ENTRY 32252 20241117 32143225200000001 SUBENT 32252001 20241117 32143225200100001 BIB 15 28 3225200100002 TITLE Inelastic scattering of 134 keV neutrons by 103Rh 3225200100003 AUTHOR (L.L.Litvinskiy,V.G.Krivenko,Said Sabbagh,Ya.V.Pugach) 3225200100004 REFERENCE (J,UFZ,39,276,1994) 3225200100005 REL-REF (M,,L.L.Litvinskiy+,R,KIYAI-85-35,1985) 3225200100006 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 3225200100007 FACILITY (REAC,4UKRIJD) Reactor WWR-M 3225200100008 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Neutron filters installed in horizontal channel 3225200100009 of the reactor. 3225200100010 DETECTOR (PROPC) Proportional hydrogen counter CHM-38 3225200100011 SAMPLE Metallic rhodium of rectangular shape 90x45x5 mm, 3225200100012 weight 280 g. 3225200100013 CORRECTION Corrected for multiple processes in the target 3225200100014 INC-SPECT Filter 134 keV. The filter components (g/cm2) were: 3225200100015 58Ni-202., Cr-34.5, Si-121., 10B-0.2. 3225200100016 Beam's purity given by authors in the article was 99%. 3225200100017 Beam's purity calculated using ENF/B-8.0 library by the3225200100018 Filter.8 code is about 61%. Other additions to the 3225200100019 main neutron line were about: a line with the energy 3225200100020 46.8 keV - 21.4%, 54.0 keV - 2.3%, 84.6 keV - 7.4%, 3225200100021 lines with energies above 135 keV less than 0.2%. 3225200100022 METHOD (FNB) 3225200100023 COMMENT The spectrum of neutrons elastically scattered by Pb 3225200100024 was used as a reference to determine the 3225200100025 contributions to the spectrum from neutrons 3225200100026 elastically and inelastically scattered by the 103Rh 3225200100027 sample. 3225200100028 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by L.L.Litvinskiy, November 2024 3225200100029 HISTORY (20241116C) UkrNDC 3225200100030 ENDBIB 28 0 3225200100031 COMMON 2 3 3225200100032 EN EN-RSL-HW 3225200100033 KEV KEV 3225200100034 134. 15. 3225200100035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3225200100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 3225200199999 SUBENT 32252002 20241117 32143225200200001 BIB 4 5 3225200200002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,TOT),,SIG,,SPA) 3225200200003 METHOD (TRN) 3225200200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties 3225200200005 STATUS (TABLE,,L.L.Litvinskiy+,J,UFZ,39,276,1994) Text(p.278) 3225200200006 (SUPPL,32252007) Calculated neutron spectrum 3225200200007 ENDBIB 5 0 3225200200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 3225200200009 DATA 2 1 3225200200010 DATA DATA-ERR 3225200200011 B B 3225200200012 8.23 0.11 3225200200013 ENDDATA 3 0 3225200200014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 3225200299999 SUBENT 32252003 20241117 32143225200300001 BIB 4 11 3225200300002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,EL)45-RH-103,,SIG,,SPA,DERIV) 3225200300003 ANALYSIS Data value obtained as 3225200300004 Sigma(total) - (Sigma(n,gamma)+ Sigma(n,inl)) 3225200300005 (Sigma(n,gamma)+ Sigma(n,inl) = 0.34 +/-0.06 b was 3225200300006 estimated using S.F.Mughabghab, Neutron Resonance 3225200300007 Parameters and Thermal Cross Sections, vol.2, 1981. 3225200300008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties 3225200300009 STATUS (TABLE,,L.L.Litvinskiy+,J,UFZ,39,276,1994) 3225200300010 Text on page 278. 3225200300011 (SUPPL,32252007) Calculated neutron spectrum 3225200300012 (DEP,32252002) Total cross section 3225200300013 ENDBIB 11 0 3225200300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 3225200300015 DATA 2 1 3225200300016 DATA DATA-ERR 3225200300017 B B 3225200300018 7.89 0.13 3225200300019 ENDDATA 3 0 3225200300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 3225200399999 SUBENT 32252004 20241117 32143225200400001 BIB 3 5 3225200400002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,EL)45-RH-103,,DA,,LEG/RS/SPA) 3225200400003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties 3225200400004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.L.Litvinskiy+,J,UFZ,39,276,1994) 3225200400005 Text on page 278. 