319E-7                                  3224300600097 
           52.747     4.55337E-7                                  3224300600098 
           52.828     4.34202E-7                                  3224300600099 
           52.909     4.07305E-7                                  3224300600100 
           52.99      3.62633E-7                                  3224300600101 
           53.071     3.17357E-7                                  3224300600102 
           53.152     3.03689E-7                                  3224300600103 
           53.233     2.79976E-7                                  3224300600104 
           53.315     2.45895E-7                                  3224300600105 
           53.396     2.2842E-7                                   3224300600106 
           53.477     2.25572E-7                                  3224300600107 
           53.558     2.07535E-7                                  3224300600108 
           53.639     1.76498E-7                                  3224300600109 
           53.72      1.53874E-7                                  3224300600110 
           53.801     1.24795E-7                                  3224300600111 
           53.883     1.17564E-7                                  3224300600112 
           53.964     9.34522E-8                                  3224300600113 
           54.045     9.42638E-8                                  3224300600114 
           54.126     6.55726E-8                                  3224300600115 
           54.207     6.03381E-8                                  3224300600116 
           54.288     5.18301E-8                                  3224300600117 
           54.37      4.92505E-8                                  3224300600118 
           54.451     3.76845E-8                                  3224300600119 
           54.532     3.40303E-8                                  3224300600120 
           54.613     2.5556E-8                                   3224300600121 
           54.694     1.87673E-8                                  3224300600122 
           54.775     1.92818E-8                                  3224300600123 
           54.856     1.95933E-8                                  3224300600124 
           54.938     1.43587E-8                                  3224300600125 
           55.019     2.0956E-8                                   3224300600126 
           55.1       1.47205E-8                                  3224300600127 
           55.181     1.57203E-8                                  3224300600128 
           55.262     2.07772E-8                                  3224300600129 
           55.343     1.79882E-8                                  3224300600130 
HISTORY    (20200204C) OG                                         3224300600131 
           (20200902A) OG. Information about spectrum left from   3224300600132 
           Emin=45.8 keV and right from Emax=55.3 keV was deleted.3224300600133 
ENDBIB             131          0                                 3224300600134 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3224300600135 
NODATA               0          0                                 3224300600136 
ENDSUBENT          135          0                                 3224300699999 
SUBENT        32243007   20200902                             31973224300700001 
BIB                  3        135                                 3224300700002 
STATUS     (TABLE) Correspond to Fig.3                            3224300700003 
                              in Yad. Fiz. ta Energ.,17,411,2016. 3224300700004 
SUPPL-INF  (INCSP) Calculated neutron spectrum (after             3224300700005 
              the 59 keV filter) scattered at the angle 25 degree.3224300700006 
           Calculation of the scattered neutron spectrum was done 3224300700007 
           by the MCNP4c code.                                    3224300700008 
           Col. 1: Incident neutron energy (keV)                  3224300700009 
           Col. 2: Neutron flux (rel. units)                      3224300700010 
             ---------------------------                          3224300700011 
           42.441     2.46117E-8                                  3224300700012 
           42.522     3.19355E-8                                  3224300700013 
           42.603     2.6749E-8                                   3224300700014 
           42.684     2.74406E-8                                  3224300700015 
           42.765     2.99806E-8                                  3224300700016 
           42.846     3.51841E-8                                  3224300700017 
           42.928     3.17223E-8                                  3224300700018 
           43.009     3.43771E-8                                  3224300700019 
           43.09      3.71093E-8                                  3224300700020 
           43.171     3.41953E-8                                  3224300700021 
           43.252     3.00006E-8                                  3224300700022 
           43.333     3.35617E-8                                  3224300700023 
           43.414     3.93858E-8                                  3224300700024 
           43.496     3.69314E-8                                  3224300700025 
           43.577     4.32011E-8                                  3224300700026 
           43.658     4.78018E-8                                  3224300700027 
           43.739     3.98992E-8                                  3224300700028 
           43.82      5.29369E-8                                  3224300700029 
           43.901     4.93896E-8                                  3224300700030 
           43.983     5.62222E-8                                  3224300700031 
           44.064     5.30564E-8                                  3224300700032 
           44.145     6.47415E-8                                  3224300700033 
           44.226     7.04476E-8                                  3224300700034 
           44.307     6.22637E-8                                  3224300700035 
           44.388     7.00021E-8                                  3224300700036 
           44.469     6.90493E-8                                  3224300700037 
           44.551     8.62169E-8                                  3224300700038 
           44.632     7.37843E-8                                  3224300700039 
           44.713     1.00314E-7                                  3224300700040 
           44.794     1.01252E-7                                  3224300700041 
           44.875     1.0618E-7                                   3224300700042 
           44.956     9.90297E-8                                  3224300700043 
           45.037     1.13732E-7                                  3224300700044 
           45.119     1.18114E-7                                  3224300700045 
           45.2       1.23614E-7                                  3224300700046 
           45.281     1.41401E-7                                  3224300700047 
           45.362     1.37426E-7                                  3224300700048 
           45.443     1.49641E-7                                  3224300700049 
           45.524     1.64666E-7                                  3224300700050 
           45.605     1.6891E-7                                   3224300700051 
           45.687     1.65674E-7                                  3224300700052 
           45.768     1.82001E-7                                  3224300700053 
           45.849     2.13375E-7                                  3224300700054 
           45.93      2.22125E-7                                  3224300700055 
           46.011     2.28706E-7                                  3224300700056 
           46.092     2.41804E-7                                  3224300700057 
           46.174     2.58712E-7                                  3224300700058 
           46.255     2.66105E-7                                  3224300700059 
           46.336     2.87934E-7                                  3224300700060 
           46.417     3.02491E-7                                  3224300700061 
           46.498     3.23601E-7                                  3224300700062 
           46.579     3.20483E-7                                  3224300700063 
           46.66      3.43037E-7                                  3224300700064 
           46.742     3.62382E-7                                  3224300700065 
           46.823     3.76109E-7                                  3224300700066 
           46.904     3.96945E-7                                  3224300700067 
           46.985     4.05937E-7                                  3224300700068 
           47.066     4.26854E-7                                  3224300700069 
           47.147     4.1882E-7                                   3224300700070 
           47.228     4.3504E-7                                   3224300700071 
           47.31      4.50866E-7                                  3224300700072 
           47.391     4.93475E-7                                  3224300700073 
           47.472     5.05546E-7                                  3224300700074 
           47.553     4.95163E-7                                  3224300700075 
           47.634     4.68847E-7                                  3224300700076 
           47.715     5.28572E-7                                  3224300700077 
           47.797     5.26192E-7                                  3224300700078 
           47.878     5.35218E-7                                  3224300700079 
           47.959     5.76744E-7                                  3224300700080 
           48.04      5.33533E-7                                  3224300700081 
           48.121     5.21619E-7                                  3224300700082 
           48.202     5.59351E-7                                  3224300700083 
           48.283     5.67281E-7                                  3224300700084 
           48.365     5.45894E-7                                  3224300700085 
           48.446     5.23527E-7                                  3224300700086 
           48.527     5.35119E-7                                  3224300700087 
           48.608     5.51038E-7                                  3224300700088 
           48.689     5.07074E-7                                  3224300700089 
           48.77      5.04023E-7                                  3224300700090 
           48.851     4.42221E-7                                  3224300700091 
           48.933     4.68142E-7                                  3224300700092 
           49.014     4.28331E-7                                  3224300700093 
           49.095     4.27657E-7                                  3224300700094 
           49.176     3.93437E-7                                  3224300700095 
           49.257     3.43713E-7                                  3224300700096 
           49.338     3.54165E-7                                  3224300700097 
           49.419     3.45361E-7                                  3224300700098 
           49.501     3.12698E-7                                  3224300700099 
           49.582     2.82515E-7                                  3224300700100 
           49.663     2.64508E-7                                  3224300700101 
           49.744     2.58001E-7                                  3224300700102 
           49.825     2.467E-7                                    3224300700103 
           49.906     1.98783E-7                                  3224300700104 
           49.988     1.92212E-7                                  3224300700105 
           50.069     1.73393E-7                                  3224300700106 
           50.15      1.34222E-7                                  3224300700107 
           50.231     1.37183E-7                                  3224300700108 
           50.312     1.19174E-7                                  3224300700109 
           50.393     9.84336E-8                                  3224300700110 
           50.474     1.0418E-7                                   3224300700111 
           50.556     8.42576E-8                                  3224300700112 
           50.637     6.73662E-8                                  3224300700113 
           50.718     5.84698E-8                                  3224300700114 
           50.799     4.80385E-8                                  3224300700115 
           50.88      4.18334E-8                                  3224300700116 
           50.961     3.97489E-8                                  3224300700117 
           51.042     3.03551E-8                                  3224300700118 
           51.124     2.69537E-8                                  3224300700119 
           51.205     2.65972E-8                                  3224300700120 
           51.286     2.73268E-8                                  3224300700121 
           51.367     1.61677E-8                                  3224300700122 
           51.448     1.5906E-8                                   3224300700123 
           51.529     1.70412E-8                                  3224300700124 
           51.61      1.27232E-8                                  3224300700125 
           51.692     1.09444E-8                                  3224300700126 