3225200400006 (SUPPL,32252007) Calculated neutron spectrum 3225200400007 ENDBIB 5 0 3225200400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 3225200400009 DATA 3 2 3225200400010 NUMBER DATA DATA-ERR 3225200400011 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 3225200400012 1. 0.54 0.05 3225200400013 2. 0.13 0.03 3225200400014 ENDDATA 4 0 3225200400015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 3225200499999 SUBENT 32252005 20241117 32143225200500001 BIB 3 4 3225200500002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,INL)45-RH-103,,DA,,SPA) 3225200500003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties 3225200500004 STATUS (CURVE,,L.L.Litvinskiy+,J,UFZ,39,276,1994) Fig.2 3225200500005 (SUPPL,32252007) Calculated neutron spectrum 3225200500006 ENDBIB 4 0 3225200500007 NOCOMMON 0 0 3225200500008 DATA 3 3 3225200500009 ANG DATA DATA-ERR 3225200500010 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 3225200500011 45. 3.427 1.727 3225200500012 90. 2.684 1.253 3225200500013 135. 4.108 1.423 3225200500014 ENDDATA 5 0 3225200500015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 3225200599999 SUBENT 32252006 20241117 32143225200600001 BIB 3 5 3225200600002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,INL)45-RH-103,,SIG,,SPA) 3225200600003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties 3225200600004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.L.Litvinskiy+,J,UFZ,39,(3),276,1994) 3225200600005 Text on page 278. 3225200600006 (SUPPL,32252007) Calculated neutron spectrum 3225200600007 ENDBIB 5 0 3225200600008 NOCOMMON 0 0 3225200600009 DATA 2 1 3225200600010 DATA DATA-ERR 3225200600011 MB MB 3225200600012 34.9 6.5 3225200600013 ENDDATA 3 0 3225200600014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 3225200699999 SUBENT 32252007 20241117 32143225200700001 BIB 2 246 3225200700002 SUPPL-INF (INCSP) Neutron spectrum after the 134 keV filter, 3225200700003 calculated by the code Filter-8, normalized to 1. 3225200700004 Col. 1: Incident neutron energy (keV) 3225200700005 Col. 2: Neutron flux (rel. units) 3225200700006 --------------------------- 3225200700007 .100846E+06 .59596E-06 3225200700008 .101253E+06 .67399E-06 3225200700009 .101348E+06 .54461E-06 3225200700010 .101388E+06 .79468E-06 3225200700011 .101493E+06 .27767E-05 3225200700012 .104132E+06 .69891E-05 3225200700013 .104221E+06 .48359E-05 3225200700014 .104394E+06 .89980E-05 3225200700015 .104780E+06 .15199E-04 3225200700016 .106051E+06 .17696E-04 3225200700017 .106149E+06 .13256E-04 3225200700018 .106170E+06 .10338E-04 3225200700019 .106234E+06 .18496E-04 3225200700020 .106382E+06 .97164E-05 3225200700021 .106405E+06 .74633E-06 3225200700022 .106410E+06 .18068E-06 3225200700023 .106416E+06 .21251E-07 3225200700024 .106423E+06 .21210E-08 3225200700025 .106427E+06 .13471E-08 3225200700026 .106431E+06 .21645E-08 3225200700027 .106434E+06 .89456E-07 3225200700028 .106450E+06 .14610E-05 3225200700029 .106460E+06 .50449E-05 3225200700030 .106488E+06 .16285E-04 3225200700031 .106725E+06 .21595E-04 3225200700032 .107712E+06 .16203E-04 3225200700033 .108206E+06 .23480E-04 3225200700034 .108321E+06 .16299E-04 3225200700035 .108452E+06 .28135E-04 3225200700036 .108673E+06 .29283E-04 3225200700037 .108860E+06 .23644E-04 3225200700038 .109261E+06 .41826E-04 3225200700039 .109660E+06 .43624E-04 3225200700040 .109769E+06 .39466E-04 3225200700041 .109783E+06 .21998E-04 3225200700042 .109796E+06 .18162E-04 3225200700043 .109830E+06 .48709E-04 3225200700044 .110404E+06 .52728E-04 3225200700045 .110524E+06 .44287E-04 3225200700046 .110640E+06 .63852E-04 3225200700047 .111353E+06 .67869E-04 3225200700048 .111752E+06 .50837E-04 3225200700049 .111773E+06 .76863E-05 3225200700050 .111778E+06 .24137E-05 3225200700051 .111784E+06 .51759E-06 3225200700052 .111789E+06 .21995E-06 3225200700053 .111793E+06 .18286E-06 3225200700054 .111795E+06 .24949E-06 3225200700055 .111798E+06 .20512E-05 3225200700056 .111802E+06 .73748E-05 3225200700057 .111813E+06 .15557E-04 3225200700058 .111837E+06 .63825E-04 3225200700059 .112086E+06 .75319E-04 3225200700060 .112294E+06 .53356E-04 3225200700061 .112397E+06 .74669E-04 3225200700062 .112484E+06 .42143E-04 3225200700063 .112618E+06 .84295E-04 3225200700064 .112914E+06 .91074E-04 3225200700065 .113037E+06 .64882E-04 3225200700066 .113099E+06 .97257E-04 3225200700067 .113330E+06 .98582E-04 3225200700068 .113360E+06 .98485E-04 3225200700069 .114799E+06 .13139E-03 3225200700070 .115063E+06 .90657E-04 3225200700071 .115162E+06 .10374E-03 3225200700072 .115197E+06 .78167E-04 3225200700073 .115240E+06 .12108E-03 3225200700074 .115947E+06 .14912E-03 3225200700075 .115978E+06 .14645E-03 3225200700076 .116603E+06 .16758E-03 3225200700077 .116662E+06 .14463E-03 3225200700078 .116736E+06 .17315E-03 3225200700079 .116851E+06 .17072E-03 3225200700080 .118517E+06 .22386E-03 3225200700081 .118663E+06 .17037E-03 3225200700082 .118669E+06 .17093E-03 3225200700083 .118694E+06 .16233E-03 3225200700084 .118893E+06 .24324E-03 3225200700085 .121077E+06 .44496E-03 3225200700086 .121289E+06 .36609E-03 3225200700087 .121318E+06 .40322E-03 3225200700088 .121692E+06 .37898E-04 3225200700089 .121740E+06 .15294E-04 3225200700090 .121803E+06 .36293E-05 3225200700091 .121942E+06 .49339E-06 3225200700092 .121998E+06 .32145E-06 3225200700093 .122055E+06 .31282E-06 3225200700094 .122147E+06 .44651E-05 3225200700095 .122427E+06 .10238E-04 3225200700096 .122815E+06 .25464E-04 3225200700097 .122873E+06 .15887E-04 3225200700098 .122885E+06 .55333E-05 3225200700099 .122892E+06 .19776E-05 3225200700100 .122904E+06 .78835E-06 3225200700101 .122908E+06 .71428E-06 3225200700102 .122910E+06 .87656E-06 3225200700103 .122937E+06 .19167E-04 3225200700104 .122987E+06 .47432E-04 3225200700105 .123952E+06 .12066E-03 3225200700106 .124228E+06 .12807E-03 3225200700107 .124259E+06 .12237E-03 3225200700108 .124299E+06 .13176E-03 3225200700109 .124609E+06 .98210E-04 3225200700110 .126339E+06 .34269E-03 3225200700111 .126450E+06 .34650E-03 3225200700112 .126652E+06 .28157E-03 3225200700113 .127149E+06 .40914E-03 3225200700114 .127561E+06 .27405E-03 3225200700115 .128943E+06 .48709E-03 3225200700116 .129187E+06 .39422E-03 3225200700117 .129229E+06 .45827E-03 3225200700118 .129442E+06 .30251E-03 3225200700119 .129471E+06 .36892E-03 3225200700120 .129557E+06 .36029E-03 3225200700121 .129654E+06 .36215E-03 3225200700122 .129801E+06 .32176E-03 3225200700123 .129825E+06 .33246E-03 3225200700124 .129875E+06 .31850E-03 3225200700125 .130091E+06 .39588E-03 3225200700126 .130357E+06 .19818E-03 3225200700127 .130485E+06 .20561E-04 3225200700128 .130506E+06 .81991E-05 3225200700129 .130525E+06 .25079E-05 3225200700130 .130545E+06 .53015E-06 3225200700131 .130565E+06 .64174E-07 3225200700132 .130605E+06 .12941E-08 3225200700133 .130622E+06 .95118E-09 3225200700134 .130628E+06 .27440E-08 3225200700135 .130643E+06 .96056E-07 3225200700136 .130663E+06 .67561E-06 3225200700137 .130698E+06 .27918E-05 3225200700138 .130718E+06 .84026E-05 3225200700139 .130758E+06 .38525E-04 3225200700140 .131063E+06 .46456E-03 3225200700141 .131324E+06 .53990E-03 3225200700142 .131484E+06 .51292E-03 3225200700143 .133258E+06 .82607E-03 3225200700144 .133334E+06 .77425E-03 3225200700145 .134248E+06 .92351E-03 3225200700146 .134508E+06 .84687E-03 3225200700147 .134603E+06 .94086E-03 3225200700148 .135022E+06 .67119E-03 3225200700149 .135044E+06 .64311E-03 3225200700150 .135044E+06 .67409E-03 