           51.773     1.26217E-8                                  3224300700127 
           51.854     6.41698E-9                                  3224300700128 
           51.935     1.28038E-8                                  3224300700129 
           52.016     1.252E-8                                    3224300700130 
           52.097     7.88178E-9                                  3224300700131 
           52.179     8.07882E-9                                  3224300700132 
           52.26      4.90121E-9                                  3224300700133 
           52.341     7.66004E-9                                  3224300700134 
HISTORY    (20200204C) OG                                         3224300700135 
           (20200902A) OG. Information about spectrum left from   3224300700136 
           Emin=42.5 keV and right from Emax=52.3 keV was deleted.3224300700137 
ENDBIB             135          0                                 3224300700138 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3224300700139 
NODATA               0          0                                 3224300700140 
ENDSUBENT          139          0                                 3224300799999 
SUBENT        32243008   20200902                             31973224300800001 
BIB                  3        144                                 3224300800002 
STATUS     (TABLE) Correspond to Fig.3                            3224300800003 
                              in Yad. Fiz. ta Energ.,17,411,2016. 3224300800004 
SUPPL-INF  (INCSP) Calculated neutron spectrum (after             3224300800005 
              the 59 keV filter) scattered at the angle 30 degree.3224300800006 
           Calculation of the scattered neutron spectrum was done 3224300800007 
           by the MCNP4c code.                                    3224300800008 
           Col. 1: Incident neutron energy (keV)                  3224300800009 
           Col. 2: Neutron flux (rel. units)                      3224300800010 
             ---------------------------                          3224300800011 
           38.06      7.15891E-8                                  3224300800012 
           38.14      7.75484E-8                                  3224300800013 
           38.22      8.08451E-8                                  3224300800014 
           38.3       7.8066E-8                                   3224300800015 
           38.38      7.56122E-8                                  3224300800016 
           38.46      8.36002E-8                                  3224300800017 
           38.55      8.79263E-8                                  3224300800018 
           38.63      9.50326E-8                                  3224300800019 
           38.71      1.03858E-7                                  3224300800020 
           38.79      9.22469E-8                                  3224300800021 
           38.87      9.14644E-8                                  3224300800022 
           38.95      1.00629E-7                                  3224300800023 
           39.03      1.05172E-7                                  3224300800024 
           39.11      1.0594E-7                                   3224300800025 
           39.2       1.06053E-7                                  3224300800026 
           39.28      1.09268E-7                                  3224300800027 
           39.36      1.14607E-7                                  3224300800028 
           39.44      1.27062E-7                                  3224300800029 
           39.52      1.17649E-7                                  3224300800030 
           39.6       1.27759E-7                                  3224300800031 
           39.68      1.19218E-7                                  3224300800032 
           39.76      1.25826E-7                                  3224300800033 
           39.84      1.31814E-7                                  3224300800034 
           39.93      1.45775E-7                                  3224300800035 
           40.01      1.32828E-7                                  3224300800036 
           40.09      1.54954E-7                                  3224300800037 
           40.17      1.55621E-7                                  3224300800038 
           40.25      1.78088E-7                                  3224300800039 
           40.33      1.69416E-7                                  3224300800040 
           40.41      1.7505E-7                                   3224300800041 
           40.49      1.91072E-7                                  3224300800042 
           40.57      1.8358E-7                                   3224300800043 
           40.66      2.03695E-7                                  3224300800044 
           40.74      2.20455E-7                                  3224300800045 
           40.82      2.20963E-7                                  3224300800046 
           40.9       2.229E-7                                    3224300800047 
           40.98      2.32402E-7                                  3224300800048 
           41.06      2.24899E-7                                  3224300800049 
           41.14      2.40876E-7                                  3224300800050 
           41.22      2.53086E-7                                  3224300800051 
           41.3       2.68489E-7                                  3224300800052 
           41.39      2.83563E-7                                  3224300800053 
           41.47      2.94268E-7                                  3224300800054 
           41.55      3.19332E-7                                  3224300800055 
           41.63      3.13583E-7                                  3224300800056 
           41.71      3.27928E-7                                  3224300800057 
           41.79      3.44225E-7                                  3224300800058 
           41.87      3.63725E-7                                  3224300800059 
           41.95      3.75087E-7                                  3224300800060 
           42.04      4.14546E-7                                  3224300800061 
           42.12      4.26005E-7                                  3224300800062 
           42.2       4.24229E-7                                  3224300800063 
           42.28      4.79372E-7                                  3224300800064 
           42.36      4.83959E-7                                  3224300800065 
           42.44      5.09078E-7                                  3224300800066 
           42.52      4.74811E-7                                  3224300800067 
           42.6       5.27429E-7                                  3224300800068 
           42.68      5.38906E-7                                  3224300800069 
           42.77      5.0989E-7                                   3224300800070 
           42.85      5.62345E-7                                  3224300800071 
           42.93      6.29675E-7                                  3224300800072 
           43.01      6.09268E-7                                  3224300800073 
           43.09      6.04843E-7                                  3224300800074 
           43.17      6.09465E-7                                  3224300800075 
           43.25      6.5649E-7                                   3224300800076 
           43.33      6.54358E-7                                  3224300800077 
           43.41      6.59625E-7                                  3224300800078 
           43.5       6.79187E-7                                  3224300800079 
           43.58      6.74524E-7                                  3224300800080 
           43.66      6.88808E-7                                  3224300800081 
           43.74      7.01325E-7                                  3224300800082 
           43.82      6.82256E-7                                  3224300800083 
           43.9       6.55327E-7                                  3224300800084 
           43.98      6.96078E-7                                  3224300800085 
           44.06      6.76618E-7                                  3224300800086 
           44.15      6.72326E-7                                  3224300800087 
           44.23      6.69653E-7                                  3224300800088 
           44.31      6.73943E-7                                  3224300800089 
           44.39      6.10341E-7                                  3224300800090 
           44.47      6.54945E-7                                  3224300800091 
           44.55      6.42972E-7                                  3224300800092 
           44.63      6.42152E-7                                  3224300800093 
           44.71      5.99239E-7                                  3224300800094 
           44.79      5.8041E-7                                   3224300800095 
           44.87      5.94427E-7                                  3224300800096 
           44.96      5.19966E-7                                  3224300800097 
           45.04      5.64179E-7                                  3224300800098 
           45.12      5.39156E-7                                  3224300800099 
           45.2       5.18207E-7                                  3224300800100 
           45.28      4.67303E-7                                  3224300800101 
           45.36      4.71043E-7                                  3224300800102 
           45.44      4.52137E-7                                  3224300800103 
           45.52      3.99086E-7                                  3224300800104 
           45.61      4.01278E-7                                  3224300800105 
           45.69      3.52201E-7                                  3224300800106 
           45.77      3.37245E-7                                  3224300800107 
           45.85      3.56511E-7                                  3224300800108 
           45.93      3.04937E-7                                  3224300800109 
           46.01      2.5713E-7                                   3224300800110 
           46.09      2.79921E-7                                  3224300800111 
           46.17      2.58758E-7                                  3224300800112 
           46.25      2.20215E-7                                  3224300800113 
           46.34      1.8991E-7                                   3224300800114 
           46.42      1.87332E-7                                  3224300800115 
           46.5       1.83234E-7                                  3224300800116 
           46.58      1.57534E-7                                  3224300800117 
           46.66      1.59737E-7                                  3224300800118 
           46.74      1.16333E-7                                  3224300800119 
           46.82      1.12864E-7                                  3224300800120 
           46.9       1.03295E-7                                  3224300800121 
           46.98      9.95068E-8                                  3224300800122 
           47.07      9.12959E-8                                  3224300800123 
           47.15      8.80672E-8                                  3224300800124 
           47.23      6.75641E-8                                  3224300800125 
           47.31      7.15763E-8                                  3224300800126 
           47.39      5.71115E-8                                  3224300800127 
           47.47      5.1232E-8                                   3224300800128 
           47.55      5.33597E-8                                  3224300800129 
           47.63      2.97209E-8                                  3224300800130 
           47.71      3.98623E-8                                  3224300800131 
           47.8       3.91654E-8                                  3224300800132 
           47.88      4.10357E-8                                  3224300800133 
           47.96      4.00961E-8                                  3224300800134 
           48.04      3.4438E-8                                   3224300800135 
           48.12      3.51511E-8                                  3224300800136 
           48.2       2.64571E-8                                  3224300800137 
           48.28      3.32676E-8                                  3224300800138 
           48.36      2.67956E-8                                  3224300800139 
           48.45      2.86998E-8                                  3224300800140 
           48.53      2.96885E-8                                  3224300800141 
           48.61      2.50075E-8                                  3224300800142 
HISTORY    (20200204C) OG                                         3224300800143 
           (20200902A) OG. Values of incident neutron energy were 3224300800144 
           changed into keV. Information about spectrum left from 3224300800145 
           Emin=38.1 keV and right from Emax=48.6 keV was deleted.3224300800146 
ENDBIB             144          0                                 3224300800147 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 3224300800148 
NODATA               0          0                                 3224300800149 
ENDSUBENT          148          0                                 3224300899999 
ENDENTRY             8          0                                 3224399999999