3225200700151 .135275E+06 .95155E-03 3225200700152 .135972E+06 .68682E-03 3225200700153 .136000E+06 .65577E-03 3225200700154 .136150E+06 .87047E-03 3225200700155 .136731E+06 .57915E-03 3225200700156 .136794E+06 .33199E-03 3225200700157 .136895E+06 .70199E-03 3225200700158 .136911E+06 .70377E-03 3225200700159 .137433E+06 .50172E-03 3225200700160 .137457E+06 .54818E-03 3225200700161 .138037E+06 .28448E-03 3225200700162 .139204E+06 .30662E-04 3225200700163 .139343E+06 .45250E-05 3225200700164 .139376E+06 .14391E-05 3225200700165 .139408E+06 .32463E-06 3225200700166 .139448E+06 .99143E-07 3225200700167 .139465E+06 .92274E-07 3225200700168 .139491E+06 .18744E-05 3225200700169 .139557E+06 .44651E-05 3225200700170 .139674E+06 .14469E-04 3225200700171 .139726E+06 .15308E-04 3225200700172 .140080E+06 .11635E-04 3225200700173 .140106E+06 .11904E-04 3225200700174 .140129E+06 .57696E-05 3225200700175 .141090E+06 .26445E-05 3225200700176 .141127E+06 .28716E-05 3225200700177 .141227E+06 .16505E-05 3225200700178 .141327E+06 .25735E-05 3225200700179 .141814E+06 .21947E-05 3225200700180 .142321E+06 .24980E-05 3225200700181 .142411E+06 .20508E-05 3225200700182 .142891E+06 .37576E-05 3225200700183 .143355E+06 .36884E-05 3225200700184 .143405E+06 .55397E-05 3225200700185 .143953E+06 .61197E-05 3225200700186 .144091E+06 .46411E-05 3225200700187 .144365E+06 .97403E-05 3225200700188 .145485E+06 .14235E-04 3225200700189 .145560E+06 .14151E-04 3225200700190 .146203E+06 .18828E-04 3225200700191 .146750E+06 .24653E-04 3225200700192 .146886E+06 .15343E-04 3225200700193 .147093E+06 .30975E-04 3225200700194 .147325E+06 .35676E-04 3225200700195 .147399E+06 .35522E-04 3225200700196 .148690E+06 .50409E-04 3225200700197 .148772E+06 .36283E-04 3225200700198 .149355E+06 .61964E-04 3225200700199 .150420E+06 .70306E-04 3225200700200 .150572E+06 .47460E-04 3225200700201 .150619E+06 .65497E-04 3225200700202 .150655E+06 .60858E-04 3225200700203 .150800E+06 .74059E-04 3225200700204 .150823E+06 .72630E-04 3225200700205 .152545E+06 .87154E-04 3225200700206 .152905E+06 .71900E-04 3225200700207 .152926E+06 .18909E-04 3225200700208 .152938E+06 .12231E-04 3225200700209 .152943E+06 .15600E-04 3225200700210 .152978E+06 .82157E-04 3225200700211 .152995E+06 .85614E-04 3225200700212 .153931E+06 .65989E-04 3225200700213 .154152E+06 .79222E-04 3225200700214 .156243E+06 .43022E-04 3225200700215 .156296E+06 .52061E-04 3225200700216 .156796E+06 .30511E-04 3225200700217 .156837E+06 .32090E-04 3225200700218 .156837E+06 .32439E-04 3225200700219 .156875E+06 .35871E-04 3225200700220 .158192E+06 .19778E-04 3225200700221 .158432E+06 .25762E-04 3225200700222 .158445E+06 .25741E-04 3225200700223 .158445E+06 .25598E-04 3225200700224 .159022E+06 .89444E-05 3225200700225 .159230E+06 .69870E-05 3225200700226 .159244E+06 .70531E-05 3225200700227 .159470E+06 .32464E-05 3225200700228 .159514E+06 .41576E-05 3225200700229 .159693E+06 .36932E-05 3225200700230 .160801E+06 .80017E-05 3225200700231 .162413E+06 .36658E-05 3225200700232 .162486E+06 .42656E-05 3225200700233 .162881E+06 .25277E-05 3225200700234 .162920E+06 .27246E-05 3225200700235 .163656E+06 .15541E-05 3225200700236 .163721E+06 .17290E-05 3225200700237 .164267E+06 .10815E-05 3225200700238 .164830E+06 .76879E-06 3225200700239 .164858E+06 .84406E-06 3225200700240 .164996E+06 .63513E-06 3225200700241 .165010E+06 .33488E-06 3225200700242 .165023E+06 .27062E-06 3225200700243 .165055E+06 .67873E-06 3225200700244 .165495E+06 .44028E-06 3225200700245 STATUS (TABLE) Calculated by the code Filter-8 using 3225200700246 the ENDF/B-VIII.0 library (fulfilled by O.Gritzay) 3225200700247 (APRVD) Approved by L.L.Litvinskiy, November 2024 3225200700248 ENDBIB 246 0 3225200700249 NOCOMMON 0 0 3225200700250 NODATA 0 0 3225200700251 ENDSUBENT 250 0 3225200799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 3225299999999